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Windows Proxmark Client GUI

pwpiwi edited this page Sep 9, 2020 · 3 revisions

Now that you have your proxmark3 up and running you can easily manage it with the Windows Client GUI (built up from scratch by the dev Gaucho).

This GUI needs an updated settings.xml file to work properly with the last source code in this repo. An alternative GUI is found here: the universal GUI

Here is a screenshot:

The GUI "connects" to proxmark3.exe Windows client and directly sends commands using a simple xml-style file (settings.xml) to generate boxes, buttons, etc. All client commands and parameters are made ready-to-use with simple button presses.


Here is a description of some settings.xml syntax parameters:

XML file "settings.xml" can have many  in cascade and at the same level.
 can use the following parameters: title, tooltip, uniqueId.
The sections that contains  should have the uniqueId parameter setted.
The  object always has the following parameter: type .
According to the type, the item can use differents additional parameters:

Parameters for :
    label=    the text contained in the label. Note: "\r" will be converted
              to carriage return  

Parameters for :
    text=    the text contained in the button
    tooltip= string that will be shown when the user moves the mouse on this item 
    action0=  the action is the string to send to the Proxmark. if in the string there 
             is a name of an item preceded by the symbol $, it will be replaced by the 
             actual value of that item (example: if in a textbox with uniqueId "itemName" 
             the user types the word "Mary", and the button action is "HI $itemName is my 
             name", the command sent to the Proxmark it will be "HI Mary is my name"
             More than one actions can be specified, from action0 to action19. If you
             specifiy more than one action, you have to specify the corresponding waitFor
             parameter. using actions and waitFor you can send multiple commands to the 
             proxmark (example: if in a button is defined as it follows   then when the button test will be hitted, the first command
             help will be sent, then I will wait for the text "proxmark3>" to be received 
             from the PM3, then the second command help will be sent to the PM3.
    waitFor0= It defines the text to wait from the PM3 before to send next Action.
              You can define from waitFor0 to waitFor19. for 5 actions you have to
              define 4 waitfor (n-1), cause after I sent action0, I will wait for waitFor0
              before to send action1 and so on.

    width=   (Optional) The width of the item in pixels.

Parameters for :
    defaultValue= default text value contained in the textbox
    tooltip=      string that will be shown when the user moves the mouse on this item
    uniqueId=     unique identifier for this item
    label=        label placed on top of the Item
    width=       (Optional) The width of the item in pixels.

Parameters for :
    defaultValue= default text value contained in the drop-down box
    tooltip=      string that will be shown when the user moves the mouse on this item
    uniqueId=     unique identifier for this item
    values=       It could be expressed in 2 formats: as a list of values separed by comma 
                  (example: "a,b,c,d") or as a range (example: "1:10" will output values in
                  the range between 1 and 10)
    label=        label placed on top of the Item
    width=       (Optional) The width of the item in pixels.

Parameters for :
    defaultValue=   it can be "checked" or "unchecked"
    text=           it is the label of the checkbox 
    tooltip=        string that will be shown when the user moves the mouse on this item
    uniqueId=       unique identifier for this item
    valueChecked=   value to use in the action, if the item is checked
    valueUnchecked= value to use in the action, if the item is unchecked

Parameters for :
    defaultValue=   default path of this texbox with browse button
    text=           it is the label of the path textbox 
    tooltip=        string that will be shown when the user moves the mouse on this
                    `item (on the textbox)
    uniqueId=       unique identifier for this item
    width=          (optional) width of this item (the textbox)
Parameters for :
    defaultValue=   default path of this texbox with browse button
    text=           it is the label of the path textbox 
    tooltip=        string that will be shown when the user moves the mouse on this
                    `item (on the textbox)`
    uniqueId=       unique identifier for this item
    width=          (optional) width of this item (the textbox)