Aplicación para conectar a la fuerza laboral que es adulto mayor con empleadores del estado de Nuevo León.
- Client Details
- Environment URLS
- Da Team
- Technology Stack
- Management Tools
- Setup the project
- Running the stack for development
- Stop the project
- Debugging
- Running specs
- Checking code for potential issues
Name | |
Hector Ayala Morales | ayalahector@hotmail.com |
Name | Role | |
Ricardo Marcelo Lozano Gil | A01176405@itesm.mx | Development |
Luis Felipe Miranda Icazbalceta | A00820799@itesm.mx | Development |
David Acevedo Villarreal | A01196678@itesm.mx | Development |
Aaron García Guzmán | A01039597@itesm.mx | Development |
Technology | Version |
Node | 10.0.0 |
TypeScript | 3.8.0 |
Express | 4.17.1 |
Firebase Functions | 3.6.1 |
You should ask for access to this tools if you don't have it already:
- Clone this repository into your local machine
$ git clone https://github.com/ProyectoIntegrador2018/bolsa_trabajo_back.git
- Run the following command to install all the necessary dependencies:
$ npm install
- Run the following command to install Google Firebase Tools globally in your machine.
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
- Run the following command to run the program.
$ npm run build && firebase emulators:start
- You can stop the project in the terminal with the command
Control + C
There's no current way of debugging other than modifying the code. (Eg. console.log())
We have not yet determined the running specs. All of our computers have been able to run it just fine.
There's no current way of checking code for potential issues other than using the page.