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FrankV22 edited this page Jan 9, 2025 · 1 revision

Description: Allow unrestricted Send Tile Square usage, for client side world editing
Commands: None

Description: None
Commands: /annoy

Description: User can ban others
Commands: /ban /banip /unban /unbanip

Description: User can buff self
Commands: /buff

Description: User can buff other players
Commands: /gbuff(/buffplayer)

Description: User can kill all enemy npcs
Commands: /butcher

Description: Bypass Server Side Inventory checks
Commands: None

Description: Required to be able to build (modify tiles and liquid)
Commands: None

Description: User can change password in game
Commands: /password

Description: User can login in game
Commands: /login

Description: User can use party chat in game
Commands: /p

Description: User can register account in game
Commands: /register

Description: User can talk in third person
Commands: /me

Description: None
Commands: /dropmeteor /star /genore /fullmoon /bloodmoon /invade

Description: User can edit sevrer configurations
Commands: /setspawn /reload /serverpassword /save /settle /maxspawns /spawnrate /broadcast(/bc /say) /stats /world

Description: User can clear item drops.
Commands: /clear(/clearitems)

Description: User can convert hallow into corruption and vice-versa
Commands: /convertcorruption /converthallow

Description: Allows you to edit the spawn
Commands: /antibuild /protectspawn

Description: None
Commands: /grow

Description: User can change hardmode state.
Commands: /hardmode /stophardmode(/disablehardmode)

Description: None
Commands: /heal

Description: Prevents your actions from being ignored if damage is too high
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being reverted by kill tile abuse detection
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being disabled by liquid set abuse detection
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being reverted by no clip detection
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being reverted by place tile abuse detection
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being disabled by liquid set abuse detection
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being disabled by stack hack detection
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being kicked by hacked health detection
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being banned
Commands: None

Description: Prevents you from being kicked
Commands: None

Description: User can spawn items
Commands: /item(/i) /give(/g)

Description: User can kick others
Commands: /kick

Description: None
Commands: /kill

Description: Specific log messages are sent to users with this permission
Commands: /displaylogs

Description: User is notified when an update is available
Commands: /clearbans /off(/exit) /off-nosave(/exit-nosave) /checkupdates

Description: User can manage groups
Commands: /addgroup /delgroup /modgroup /group

Description: User can manage item bans
Commands: /additem(/banitem) /delitem(/unbanitem) /listitems(/listbanneditems) /additemgroup /delitemgroup

Description: User can edit regions
Commands: /region /debugreg

Description: User can manage warps
Commands: /setwarp /delwarp /hidewarp

Description: User can change the homes of NPCs.
Commands: None

Description: User can mute and unmute users
Commands: /mute(/unmute)

Description: None
Commands: /slap

Description: Allows you to bypass the max slots for up to 5 slots above your max
Commands: None

Description: Meant for super admins only
Commands: /user /userinfo(/ui) /auth-verify

Description: User can see the id of players with /who
Commands: None

Description: User can spawn bosses
Commands: /eater /eye /king /skeletron /wof(/wallofflesh) /twins /destroyer /skeletronp(/prime) /hardcore

Description: User can spawn npcs
Commands: /spawnmob(/sm)

Description: User can start invasions (Goblin/Snow Legion) using items
Commands: None

Description: User can summon bosses using items
Commands: None

Description: None
Commands: /time

Description: User can teleport
Commands: /home /spawn /tp

Description: Users can tp to anyone
Commands: None

Description: Users can stop people from TPing to them
Commands: /tpallow

Description: User can teleport people to them
Commands: /tphere /sendwarp(/sw)

Description: Users can tp to people without showing a notice
Commands: None

Description: Allows you to use banned items
Commands: None

Description: User can use warps
Commands: /warp

Description: User can whisper to others
Commands: /whisper(/w /tell) /reply(/r)

Description: User can modify the whitelist
Commands: /whitelist

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