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(Eng) Commands & Permissions
Warning: The wiki will be moving to confluence soon. While we transition pages over, editing will be restricted to those given accounts by Shank (@nicatronTg). This wiki will be turned off eventually, however, editing will be opened on Confluence when this happens. (See http://ci.tshock.co:8080/)
** THIS PAGE IS OUTDATED****** ** Updated permissions
TShock requires you to be logged into an administrator-level user to run most commands. Most of these commands can alter gameplay significantly
###Type /help 1-5 in-game to view the rest of the commands.###
- /register [username] [password] - Register a user account
- /login [username] [password] - Log in to a user account
- /help [page] - Provides a list of commands.
- /playing, /who, /online - List of players on the server.
- /me - Third person chat.
- /p - Party/Team chat.
- /rules - Prints server rules.
- /password [oldpassword] [newpassword] - Change your password
###Permissions Required: Logged in as 'superadmin' group###
- /user add [accountname:password] [group] - Adds a user account and assigns them a group.
- /user add [IP.add.re.ss] [group] - Adds a user IP address and assigns them a group.
- /user del [accountname] - Removes a user account
- /user del [IP.add.re.ss] - Removes a user IP address
- /user group [accountname] [newgroup] - Assigns a new group to a user
- /user password [accountname] [password] - Assigns a new password to a user
- /auth-verify [CODE] - Verifies initial superadmin account(s). [CODE] is displayed in server console.
- /ip [player] - Privately print the IP address of a player
###Permissions Required: kick, ban, unban###
- /kick [player] [reason] - Use "quotes" for player names with spacing. (Example: /kick "sarah connor" abuse)
- /ban [player] [reason] - Use "quotes" for player names with spacing.
- /ban [ip] [reason]
- /unban [player] - Use "" for player names with spacing.
- /unbanip [ip]
###Permissions Required: maintenance###
- /off - Turns off the server after saving.
- /off-nosave - Kills the server without saving.
- /checkupdates - Checks for TShock updates.
- /clearbans -1 - Removes all bans
###Permissions Required: whitelist###
- /whitelist [player] - While "EnableWhitelist: true" in the config.json, only players who are added to the whitelist with this command are able to enter the server. These names are stored in \tshock\whitelist.txt.
###Permissions Required: causeevents###
- /dropmeteor - Drops a meteor on the map.
- /star - Attempts to bring a star to your location (required night time).
- /bloodmoon - Starts a blood moon event.
- /invade - Toggles a goblin invasion.
- /itemdrop(/idrop) drops an item( or group of items) randomly throughout the sky.
###Permissions Required: spawnboss###
- /eater - Summons the Eater of Worlds.
- /eye - Summons the Eye of Cthulhu.
- /skeletron - Summons Skeletron.
- /king - Summons the Slime King.
- /hardcore - Summons Eater of Worlds, Eye of Cthulhu , Slime King, and Skeletron.
###Permissions Required: spawnmob###
- /spawnmob [npc-id or name] [amount]- Spawns an NPC from the NPC list - Use "" for mob names with spacing.
###Permissions Required: tp###
- /tp [player] - Teleport to the requested player.
- /spawn, /home - Teleport to home. (Bed, or spawn)
###Permissions Required: tphere###
- /tphere [player] - Teleports the requested player to you.
###Permissions Required: warp###
- /warp list - Lists the available warp destinations.
- /warp [destination] - Warps to the named destination.
###Permissions Required: managewarp###
- /setwarp [destination] - Sets a named warp at your current position.
- /delwarp [destination] - Removes a named warp.
###Permissions Required: managegroup###
- /addgroup [optional permissions, space separated or comma separated, not both] - Allows adding of additional group types, other than the default groups (VIP, newadmin, trustedadmin, etc.).
- Example: /addgroup tester ban kick heal
- OR: /addgroup tester ban,kick,heal
- NOT: /addgroup tester ban, kick, heal
- /delgroup - Delete an existing group.
- /modgroup add|del <permission to add or remove, only one at a time, sorry!> - is the permission required to use a set of commands.
- Example: /modgroup add vip managewarp
###Permissions Required: manageitem###
- /addItem - Add an item to the ban list.
- Example: /addItem "gold coin"
- /delItem - Delete an existing item from the ban list.
- Example: /delItem "gold coin"
###Permissions Required: cfg###
- /setspawn - Sets the map's spawn point at your current position.
- /reload - Reloads the configuration file.
- /showconfig - Shows the current configuration settings.
- /serverpassword - Remotely changes the server's password.
- /save - Saves the server.
- /maxspawns [amount] - Changes the maximum spawns per wave. Higher numbers results in more mobs per spawn wave.
- /spawnrate [amount] - Changes the rate at which monsters spawn. Lower results in faster spawn rates.
- /broadcast [message] - Broadcasts a message from the playername.
- /convert - This command will dump all users from both Regions and Warps and also change all Worlds to reference this WorldID. You must manually fix multi-world configurations.
###Permissions Required: time###
- /time [day|night|dusk|noon|midnight] - Sets a specific world time.
###Permissions Required: pvpfun###
- /slap [player] - Slaps [player], defaults to 5 damage if not provided - Use "quotes" for player names with spacing.
###Permissions Required: editspawn###
- /antibuild - Toggles build protection.
- /protectspawn - Toggles spawn protection.
- /region set [1/2] - Sets temporary region points
- /region name - Shows the name of the region you are in
- /region define [name] - Adds temporary region points into the region list
- /region delete [name] - Deletes the specified region
- /region allow [name] [regionname] - Allows a player to build in specified region
- /region list - Shows a named list of all regions for that world
- /region help - Lists region help
###Permissions Required: logs### Note: By default, groups with this permission will automatically see all server console messages (slash "/" commands).
- /displaylogs - Turns on and off Server Console messages.
###Permissions Required: whisper### Note: groups with the "logs" permission (above) will be able to see all /commands being used, and thus will see whispers.
- /whisper, /w, /tell [player] [message] - Sends a private whisper to another player
- /reply, /r [message] - Whisper replies to the last person to send you a whisper.
###Permissions Requred: annoy###
- /annoy [player] [time in seconds] - Plays the Whoopie Cushion sound on a player for [time in seconds]. Cannot be heard by other players.
###Permissions Required: kill, butcher, item, heal###
- /kill [player] - Kills provided [player] - Use "" for item/player names with spacing.
- /butcher - Slays all non-town NPCs.
- /item [id or name] or /i [id or name] - Gives you [id or name] (Use "qoutes" for names with spacing)
- Example: /i "molten pick"
- /give [id or name] [player] - Gives [player] item [id or name] (Use "qoutes" for items/names with spacing)
- Example: /give "molten pick" "sarah connor" 1
- /heal [player] - Heals you, or if defined, [player] (Use "quotes" for player names with spacing)
###Other Permissions### Note: These are not in-game commands, but can still be added to a group's permissions.
- canwater - allow this group to use water
- canlava - allow this group to use lava
- canspike - allow this group to place spikes
- canbuild - allow this group to build (does not bypass other checks, such as protected regions)
- adminchat - Colors and adds a prefix to the group's chat. This prefix and color is set in \tshock\config.json.
- immunetokick - group can't be kicked
- immunetoban - group can't be banned
- ignorecheatdetection - allow group to cheat (health/mana cheats)
- ignoregriefdetection - allow group to grief (use explosives, water, lava even if they dont have premission to)
- usebanneditem - allows group the use of banned items
- reservedslot - allow this group to join the server, regardless of whether or not it is full