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@@ -1,69 +1,107 @@
#Code to create chart of hepatitis c by board.
### Analyst notes ----

## Global ----
# This script prepares a data file and a shiny app to be embedded on the following page of the scotpho website:

library(dplyr) #data manipulation
library(plotly) #charts
# instructions:
# Source new data from [add instructions] and save it in the following folder: /PHI_conf/ScotPHO/Website/Charts/Health Conditions/Hepatitis C/shiny_data
# Un-comment the code in part 1 below and update the following:
# a. current_data filepath to [add instructions]
# b. the filepath for reading in the hep_c data
# c. the population lookups file and year

#Preparing data - not needed unless new data coming through
# This will prepare a data file within this repository to use to create the chart in the shiny app
# Make sure to comment the code back out again when deploying the shiny app, otherwise it won't work properly!

# Part 1 - data prep
# Part 2 - shiny app

### Part 1 - data prep ----

# packages
# library(tidyr)
# library(readr)
# library(readr) # for reading in csv
# library(janitor) # for data cleaning
# library(dplyr) # data manipulation

# #Set filepaths
# cl_out_pop <- "/conf/linkage/output/lookups/Unicode/Populations/Estimates/" #population lookups to calculate rates
# filepath <- "/PHI_conf/ScotPHO/Website/Charts/Health Conditions/Hepatitis C/shiny_data" #shiny data
# cl_out_pop <- "/conf/linkage/output/lookups/Unicode/Populations/Estimates/"
# #read in currently deployed data
# current_data <- read_csv(paste0(filepath, "/hepatitisc_data_to_2021.csv"))
# hep_c <- read_csv("data/hepatitisc_board.csv") %>%
# mutate_if(is.character, factor) %>% #converting characters into factors
# setNames(tolower(names(.))) %>% #variable names to lower case
# gather(year, number, -nhsboard) %>% # to long format
# mutate(year = as.numeric(gsub("y", "", year))) #taking out y from year
# #read in new data
# hep_c <- read_csv(paste0(filepath, "/hepatitisc_data_2022.csv")) |>
# mutate_if(is.character, factor) |> #converting characters into factors
# clean_names() #variable names to lower case
# # Bringing population to calculate rates
# pop_lookup <- readRDS(paste0(cl_out_pop, "HB2019_pop_est_1981_2018.rds")) %>%
# setNames(tolower(names(.))) %>% #variables to lower case
# subset(year>2008) %>% #select only 2002+
# #bring in population to calculate rates
# pop_lookup <- readRDS(paste0(cl_out_pop, "HB2019_pop_est_1981_2022.rds")) |>
# clean_names() |> #variables to lower case
# subset(year=="2022") |> #select only new year to be appended
# # Aggregating to get hb totals
# rename(code = hb2019) %>% select(code, year, pop) %>% group_by(code, year) %>%
# summarise(denominator = sum(pop)) %>% ungroup %>% group_by(year) %>%
# rename(code = hb2019) |>
# select(code, year, pop) |>
# group_by(code, year) |>
# summarise(denominator = sum(pop)) |> ungroup() |> group_by(year) |>
# # Adding Scotland totals
# bind_rows(summarise_all(., list(~if(is.numeric(.)) sum(.) else "S00000001"))) %>%
# ungroup()
# adorn_totals("row", name = "S00000001") |>
# mutate(year = case_when(code == "S00000001" ~ 2022, TRUE ~ year)) #Update this line with newest year to match other rows
# #Codes and names for areas
# names_lookup <- readRDS("/PHI_conf/ScotPHO/Profiles/Data/Lookups/Geography/HBdictionary.rds") %>%
# mutate(areaname = gsub("NHS ", "", areaname),
# names_lookup <- readRDS("/PHI_conf/ScotPHO/Profiles/Data/Lookups/Geography/HBdictionary.rds") |>
# mutate(areaname = gsub("NHS ", "", areaname),
# areaname = gsub(" and ", " & ", areaname))
# # merging with codes
# hep_c <- left_join(hep_c, names_lookup, by = c("nhsboard" = "areaname")) %>%
# hep_c <- left_join(hep_c, names_lookup, by = c("nhsboard" = "areaname")) |>
# mutate(code = case_when(nhsboard == "Scotland" ~ "S00000001", TRUE ~ code))
# hep_c <- left_join(hep_c, pop_lookup, c("code", "year")) %>%
# mutate(rate = round(number/denominator*100000, 1)) %>% # calculate rate
# select(-denominator, -code) %>%
# gather(measure, value, c(-nhsboard, -year)) %>%
# hep_c <- left_join(hep_c, pop_lookup, c("code", "year")) |>
# mutate(rate = round(number/denominator*100000, 1)) |> # calculate rate
# select(-denominator, -code) |>
# gather(measure, value, c(-nhsboard, -year)) |>
# mutate(measure = recode(measure, "number" = "Number", "rate" = "Rate"))
# saveRDS(hep_c, "data/hepatitisc_board.rds")
# #append new data onto current data
# hep_c <- rbind(current_data, hep_c)
# write.csv(hep_c, paste0(filepath, "/hepatitisc_data_to_2022.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
# # uncomment to create data folder in repository if running for first time
# #dir.create("data/")
# # save rds data in data folder
# saveRDS(hep_c, "data/shiny_data_hepatitisc_board.rds")

hep_c <- readRDS("data/hepatitisc_board.rds") #reading data for app

# Part 2 - shiny app ----

# packages
library(highcharter) #charts
library(phsstyles) #for chart colors
library(shiny) #shiny app

# data prepared and saved from part 1
hep_c <- readRDS("data/shiny_data_hepatitisc_board.rds") # reading data for app

#Use for selection of areas
board_list <- sort(unique(hep_c$nhsboard[hep_c$nhsboard != "Scotland"]))

#ScotPHO logo.
#Needs to be https address or if local in code 64 (the latter does not work with 4.7 plotly)
scotpho_logo <- list(source ="",
xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
x= -0.09, y= 1.2, sizex = 0.22, sizey = 0.18, opacity = 1)

## Visual interface ----
# UI
#Height and widths as percentages to allow responsiveness
#Using divs as issues with classing css
ui <- fluidPage(style="width: 650px; height: 500px; ",
Expand All @@ -78,73 +116,58 @@ ui <- fluidPage(style="width: 650px; height: 500px; ",
choices = board_list))
div(style= "width:100%; float: left;", #Main panel
plotlyOutput("chart", width = "100%", height = "350px"),
#plotlyOutput("chart", width = "100%", height = "350px"),
p(div(style = "width: 25%; float: left;", #Footer
HTML("Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>HPS</a>")),
HTML("Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>HPS</a> (2009-18)"),
HTML("Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>PHS</a> (2021-)")),
div(style = "width: 25%; float: left;",
downloadLink('download_data', 'Download data')),
div(style = "width: 50%; float: left;",
"Note: Year of earliest positive specimen.")
"Notes: Year of earliest positive specimen. Publication of 2019 and 2020 data was prevented by the COVID-19 pandemic.")

## Server ----
# Server
server <- function(input, output) {

# Allowing user to download data
output$download_data <- downloadHandler(
filename = 'hepatitisc_data.csv', content = function(file) {
write.csv(hep_c, file, row.names=FALSE) })

output$chart <- renderPlotly({
#For Island plots and rates plot an empty chart
if (input$area == "Island Boards" & input$measure == "Rate") {
text_na <- list(x = 5, y = 5, text = "Rates are not published for the island boards" ,
xref = "x", yref = "y", showarrow = FALSE, size=15)
plot_ly() %>%
layout(annotations = text_na,
yaxis = list(showline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE, showgrid = FALSE, fixedrange=TRUE),
xaxis = list(showline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE, showgrid = FALSE, fixedrange=TRUE),
font = list(family = 'Arial, sans-serif')) %>%
config( displayModeBar = FALSE) # taking out plotly logo and collaborate button
} else {

#Data for Scotland line
data_scot <- hep_c %>% subset(nhsboard=="Scotland" & measure==input$measure)
#Data for Health board line
data_board <- hep_c %>% subset(nhsboard==input$area & measure==input$measure)
#Creating chart
output$line_chart <- renderHighchart({

#Data for plot
data_chart <- hep_c |> subset(measure == input$measure & nhsboard == input$area)

#Separate Scotland data out for separate series
data_scot <- hep_c |> subset(measure == input$measure & nhsboard == "Scotland")

#y axis title
yaxistitle <- ifelse(input$measure == "Rate", "Rate per 100,000", "Number of diagnosis")
yaxistitle <- ifelse(input$measure == "Number", "Number of diagnoses",
"Rate per 100,000")

#Creating dynamic text for if Island Board rates selected
need((input$area != "Island Boards" | input$measure == "Number"), "Rates are not published for the island boards"))

plot <- plot_ly(data=data_board, x=~year, y = ~value,
type = "scatter", mode = 'lines', line = list(color = '#08519c'),
name = unique(data_board$nhsboard), width = 650, height = 350) %>%
add_lines(data = data_scot, y = ~value, mode = 'lines',
name = "Scotland", line = list(color = '#000000')) %>%
layout(annotations = list(), #It needs this because of a buggy behaviour
yaxis = list(title = yaxistitle, rangemode="tozero", fixedrange=TRUE),
xaxis = list(title = "Year", fixedrange=TRUE),
font = list(family = 'Arial, sans-serif'), #font
margin = list(pad = 4, t = 50), #margin-paddings
hovermode = 'false', # to get hover compare mode as default
images = scotpho_logo) %>%
config(displayModeBar= T, displaylogo = F, collaborate=F, editable =F) # taking out plotly logo and collaborate button
highchart() |>
hc_add_series(data_chart, "line", hcaes(y = value, x = year), name = input$area) |>
hc_add_series(data_scot, "line", hcaes(y = value, x = year), name = "Scotland") |>
hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "Year")) |>
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = yaxistitle)) |>
hc_legend(align = "left", verticalAlign = "top")


} # end of server part

## Calling app ----

# calling app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)