Data wrangling and Visualization in R
The Global Terrorist database contains a detailed information about the terrorism, from 1970 to 2017. There are 181691 records and 135 columns including date, country, target details, attack type, and also if there was a motive behind a attack, the outcome of attack, and weapon details. The database is maintained by researchers at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), headquartered at the University of Maryland. For Hackathon we have dropped columns having more than 80% NULL data and would be using the remainder of 60 attributes to present our analysis. we here by state that we have used this data materials solely for non-commercial analysis and Visualization purpose.
The objective of the report is to understand the terrorist events around the world. By making use of interactive charts and animations we have tried to make the exploration easy and more informative. The report is divided into 4 sections, First section we try to have a Birdseye view on global events and observe the trend of attacks across the globe. In section two we concentrate our attention to terror activities related to India, similarly in section three we focus on United States and try to discover trends and relations regarding attacks. This section concludes with a brief comparison of terrorism and gun violence. Lastly in section four we make use of happiness index data, Global GDP data and Income by country data to perform a cross tab analysis and find correlation between the various factors and indicators of a country with terror attacks. Links to all external data sets are mentioned in references section.
Download the repo and open the IE6600_Sec03_Group02_Hackathon.html file.