PyWeek 34: Red Planted
PyUGAT's project repository for PyWeek 34.
To play, install the requirements with
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
then run the game with
If you get a libGL error and use conda for package management,
you can solve it within your environment by conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng
Using your favorite tool to create an environment, do something equivalent to
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -r dev-requirements.txt
You want to update the requirements?
Add/Remove entries from
, run
or pip-compile
to regenerate the
actual requirements txt files and finally run
pip-sync requirements.txt dev-requirements.txt
to update the installed packages in your virtual environment.
You want to automatically restart the game after a change?
ls | entr -r python
Adjust ls
argument to watch for other changes as well.
Low key automation
find . -name '*.py' | entr sh -c "black . && isort . && pytest -vv" # but only on your code ;)
See also the entr man page.
Run below command to create a ZIP file containing all necessary resources.
We meet every day at 20:00 in Gather.
Whoever has time is invited to join.
To simplify collaboration, we agreed to directly commit to main
Please avoid rewriting history, e.g. git push --force
If you want to share your work, feel free to create a folder.
Feel free to format you code using black.
You need shared documents? Consider C3W's cryptpad instance.
You want another shared whiteboard? Consider cocreate.
You want sound effects? Consider freesound.
You want images/art? Consider OpenGameArt.