This is a collection of tools for updating, configuring, and maintaining your Reliance Thermal Printer. We support netstandard2.0 which means you are free to use .NET Framework 4.6.1+, dotnetcore 2.0, or any of the other frameworks listed in the .NET Standard Support Matrix.
- Flash update firmware
- Status checks (paper status, ticket pull, sensor status, etc.)
- Logo printing
- Configuration
We use a native library to access the Reliance hardware port. Here is the current list of supported architectures:
OS | Architecture | Tested | Supported |
Windows | x86 | ✓ | ✓ |
Windows | x64 | ✓ | ✓ |
Windows | ARM | ||
Linux | x86 | ||
Linux | x64 | ✓ | ✓ |
Linux | ARM32 | ✓ | ✓ |
Linux | ARM64 | ||
OSX | x64 | ✓ |
Adding support for a new system requires compiling hidapi for your target and placing the binary in the runtimes directory of PTIRelianceLib. The targets file must also be updated accordingly.
dotnet add package PTIRelianceLib
Install-Package PTIRelianceLib
- RelianceCLI is a traditional command line tool
- ASP.NET Core is a bare-bones ASP.NET example that can be run inside a Docker container
- Docker is an example of a non-ASP.NET core application running inside a container. This example also includes the scripts and VS Code tasks required for debugging inside your container.