Live site at
Using the Hugo template from adapted from the fork by the cloudnative-amsterdam people:
theme submodule at
- Install Hugo
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Update the theme submodule
cd website-2022/themes/devfest-theme-hugo
git submodule init
git submodule update
- It's done. Just start Hugo server to see the site live!
cd ../..
hugo server
Edit the markdown source files with ending .md in the /content/ subdirectory to make changes to the site. You might also have to edit .json and .yml files in the /data/ subdirectory. As long as the hugo server is running, your changes should be visible immediately at http://localhost:1313/.
Using a suitable editor like Atom allows to easily search across all source files, and will help finding the correct file to edit if you want to make specific changes.
When you are happy with the result, commit the changes to the master branch. The site is then automatically deployed to and accessible under . If you have the proper rights, you can see the deployment logs on netlify.
The theme is located at
First, install yarn.
Then, use
cd themes/devfest-theme-hugo
to install the dependencies.
As you might have the right version of npm, you might have to install the node version manager nvm. Then, use
nvm install 10.0
In the same directory, run npm start
to watch Sass changes.
When you are happy with the result run npm run build
to build the minified version. Then commit the theme submodule.
node-sass is not yet ported to ARM processors, but there is a work-around described here: sass/node-sass#3033 (comment)
create new empty repository QCrypt/website-2022
clone QCrypt/website-2022 , remove bulky data like slides and posters, copy the rest over to the empty website-2022, except the themes subdirectory
in QCrypt/website-2022, change remote destination:
git remote set-url origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
create new empty repository QCrypt/devfest-theme-hugo-2022
git clone QCrypt/devfest-theme-hugo-2021
git remote set-url origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
cd website-2022, mkdir themes
git submodule add devfest-theme-hugo