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wezel is a Python toolbox for prototyping medical imaging applications.

How can I use existing wezel applications?

You can use wezel applications to visualise and analyse medical images, using a standard graphical interface much like any other medical image viewer.

To try this out, download an example application (coming soon), then double-click the file to start - no software installation required.

If you are working on a specific project, you may have been given a wezel application directly by a collaborator, or perhaps you found one online or as supplementary material with a publication.

Some video tutorials are provided (coming soon) to illustrate the use of the graphical interface. The rest of this document provides detail for application developers.

How can I develop new wezel applications?

If you are a developer of new applications, you can use wezel to prototype and test your application. Once you are happy with the result, wezel can generate an executable which you can pass on to analysts or other users.

wezel is distributed under an open license so you can make the executable and/or the source code publicly available, for instance as supplementary material in publications.

Installing wezel

Run pip install wezel

Customizing wezel: menus and apps

To run wezel in a script, import the package, launch a new application and show it to the user:

import wezel

wsl =      # launch an application              # show the application

This will launch a dummy version of wezel without any functionality.

The easiest way to customize wezel is by replacing the menubar with a custom made one. For instance, try setting the hello_world menu included in the wezel distribution:

import wezel

wsl =                   # launch an application
wsl.set_menu(wezel.menus.hello_world)      # set a custom menu                          # show the application

Of course in practice you will be running your own menus. For instance, assume you have created a package foo which contains a menu definition of your own:

import wezel
import foo

wsl =                  # launch an application
wsl.set_menu(foo.mymenu)        # set a custom menu                          # show the application

A more useful application is the dicom.Windows app included in the wezel distribution. To run it, just set a different app:

import wezel

wsl =           # launch an application
wsl.set_app(wezel.apps.dicom.Windows)     # set a custom app                   # show the application

Wezel also includes an app for visualising and manipulating numpy arrays (coming soon!):

import wezel

wsl =           # launch an application
wsl.set_app(wezel.apps.numpy)     # set a custom app                   # show the application

When launched in this way a window will pop up allowing the user the select a dataset from disk. You can also set data interactively. Try this out by visualising an empty a 4-dimensional array:

import numpy as np
import wezel

wsl =           # launch an application
wsl.set_app(wezel.apps.numpy)     # set a custom app
wsl.set_data(np.empty((10, 20, 5, 12)))                   # show the application
array = wsl.get_data()

When calling show() the program halts until the user closes the window. Typically the user will have manipulated the array using the app. As shown in the example, the result can be retrieved with get_data().

The tutorial contains a few other simple applications, but of course you may have written your own. For instance, say you have a package foo that contains an app:

import wezel
import foo

wsl =                # launch an application
wsl.set_app(foo.myapp)        # set a custom app                        # show the application

See below for some examples of how apps can be defined.

Writing custom wezel menus

A menu on the wezel menu bar is effectively a list of menu buttons, or "actions" as they are called. Formally it is defined as a function which takes a parent menu or the menubar itself as argument. For instance, the Hello World menu inserted in the example above is defined as follows:

def hello_world(parent):
    hello ='Hello')
    hello.action(HelloWorld, text="Hello World")

As the example shows, a submenu of any parent menu can be created by calling, where label is the text on the menu button.

Then an action can be created in any menu by calling parent.action() where the first argument defines the action (see below) and the (optional) text argument defines the text that will be shown on the button.

More complicated menus including submenus can be created in the same way. For instance the following adds a second HelloWorld action and a submenu which has two other HelloWorld actions:

def hello_world_sub(parent):
    hello ='Hello')
    hello.action(HelloWorld, text="Hello World")
    hello.action(HelloWorld, text="Hello World (again)")
    subMenu ='Submenu')
    subMenu.action(HelloWorld, text="Hello World (And again)")
    subMenu.action(HelloWorld, text="Hello World (And again!)")

You can try running this to see how it looks:

import wezel

wsl =              # launch an application
wsl.set_menu(hello_world_sub)   # set a custom menu                      # show the application

Writing wezel actions

HelloWorld as used above is an example of an action. When the user clicks on it, a window pops up carrying a title 'My first action!' and saying "Hello World!". The program is paused until the user closes the pop-up. The HelloWorld action is defied as follows:

import wezel

class HelloWorld(wezel.gui.Action):

    def run(self, app):
        app.dialog.information("Hello World!", title='My first action!')

As the example shows, all actions in wezel must be defined by subclassing the wezel.gui.Action class. There are no other compulsory arguments, so the following creates a functional action which does absolutely nothing when clicked:

import wezel

class DoNothing(wezel.gui.Action):

If the run() function is specified, it is executed when the user clickes the menu button corresponding to the action. Apart from self, run() has a compulsory argument app which gives access to other relevant functionality. In the case of HelloWorld this is the dialog class which has some options for launching pop-up windows.

Creating wezel executables

wezel applications mean nothing without a simple way of distributing them as an executable, which can be run without the need for other installations by a simply mouse click. wezel has some built-in functionality for creating executables. As an example, imagine you have created the hello world script above:

import wezel
import mystuff

wsl =                # launch an application
wsl.set_app(mystuff.myapp)        # set a custom app                        # show the application

In order to generate an executable, save the script in a separate file, for instance "". You can generate an executable by calling the build function of wezel (coming soon!):

import wezel'myproject')

This must be executed from the same folder as - as a script or interactively. After completion you will find a single file wezel.exe which you can distribute to the users if your applications. They will not need to install anything else - just double-click and run.

If your project contains dependencies on other external packages, then these must be detailed in a text file "requirements.txt" as is customary for Python projects. The build function will install these along with wezel's own dependencies. The requirements.txt file must be located in the same folder as

If your project contains additional data such as images, icons or other types of files, the folders that contain these data must be provided as an additional argument to build(), as a list of one or more paths:

impor os
import wezel'myproject', 
    data_folders = ['myimages', os.path.join('mytables','parameters')],

By default the build function generates a single .exe file. As wezel is a graphical interface application this will not launch a terminal when the .exe file is opened. These settings are most practical for external users but for debugging purposes the terminal and a multi-file build can be more convenient. These can be created by setting the onefile and terminal keywords to False and True, respectively:

import wezel'myproject', 
    data_folders = ['myimages', os.path.join('mytables','parameters')],
    terminal = True, 
    onefile = False,

(...) Support for hidden imports and collect data

Creating wezel apps

The graphical user interface of wezel is built on PyQt's QMainWindow, and always has a menu bar (top), a status bar (bottom), and a central widget. Applications may also use toolbars and dockwidgets if appropriate.

A wezel app is a class that manages the content of these different components, coordinates between them and holds the data currently managed by wezel. In addition any wezel app has access to some convenience classes, such as the dialog class and progress bar which provides a convenient programming interface for common interactions with the user.

An example of a very simple (and not very useful!) wezel app is the About app which can be found in the welcome module of the default wezel.apps:

import wezel

class WezelAbout(wezel.App):             # Required: subclass core.App
    def __init__(self, wzl):     # Required: initialize core.App                       
        super().__init__(wzl)    #    with instance of `Wezel`

        self.set_central(ImageLabel())          # set the central widget
        self.set_menu(menu)                     # set the menu
        self.set_status("Welcome to Wezel!")   # display message in status bar

Apps can be changed at runtime - for instance the following action will toggle between the About and Windows apps:

import wezel

class ToggleApp(wezel.gui.Action):

    def run(self, app):
        wzl = app.wezel
        if app.__class__.__name__ == 'About':
   = wezel.apps.dicom.Windows(wzl)
        elif app.__class__.__name__ == 'Windows':
   = wezel.apps.welcome.About(wzl)

How can I contribute to wezel?

Coming soon

About wezel

wezel is a Python environment for prototyping and deploying quantitative medical imaging (qMRI) applications.

Method development in qMRI is hampered by a gap between scientists who work with scripts or in command-line mode, and end-users who rely on graphical user interfaces. wezel aims to bridge that gap by providing an easy way to integrate pipeline scripts in an existing graphical interface environment that interfaces with DICOM databases and can be passed on to clinical users.

The aim is to enable a rapid feedback loop between development and application under real-world conditions, and streamline the deployment of novel methods into clinical trials.


Efficient, integrated product development involves an iterative process of building prototypes to test the basic ideas under real-world conditions as early as possible in the product development lifecycle, subsequently revising the concepts and ideas on the basis of this experience, and producing improved prototypes that can be tested under the same conditions again. This creates a rapid feedback loop between development and application that allows to intercept design flaws at an early stage and avoids expensive and late-stage failures of novel concepts.

Applied sciences such as quantitative MRI can benefit from an integrated product development approach, as a way of steering the basic research and method development in the direction most likely to produce functional real-world applications. In practice this is often difficult due to the significant overhead required in moving from a set of command-line tools operating on computantionally convenient image dataformats (nifty, numpy), to a tool that can be applied by clinical end users on clinical (DICOM) data in a clinical environment.

Highly successful open source software tools such as 3D Slicer or MITK are going a long way towards bridging this gap, but integrating simple scripts with novel image processing pipelines into these environments still presents a daunting task to basic scientists without the necessary computer science background.

wezel aims to reduce the gap between development and application of novel qMRI methods by significantly reducing the overhead required to integrate novel pipelines into a software environment suitable for clinical users working on clinical data. It is envisioned that this will speed up the translation of new methods into clinical research, and increase the value of clinical research by facilitating the integration of novel imaging biomarkers as secondary endpoints.


wezel is freely available via, is designed for open science and therefore entirely written in Python 3 and released under an open Apache 2.0 license.

Since clinical data always ultimately arrive to the developer and the clinical end user alike in the form of DICOM images, wezel includes a DICOM read/write programming interface. The idea of this interface is to hide the complexity and inaccessible bureaucracy of the DICOM format from the scientist writing in Python, instead providing DICOM read and write access using more intuitive concepts such as folder structures, array slicing operations and class attributes. This allows the developer to prototype their new methods straight into DICOM, entirely removing a feared barrier to deployment of novel image processing pipelines in clinical studies: the need to convert pipelines interfacing with scientific data formats into pipelines interfacing with DICOM.

The second important barrier to clinical translation is the need to interface command-line scripts with graphical user interfaces allowing user intervention such as drawing or editing regions of interest, or performing visual quality control of medical images. Graphical interfaces follow an event-drive logic that is often unfamiliar the basic scientist and involves a steep learning curve that is often prohibitive, resulting in prototypes that are difficult to access by clinical users and do not imitate the conditions under which these tools will ultimately be deployed.

Wezel aims to address this challenge by providing a number of prepackaged graphical user interfaces with clear programming interfaces that enable the integration of user-defined image processing pipelines with a simple and intuitive commands similar to the print or display commands typically accessed in command-line. Using this approach, developers can easily configure Wezel by creating customized menus and compiling those to create applications that can be distributed to clinical collaborators as independent Wezel apps.

An expanding library of graphical user interface elements (widgets) for setting and accessing DICOM objects is also available to support the development of customised GUIs. Wezel deployment will be supported by well-documented code base and a series of user-friendly tutorials for clinical users.

Applications of wezel

wezel development is jointly supported by the TRISTAN project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative ( and the UKRIN-MAPS project funded by the UK's Medical Research Council (


The TRISTAN project aims to develop imaging biomarkers for drug toxicity. Wezel is developed by the TRISTAN work package 2 on imaging biomarkers for drug toxicity, and will form the vehicle to distribute an imaging biomarker assay for predicting drug-drug interactions and liver toxicity.

The food and drug administration (FDA) has accepted a biomarker qualification letter of intent describing the assay ( and evidence is currently being collected to support a full application for biomarker qualification. While a commercial assay will be taken forward by a collaborating company, Wezel will be offered as a free service along with supporting data and SOPs for those interested to replicate the assay locally.


The UKRIN-MAPS project provides the technical underpinnings for a standardised multi-vendor approach to quantitative renal MRI. It is a collaborative UK-based project led by Nottingham University with support from 3 main MRI vendors. A set of standardised quantitative MRI protocols has been developed and is currently being validated in travelling volunteer studies. Basic analysis algorithms are available via an open access library ( and these are currently being wrapped up into Wezel for deployment into clinical trials.

One clinical trial, the AFiRM study, will use these methods and has started recruiting in 2021. AFiRM will ultimately recruit 500 patients with Chronic Kidney Disease who will have 2 multi-parametric protocols 2- years apart. Analysis and QC of all data will be performed in Wezel and functional pipelines have already been tested on the first datasets.

Current wezel version

Wezel is currently at a prototype version that has not been tried and tested under the defined context of use. First applications in 4 multi-centre renal and liver projects are currently underway. Until these applications have progressed to their first endpoints, wezel is considered an early prototype still subject to substantial change in the code base and documenting material.


Ferret brain image from