Migrated from github.com/kaince
- Mark Branson (Payday Loans)
- Maybe you?
v04/18/2023: includes introduction and Student Loans section
Welcome to the workbook's GitHub page! This is a work in progress; I aim to write and collate open-source lesson plans for TMSJ (teaching math for social justice) into a workbook you can use in your courses. I am indebted to and model my work after the K-12 educators (e.g. Bob Moses, Jonathan Osler) who have been doing this work for decades.
The book itself is currently hosted on GitHub Pages. Feel free to explore, and don't hesitate to reach out (email Kenan's first initial, followed by their last name, at westminsteru dot edu) if you have comments, questions, or suggestions!
If your goal is to use the book as-is in a course or seminar, you can simply share the book's website with your students; bit.ly/QR4SJ can be used as a memorable link.
If you're interested in modifying, remixing, or compiling the book for yourself (and you're encouraged to!), this text is written in PreTeXt (previously called MathBook XML), so the primary source files can be found in the /source
directory. These can be compiled into HTML or LaTeX files (as well as some other formats) using the recommended PreTeXt GitHub Codespace. If you do not want to bother with this step or just want to grab some LaTeX to use in a worksheet or the like, the generated LaTeX is already provided in the latex folder.
Any and all suggestions to improve the text are welcome. Thanks to those who have already pointed out typos/issues they have found. If you would like to make a more substantial contribution, please contact me so we can discuss how best to proceed.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.