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File metadata and controls

440 lines (333 loc) · 15.7 KB


To run tests:

Unit tests and build tests (those run by presubmits) run against your Pipelines clone:

# Unit tests
go test ./...
# Build tests
./test/ --build-tests

E2E tests run test cases in your local Pipelines clone against the Pipelines installation on your current kube cluster. To ensure your local changes are reflected on your cluster, you must first build and install them with ko apply -R -f ./config/.

# Integration tests
go test -v -count=1 -tags=e2e -timeout=20m ./test

# Conformance tests
go test -v -count=1 -tags=conformance -timeout=10m ./test

By running the commands above, you start the tests on the cluster of current-context in local kubeconfig file (~/.kube/config by default) in you local machine.

Sometimes local tests pass but presubmit tests fail, one possible reason is the difference of running environments. The envs that our presubmit test uses are stored in ./*.env files. Specifically,

Unit tests

Unit tests live side by side with the code they are testing and can be run with:

go test ./...

By default go test will not run the end to end tests, which need -tags=e2e to be enabled.

Unit testing Controllers

Kubernetes client-go provides a number of fake clients and objects for unit testing. The ones we are using are:

  1. Fake Kubernetes client: Provides a fake REST interface to interact with Kubernetes API
  2. Fake pipeline client : Provides a fake REST PipelineClient Interface to interact with Pipeline CRDs.

You can create a fake PipelineClient for the Controller under test like this:

import (
    fakepipelineclientset "
pipelineClient := fakepipelineclientset.NewSimpleClientset()

This pipelineClient is initialized with no runtime objects. You can also initialize the client with Kubernetes objects and can interact with them using the pipelineClient.Pipeline()

import (
    v1 ""

obj := &v1alpha1.PipelineRun {
    ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta {
        Name:      "name",
        Namespace: "namespace",
    Spec: v1alpha1.PipelineRunSpec {
        PipelineRef: v1alpha1.PipelineRef {
            Name:       "test-pipeline",
            APIVersion: "a1",
pipelineClient := fakepipelineclientset.NewSimpleClientset(obj)
objs := pipelineClient.Pipeline().PipelineRuns("namespace").List(v1.ListOptions{})
// You can verify if List was called in your test like this
action :=  pipelineClient.Actions()[0]
if action.GetVerb() != "list" {
    t.Errorf("expected list to be called, found %s", action.GetVerb())

To test the Controller of CRD (CustomResourceDefinitions), you need to add the CRD to the informers so that the listers can get the access.

For example, the following code will test PipelineRun

pipelineClient := fakepipelineclientset.NewSimpleClientset()
sharedInfomer := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(pipelineClient, 0)
pipelineRunsInformer := sharedInfomer.Pipeline().V1alpha1().PipelineRuns()

obj := &v1alpha1.PipelineRun {
    ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta {
        Name:      "name",
        Namespace: "namespace",
    Spec: v1alpha1.PipelineRunSpec {
        PipelineRef: v1alpha1.PipelineRef {
            Name:       "test-pipeline",
            APIVersion: "a1",

End to end tests


Environment variables used by end to end tests:

  • KO_DOCKER_REPO - Set this to an image registry your tests can push images to

  • GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH - Tests that need to interact with GCS buckets will use the json credentials at this path to authenticate with GCS.

  • SYSTEM_NAMESPACE - Set this to your Tekton deployment namespace like tekton-pipelines. Without this setting, the E2E test will use knative-testing as default namespace.

  • In Kaniko e2e test, setting GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH as the path of the GCP service account JSON key which has permissions to push to the registry specified in KO_DOCKER_REPO will enable Kaniko to use those credentials when pushing an image.

  • In GCS taskrun test, GCP service account JSON key file at path GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH, if present, is used to generate Kubernetes secret to access GCS bucket.

  • In Storage artifact bucket test, the GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH JSON key is used to create/delete a bucket which will be used for output to input linking by the PipelineRun controller.

To create a service account usable in the e2e tests:

# gcloud configure project
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

# create the service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create $ACCOUNT_NAME --display-name $ACCOUNT_NAME
EMAIL=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list | grep $ACCOUNT_NAME | awk '{print $2}')

# add the storage.admin policy to the account so it can push containers
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member serviceAccount:$EMAIL --role roles/storage.admin

# create the JSON key
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create config.json --iam-account=$EMAIL

export GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH="$PWD/config.json"

export SYSTEM_NAMESPACE=tekton-pipelines


End to end tests live in this directory. To run these tests, you must provide go with -tags=e2e. By default the tests run against your current kubeconfig context, but you can change that and other settings with the flags:

go test -v -count=1 -tags=e2e -timeout=20m ./test
go test -v -count=1 -tags=e2e -timeout=20m ./test --kubeconfig ~/special/kubeconfig --cluster myspecialcluster

If tests are applied to the cluster with hardware architecture different to the base one (for instance go test starts on amd64 architecture and --kubeconfig points to s390x Kubernetes cluster), use TEST_RUNTIME_ARCH environment variable to specify the target hardware architecture(amd64, s390x, ppc64le, arm, arm64, etc)

You can also use all of flags defined in knative/pkg/test.

To include tests for Windows, you need to specify the windows_e2e build tag. For example:

go test -v -count=1 -tags=e2e,windows_e2e -timeout=20m ./test

Please note that in order to run Windows tests there must be at least one Windows node available in the target Kubernetes cluster.


  • By default the e2e tests against the current cluster in ~/.kube/config using the environment specified in your environment variables.
  • Since these tests are fairly slow, running them with logging enabled is recommended (-v).
  • Using --logverbose to see the verbose log output from test as well as from k8s libraries.
  • Using -count=1 is the idiomatic way to disable test caching.
  • The end to end tests take a long time to run so a value like -timeout=20m can be useful depending on what you're running
  • TestKanikoTaskRun requires containers to run with root user. Using -skipRootUserTests=true skips it.

You can use test flags to control the environment your tests run against, i.e. override your environment variables:

go test -v -tags=e2e -count=1 ./test --kubeconfig ~/special/kubeconfig --cluster myspecialcluster

Tests importing recognize the flags added by knative/pkg/test.

Tests are run in a new random namespace prefixed with the word arendelle-. Unless you set the TEST_KEEP_NAMESPACES environment variable they will get automatically cleaned up after running the test.

Running specific test cases

To run all the test cases with their names starting with the same letters, e.g. TestTaskRun, use the -run flag with go test:

go test -v -tags=e2e -count=1 ./test -run ^TestTaskRun

Running YAML tests

To run the YAML e2e tests, run the following command:

go test -v -count=1 -tags=examples -timeout=20m ./test/

To limit parallelism of tests, use -parallel=n where n is the number of tests to run in parallel.

Running upgrade tests

There are two scenarios in upgrade tests. One is to install the previous release, upgrade to the current release, and validate whether the Tekton pipeline works. The other is to install the previous release, create the pipelines and tasks, upgrade to the current release, and validate whether the Tekton pipeline works.

Prerequisites for running upgrade tests locally:

  • Set up the cluster
    • Running against a fresh kind cluster

      • export SKIP_INITIALIZE=true
    • Running against a GKE cluster

      • export PROJECT_ID=<my_gcp_project>
      • install kubetest

To run the upgrade tests, run the following command:


Adding integration tests

In the test dir you will find several libraries in the test package you can use in your tests.

This library exists partially in this directory and partially in knative/pkg/test.

The libs in this dir can:

All integration tests must be marked with the e2e build constraint so that go test ./... can be used to run only the unit tests, i.e.:

// +build e2e

Get access to client objects

To initialize client objects use the command line flags which describe the environment:

func setup(t *testing.T) *test.Clients {
    clients, err := test.NewClients(kubeconfig, cluster, namespaceName)
    if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("Couldn't initialize clients: %v", err)
    return clients

The Clients struct contains initialized clients for accessing:

For example, to create a Pipeline:

_, err = clients.V1beta1PipelineClient.Pipelines.Create(test.Route(namespaceName, pipelineName))

And you can use the client to clean up resources created by your test (e.g. in your test cleanup):

func tearDown(clients *test.Clients) {
    if clients != nil {
        clients.Delete([]string{routeName}, []string{configName})

See clients.go.

Generate random names

You can use the function GenerateName() to append a random string for crds or anything else, so that your tests can use unique names each time they run.

import ""

namespace := names.SimpleNameGenerator.GenerateName("arendelle")

Poll Pipeline resources

After creating Pipeline resources or making changes to them, you will need to wait for the system to realize those changes. You can use polling methods to check the resources reach the desired state.

The WaitFor* functions use the Kubernetes wait package. For polling they use PollImmediate behind the scene. And the callback function is ConditionFunc, which returns a bool to indicate if the function should stop, and an error to indicate if there was an error.

For example, you can poll a TaskRun until having a Status.Condition:

err = WaitForTaskRunState(c, hwTaskRunName, func(tr *v1alpha1.TaskRun) (bool, error) {
    if len(tr.Status.Conditions) > 0 {
        return true, nil
    return false, nil
}, "TaskRunHasCondition", v1beta1Version)

Metrics will be emitted for these Wait methods tracking how long test poll for.

Conformance tests

Conformance tests live in this directory. These tests are used to check API specs of Pipelines. To run these tests, you must provide go with -tags=conformance. By default, the tests run against your current kubeconfig context, but you can change that and other settings with the flags like the end to end tests:

go test -v -count=1 -tags=conformace -timeout=10m ./test
go test -v -count=1 -tags=conformace -timeout=10m ./test --kubeconfig ~/special/kubeconfig --cluster myspecialcluster

Flags that could be set in conformance tests are exactly the same as flags in end to end tests. Just note that the build tags should be -tags=conformance.

Presubmit tests is the entry point for all tests run on presubmit by Prow.

You can run this locally with:

test/ --build-tests
test/ --unit-tests

Prow is configured in the knative config.yaml in tektoncd/plumbing via the sections for tektoncd/pipeline.

Running presubmit integration tests

The presubmit integration tests entrypoint will run:

When run using Prow, integration tests will try to get a new cluster using boskos and these hardcoded GKE projects, which only the tektoncd/plumbing OWNERS have access to.

If you would like to run the integration tests against your cluster, you can use the current context in your kubeconfig, provide KO_DOCKER_REPO (as specified in the, use directly and provide the --run-tests argument:

test/ --run-tests

Or you can set $PROJECT_ID to a GCP project and rely on kubetest to setup a cluster for you:

export PROJECT_ID=my_gcp_project
test/ --integration-tests