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File metadata and controls

255 lines (196 loc) · 9.02 KB

Design specification


The command line interface is use to start the analysis. The arguments for the script are: graph - location to the file describing the graph and number of iteration. The application supports only 2 graphs so it accept exactly 2 graphs.

Input file to describe the state

The input file describing the graph is in json format. JSON format works in the basis of 'property':'value', which is suitable for describing for the graph. JSON is also suitable if an GUI will be built later.

The JSON file has the following template/format

                    "params":["name:data_type", "name:data_type", "name:data_type"]
                    "params":["name:data_type", "name:data_type", "name:data_type"]

STATE_TYPE data type

The value STATE_TYPE is an enumeration string having the value "init", "final", or "normal".


The value TRANSITION_TYPE is an enumeration string having the value "emission", "reception", or "tau".

Requirements of the input file

ID Description Impl
INPUT_0001 The property of the input file MUST be written in snake_case.
INPUT_0002 The input file MUST have property "graph_name".
INPUT_0003 The property "states" MUST have MINIMUM one state.
INPUT_0004 Each state MUST have the property "state_name".
INPUT_0004 Value of the property "state_name" MUST be unique among the states
INPUT_0005 Each state MUST have property "type"
INPUT_0006 Property "stat_type" MUST have data type enumeration
INPUT_0007 the property "transition" MUST have MINIMUM one transition
INPUT_0008 Each transition MUST have the properties "transition_name", "transition_type", "next_state"
INPUT_0009 The property "params" MAY be empty
INPUT_0010 The value of the property "transition_name" MUST be unique among the transitions
INPUT_0011 The value of the property "next_state" MUST be the value of the property "state_name"
INPUT_0012 The value of the property "params" MUST have the format param_name:data_type
INPUT_0014 WHEN the property "transition_type" is tau, params" MUST be empty

Data validation and covert to python data type.

The application uses json module tp decode the data from json to dictinary. To make it easier to work with, instead of using directly dictionary data type, the application validates if the input data is correct according to the requirements INPUT_XXXX, the convert the keys of the dictionaty to corresponding classes.

Data type

Transition class

The Transition class has the following properties:


The Transition class has the following methods:


State class

The State class has the following properties:


The State class has the following methods:

get_incoming_transition(name:string or index:int) -> Transition
get_outgoing_transition(name:string or index:int) -> Transition
get_incoming_transition_list() -> list(string)
get_outgoing_transition_list() -> list(string)
is_state_final() -> bool
is_state_int() -> bool

Graph class

The Graph class has the following properties:


The Graph class has the following methods:

get_state(name:string or index:int) -> State
get_state_list() -> list(string)


For each graph, the following conditions must be check:

  • graph_name is existing. If not, raise error.
  • states is existing. If not raise error.
  • states has type list and number of element is more than 0. If not, raise error.

If the above conditions are OK, a graph object is created

For each state, the following conditions must be check:

  • state_name is existing. If not, raise error.
  • state_type is existing. The value of state_type is the defined enum string. If not, raise error.
  • transition is existing. If not raise error.
  • transition is a list and has more than 0 element. If not raise error.

If the above conditions are satisfied, a state object is created.

For each transitions, the following conditions must be check:

  • transition_name is existing. If not, raise error.
  • params is existing and is a list. If not raise error.
  • transition_type is existing. The value of transition_type is the defined enum string. If not, raise error.
  • If transition_type is tau, the params must by empty.
  • transition is existing. If not raise error.
  • next_state is existing. If not raise error.
  • The value of next_state must be in the list of states. If not, raise error.

If the above conditions are satisfied, a transition object is created. This object is added to the outgoing transtion list of the state it belongs to and added to the incoming transitions list of the state defined in next_state.

Compatibility calculation

The compatibility calculation can be carried out only if the validation phase has been passed. Number of calculation iteration is based on the input from the CLI.

The result of the calulation is a list of compatibility matrix with the size of the number of iteration + 1.

Each compatibility matrix is a data frame from pandas module, where columns and indexes are the name of the state.

Rational for using padas data frame:

  • Better presentation of the table
  • Value can be accessed by state names (index and column)

Calculation flow

for iteration = 0 to iteration = k
    create frame with default value
    if iteration = 0
        create frame with deafault value
        For each state in input_graph
            Calculate the obs_comp
            Calculate the fw and bw_propagation
            Calculate state_comp
            Calculate compatibility

Interfaces design

create_init_frame(state:State, state:State) -> data_frame

calculate_obs_compatibility(state:State, state:State, prev_matrix)

calculate_fw_propagation(state:State, state:State, prev_matrix)

calculate_bw_propagation(state:State, state:State, prev_matrix)

calculate_state_compatibility(state:State, state:State, fw_propagation, bw_propagation)

calculate_compatibility(state:State, state:State, prev_matrix)

Inside the function calculate_obs_compatibility, further operations are executed:

  • Calculate the sum of best compatibility between emissions and receptions
  • the sum is based on:
    • the number of emissions
    • number of receptions
    • label compatibility between (emission, reception)
    • Compatibility of the next state, resultinh from the (emssion, transition) above
  • The label compatibility is based on:
    • Number of unshare types between 2 lists
    • Must get the list of types
    • Get the list of unshare types based on the lists of types

Inside the function calculate_fw_propagation, further operations are executed:

  • Based on the point of view of two states. Let's assume one state
  • If that state has tau, we call this function again on the forward neighbor state
  • If that state has no tau, it is equal to calculate_obs_compatibility

Inside the function calculate_state_compatibility, further operations are executed:

  • we need the value w1 based on the number of outgoing transition
  • we need the value w2 based on the number of incoming transition
  • we need the funky w3 value, which is according to the paper