A completly new Gathering script designated to be used with ox target in the RSG Framework. Script uses hashes to identify plant type.
- Ensure players have the required tools for harvesting.
- Players interact with props set in configuration to harvest.
- The system logs the event in gathering.json.
- To add more plant types, use spooner to get hash :)
Config = {
BushHarvest = {
Items = {
Min = 1, -- Min and Max means how many items you can get from the bush.
Max = 5,
Item = 'apple', -- Item is what item you get from the bush.
Name = 'BlueBerry', -- Name is the name of the item that will be displayed in the notification.
MaxHarvest = 5, -- MaxHarvest is how many times you can harvest the bush before beeing empty.
Type = true, --DONT TOUCH THIS YET
Hash = 'rdr_bush_neat_bb_sim' -- Hash is the hash of the bush.
- rsg-core
- ox_lib
- ox_target RexShack Edit