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This role will deploy OCP4 and OKD4 on a kvm host. It was develop to support the Qubinode Installer.


This role depends on Red Hat IdM as the DNS server. PR's are welcome to support other DNS servers.

Role Variables

Please see example playbook.



Example Playbook Deploying OpenShift 4 Cluster

  - name: Deploy OpenShift 4.x Cluster
    hosts: localhost
    become: yes
      local_user_account: admin
      ocp4_okd4: ocp4
      ocp4_release: 4.4.6
      family_tree: "Red Hat CoreOS"
      ocp4_dependencies_version: "{{ ocp4_release[:3] }}"
      ocp4_image_version: "{{ ocp4_release[:3] + '.0' }}"
      installation_working_dir: /home/admin/qubinode-installer
      pull_secret: "{{ installation_working_dir }}/pull-secret.txt"
      vm_public_key: "/home/{{ local_user_account }}/.ssh/"
      openshift_install_folder: ocp4
      openshift_install_dir: "{{ installation_working_dir }}/{{ openshift_install_folder }}"
      ignition_files_dir: "{{ openshift_install_dir }}"
      ssh_ocp4_public_key: "{{ lookup('file', vm_public_key) }}"
      podman_webserver: qbn-httpd
      rhcos_webserver_img_name: rhcos-webserver
      dest_ignitions_web_directory: "{{ webserver_directory }}/{{ ocp4_dependencies_version }}/ignitions/"
      webserver_directory: /opt/qubinode_webserver
      webserver_dependencies: "{{ webserver_directory }}/{{ ocp4_dependencies_version }}"
      webserver_images: "{{ webserver_directory }}/{{ ocp4_dependencies_version }}/images"
      coreos_installer_kernel: "fedora-coreos-{{ major_version }}-live-kernel-x86_64"   
      coreos_installer_initramfs: "fedora-coreos-{{ major_version }}-live-initramfs.x86_64.img"
      coreos_metal_bios: "fedora-coreos-{{ major_version }}-metal.x86_64.raw.xz"
      openshift_mirror: "{{ major_version }}/x86_64"
      coreos_tmp_dir: /tmp/build_coreos_container
      tear_down: false
      virtinstall_dir: "{{ installation_working_dir }}/rhcos-install/"
      internal_domain_name: lunchnet.example
      external_domain_name: "{{ internal_domain_name }}"
      ocp4_cluster_domain: "cloud.{{ internal_domain_name }}"
      idm_server_shortname: qbn-dns01
      user_idm_admin: admin
      user_idm_password: "password"
      dns_teardown: false
      idm_dns_forward_zone: "{{ ocp4_cluster_domain }}"
      idm_dns_reverse_zone: ""
      idm_server_fqdn: qbn-dns01.lunchnet.example
      dns_wildcard: "*.apps.{{ cluster_name }}"
      nat_gateway: ""
      localstorage_version: '4.3'
      localstorage_filesystem: true
      localstorage_block: false
      localstorage_block_disk: /dev/vdc
      localstorage_fs_disk: /dev/vdb

      IPA_HOST: "{{idm_server_shortname}}.{{ internal_domain_name }}"
      IPA_USER: "{{ user_idm_admin }}"
      IPA_PASS: "{{ user_idm_password }}"

    - name: run the role ocp4_kvm_deployer
        name: ocp4_kvm_deployer

Example Playbook Deploying OKD 4 Cluster

  - name: Deploy OKD 4.x Cluster
    hosts: localhost
    become: yes
      local_user_account: admin
      ocp4_okd4: okd4
      ocp4_release: 4.4.0-0.okd-2020-05-23-055148-beta5
      ocp4_dependencies_version: "{{ major_version }}"
      ocp4_image_version: "{{ major_version }}"
      installation_working_dir: /home/admin/qubinode-installer
      ocp4_release_url: "{{ ocp4_release }}"
      family_tree: "Fedora CoreOS"
      pull_secret: "{{ installation_working_dir }}/pull-secret.txt"
      vm_public_key: "/home/{{ local_user_account }}/.ssh/"
      openshift_install_folder: ocp4
      openshift_install_dir: "{{ installation_working_dir }}/{{ openshift_install_folder }}"
      ignition_files_dir: "{{ openshift_install_dir }}"
      ssh_ocp4_public_key: "{{ lookup('file', vm_public_key) }}"
      podman_webserver: qbn-httpd
      rhcos_webserver_img_name: rhcos-webserver
      dest_ignitions_web_directory: "{{ webserver_directory }}/{{ ocp4_dependencies_version }}/ignitions/"
      webserver_directory: /opt/qubinode_webserver
      webserver_dependencies: "{{ webserver_directory }}/{{ ocp4_dependencies_version }}"
      webserver_images: "{{ webserver_directory }}/{{ ocp4_dependencies_version }}/images"
      coreos_installer_kernel: "rhcos-{{ ocp4_image_version }}-x86_64-installer-kernel"
      coreos_installer_initramfs: "rhcos-{{ ocp4_image_version }}-x86_64-installer-initramfs.img"
      coreos_metal_bios: "rhcos-{{ ocp4_image_version }}-x86_64-metal.raw.gz"
      openshift_mirror:{{ ocp4_dependencies_version }}/{{ ocp4_image_version }}
      coreos_tmp_dir: /tmp/build_coreos_container
      tear_down: false
      virtinstall_dir: "{{ installation_working_dir }}/rhcos-install/"
      internal_domain_name: "{{ domain }}"
      external_domain_name: "{{ domain }}"
      libivrt_network_domain: "{{ cluster_name }}.{{ ocp4_subdomain }}.{{ domain }}"
      ocp4_cluster_domain: "cloud.{{ internal_domain_name }}"
      idm_server_shortname: qbn-dns01
      user_idm_admin: admin
      user_idm_password: "password"
      dns_teardown: false
      idm_dns_forward_zone: "{{ ocp4_cluster_domain }}"
      idm_dns_reverse_zone: ""
      idm_server_fqdn: qbn-dns01.lunchnet.example
      dns_wildcard: "*.apps.{{ cluster_name }}"
      nat_gateway: ""
      localstorage_version: '4.3'
      localstorage_filesystem: true
      localstorage_block: false
      localstorage_block_disk: /dev/vdc
      localstorage_fs_disk: /dev/vdb

      IPA_HOST: "{{idm_server_shortname}}.{{ internal_domain_name }}"
      IPA_USER: "{{ user_idm_admin }}"
      IPA_PASS: "{{ user_idm_password }}"

    - name: run the role ocp4_kvm_deployer
        name: ocp4_kvm_deployer

For OKD 4 Deployments use the following pull secert

$ cat pull-secret.txt 
{"auths":{"fake":{"auth": "bar"}}}

Additional Details About The Role

The role has three main tasks file:

  • pre_tasks.yml
  • tear_down.yml
  • deploy.yml

TASK: pre_tasks.yml

  • Sets up global variables for load balancer contaier
  • Ensure the jq command is installed

TASK: tear_down.yml

The tasks is responsible for tearing down the OCP cluster. It will remove all DNS entries, remove the VMs, remove the containers and any other files created by the role.

Example Usage:

# Teardown the entire cluster
ansible-playbook rhcos.yml -e "tear_down=true"

# Remove just the webserver container
ansible-playbook rhcos.yml -e "tear_down=true" -t webserver

Dependancy roles:

  • openshift-4-loadbalancer
  • ocp4-bootstrap-webserver

TASK: deploy.yml

  1. check for ocp4 pull secret and fail if it's not found
  2. ensure the kvm host firewall ports are open
  3. install_podman.yml: ensure the kvm host is setup to run podman containers
  4. ocp4_tools.yml: ensure the ocp4 tools such as the oc command and the openshift installer are installed
  5. create_ignitions.yml: generate ignitions files based on the number of ctrlplane and computes specified for this cluster
  6. deploy the container load balancer
  7. deploy the container webserver that servers up the files for bootstrap
  8. download_rhcos_files.yml: download the files required to bootstrap rhcos
  9. create directory to store the generated virt-install scripts for rhcos
  10. deploy a generated treeinfo that defines the location of the kernel and ramdisks
  11. deploy_libvirt_network.yml: create libvirt nat network for rhcos vms
  12. configure_dns_entries.yml: populate Red Hat IdM with the dns entries for OCP4
  13. build_cluster_nodes_profile.yml: generate the virt-install scripts for building the rhcos VMs
  14. build_vm_list.yml: create the variable ocp4_nodes with a list of all the ocp4 required for the cluster
  15. deploy the ocp4 rhcos node vms
  16. wait_for_vm_shutdown.yml: OCP nodes shutdown after the initial boostrap, this tasks waits for all the VMs to shutdown
  17. start up the RHCOS vms to continue the OCP deployment
  18. run /usr/local/bin/openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete
  19. contine install if bootstrap returns It is now safe to remove the bootstrap resources
  20. get all running VMS
  21. shutdown the bootstrap node
  22. wait_for_vm_shutdown.yml: wait for the bootstrap node to shutdown
  23. destroy the bootstrap node

Configure nfs provisioner

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml --start-at-task="Waiting for Installation to Complete"

Available Ansible Tags

IdM dns

  • idm - Create all IdM dns entries
  • dns - Same as above
  • bootstrap_dns - Only bootstrap node
  • api_dns - Only api entries
  • ctrlplane_dns - Only control nodes
  • compute_dns - Only compute nodes
  • wildcard_dns - Create wild card *.apps
  • routes - same as above
  • fwd_zone
  • ptr_zone


  • Populate dns for worker/compute nodes
ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t fwd_zone,ptr_zone,compute_dns
  • Delete all A and PTR records
ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t idm -e "idm_record_state=absent"
  • Delete the forward zone
ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t idm -e "idm_fwd_zone_state=absent"

Create Libvirt NAT network

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t libvirt_nat

Setup Firewall

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t firewall

Setup OpenShift client tools

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t tools

Create OpenShift Ignitions

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t ignitions

Download RHCOS kernel, initramfs, rootfs

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t rhcos_files

Generate virt-install scripts for deploying RHCOS nodes

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t node_profile

Start required containers

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t containers -e "container_exist=no" -e "tear_down=no"

Deploy RHCOS VMs

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t deploy_nodes -e "container_exist=no" -e "tear_down=no" -e "check_existing_cluster=no"

Bootstrap the OCP4 Cluster

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t bootstrap_cluster -e "container_exist=no" -e "tear_down=no" -e "check_existing_cluster=no" -e "cluster_install_status=no" -e "bootstrap_precheck=yes"

Deploy Registry

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t configure_registry -e "container_exist=no" -e "tear_down=no" -e "check_existing_cluster=no" -e "cluster_install_status=no" -e "bootstrap_precheck=yes" -e "bootstrap_complete=yes"

Complete OpenShift Install

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml -t complete_cluster_install -e "tear_down=no" -e "check_existing_cluster=no" -e "cluster_install_status=no" -e "bootstrap_precheck=yes" -e "bootstrap_complete=yes"

Deploy nodes on External network

export PLAYBOOK_NAME=playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml #PLAYBOOK_NAME=rhcos.yml

ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME  -t setup
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME  -t tools
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME  -t podman
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME  -t podman --skip-tags pkg
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME -t ignitions --extra-vars "download_ocp_tools=true"
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME -t idm,containers,lb --extra-vars "tear_down=false"
ansible-playbook  $PLAYBOOK_NAME  -t webserver
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME -t download
#ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME -t libvirt_net
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME -t deploy_nodes 

Deploy nodes on Internal libvirt network


Configure NFS

ansible-playbook rhcos.yml -t nfs --extra-vars "configure_nfs_storage=true" --extra-vars "bootstrap_complete=true" 

Remove NFS

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml  -t nfs --extra-vars "configure_nfs_storage=false" --extra-vars "bootstrap_complete=true"  --extra-vars "delete_deployment=true"

Configure Local strorage

ansible-playbook rhcos.yml -t localstorage  --extra-vars "bootstrap_complete=true" 

Configure OCS

ansible-playbook rhcos.yml -t ocs --extra-vars "configure_openshift_storage=true"  --extra-vars "bootstrap_complete=true" 

Remove OCS

 ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME   -t ocs --extra-vars "configure_openshift_storage=true"  --extra-vars "bootstrap_complete=true" --extra-vars "delete_deployment=true" 

Dependancy roles:

  • openshift-4-loadbalancer
  • nfs-provisioner-role

add worker external worker

Requirement: Openshift must be deployed on external network

  • update worker count
vim playbooks/vars/ocp4.yml
compute_count: 6
  • remove lb
export PLAYBOOK_NAME=playbooks/deploy_ocp4.yml #PLAYBOOK_NAME=rhcos.yml
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME -t lb --extra-vars "tear_down=true"
  • Add lb
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK_NAME -t idm,containers,lb --extra-vars "tear_down=false"

Example PXE boot Menu

If you are using a sepreate pxe server Add the kernel and initramfs files to webserver

# on qubinode box
cp rhcos-install/rhcos-live-* /opt/qubinode_webserver/4.7/images/
sudo chmod 775 -R /opt/qubinode_webserver/4.7/images/

Download kernel and initramfs to pxe server

mkdir -p /mnt/data/netboot/boot/amd64/coreos/4.7.7/
cd /mnt/data/netboot/boot/amd64/coreos/4.7.7/

curl  -OL
curl -OL

Example PXE config Double check idm server for ips

        MENU BEGIN CoreOS
        MENU TITLE CoreOS
            LABEL compute3
                MENU LABEL ^Computess 3 Install
                KERNEL ::boot/amd64/coreos/4.7.7/rhcos-live-kernel-x86_64
                INITRD ::boot/amd64/coreos/4.7.7/rhcos-live-initramfs.x86_64.img
                APPEND coreos.inst.install_dev=/dev/sda coreos.inst.ignition_url= nameserver= 

            LABEL compute4
                MENU LABEL ^Compute 4 Install
                KERNEL ::boot/amd64/coreos/4.7.7/rhcos-live-kernel-x86_64
                INITRD ::boot/amd64/coreos/4.7.7/rhcos-live-initramfs.x86_64.img
                APPEND coreos.inst.install_dev=/dev/sda coreos.inst.ignition_url= ip= nameserver= 
            LABEL compute5
                MENU LABEL ^Compute 5 Install
                KERNEL ::boot/amd64/coreos/4.7.7/rhcos-live-kernel-x86_64
                INITRD ::boot/amd64/coreos/4.7.7/rhcos-live-initramfs.x86_64.img
                APPEND coreos.inst.install_dev=/dev/sda coreos.inst.ignition_url= ip= nameserver= 
            MENU END

  • boot new node using the pxe server
  • approve csr and wait for node to configure
watch -n 10 oc get csr
oc get csr -ojson | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status == {} ) |' | xargs oc adm certificate approve

To-Do List / Known Limitations

List of to-do's if anyone would like to contriube to the role

  • ocp4-bootstrap-webserver does not need to download any coreos images
  • Currently disconnected installation is not supported in OCP4/OKD4 role
  • localstorage - Role has not been tested on OKD
  • Role currently does not support IPI install on OCP or OKD.
  • Role should be able to run on Fedora or Centos but has not been tested.



Author Information

An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).