This project is meant to contain my current Linux Desktop setup, by providing portability to my dotFiles I will be able to switch machines without too much hassle. It also may come in handy if the OS crashes horribly.
- Installing 'GNU Stow'
- Cloning this repository into the home directory a.k.a '~'
- If there is already any folder holding configurations that would be dealt with using this repo, delete them
- stow 'whatever_you_want' will make a symlink at the place indicated by the file structure of the argument(starting frome $HOME), e.g: 'stow nvim' would create a symlink in "~/.config/nvim/" 'stow zsh' would create a symlink in "~/"
- The way of configuring new programs is to create a folder with the name of the program in the dotFiles and create the same route file structure under that folder that exists from home to the current/expected place of the config files
- If configuration files where created somewhere else move it into the newly created structure on the dotFiles. If not create it directly on the dotFiles
- "stow folder"