This repository that build and is the standard CINI selector for differrent use.
The oficial description of the requisites of the CINI code are writed on:
Has anaconda installed on windows. And configured you system variables ($path) of anaconda on windows:
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\bin
Adapt the version tag insite the python module:
Execute the command:
$ deploy.bat
- ad some point of the deployment process you need provide a valid username and password of the pypi account
- Clone the github repository.
$ git clone
- Enter the project folder.
$ cd CINI_selector
- Build the virtual environment on the repository by running:
$ build.bat
- To activate the environmet and run the test scripts:
$ activate ./env
$ python TESTS/
Then you can use the 'TESTS' directory to test the package
- Clone the github repository.
$ git clone
- Enter the project folder.
$ cd CINI_selector
- Build the virtual environment on the repository by running:
$ configuration_build.bat
- Once created the virtual environment. To activate it and use all content of the repository
$ activate ./build_env
- Once activated the environment. Then you can use also the scripts inside the 'BUILDER' directory.
- The dependencies to use all features of this repository are writed on the environmet.yml file
- This repository is tested with windows 10 and anaconda version 4.11.0