This To-Do List App allows the users to manage their day-to-day tasks using the command line. The user can add, remove, complete and list tasks conveniently.
- Clone the repository from:
- Make sure you have Python 3 installed.
- Open your terminal in the project directory, navigate to todo-cli-app-python
- Display a welcome message with command arguments
- List all tasks in to-do list
- Add new tasks to the list
- Remove a task from the list
- Complete a task in the list
- Error handling for multiple scenarios
- Display welcome message 'python'
- list tasks 'python -l'
- Add a new task 'python -a "New task here"'
- Remove a task 'python -r <task_index>'
- Complete a task 'python -c <task_index>'
- No graphical interface, the app only works in CLI (Command Line Interface)
- A single command runs at a time, multiple commands cannot run simultaneously
- No task editing allowed for existing tasks, user can only add, remove or complete tasks
- If you'd like to contribute to the project, please follow me on Github and reach out.
- This To-Do CLI App is an open licensed free to use (for educational purposes only).