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Dmytro Kresan edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 1 revision

The working directory for CALIFA is:


First, execute the macro


then, the working directory for CALIFA analysis of s444 data is:


Unpack CALIFA Data

The macros for standalone CALIFA unpacking of data stored in a LMD file are:

  • califa_unpack.C - mapped data
  • califa_mapped2cal.C - calibrated data
  • califa_mapped2hit.C - clustered data

These macros perform unpacking of data, channel mapping and store the data in a root file, whose name has to be defined by the user. The calibration macro (califa_mapped2cal) produces R3BCalifaCrystalCalData with calibrated energies, provided the adequate parameters are previously calculated, and the clusterfinder macro (califa_mapped2hit.C) produces R3BCalifaHitData with polar and azimuthal angles and possibly addback, depending on the parameters of the clusterFinder.

Before running the macros, make sure that paths to input / output files are properly set to the right names, which are specific to your computer.

Mapped level, execute the macro califa_unpack.C

cd macros/r3b/unpack/califa
root -l califa_unpack.C
[..] ... unpacking of the file ...
[..] .q

The output file contains the TTree "evt" with a TClonesArray of R3BCalifaMappedData unpacked from the original lmd file. The variables that one can find in this level are:

  • fCrystalId - Crystal unique identifier
  • fEnergy - Total energy deposited in the crystal [channels]
  • fNf - Total fast amplitude deposited in the crystal [a.u.]
  • fNs - Total slow amplitude deposited on the crystal [a.u.]
  • fTime - Time since event start [ns]
  • fTot - Time over threshold

Cal level, execute the macro califa_mapped2cal.C

cd macros/r3b/unpack/califa
root -l califa_mapped2cal.C
[..] ... unpacking of the file ...
[..] .q

The output file contains the TTree "evt" with a TClonesArray of R3BCalifaCrystalCalData unpacked from the original lmd file. The variables that one can find in this level are:

  • fCrystalId - Crystal unique identifier
  • fEnergy - Total energy deposited in the crystal [keV]
  • fNf - Total fast amplitude deposited in the crystal [keV]
  • fNs - Total slow amplitude deposited on the crystal [keV.]
  • fToT_Energy - Total energy deposited on the crystal from ToT [keV]
  • fTime - Time since event start [ns]

Hit level, execute the macro califa_mapped2hit.C

cd macros/r3b/unpack/califa
root -l califa_mapped2hit.C
[..] ... unpacking of the file ...
[..] .q

The output file contains the TTree "evt" with a TClonesArray of R3BCalifaHitData unpacked from the original lmd file. The variables that one can find in this level are:

  • fNbOfCrystalHits - Number of crystals contributing to the hit
  • fEnergy - Total energy deposited in the crystal [keV]
  • fNf - Total fast amplitude deposited in the crystal [keV]
  • fNs - Total slow amplitude deposited on the crystal [keV]
  • fTheta - Theta angle
  • fPhi - Phi angle
  • fTime - Time since event start [ns]

Calibration of data

Execute the macro califa_calibParFinder.C, this will look for the calibration parameters of each crystal to move the data from mapped to cal level.

Before running the macro, make sure that paths to input / output files are properly set to the right names, which are specific to your computer.

cd macros/r3b/unpack/califa
root -l califa_febex3_calibParFinder.C
[..] ... unpacking of the file and calibrating data ...
[..] .q


The macro for standalone CALIFA online is:


Before running the macro, make sure that paths to stream server, HTTP server and their corresponding ports are properly set to the right values, currently the standalone CALIFA daq is running in the server lxg0897 (port: 6002):

TString filename = "--stream=lxg0897:6002"

The port of the HTTP server is defined by user in the online macro:

run->ActivateHttpServer( Int_t refresh = 2000, Int_t port=8044)

then, execute the macro in bash mode:

root -b califa_online.C

the HTTP server will be the name of the computer where you are running the macro, for example, lxg0898, lxg0897, ....

then, open firefox and go into http://lxg0898:8044/