A dynamic shopping cart built with React Context API to manage item quantities, total quantity, and total amount. It updates automatically based on user interactions. This README guides you through the implementation and usage of the project.
- Get the JSON data from this link.
- Create a context to manage cart state, including items, quantities, and totals.
- Wrap your application in the context provider to make the cart state accessible throughout the app.
- Implement the cart page to display items, quantities, prices, and totals.
- Include functionalities to increase, decrease, and remove items.
- Dynamic Quantity Management: Increase or decrease item quantities.
- Automatic Calculation: Total quantity and amount update dynamically.
- JSON Data Integration: Cart data is sourced from a JSON file.
- React
- Context API
- JavaScript
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/RAJKUMAR-35/React-UseContext-Cart
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd React-UseContext-Cart
- cd react-shopping-cart:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
This project demonstrates a comprehensive use of React Context API for managing a shopping cart system with dynamic updates, user feedback, and responsive design.
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact:
- Name: Rajkumar A
- Email: rajkumaranbu192@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Rajkumar A