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Interview Experience 120 (Intern)

shubhgup11 edited this page Aug 5, 2018 · 1 revision


Technology analyst Summer Intern

"First Round was Online Round. It had 1 coding questions, 4 MCQs questions containing technical as wells as PnC and 2 comprehension questions of DP and Binary search. Technical 1: It started with the Introduction followed by Parenthesis Balance question. Q2: Count the number of pairs in sorting array such that mod(a-b)=k I gave her the approach. She asked to optimize it, later she asked the same for unsorted array and it's further optimization. Later a puzzle was asked.

Technical 2: Q1: You are given an array. Pick N-1 elements such that product is maximum. (Elements are negative as well as positive). Q2: Stock Buy Sell Problem and it's Optimistic

Technical+HR: Few puzzles were asked and a couple of situation based questions."

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