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Interview Experience 146 (Intern)

pkkp86nitd edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 2 revisions


Software Development

"Round 1:(Technical Part 1 ) warmup questions: i) Difference between c and c++ and talk about the features of c++? ii) virtual functions iii) abstract class

1)Write a function that crawls the hyperlinks present in a website and prints the dead pages? assuming i have been provided the following functions: vector hyperlinks_present_in_Webpage(String) bool is_page_dead(String)

2)How to write an interface in c++ ?

3)Have you worked with api's?

4)It seems you have limited yourself to curriculum . Any special reasons?

5)Tell about your 2 most challenging pieces of code you have written

6)In ds and algo have i done graph some

any questions?

Round 2:(Technical Part 2 ) 1)what do you feel is your strongest language/favourite language? 2)how much is your experience in c++?

class parent { public: void walk() { cout<<" parent walking"; } } class child:public parent { public: void walk() { cout<<" child walking"; } } child p; p.walk;

3)What will be the output of the above code snippet? Will there be any error?

4)Will a constructor allocate memory if it throws an exception? Write a code to check the above situation if someone is not sure?

5)Difference between overriding and overloading

  1. What are the components of a function's signature(choose): function name,return type ,no of arguments and their data type,sequence of the parameters?

     class parent
      		parent(String )
     	          cout<<" parent initialised";
     	void walk()  // consider its a virtual function
     		  cout<<"parent walking";
     class child:public parent
     		cout<<"child initialised";
     	void walk()
     		cout<<"child walking";

    7)Indicate which of the numbered statements will compile,run and give the corresponding output

                                                                                compile(y/n)   run(y/n)  output 

    1 parent p=new parent(); 2 parent np=new child(); 3 child mp=new parent(); 4 child cp=new child();

    5 p.walk(); 6 np.walk(); 7 mp.walk(); 8 cp.walk();

(i)The statements that will give error how can i modify them so that the program runs and what will be the output. Assume that I cannot change the parent class. (ii) difference between writing parent p; parent p=new parent();

(iii) can I write
if( NULL == p) in place of if(p == NULL)

(iv) difference between writing parent *p=new parent(); and, parent &p=new parent();

Puzzle : the interviewer folded a square sheet and tore it in parts , then folded those parts and tore them again. gave me 10 pieces( 2 pairs of identical triangles, 2 pairs of identical quadrilaterals, two pieces of different triangles)and asked me to form a square

Round 5:(HR Round,20-30 mins)`` 1)Tell me about your education/schooling

2)Why you want to join microsoft for internship?

3)..... array question

Swap adjacent elements of an array in such a way that for given Input: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Output: 2 1 4 3 6 5

4)What will you do to prevent notepad from opening more than one instance. Write a small code?

5)What is your favourite subject?(give reason)

6)What is your takeaway from the pre placement talk? What did you like in it and Why? "

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