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Interview Experience 52

sggarg edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 1 revision

##Round 1 :

  1. Reverse a linked list(both iterative and recursive)
  2. Egg dropping puzzle. Variation in which the height of the building is unknown and we have infinite supply of eggs.
  3. infix evaluation.
  4. Oops questions
  5. Project Discussion

##Round 2 :

  1. Design a snake and ladder game. In-depth discussion on OOPs concepts : access specifiers of different variables ,their role in abstraction and encapsulation, time complexity of the algorithm.
  2. Basic DBMS Concepts : B-Tree , basic my-sql queries.
  3. find the sum of a sub-matrix in an array.

##Round 3 :

  1. Given the position of a knight on an 8X8 chess board, what is the probability that it stays within the chess board after n moves?
  2. Given a function for encryption of a text, write a function to decrypt it.
  3. Height of a binary tree
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