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Interview Experience 8 (Intern)

sggarg edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 1 revision

##Online Round : 20 MCQs, 2 coding questions which were :

  • Find first non repeated character in a string
  • Spiral Traversal of a matrix

##First PI : Discussion on unit testing and integration testing. Was asked to write perfect code of a min heap with insert and delete functionalities and then write unit tests for each function. Then asked to find two nodes in a tree such that their sum is equal to k. Had to write perfect code for this too with discussion on the solutions for different kind of trees and different constraints.

##Second PI: Discussion on my internship followed by DBMS core and design questions. Then asked to write code and explain various approaches for the following questions:

  • Given preorder in an array, check if bst
  • Sort a given stack using only stack operations
  • Implement an augmented data structure to support insert, delete and isPresent functionalities in constant time
  • Clone a linked list which has a random pointer in every node
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