An Open-Source game template for the Godot Engine. This game template is heavily inspired by Flappy Bird.
Pending screenshot after polishing the game template.
You can play the latest version of the game template on The demo is updated with every published release.
The player is a simple Rigidbody2D
node that ties together some manager classes.
Node Class | Description |
InputManager |
Reads input and reports the player's intent |
ScoreManager |
Keeps track of the player's score, can only count up |
ScoreUI |
Displays the player's score |
The player can emit the died
signal, which is triggered by the die()
function. This signal is called by other nodes when they touch the player or otherwise cause the player to lose the game.
Function | Description |
die(obstacle) |
Emits the died signal |
add_points(points) |
Adds points to the player's ScoreManager . If it has a ScoreUI , it will update the ScoreUI . |
Pending "More Details" wiki link
This template implements obstacles in an abstract class (BaseObstacle
) to encourage the implementation of different obstacle types (such as MovingObstacle
). Also, the PointTrigger
Area2D node is used to give points to the player when they pass through it.
This means that you can create different obstacle scenes that contain 0 or more point areas and can kill the player in different ways (so long as they call the die()
Signal | Description |
obstacle_passed |
Emitted when the obstacle can be removed from the scene. |
obstacle_spawned |
Emitted when the obstacle has fully spawned (Cleared enough space for the next obstacle). |
participant Spawner
participant Obstacle
actor Player
participant ScoreManager
participant ScoreUI
activate Spawner
Spawner->>Obstacle: spawn_obstacle()
activate Obstacle
Spawner->>Obstacle: signal.connect()
deactivate Spawner
Obstacle->>Obstacle: _physics_process()
Note right of Obstacle: The obstacle can do whatever<br/>it needs to do. Move, teleport, etc.
Note right of Spawner: The obstacle spawner<br/>will wait until the obstacle<br/>has cleared enough space<br/>for the next obstacle.
Obstacle->>Spawner: obstacle_spawned.emit()
activate Spawner
Spawner->>Spawner: _spawn_next_obstacle()
Note left of Spawner: The spawner will spawn<br/>the next obstacle and<br/>begin a new lifecycle
deactivate Spawner
opt Obstacle touches Player
activate Obstacle
Obstacle->>Player: player.die()
deactivate Obstacle
activate Player
Player->>Player: die.emit()
deactivate Player
opt PointTrigger or Otherwise
activate Obstacle
Obstacle->>Player: add_points()
deactivate Obstacle
activate Player
Player->>ScoreManager: increase_score()
deactivate Player
activate ScoreManager
Note right of ScoreManager: Score only goes up.
ScoreManager-)ScoreUI: emit
deactivate ScoreManager
activate ScoreUI
Note right of ScoreUI: Updates the score display.
deactivate ScoreUI
Note left of Obstacle: Finally, when the obstacle<br/>is no longer needed, it emits<br/>the `obstacle_passed` signal.
Obstacle->>Spawner: obstacle_passed.emit()
deactivate Obstacle
activate Spawner
Spawner->>Obstacle: queue_free()
deactivate Spawner
Pending obstacle spawning management system
Pending game state management system.
Please read for details. In short, check out the issues and see if there's anything you can help with. If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue to discuss it first.
For high-level planning, please see the Projects tab. That will give you an idea of what's being worked on and what's coming up.