- Game using the Playstation Move controllers, inspired by JS Joust.
- Uses https://github.com/thp/psmoveapi
- Mostly written on the ferry between Hooke van Holland and Harwich.
- Pretty basic..
- Pair all the controllers
- Controllers pulse green: pull trigger to join the game, you go solid green when queued up
- When all players have joined, or 2+ players have joined and the rest have timed out, the game starts
- All players go solid white when the game is on
- If you get jostled, you blink red
- If you get jostled too hard, you go solid red then the light turns off, you are dead.
- Do not jostle other players once you are dead.
- It's just a game; no kicking, biting or eye-gouging.
- Last one alive wins.