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Problem Nomenclature

Braden Stefanuk edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 4 revisions

This page is deprecated as of 2024-09-30 and will be removed in ROCm 6.4. New documentation is under active development.

Example Problems

  • Standard GEMM has 4 variants (2 free indices (i, j) and 1 summation index l)
  1. N(N:nontranspose)N: C[i,j] = Sum[l] A[i,l] * B[l,j]

  2. NT(T:transpose): C[i,j] = Sum[l] A[i,l] * B[j, l]

  3. TN: C[i,j] = Sum[l] A[l, i] * B[l,j]

  4. TT: C[i,j] = Sum[l] A[l, i] * B[j, l]

  • C[i,j,k] = Sum[l] A[i,l,k] * B[l,j,k] (batched-GEMM; 2 free indices, 1 batched index k and 1 summation index l)
  • C[i,j] = Sum[k,l] A[i,k,l] * B[j,l,k] (2D summation)
  • C[i,j,k,l,m] = Sum[n] A[i,k,m,l,n] * B[j,k,l,n,m] (GEMM with 3 batched indices)
  • C[i,j,k,l,m] = Sum[n,o] A[i,k,m,o,n] * B[j,m,l,n,o] (4 free indices, 2 summation indices and 1 batched index)
  • C[i,j,k,l] = Sum[m,n] A[i,j,m,n,l] * B[m,n,k,j,l] (batched image convolution mapped to 7D tensor contraction)
  • and even crazier


The indices describe the dimensionality of the problem being solved. A GEMM operation takes 2 2-dimensional matrices as input (totaling 4 input dimensions) and contracts them along one dimension (which cancels out 2 of the dimensions), resulting in a 2-dimensional result.

Whenever an index shows up in multiple tensors, those tensors must be the same size along that dimension but they may have different strides.

There are 3 categories of indices/dimensions that Tensile deals with: free, batch and bound.

Free Indices

Free indices are the indices of tensor C which come in pairs; one of the pair shows up in tensor A while the other shows up in tensor B. In the really crazy example above, i/j/k/l are the 4 free indices of tensor C. Indices i and k come from tensor A and indices j and l come from tensor B.

Batch Indices

Batch indices are the indices of tensor C which shows up in both tensor A and tensor B. For example, the difference between the GEMM example and the batched-GEMM example above is the additional index. In the batched-GEMM example, the index K is the batch index which is batching together multiple independent GEMMs.

Bound/Summation Indices

The final type of indices are called bound indices or summation indices. These indices do not show up in tensor C; they show up in the summation symbol (Sum[k]) and in tensors A and B. It is along these indices that we perform the inner products (pairwise multiply then sum).


Problem supported by Tensile must meet the following conditions:

  1. There must be at least one pair of free indices.