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Build dependencies and library (no client) using

The script can be used to build the dependencies and the rocSPARSE library. Common uses of are in the table below.

install.sh_command description
./ -h Help information.
./ -d Build dependencies and library in your local directory. The -d flag only needs to be used once. For subsequent invocations of it is not necessary to rebuild the dependencies.
./ Build library in your local directory. It is assumed dependencies have been built
./ -i Build library, then build and install rocSPARSE package. You will be prompted for sudo access. It is expected that if you want to install for all users you use the -i flag. If you want to keep rocSPARSE in your local directory, you do not need the -i flag.

Build library and client using

The script can be used to build the rocSPARSE library and client. The client contains executables in the table below.

executable name description
rocsparse-test runs Google Tests to test the library
rocsparse-bench executable to benchmark or test individual functions
example-coomv example C code calling rocsparse_dcoomv function
example-csrmv example C code calling rocsparse_dcsrmv function
example-ellmv example C code calling rocsparse_dellmv function
example-hybmv example C code calling rocsparse_dhybmv function
example-handle example C code creating and destroying a rocsparse handle

Note that the client requires additional dependencies not needed by the library. These include boost, and googletest. Below are common uses of to build the dependencies, library, and client

install.sh_command description
./ -h Help information.
./ -dc Build dependencies, library, and client in your local directory. The -d flag only needs to be used once. For subsequent invocations of it is not necessary to rebuild the dependencies.
./ -c Build library and client in your local directory. It is assumed the dependencies have been built.
./ -idc Build dependencies, build the library, build the client, then build and install the rocSPARSE package. You will be prompted for sudo access. It is expected that if you want to install for all users you use the -i flag. If you want to keep rocSPARSE in your local directory, you do not need the -i flag.
./ -ic Build and install rocSPARSE package and build the client. You will be prompted for sudo access. It is expected that if you want to install for all users you use the -i flag. If you want to keep rocSPARSE in your local directory, you do not need the -i flag.

Dependencies For Building Library

CMake 3.5 or later

The build infrastructure for rocSPARSE is based on Cmake v3.5. This is the version of cmake available on ROCm supported platforms. If you are on a headless machine without X system, we recommend using ccmake; if you have access to X, we recommend using cmake-gui.

Install one-liners cmake:

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt install cmake-qt-gui
  • Fedora: sudo dnf install cmake-gui

Build Library Using Individual Commands

The rocSPARSE library uses rocPRIM, which supplies several parallel primitives on the GPU. rocPRIM is downloaded by cmake during library configuration and automatically configured as part of the build, so no further action is required by the user to set it up.

Configure and build steps

The rocSPARSE library contains both, host and device code, so the HIPCC compiler must be specified during cmake configuration to properly initialize build tools. Example steps to build rocSPARSE:

mkdir -p [ROCSPARSE_BUILD_DIR]/release
# Default install location is in /opt/rocm, define -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> to specify other
# Default build config is 'Release', define -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<config> to specify other
CXX=/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc cmake [ROCSPARSE_SOURCE]
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install # sudo required if installing into system directory such as /opt/rocm

Additional dependencies only necessary for rocSPARSE clients

The unit tests and benchmarking applications in the client introduce the following dependencies:

  1. boost
  2. googletest

Linux distros typically have an easy installation mechanism for boost through the native package manager.

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt install libboost-program-options-dev
  • Fedora: sudo dnf install boost-program-options

Unfortunately, googletest is not as easy to install. Many distros do not provide a googletest package with pre-compiled libraries. rocSPARSE provides a cmake script that builds the above dependencies from source. This is an optional step; users can provide their own builds of these dependencies and help cmake find them by setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH definition. The following is a sequence of steps to build dependencies and install them to the cmake default /usr/local.

(optional, one time only)

mkdir -p [ROCSPARSE_BUILD_DIR]/release/deps
cd [ROCSPARSE_BUILD_DIR]/release/deps
cmake -DBUILD_BOOST=OFF [ROCSPARSE_SOURCE]/deps   # assuming boost is installed through package manager as above
make -j$(nproc) install

Build Library + Tests + Benchmarks + Samples Using Individual Commands

Once dependencies are available on the system, it is possible to configure the clients to build. This requires a few extra cmake flags to the library cmake configure script. If the dependencies are not installed into system defaults (e.g. /usr/local ), the user should pass the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to cmake to help finding them.

  • -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<semicolon separated paths>"
# Default install location is in /opt/rocm, use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> to specify other
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install   # sudo required if installing into system directory such as /opt/rocm

Common build problems

  • Issue: Could not find a package configuration file provided by "ROCM" with any of the following names:



    Solution: Install ROCm cmake modules