// ==UserScript== // @name MB: Bulk copy-paste work codes // @version 2023.12.07 // @description Copy work identifiers from various online repertoires and paste them into MB works with ease. // @author ROpdebee // @license MIT; https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // @namespace https://github.com/ROpdebee/mb-userscripts // @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/ROpdebee/mb-userscripts/main/mb_bulk_copy_work_codes.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.github.com/ROpdebee/mb-userscripts/main/mb_bulk_copy_work_codes.user.js // @match https://iswcnet.cisac.org/* // @match https://online.gema.de/werke/search.faces* // @match *://musicbrainz.org/*/edit // @match *://*.musicbrainz.org/*/edit // @match *://musicbrainz.org/release/*/edit-relationships // @match *://*.musicbrainz.org/release/*/edit-relationships // @match *://musicbrainz.org/*/create // @match *://*.musicbrainz.org/*/create // @require https://raw.github.com/ROpdebee/mb-userscripts/main/lib/work_identifiers.js?v=2023.12.07 // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_info // ==/UserScript== ////////////// // Utils ////////////// // Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/44622467 class DefaultDict { constructor(defaultInit) { return new Proxy({}, { get: (target, name) => name in target ? target[name] : (target[name] = typeof defaultInit === 'function' ? new defaultInit().valueOf() : defaultInit) }); } }; Array.prototype.groupBy = function(keyFn, valTransform) { return Object.assign({}, this.reduce( (acc, el) => { acc[keyFn(el)].push((valTransform || (e => e))(el)); return acc; }, new DefaultDict(Array))); }; Array.prototype.intersect = function(other) { return this.filter(el => other.includes(el)); }; Array.prototype.difference = function(other) { return this.filter(el => !other.includes(el)); }; function findDivByText(parent, text) { let divs = [...parent.querySelectorAll("div")]; return divs.filter(n => n.innerText === text); } ////////////// // MB ////////////// const LOG_STYLES = { 'error': 'background-color: FireBrick; color: white; font-weight: bold;', 'warning': 'background-color: Gold;', 'info': 'background-color: GainsBoro;', 'success': 'background-color: LightGreen;', }; function normaliseID(id, agencyKey) { let formatResult = MBWorkIdentifiers.validateCode(id, agencyKey) if (!formatResult.isValid) { return id.replace(/(?:^0+|[\.\s-])/g, ''); } return formatResult.formattedCode; } /** * Convert translated agency IDs into English variant. * TODO: There needs to be a better way to do this without hardcoding... */ function normaliseAgencyId(agencyId) { return agencyId .replace(/-ID$/, ' ID') // German and Dutch use e.g. 'ASCAP-ID'. .replace(/^ID (.+)/, '$1 ID') // French and Italian use 'ID ASCAP' .replace(/-tunniste$/, ' ID'); // Finnish // TODO: "PRS tune code" is heavily translated in French etc. We need a more // robust way of converting those. } function getSelectedID(select) { return normaliseAgencyId(select.options[select.selectedIndex].text.trim()); } function setRowKey(select, agencyKey) { let idx = [...select.options].findIndex(opt => normaliseAgencyId(opt.text.trim()) === agencyKey); if (idx < 0) { throw new Error('Unknown agency key'); } select.selectedIndex = idx; } function computeAgencyConflicts(mbCodes, extCodes) { // Conflicting IDs when MB already has IDs for this key and the external codes // don't match the IDs that MB already has let commonKeys = Object.keys(mbCodes).intersect(Object.keys(extCodes)); return commonKeys .filter(k => mbCodes[k].length) // No MB codes => no conflicts .filter(k => extCodes[k].map(c => normaliseID(c, k)).difference(mbCodes[k].map(c => normaliseID(c, k))).length) .map(k => [k, mbCodes[k], extCodes[k]]); } function extractCodes(data) { let agencyCodes = data['agencyCodes']; return Object.entries(agencyCodes).reduce( (acc, [key, codes]) => { acc[MBWorkIdentifiers.agencyNameToID(key)] = codes; return acc; }, {}); } function deduplicateCodes(codes, key) { const seen = new Set(); // We can't just map with normaliseID and convert to Set and back to array, // since we must retain the original code value before cleanup, as the user // might opt not to auto-format the codes. const results = []; for (const code of codes) { if (seen.has(normaliseID(code, key))) continue; seen.add(normaliseID(code, key)); results.push(code); } return results; } function fillInput(inp, val) { inp.value = val; inp.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow'; } // Style and concept by loujine // https://github.com/loujine/musicbrainz-scripts/blob/master/mbz-loujine-common.js (MIT license). const mainUIHTML = `

ROpdebee's work code tools

` class BaseWorkForm { constructor(theForm) { this.form = theForm; this.form.ROpdebee_Work_Codes_Found = true; // Prevent processing it again this.addToolsUI(); this.activateButtons(); this.checkExistingCodes(); } activateButtons() { // The button to paste work codes this.form.querySelector('button#ROpdebee_MB_Paste_Work') .addEventListener('click', (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); // Since we use an arrow function, current `this` is the instance itself. // We need to bind it properly to give a method reference though. this.resetLog(); this.readData(this.checkAndFill.bind(this)); }); this.form.querySelector('button#ROpdebee_MB_Format_Codes') .addEventListener('click', (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); this.resetLog(); let formattedAny = this.formatExistingCodes(); if (formattedAny) { this.fillEditNote([], 'existing', true); } }); let autoFormatCheckbox = this.form.querySelector('input#ROpdebee_MB_Autoformat_Codes'); autoFormatCheckbox .addEventListener('change', (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); if (evt.currentTarget.checked) { localStorage.setItem(evt.currentTarget.id, 'delete me to disable'); } else { localStorage.removeItem(evt.currentTarget.id); } }); autoFormatCheckbox.checked = !!localStorage.getItem('ROpdebee_MB_Autoformat_Codes'); } checkExistingCodes() { this.resetValidationLog(); this.existingCodeInputs.forEach(({ select, input }) => { let agencyKey = getSelectedID(select); let agencyCode = input.value; let checkResult = MBWorkIdentifiers.validateCode(agencyCode, agencyKey); if (!checkResult.isValid) { input.style.backgroundColor = 'red'; this.addValidationError(agencyKey, agencyCode, checkResult.message); } else if (checkResult.wasChanged) { input.style.backgroundColor = 'orange'; this.addFormatWarning(agencyKey, agencyCode); } }) } formatExistingCodes() { let formattedAny = false; this.existingCodeInputs.forEach(({ select, input }) => { let agencyKey = getSelectedID(select); let agencyCode = input.value; let checkResult = MBWorkIdentifiers.validateCode(agencyCode, agencyKey); if (checkResult.isValid && checkResult.wasChanged) { fillInput(input, checkResult.formattedCode); this.log('info', `Changed ${agencyKey} ${agencyCode} to ${checkResult.formattedCode}`); formattedAny = true; } }); return formattedAny; } resetLog() { let logDiv = this.form.querySelector('div#ROpdebee_MB_Paste_Work_Log'); logDiv.style.display = 'none'; [...logDiv.children] .slice(1) // Skip the heading .forEach(el => el.remove()); } resetValidationLog() { let logDiv = this.form.querySelector('div#ROpdebee_MB_Code_Validation_Errors'); logDiv.style.display = 'none'; [...logDiv.children] .slice(1) // Skip the heading .forEach(el => el.remove()); } get autoformatCodes() { return this.form.querySelector('input#ROpdebee_MB_Autoformat_Codes').checked; } get existingCodeInputs() { return [...this.form .querySelectorAll('table#work-attributes tr')] .map(row => ({ 'select': row.querySelector('td > select'), 'input': row.querySelector('td > input'), })) .filter(({ select, input }) => select !== null && select.selectedIndex !== 0 && input !== null && input.value); } get existingCodes() { return this.existingCodeInputs .groupBy( ({ select }) => getSelectedID(select), ({ input: { value }}) => value); } get existingISWCs() { return [...this.form .querySelectorAll('input[name^="edit-work.iswcs."]')] .map(({ value }) => value) .filter(({ length }) => length); } findEmptyRow(parentSelector, inputName) { let parent = this.form.querySelector(parentSelector); let rows = [...parent.querySelectorAll('input[name*="' + inputName + '"]')]; let emptyRows = rows.filter(({value}) => !value.length); if (emptyRows.length) { return emptyRows[0]; } // Need to add a new row let newRowBtn = parent.querySelector('button.add-item'); newRowBtn.click(); return this.findEmptyRow(parentSelector, inputName); } checkAndFill(rawData) { let data = this.parseData(rawData); console.log(data); let externalCodes = extractCodes(data); let externalISWCs = data['iswcs']; let mbCodes = this.existingCodes; let mbISWCs = this.existingISWCs; // Sanity check let dupeAgencies = Object.entries(externalCodes) .filter(([key, codes]) => codes.length > 1) .map(([key, codes]) => key); if (dupeAgencies.length) { const lis = dupeAgencies.reduce((acc, agency) => { return acc + `
  • ${agency}: ${externalCodes[agency].join(', ')}
  • ` }, ''); this.log('warning', ` Found duplicate work codes in input. Please double-check whether all of these codes belong to this work. `); } let newISWCs = externalISWCs.difference(mbISWCs); let conflicts = computeAgencyConflicts(mbCodes, externalCodes); if (newISWCs.length && mbISWCs.length) { conflicts.unshift(['ISWC', mbISWCs, externalISWCs]); } // Confirm in case of conflicts. let confirmProm = conflicts.length ? this.promptForConfirmation(conflicts) : new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve()); confirmProm.then(() => { let newCodes = this.retainOnlyNew(externalCodes, mbCodes); this.fillData(newISWCs, newCodes, data['title'], data['source']); let numWarnings = this.form.querySelectorAll('div#ROpdebee_MB_Paste_Work_Log > div').length; this.log('success', 'Filled successfully' + (numWarnings ? ` (${numWarnings} message(s))` : '')); }); } retainOnlyNew(externalCodes, mbCodes) { return Object.entries(externalCodes).reduce((acc, [key, rawCodes]) => { const codes = deduplicateCodes(rawCodes, key); if (!mbCodes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { acc[key] = codes; } else { const mbNormCodes = mbCodes[key].map(c => normaliseID(c, key)) acc[key] = codes .filter(id => !mbNormCodes.includes(normaliseID(id, key))); } return acc; }, {}); } fillData(iswcs, codes, title, source) { iswcs.forEach(this.fillISWC.bind(this)); let entries = Object.entries(codes); entries.sort(); let unknownAgencyCodes = entries.reduce( (acc, [agencyKey, agencyCodes]) => { try { this.fillAgencyCodes(agencyKey, agencyCodes); } catch (e) { if (e.message === 'Unknown agency key') { acc.push([agencyKey, agencyCodes]); } else { throw e; } } return acc; }, []); if (unknownAgencyCodes.length) { const lis = unknownAgencyCodes.reduce((acc, [agency, codes]) => { return acc + `
  • ${agency}: ${codes.join(', ')}
  • ` }, ''); this.log('warning', ` Encountered unsupported agencies. If you encounter these a lot, please consider filing a ticket. `); } if (this.autoformatCodes) { this.formatExistingCodes(); } this.checkExistingCodes(); this.maybeFillTitle(title); this.fillEditNote(unknownAgencyCodes, source, this.autoformatCodes); } maybeFillTitle(title) { let titleInp = this.form.querySelector('input[name="edit-work.name"]'); if (titleInp.value) { // Not filling if already filled. return; } // Completely lowercase the title before adding it. ISWCNet has completely // uppercased titles. Depending on the guesscase_keepuppercase cookie, // guess case might not properly transform it. fillInput(titleInp, title.toLowerCase()); titleInp.closest('div.row') .querySelector('button.guesscase-title') .click(); } fillISWC(iswc) { let row = this.findEmptyRow('div.form-row-text-list', 'edit-work.iswcs.'); fillInput(row, iswc); } fillAgencyCodes(agencyKey, agencyCodes) { agencyCodes.forEach(code => { let input = this.findEmptyRow('table#work-attributes', 'edit-work.attributes.'); // Will throw when the agency isn't know the MB, handled by caller. setRowKey(input.closest('tr').querySelector('td > select'), agencyKey); fillInput(input, code); }); } fillEditNote(unknownAgencies, source, wasFormatted) { let noteContent = unknownAgencies.reduce((acc, [agencyKey, agencyCodes]) => { return acc + agencyKey + ': ' + agencyCodes.join(', ') + '\n'; }, unknownAgencies.length ? 'Unsupported agencies:\n' : ''); if (noteContent) { this.fillEditNoteTop(noteContent); } let fmtAppliedStr = wasFormatted ? MBWorkIdentifiers.VERSION : 'not applied'; let editNoteBottom = `${GM_info.script.name} v${GM_info.script.version} (source: ${source}, formatting: ${fmtAppliedStr})`; this.fillEditNoteBottom(editNoteBottom); } fillEditNoteTop(content) { let note = this.form.querySelector('textarea[name="edit-work.edit_note"]'); let noteParts = note.value.split('–\n'); let top = noteParts[0]; if (!top) { top = content + '\n'; } else { top += content; } noteParts[0] = top; note.value = noteParts.join('–\n'); } fillEditNoteBottom(content) { let note = this.form.querySelector('textarea[name="edit-work.edit_note"]'); let noteParts = note.value.split('–\n'); let bottom = noteParts[1]; if (!bottom) { bottom = content; } else { bottom += '\n' + content; } noteParts[0] = noteParts[0] ? noteParts[0] : '\n'; noteParts[1] = bottom; note.value = noteParts.join('–\n'); } readData(cb) { let data = GM_getValue('workCodeData'); if (!data) { this.log('error', 'No data found. Did you copy anything?'); return; } cb(data); // Reset again to prevent filling the same data on another edit page. GM_deleteValue('workCodeData'); } parseData(raw) { try { return JSON.parse(raw); } catch(e) { this.log('error', 'Invalid data'); console.log(raw); console.log(e); return {}; } } promptForConfirmation(conflicts) { const lis = conflicts.reduce((acc, [agency, mbCodes, extCodes]) => { return acc + `
  • ${agency}: [${mbCodes.join(', ')}] vs [${extCodes.join(', ')}]
  • ` }, ''); let msg = `Uh-oh. MB already has the following codes with conflicting data: Are you sure you want to fill these? Note: New codes will be added and will not replace the existing ones.
    `; this.log('warning', msg); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.form.querySelector('.conflict-confirm').addEventListener('click', (evt) => { evt.target.disabled = true; evt.preventDefault(); resolve(); }); }); } log(level, html) { let logDiv = this.form.querySelector('div#ROpdebee_MB_Paste_Work_Log'); logDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
    `); logDiv.style.display = 'block'; logDiv.scrollTop = logDiv.scrollHeight; } addValidationError(agencyKey, code, message) { let logDiv = this.form.querySelector('div#ROpdebee_MB_Code_Validation_Errors'); let msg = `${code} does not look like a valid ${agencyKey}.`; if (message) { msg += ' ' + message; } logDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
    `); logDiv.style.display = 'block'; logDiv.scrollTop = logDiv.scrollHeight; } addFormatWarning(agencyKey, code) { let logDiv = this.form.querySelector('div#ROpdebee_MB_Code_Validation_Errors'); let msg = `${code} is not a well-formatted ${agencyKey}.`; logDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
    `); logDiv.style.display = 'block'; logDiv.scrollTop = logDiv.scrollHeight; } } class WorkEditForm extends BaseWorkForm { addToolsUI() { this.form.querySelector('.documentation').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', mainUIHTML); } } class IframeEditForm extends BaseWorkForm { addToolsUI() { this.form.querySelector('.half-width').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', mainUIHTML); this.form.querySelector('#ropdebee-work-menu').style['margin-left'] = 0; } } function editFormFactory(theForm, inIframe) { if (inIframe) { return new IframeEditForm(theForm); } return new WorkEditForm(theForm); } function handleMB() { function handleChange(mutationRec) { // Whenever a change occurs, try to add buttons to the attr table. let workForms = [...document.querySelectorAll('form.edit-work')].map(f => [f, false]); document.querySelectorAll('iframe').forEach(iframe => iframe.contentWindow.document .querySelectorAll('form.edit-work') .forEach(form => workForms.push([form, true]))); workForms .filter(f => !f[0].ROpdebee_Work_Codes_Found) .forEach(([f, inIframe]) => editFormFactory(f, inIframe)); } let theForm = document.querySelector('form.edit-work'); if (theForm && !theForm.ROpdebee_Work_Codes_Found) { editFormFactory(theForm, false); } let observer = new MutationObserver(handleChange); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); } ////////////// // Repertoires ////////////// const iswcRegex = /\bT-\d{3}\.\d{3}\.\d{3}-\d\b/; function storeData(source, iswcs, codes, title) { let obj = { 'source': source, 'iswcs': iswcs, 'agencyCodes': codes, 'title': title, }; console.log(obj); // Use GM functions rather than clipboard because reading clipboard in a portable manner is difficult GM_setValue('workCodeData', JSON.stringify(obj)); } ////////////// // ISWCNet ////////////// let translateStrings = (function() { let strings; const stringsDefaults = { AGENCY_NAME_FIELD: 'Agency Name', AGENCY_WORK_CODES: 'Agency Work Codes', AGENCY_WORK_CODE_FIELD: 'Agency Work Code', ARCHIVED_ISWCS: 'Archived ISWCs', ORIGINAL_TITLE_FIELD: 'Original Title', PREFERRED_ISWC_FIELD: 'Preferred ISWC', }; return function(text) { if (!strings) { const stringsJson = localStorage.getItem('strings'); if (!stringsJson) { console.error('Could not extract translations!'); // Return as-is return stringsDefaults[text]; } strings = JSON.parse(stringsJson); } return strings[text] || stringsDefaults[text]; } })(); function handleISWCNet() { function findAgencyWorkCodes(table) { let codeTable = findDivByText(table, `${translateStrings('AGENCY_WORK_CODES')}:`).map(div => div.nextSibling); if (!codeTable.length) return {}; let rows = [...codeTable[0].querySelectorAll('tbody > tr')]; let groupedCodes = rows.groupBy( row => row.querySelector(`td[id="${translateStrings('AGENCY_NAME_FIELD')}:"]`).innerText, row => row.querySelector(`td[id="${translateStrings('AGENCY_WORK_CODE_FIELD')}:"]`).innerText); // CASH IDs always start with "C-", but this prefix is not stored on ISWCNet. // The prefix indicates the originating agency from the DIVA family, which // also includes MUST, MACP, MCSC, and MCT. Those codes are stored under // their respective agency in ISWCNet. if ('CASH' in groupedCodes) { groupedCodes['CASH'] = groupedCodes['CASH'].map(code => `C-${code}`); } return groupedCodes; } function findIswcs(table) { iswcs = [table.querySelector(`td[id="${translateStrings('PREFERRED_ISWC_FIELD')}:"]`).innerText]; findDivByText(table, translateStrings('ARCHIVED_ISWCS')).forEach(archivedTitle => { let archivedISWCsDiv = archivedTitle.nextSibling; iswcs = iswcs.concat(archivedISWCsDiv.childNodes[0].textContent.split(', ')); }); return iswcs; } function findTitle(table) { return table.querySelector(`td[id="${translateStrings('ORIGINAL_TITLE_FIELD')}:"]`).innerText; } function parseAndCopy(table) { let workCodes = findAgencyWorkCodes(table); let iswcs = findIswcs(table); let title = findTitle(table); storeData('CISAC ISWCNet', iswcs, workCodes, title); } function handleChangeCisac(mutationRec) { if (mutationRec.length == 0 || mutationRec[0].addedNodes.length == 0) return; // Not an addition if (mutationRec[0].addedNodes[0].nodeName !== "TR") return; // Not an expand of an entry let viewMoreDiv = mutationRec[0].addedNodes[0].querySelector("[class^='ViewMore_viewMoreContainer']"); if (!viewMoreDiv) return; let entry = viewMoreDiv.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; let button = document.createElement('button'); button.innerText = 'Copy work codes'; button.onclick = (() => parseAndCopy(entry)); viewMoreDiv.prepend(button); } let observer = new MutationObserver(handleChangeCisac); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); } ////////////// // GEMA ////////////// function handleGEMA() { function findAgencyWorkCodes(tr) { return { 'GEMA': [ tr.querySelector('.workSocworkcde').innerText.match(/(\d{0,8})[\-‐](\d{3})/)[0], ], }; } function findIswcs(tr) { return [ tr.querySelector('.workIswc').innerText.match(iswcRegex)[0], ]; } function findTitle(tr) { return tr.querySelector('.workSearchedTitle').innerText; } function parseAndCopy(tr) { let workCodes = findAgencyWorkCodes(tr); let iswcs = findIswcs(tr); let title = findTitle(tr); storeData('GEMA Repertoire Search', iswcs, workCodes, title); } function injectButtons(parentNode = document) { parentNode.querySelectorAll('[id="auswahlForm:searchResultItems:tb"] > tr').forEach((tr) => { let button = document.createElement('button'); button.innerText = 'Copy work codes'; button.addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); parseAndCopy(tr); }); tr.querySelector('.empty').prepend(button); }); } /** @type {MutationCallback} */ function handleChangeGEMA(mutationRec) { if (mutationRec.length == 0 || mutationRec[0].addedNodes.length == 0) return; // Not an addition const searchResults = mutationRec[0].addedNodes[0]; if (searchResults.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return; injectButtons(searchResults); } // GEMA overwrites `JSON.stringify()` with a custom implementation which causes `JSON.parse()` to fail on MB. // Restore it again using the original implementation which seems to be backed up as `Object.toJSON()`. if (Object.toJSON) { JSON.stringify = Object.toJSON; } const observer = new MutationObserver(handleChangeGEMA); observer.observe(document.querySelector('div.body'), { childList: true, }); injectButtons(); // initial loading might remember the last search } const repertoireToHandler = { 'iswcnet.cisac.org': handleISWCNet, 'online.gema.de': handleGEMA, }; if (document.location.hostname === 'musicbrainz.org' || document.location.hostname.endsWith('.musicbrainz.org')) { handleMB(); } else { repertoireToHandler[document.location.hostname](); }