- Install Ubuntu 20.04 (Preferred)
- Install ROS Noetic http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation/Ubuntu
- Create a new workspace folder and
subfolder, e.g.mkdir -p ~/layup_ws/src
- Clone this repo into the src/ folder of the workspace e.g.
git clone https:://gi... name-of-local-git-folder
Please install webots prior launching the package, The recommended webots version is R2022a
Please install Moveit using Moveit Tutorial before installation of Webots: https://ros-planning.github.io/moveit_tutorials/doc/getting_started/getting_started.html
- Please clone repo abb_experimental in the same directory as
: https://github.com/ros-industrial/abb_experimental - Please clone repo abb_resource in the same directory as
: https://github.com/PickNikRobotics/abb_ros2/tree/rolling/abb_resources - Pleae clone repo epson_experiemental in the same directory as
: https://github.com/gavanderhoorn/epson_experimental - Please clone repo iiwa_stack_cam in the same directory as
: https://github.com/RROS-Lab/iiwa_stack_cam - Remember to
catkin build
after complete with cloning all repository
- Use
roslaunch zhao_Webots_MSEC_project digital_twin_features.launch
to launch the webots with digital twin features. - Use
roslaunch robot_cell_moveit_simulation demo.launch
for launching the MoveIt! after webot finished. - Drag the end effector of any planning group and hit planning and execute
- Press arrow 'up' in the webots windows for displaying current joint position of the robot, Press arrow 'down' in the webots windows for displaying the motion planing joint position of the robot