Scan the QR and upload guru.data.json to your fork(will recieve it on your bot number after scanning)
- If You don't have an account in Heroku. Create a account.
- Watch the following video to create Heroku acc for free.
- Now Deploy
- If You don't have an account On Okteto. Create a account.
- Now Deploy
- If You don't have an account in Replit. Create a account.
- Now Deploy
- If You don't have an account in Coolify. Create a account.
- Now Deploy
This bot is not a official bot by Whatsapp INC So if you want to use it then feel free to do so.
Your WhatsApp Number can be banned by Whatsapp as it is not official
Sukuna Bot bot is still in the development stage, so there can be few bugs.Feel free to report that to us.
This project is protected by GNU General Public Licence v3.0
Feel free to contribute.
This is an open source WhatsApp bot based on Multi Device created by @RSxGamerz
& Team Whats Bot
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