What is the TBP Launcher?
The TBP Launcher is a customised Minecraft launcher by Crutionix Media Group and RWE Labs, that is designed to act as a hub for information and content downloads, for players of The Baked Potatarium, a Minecraft server operated by Crutionix Media Group. It was designed initially to serve as a way of distributing the TBP: Origins modpack to players with a simplified install. It slowly morphed into a full blown launcher project, with a way of launching Minecraft as well as an integrated method of downloading other content - like resource packs, previous world saves, and tools like Fabric and Java SE.
This Update
Previous updates have been delivered purely through the application, thus we have not updated the github release. Many new features have been added between the last changelog and this version including Mod Management.
This update, however, is necessary due to a bug appearing in Windows 11, preventing users from even installing the original versions of the application or their updates. This update looks to resolve that issue.
Download and Install
You may be required to click "Keep File" when downloading and click "More Info" and "Run Anyway" in Microsoft SmartScreen when downloading the TBP Launcher.
The installation setup will automatically install TBP Launcher to your desired location. When you first run the application, it may take a few minutes to download any dependencies not found on your system.