Your project overview:- Fraud detection methods are continuously developed to defend criminals in adapting to their fraudulent strategies.This project covers credit card fraud and is meant to look at a dataset of transactions and predict whether it is fraudulent or not.
Problem statement:- Detecting credit card frauds.
Solution applied:- This data is fit into a model and the following outlier detection modules are applied on it: • Local Outlier Factor • Isolation Forest
Random Forest algorithm
Results:- For each algorithm is given in the output as follows, where class 0 means the transaction was determined to be valid and 1 means it was determined as a fraud transaction.
Isolation Forest: 17
Accurancy Score : 0.9974842767295597
Local Outlier Factor: 21
Accurancy Score : 0.9974842767295597
Conclusion:- The algorithm does reach over 99.7% accuracy
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