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Radial Fraud Insight Extension

The Fraud Insight Extension enabled automatic high to low fraud transaction detection.

  1. Automated integration and on-boarding
  2. Flexible configuration

How to get started:

  1. Install extension from the Magento Connect store
  2. Under System Configuration, you'll find Radial on the left hand navigation pane. Click to begin Fraud Insight installation.
  3. Select “Yes” to enable Fraud Insight Extension.
  4. Insert your store id into the extension.
  5. Insert your Hostname into the extension.
  6. Insert your API Key into the extension.
  7. Insert an API Timeout or leave the default.
  8. Select "Yes" or "No" if you wish to log Request/Response Payload to Fraud Insight Web service.
  9. Select an Order Source Override or leave blank.
  10. Under the Response Actions are 4 select box for each possible response returned by the Fraud Insight API (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, UNKNOWN) and for each response you can choose to Process, Hold for Review or Cancel and order.
  11. Place test transaction to confirm installation.

How to get Fraud Insight API Credentials

  • Please contact to get Fraud Insight API Hostname, API Key and Store Id in order to configure your extension.

How to install the Fraud Insight Extension on a Vanilla Magento Webstore

Assumption: you are on a Linux system with Apache, PHP, MySQL and git installed.

Recommended option: Installing the Fraud Insight Extension using composer

STEP 1: Install composer in your system, Click Here

STEP 2: Create a composer.json file in the root folder of your Vanilla Magento Store

    "name": "radial/magento-with-fraud-insight",
    "description": "Installation of the Radial Fraud Insight Extension in Magento",
    "license": "proprietary",
    "type": "project",
    "require": {
        "radial/magento-fraud-insight": "dev-master"
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "prefer-stable": true,
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
    "extra": {
        "magento-deploystrategy": "copy",
        "magento-root-dir": "./"

STEP 3: run the following command composer install, if run successfully you should be able to configure Fraud Insight Setting from Admin.

Alternate option: Installing the Fraud Insight Extension using Magento Connect Manager

STEP 1: Clone the magento-fraud-insight repository from GitHub

  • You need git install on your environment
  • Run command: git clone

STEP 2: Use the MagentoTarToConnect tool to create Magento Connect Archive of the Fraud Insight Extension

  • Clone the MagentoTarToConnect repository from the public github
  • Run command: git clone

STEP 3: Creating Magento Compatible Tarball of the Fraud Insight Extension

  • CD to where you clone the magento-fraud-insight repository
  • Run command: php /path/to/MagentoTarToConnect/magento-tar-to-connect.php deploy/extension-config.php
  • The command above will create a build directory under the current magento-fraud-insight directory
  • In the build directory there will be an Radial_Fraud_Insight_Extension.tar file

STEP 4: Installing the Fraud Insight Extension in your Vanilla Magento Webstore

  • Navigate to this URL in your webstore http://<webstore-domain>.com/downloader/
  • magento-connect-manager-login
  • Enter the same user name and password you use to login into admin of your webstore
  • After successfully logged in, make sure under the Manage Existing Extensions you see the text Channel: Magento Community Edition
  • magento-connect-manager-dashboard
  • if you do not see the text Channel: Magento Community Edition, then, you need to cd into where your Magento webstore php files are being hosted in the server if you have access, then you can run the following commands: ./mage && ./mage mage-setup
  • Under the Direct package file upload you can browse and upload the Radial_Fraud_Insight_Extension.tar file, then click the upload button and after successfully uploaded the Fraud Insight Extension you can click on the refresh button.
  • magento-connect-manager-upload-extension
  • Fraud Insight Extension was successfully installed
  • magento-connect-manager-install-extension
  • Now, you can log out of Magento Connect Manager and go back to the admin http://<webstore-domain>.com/admin/, then login into admin and then navigate to System > Configuration.
  • In the configuration page, you should see the RADIAL tab and under that tab is the Fraud Insight configurations. Click the General Settings sub-tab.
  • fraud-insight-configuration-tab
  • Enter configuration information for Fraud Insight Extension
  • isk-insight-configuration-settings

Copyright © 2016 Radial, Inc.