Python library to access some functionality of the REST API of the Municipal Transport Company of Madrid.
You can see all the information about the API here.
In order to attack the EMT API it is necessary to request credentials through the form The keys arrive automatically, they do not do manual validation of the requests.
It is also necessary to have the following python library installed.
urllib3 >= v1.22
You can install the pyemtapi library by executing the following command.
pip install pyemtapi
Import and authenticate against the API.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pyemtapi
idClient = 'You idClient'
passKey = 'You passKey'
api = pyemtapi.EMT(idClient, passKey)
Finally, make the request by selecting a method.
# Returns a line/s route with the vertex info to build the route and coordinates for stops and axes
print(api.GetRouteLines("04/05/2018", "26|27"))
In the file of this repository, you have an example with all the available methods.
All the request will be of JSON type.
Methods | Description |
GetRouteLines | Returns a line/s route with the vertex info to build the route and coordinates for stops and axes |
GetRouteLinesRoute | Get line route with vertex info to build map and coordinates for Stops |
GetCalendar | Get EMT Calendar for all days and line schedules for a range of dates |
GetListLines | Returns lines with description and groups |
GetListLinesExtend | Returns lines with description and groups with more information. |
GetGroups | Returns every line type and their details |
GetTimesLines | Returns current schedules for the requested lines |
GetTimeTableLines | Provide information of the requested line with a trip-level detail. |
GetNodesLines | Returns all stop identifiers and his coordinate, name, lines and directions |
Methods | Description |
GetStreet | Returns a list of EMT nodes related to a location. All EMT locations are a group of stops within a target radius and the lines related to each stop in the list. |
GetStopsFromStop | Returns a list of stops from a target stop with a target radius and the lines arriving to those stops. |
GetStopsFromXY | Returns a list of stops from a coordinate with a radius and the lines arriving to those stops. |
GetArriveStop | Gets bus arrive info to a target stop |
GetPointsOfInterest | Returns a list of Points of Interest from a coordinate center with a target radius |
GetPointsOfInterestTypes | Returns a list of Point of interest types |
GetStreetFromXY | Returns a list of stops from a target coordinate. |
GetInfoLine | Returns line info in a target date |
GetInfoLineExtend | Returns line info in a target date with more information. |
GetStopsLine | Provices information about the requested line at travel time. |
GeoGetGroups | Return a list of groups |