Releases: RafaelGB/obsidian-db-folder
Releases · RafaelGB/obsidian-db-folder
Shiny new things
- Improved the performance of the plugin around 15%
- Refactor of formula modules to expose internal functions (more info on API model)
No longer broken
Shiny new things
- Multi tag support (without dv query) ISSUE#706
- Change the type of a column read the raw data from the file improving the results and avoiding errors
- Improved expanded note style
- Fr translation added 703 Thanks to @julien-maurel
- Tasks, Inlinks and Outlinks columns now can be sorted ISSUE#536
listener added to refresh bar status
No longer broken
- Dataview datasource now allows to select existing columns on modal 377
- Refactor of parser Service with a better performance.
Hotfix of select & tags contrast (empty values) and save as md array
Shiny new things
- Full i18n support. You can now create a PR to support your language. #679
- ES (Spanish) included
- CH (Chinese) partially included. Thanks to (
- DateFn included as Locale of the calendar types (week start, translations...) #501
- Width column does not have a minimum width anymore #676
- Select and tags font color are contrasted with the background #684
No longer broken
3.1.0-beta.1 avaliable
Apart from that we have added:
Shiny new things
- Auto refresh when any external change is detected. You can disable it on global settings for performance purposes ISSUE#482
- A database can be related with itselves ISSUE#605
- no wrap multiple images avaliable ISSUE#476
(Insider version)
With Obsidian 1.1.x the edit engine will be improved natively. You can try this beta with BRAT plugin
Shiny new things
- New option for inline fields addition. Add a new field behind the last one. ISSUE#419
- Inline edit engine improved. Edit your inline fields inside a callout or a list ISSUE#556
- Add column Modal was refactored. Now you can interact with quick settings like type of column or remove button ISSUE#483
- Larger input textarea (text column type) ISSUE#200
- Text columns now support lists as
ISSUE#441 - New option to select the font size of the rows ISSUE#498
- You can customize the color of your group filters now ISSUE#492
- Metadata columns now can access to some columns settings too ISSUE#589 ISSUE#464
- Global configuration to make search bar sticky by default ISSUE#643
- New configuration to format the metadata date ISSUE#436
- Tasks column is refreshed with filters changes ISSUE#487
- Improved responsiveness with the space between bottom and the table ISSUE#654
- The cursor is kept in the same position when you add a new column option (select & tags) ISSUE#670
- DnD new css classes to improve the visual feedback ISSUE#519
- Dark mode support for select & tags ISSUE#656
- Settings modal is now bigger on desktops
- Footer formula modal is now bigger
No longer broken
- Control illegal characters on new options (tags & select) ISSUE#668
- Tags and select selector dropdown does not have the icon anymore (more space) ISSUE#671
- Row context menu was overflown ISSUE#655
- Context columns does not have access to the footer now ISSUE#653
- DnD did not move the footer ISSUE#658
- Last row could not be edited with pagination and search bar enabled ISSUE#652
Shiny new things
- (experimental) new options for the footer including a menu to select those options:
- Percentage of empty cells
- Percentage of cells with a value
- Count of empty cells
- Count of cells with a value
- Count of unique values
- Formula
- Sum of number columns
No longer broken
Shiny new things
- A new design for the plugin ISSUE#577
- Row header menu now displays the entire file content below the row. Open option is now another right click option. ISSUE#633
- Configurable shortcuts for some actions. ISSUE#154
- Global search and filters now are avaliable with ctrl+F or with the search icon in the top bar. Leaving more space for the table.
- (Experimental) enable/disable a footer. Currently only support summatory of number columns ISSUE#637
- Number of total rows with the number displayed is shown in the status bar.
- (Experimental) a custom view for errors.
- At startup, the plugin will check if dataview loads the indexes. If not, it will show a warning to the user.
No longer broken
- Mobile now support pagination
- Mobile calendar view was fixed ISSUE#561