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Deploy Todo Application in swarm cluster

  • Local Deployment

Local Deployment

  • Setup cluster

    Install Dependencies and run cluster

       # Install all dependencies for local cluster
       $ bash all
       # Boot local cluster [ Swarm Manager(s)/Worker(s) node ]
       $ bash create local

    Note If you find problem related to VboxManage Access denied then follow the steps mention in this link

    Verify cluster

       $ bash view local
       ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
       zsrfmw8g8wavf8nsq1uo8xz7j *   manager1            Ready               Active              Leader              19.03.12
       quwa5fhv5vk7cuzw8m88prj8m     worker1             Ready               Active                                  19.03.12
       NAME       ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM   DOCKER      ERRORS
       manager1   *        virtualbox   Running   tcp://           v19.03.12   
       worker1    -        virtualbox   Running   tcp://           v19.03.12 
  • Link host docker client to the VM's docker daemon

       # save local images 
       $ docker save todo:${TODO_APP_VERSION} | gzip > todo.tgz
       $ docker save edge-service:${EDGE_SERVICE_VERSION} | gzip > edge.tgz
       $ docker save config-server:${CONFIG_SERVER_VERSION} | gzip > config.tgz 
       $ eval $(docker-machine env manager1)
       # load images in virtual box docker daemon env
       $ docker load -i todo.tgz
       $ docker load -i edge.tgz
       $ docker load -i config.tgz  
  • Deploy the Stack

    # If you want to use local registry instead of ghcr 
    $ docker service create --name registry --publish 5000:5000 registry:2
    # Build & tag
    $ docker tag config-server:${CONFIG_SERVER_VERSION} localhost:5000/config-server 
    $ docker tag todo:${TODO_APP_VERSION} localhost:5000/todo
    $ docker tag edge-service:${EDGE_SERVICE_VERSION} localhost:5000/edge-service
    # Push the image to the local registry running at localhost:5000
    $ docker push localhost:5000/config-server
    $ docker push localhost:5000/todo
    $ docker push localhost:5000/edge-service
    # Deploy todo app cluster 
    $ docker stack deploy -c <(docker-compose --env-file=../env/<env>/Docker.env -f ../docker-compose.yaml -f ../env/<env>/docker-stack-compose-override.yml config) todo
    # or 
    # Apply persistent with mongo 
    docker stack deploy -c <(docker-compose --env-file=../env/local/Docker.env -f ../docker-compose.yaml -f ../env/local/docker-stack-compose-override.yml -f ../env/local/docker-stack-persistent-compose-override.yml config) todo
  • Verify all service up & running

      $ docker service ls 
      ID             NAME                MODE         REPLICAS   IMAGE                                PORTS
    a5xtv1s0jtm9   registry            replicated     1/1        registry:2                           *:5000->5000/tcp
    eg08gas6wgzd   todo_config-server  replicated     1/1        localhost:5000/config-server:latest   
    0wqkzciwyjp7   todo_edge-service   replicated     1/1        localhost:5000/edge-service:latest   *:8081->8081/tcp
    dxrgqsmjafwa   todo_mongo          replicated     1/1        mongo:4.2.21                         *:27017->27017/tcp
    xyy9feyvm75l   todo_todo           replicated     1/1        localhost:5000/todo:latest           *:8080->8080/tcp 
  • Access

    http://localhost:8081 # get access_token

    http://localhost:8080/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html # use access_token to access the API(s)

  • Uninstalling the Stack

        # Remove locally cached images 
       $ docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
       # remove stack
       $ docker stack rm todo
       $ docker service rm registry
       $ eval $(docker-machine env -u) 
       $ bash delete local 
  • Configuration

    The following table lists the configurable parameters of the TodoApp swarm cluster and their default values.

    Parameter Description Default
    TODO_REPLICA No of replica for Todo-app 1
    TODO_STACK_IMAGE Todo-app Image localhost:5000/todo
    EDGE_SERVICE_REPLICA No of replica for Edge-service 1
    EDGE_SERVICE_STACK_IMAGE Edge-service Image localhost:5000/edge-service
    CONFIG_SERVER_REPLICA No of replica for Config-Server 1
    CONFIG_SERVER_STACK_IMAGE Config-Server Image localhost:5000/config-server
    MONGO_DATA_SRC_PATH Host path for persistence mongo data ``