This repository contains the backend code for a video streaming platform built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. The platform allows users to upload, manage, and view videos, as well as manage playlists, subscriptions, and likes.
- User authentication and authorization
- Video upload and management
- Playlist creation and management
- Video view tracking
- Like and subscription management
- Pagination for video and comment listings
- Health check endpoints for system monitoring
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd videoStreamingPlatformBackend
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create a
file in the root directory and add the following environment variables:CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=<your-cloudinary-cloud-name> CLOUDINARY_API_KEY=<your-cloudinary-api-key> CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET=<your-cloudinary-api-secret> MONGODB_URI=<your-mongodb-uri> JWT_SECRETS=<your-jwt-secret>
Start the server:
npm run dev
The backend server will be running on http://localhost:3000
. You can use tools like Postman or cURL to interact with the API endpoints.
- POST /auth/signup: Register a new user
- POST /auth/login: Log in a user
- POST /videos: Upload a new video
- GET /videos/:id: Get video details
- PATCH /videos/:id: Update video details
- DELETE /videos/:id: Delete a video
- POST /videos/:id/views: Increment video view count
- POST /playlists: Create a new playlist
- GET /playlists/:id: Get playlist details
- PATCH /playlists/:id: Update playlist details
- DELETE /playlists/:id: Delete a playlist
- POST /playlists/:id/videos/:videoId: Add a video to a playlist
- DELETE /playlists/:id/videos/:videoId: Remove a video from a playlist
- POST /subscriptions/:channelId: Subscribe to a channel
- DELETE /subscriptions/:channelId: Unsubscribe from a channel
- POST /videos/:id/like: Like a video
- DELETE /videos/:id/like: Unlike a video
GET /healthcheck: Check the health status of the application
import {ApiError} from "../utils/ApiError.js" import {ApiResponse} from "../utils/ApiResponse.js" import {asyncHandler} from "../utils/asyncHandler.js" const healthcheck = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => { // build a healthcheck response that simply returns the OK status as json with a message return res .status(200) .json( new ApiResponse(200, {}, "Everything is working fine") ); }); export { healthcheck }
Check the connectivity and functionality of Cloudinary APIs
import { ApiError } from "../utils/ApiError.js"; import { ApiResponse } from "../utils/ApiResponse.js"; import { asyncHandler } from "../utils/asyncHandler.js"; import { connectDB } from '../db/index.js'; import { uploadOnCloudinary, deleteFromCloudinary } from "../utils/cloudinary.js"; const healthcheck = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => { try { // Check the database connection const dbStatus = await connectDB.checkConnection(); if (!dbStatus) { throw new ApiError(500, "Database connection failed"); } // Check other dependencies if needed // For example, checking a third-party API service, cache service, etc. // const apiServiceStatus = await checkAPIService(); // if (!apiServiceStatus) { // throw new ApiError(500, "API service is down"); // } // Build the health check response const healthStatus = { database: "connected", // apiService: "connected" // Add other services as needed }; return res .status(200) .json( new ApiResponse(200, healthStatus, "Everything is working fine") ); } catch (error) { console.error('Health check error:', error); return res .status(500) .json( new ApiResponse(500, {}, "Health check failed", error.message) ); } }); export { healthcheck };
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.