January 2021
🔨 Clone of Twitch (some functionnalities) using React ant Twitch API. It uses functionnal programming including React/React Router Dom hooks. From udemy 'Cloner Twitch avec React'.
See demo on Heroku.
Src -- components
| |- Error
| | |_ Error.js
| |- Games
| | |_ Games.js
| |- GameStreams
| | |_ GameStreams.js
| |- Headers
| | |_ Headers.js
| |- Live
| | |_ Live.js
| |- Results
| | |_ Results.js
| |- Sidebar
| | |_ Sidebar.js
| |- TopStreams
| | |_ TopStreams.js
See demo on Heroku.
- Clone local-version branch
npm install
npm start
- You will need to provide your own credentials for the Twitch Api in ./api.js
- You will need to whitelist your dev server IP / localhost in Twitch Dev Dashboard.
Twitch developers: you will need to create an account
After connect to:
https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize?client_id={CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri={REDIRECT}&response_type=token but replace {CLIENT_ID} by your application ID and {REDIRECT} by an url (one of the ones that you filled in your account), for instance : http://localhost:3000/.
Accept conditions.
Then Twitch will provide you an URL to test:
Then in api.js:
import axios from 'axios';
let api = axios.create({
headers: {
"Client-ID": "CLIENT_ID",
"Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN_PROVIDED"
export default api;
Note: don't use {}
in the credentials
- react-router-dom: DOM bindings for React Router.
npm i react-router-dom
- react-twitch-embed-video: Your solution to embeding the Twitch video player in your ReactJS application.
npm i react-twitch-embed-video
- Ziratsu/twitchclonereact
- Twitch Developer Documentation
- Hooks Introduced in React-Router v5.1
- buralog/react-twitch-app
- Homebrew
- FiloSottile/mkcert: mkcert is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates. It requires no configuration.