From 4f7276804171f35ddfac38294758d3d16a28a6f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: unexpected unresolved <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 22:39:16 +0700
Subject: [PATCH] add: unshuffle command (#188)

* add: various of commits (check description)

remove: some useless package

remove: manifest file support

add: manifest data to package.json

remove: client.manifest

add: more details to client.manifest

fix: duplicate destroy

add: more details to startup

add: translation string to src/languages

add: playerStop event back again

* move: languages dir outside the src folder

* add: new rainlink deezer plugin

* add: unshuffle command, finish 5.2.5
 .prettierrc.json                         |   7 -
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 languages/en/command.playlist.yaml       | 148 ++---
 languages/en/command.premium.yaml        |  48 +-
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 languages/en/event.guild.yaml            |  18 +-
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 languages/es/command.premium.yaml        |  46 +-
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 languages/es/event.guild.yaml            |  18 +-
 languages/es/event.message.yaml          |  22 +-
 languages/es/event.player.yaml           |  30 +-
 languages/es/event.premium.yaml          |  16 +-
 languages/es/event.setup.yaml            |  38 +-
 languages/es/global.yaml                 |   4 +-
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 languages/hi/           |  48 +-
 languages/hi/          | 110 ++--
 languages/hi/command.playlist.yaml       | 148 ++---
 languages/hi/command.premium.yaml        |  46 +-
 languages/hi/command.utils.yaml          |  32 +-
 languages/hi/error.yaml                  |  26 +-
 languages/hi/event.guild.yaml            |  18 +-
 languages/hi/event.message.yaml          |  22 +-
 languages/hi/event.player.yaml           |  30 +-
 languages/hi/event.premium.yaml          |  14 +-
 languages/hi/event.setup.yaml            |  42 +-
 languages/hi/global.yaml                 |   4 +-
 languages/ko/           |  48 +-
 languages/ko/command.filter.yaml         |  44 +-
 languages/ko/           |  48 +-
 languages/ko/          | 104 ++--
 languages/ko/command.playlist.yaml       | 144 ++---
 languages/ko/command.premium.yaml        |  48 +-
 languages/ko/command.utils.yaml          |  34 +-
 languages/ko/error.yaml                  |  38 +-
 languages/ko/event.guild.yaml            |  18 +-
 languages/ko/event.message.yaml          |  22 +-
 languages/ko/event.player.yaml           |  30 +-
 languages/ko/event.premium.yaml          |  16 +-
 languages/ko/event.setup.yaml            |  38 +-
 languages/ko/global.yaml                 |   4 +-
 languages/pt/           |  50 +-
 languages/pt/command.filter.yaml         |  44 +-
 languages/pt/           |  48 +-
 languages/pt/          | 110 ++--
 languages/pt/command.playlist.yaml       | 148 ++---
 languages/pt/command.premium.yaml        |  48 +-
 languages/pt/command.utils.yaml          |  32 +-
 languages/pt/error.yaml                  |  38 +-
 languages/pt/event.guild.yaml            |  18 +-
 languages/pt/event.message.yaml          |  22 +-
 languages/pt/event.player.yaml           |  30 +-
 languages/pt/event.premium.yaml          |  16 +-
 languages/pt/event.setup.yaml            |  38 +-
 languages/pt/global.yaml                 |   4 +-
 languages/ru/           |  48 +-
 languages/ru/command.filter.yaml         |  44 +-
 languages/ru/           |  48 +-
 languages/ru/          | 110 ++--
 languages/ru/command.playlist.yaml       | 148 ++---
 languages/ru/command.premium.yaml        |  48 +-
 languages/ru/command.utils.yaml          |  28 +-
 languages/ru/error.yaml                  |  38 +-
 languages/ru/event.guild.yaml            |  18 +-
 languages/ru/event.message.yaml          |  22 +-
 languages/ru/event.player.yaml           |  30 +-
 languages/ru/event.premium.yaml          |  16 +-
 languages/ru/event.setup.yaml            |  38 +-
 languages/ru/global.yaml                 |   4 +-
 languages/th/           |  50 +-
 languages/th/command.filter.yaml         |  44 +-
 languages/th/           |  48 +-
 languages/th/          | 110 ++--
 languages/th/command.playlist.yaml       | 148 ++---
 languages/th/command.premium.yaml        |  48 +-
 languages/th/command.utils.yaml          |  32 +-
 languages/th/error.yaml                  |  38 +-
 languages/th/event.guild.yaml            |  18 +-
 languages/th/event.message.yaml          |  22 +-
 languages/th/event.player.yaml           |  30 +-
 languages/th/event.premium.yaml          |  16 +-
 languages/th/event.setup.yaml            |  38 +-
 languages/th/global.yaml                 |   4 +-
 languages/vi/           |  48 +-
 languages/vi/command.filter.yaml         |  44 +-
 languages/vi/           |  48 +-
 languages/vi/          | 108 ++--
 languages/vi/command.playlist.yaml       | 148 ++---
 languages/vi/command.premium.yaml        |  48 +-
 languages/vi/command.utils.yaml          |  32 +-
 languages/vi/error.yaml                  |  36 +-
 languages/vi/event.guild.yaml            |  18 +-
 languages/vi/event.message.yaml          |  22 +-
 languages/vi/event.player.yaml           |  30 +-
 languages/vi/event.premium.yaml          |  16 +-
 languages/vi/event.setup.yaml            |  30 +-
 languages/vi/global.yaml                 |   4 +-
 package.json                             |   7 +
 scripts/build.mjs                        |  14 +-
 src/autofix/LICENSE                      | 674 -----------------------
 src/commands/Music/Shuffle.ts            |   2 +-
 src/commands/Music/Unshuffle.ts          | 116 ++++
 src/structures/Rainlink.ts               |   2 +-
 src/structures/extended/ExtendedQueue.ts |   6 +
 src/utilities/GetTitle.ts                |   4 +-
 src/web/                        |   3 -
 122 files changed, 2712 insertions(+), 3260 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .prettierrc.json
 delete mode 100644 src/autofix/LICENSE
 create mode 100644 src/commands/Music/Unshuffle.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/web/

diff --git a/.prettierrc.json b/.prettierrc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8df6df77..00000000
--- a/.prettierrc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  "trailingComma": "es5",
-  "tabWidth": 2,
-  "semi": false,
-  "singleQuote": true,
-  "printWidth": 100
diff --git a/languages/en/ b/languages/en/
index beb833f6..42c37f14 100644
--- a/languages/en/
+++ b/languages/en/
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Currently Playing:\n**%{track}** `[%{duration}]` • %{requester}\n\n`💤` | Rest of Queue:**%{list_song}**"
-queue_footer: "Page • %{page}/%{pages} | Songs • %{queue_lang} | Total Duration • %{total_duration}"
+queue_footer: 'Page • %{page}/%{pages} | Songs • %{queue_lang} | Total Duration • %{total_duration}'
 # Pause
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | Paused the **Player**!"
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | Resumed the **Player**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | Paused the **Player**!'
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | Resumed the **Player**!'
 # Skip
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | Skipped the **Song**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | No song was found to Skip to!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | Skipped the **Song**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | No song was found to Skip to!'
 # Stop
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | Stopped the **Player**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | Stopped the **Player**!'
 # Volume
-volup_msg: "`🔊` | Changed Volume to **%{volume}%**"
-voldown_msg: "`🔉` | Changed Volume to **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | Invalid Volume. Please use a number between **1** and **100**!"
-volume_max: "`⚠️` | Player is already at max volume!"
-volume_min: "`⚠️` | Player is already at min volume!"
+volup_msg: '`🔊` | Changed Volume to **%{volume}%**'
+voldown_msg: '`🔉` | Changed Volume to **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | Invalid Volume. Please use a number between **1** and **100**!'
+volume_max: '`⚠️` | Player is already at max volume!'
+volume_min: '`⚠️` | Player is already at min volume!'
 # Clear
-clear_msg: "`🗑️` | Queue has been **Cleared**!"
+clear_msg: '`🗑️` | Queue has been **Cleared**!'
 # Loop
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Looping current **Song**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Looping **Queue**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | Loop is now **Disabled**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Invalid Loop mode. Please use %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | Loop mode is already **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Looping current **Song**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Looping **Queue**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | Loop is now **Disabled**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Invalid Loop mode. Please use %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | Loop mode is already **%{mode}**!'
 # Previous
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | Skipped to Previous **Song**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | No Previous song was found!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | Skipped to Previous **Song**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | No Previous song was found!'
 # Shuffle
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Shuffled the Queue"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Shuffled the Queue'
 ### All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | %{name} filter is now **enable**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | %{name} filter is already **enabled**!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | %{name} filter is now **enable**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | %{name} filter is already **enabled**!'
 ### Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Filter has been **Reset**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | Filter has already been **Reset**!"
\ No newline at end of file
+reset_on: '`❌` | Filter has been **Reset**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | Filter has already been **Reset**!'
diff --git a/languages/en/command.filter.yaml b/languages/en/command.filter.yaml
index afbd0cb4..86269fee 100644
--- a/languages/en/command.filter.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/command.filter.yaml
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
 ### All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | %{name} filter is now **enable**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | %{name} filter is already **enabled**!"
-filter_number: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid number!"
-filter_greater: "`⚠️` | Number must be greater than **0**!"
-filter_less: "`⚠️` | Number must be lesser than **10**!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | %{name} filter is now **enable**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | %{name} filter is already **enabled**!'
+filter_number: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid number!'
+filter_greater: '`⚠️` | Number must be greater than **0**!'
+filter_less: '`⚠️` | Number must be lesser than **10**!'
 filter_avaliable: "### `❌` | You must type in the correct filter name. Here's all avaliable filter [%{amount}]\n`%{list}`"
 ### Bassboost command!
-bassboost_set: "`🎚️` | Bassboost has been set to **%{amount}dB**!"
-bassboost_limit: "`⚠️` | Please use a number between **-10** and **10**!"
+bassboost_set: '`🎚️` | Bassboost has been set to **%{amount}dB**!'
+bassboost_limit: '`⚠️` | Please use a number between **-10** and **10**!'
 ### Equalizer command!
-eq_author: "Equalizer"
-eq_icon: ""
-eq_desc: "`🎚️` | There are **14 Bands** that can be set from **-10** to **10**. It is not mandatory to set all of them!"
-eq_field_title: "Example:"
-eq_field_value: "%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0"
-eq_footer: "Reset Equalizer • %{prefix}eq reset"
-eq_on: "`🎚️` | Equalizer has been set to **%{bands}**!"
-eq_number: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid number!"
-eq_greater: "`⚠️` | Number must be greater than **-10**!"
-eq_than: "`⚠️` | Number must be lesser than **10**!"
+eq_author: 'Equalizer'
+eq_icon: ''
+eq_desc: '`🎚️` | There are **14 Bands** that can be set from **-10** to **10**. It is not mandatory to set all of them!'
+eq_field_title: 'Example:'
+eq_field_value: '%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0'
+eq_footer: 'Reset Equalizer • %{prefix}eq reset'
+eq_on: '`🎚️` | Equalizer has been set to **%{bands}**!'
+eq_number: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid number!'
+eq_greater: '`⚠️` | Number must be greater than **-10**!'
+eq_than: '`⚠️` | Number must be lesser than **10**!'
 ### Pitch command!
-pitch_on: "`🎚️` | Pitch has been set to **%{amount}**!"
+pitch_on: '`🎚️` | Pitch has been set to **%{amount}**!'
 ### Rate command!
-rate_on: "`🎚️` | Rate has been set to **%{amount}x**!"
+rate_on: '`🎚️` | Rate has been set to **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Speed command!
-speed_on: "`🎚️` | Speed has been set to **%{amount}x**!"
+speed_on: '`🎚️` | Speed has been set to **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Filter has been **Reset**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | Filter has already been **Reset**!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | Filter has been **Reset**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | Filter has already been **Reset**!'
diff --git a/languages/en/ b/languages/en/
index 2dbf54d6..3e3a1617 100644
--- a/languages/en/
+++ b/languages/en/
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
 ### Developer command!
-dev_title: "RainyXeon"
+dev_title: 'RainyXeon'
 dev_desc: "I'm just an incognito developer. And an official creator of Dreamvast and RainyProduction!"
-dev_foot: "Consider joining my server or inviting my bots :) This would help me a lot!"
+dev_foot: 'Consider joining my server or inviting my bots :) This would help me a lot!'
 ### Invite command!
-inv_title: "✉️ %{username}"
-inv_desc: "Thanks for Inviting me in advance!"
+inv_title: '✉️ %{username}'
+inv_desc: 'Thanks for Inviting me in advance!'
 ### Ping command!
-ping_title: "🏓 "
+ping_title: '🏓 '
 ping_desc: "**Ping:** `%{ping}ms`\n**Response Time:** `%{response}ms`"
 ### Uptime command!
-uptime_title: "🕒 "
-uptime_desc: "**Uptime:** `%{uptime}`"
+uptime_title: '🕒 '
+uptime_desc: '**Uptime:** `%{uptime}`'
 ### Help command!
-ce_finder_name: "**Command:**"
-ce_finder_des: "**Description:**"
-ce_finder_usage: "**Usage:**"
-ce_finder_access: "**Accessible by:**"
-ce_finder_aliases: "**Aliases:**"
-ce_finder_slash: "**Slash:**"
-ce_finder_des_no: "No Description"
-ce_finder_usage_no: "No Usage"
-ce_finder_aliases_prefix: " [Prefix only]"
-ce_finder_aliases_no: "No Aliases"
-ce_finder_slash_enable: "Enabled"
-ce_finder_slash_disable: "Disabled"
-ce_finder_invalid: "Invalid Command"
-ce_finder_example: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid **Command Name**!"
-ce_name: "Help Command"
-ce_total: "Total Commands: "
+ce_finder_name: '**Command:**'
+ce_finder_des: '**Description:**'
+ce_finder_usage: '**Usage:**'
+ce_finder_access: '**Accessible by:**'
+ce_finder_aliases: '**Aliases:**'
+ce_finder_slash: '**Slash:**'
+ce_finder_des_no: 'No Description'
+ce_finder_usage_no: 'No Usage'
+ce_finder_aliases_prefix: ' [Prefix only]'
+ce_finder_aliases_no: 'No Aliases'
+ce_finder_slash_enable: 'Enabled'
+ce_finder_slash_disable: 'Disabled'
+ce_finder_invalid: 'Invalid Command'
+ce_finder_example: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid **Command Name**!'
+ce_name: 'Help Command'
+ce_total: 'Total Commands: '
diff --git a/languages/en/ b/languages/en/
index 7f8f21df..1b839726 100644
--- a/languages/en/
+++ b/languages/en/
@@ -1,105 +1,108 @@
 ### Autoplay command!
-autoplay_on: "`✅` | Autoplay is now **Enabled**!"
-autoplay_off: "`❌` | Autoplay is now **Disabled**!"
-autoplay_already: "`⚠️` | Autoplay is already **%{mode}**!"
+autoplay_on: '`✅` | Autoplay is now **Enabled**!'
+autoplay_off: '`❌` | Autoplay is now **Disabled**!'
+autoplay_already: '`⚠️` | Autoplay is already **%{mode}**!'
 ### ClearQueue command!
-clearqueue_msg: "`🗑️` | Queue has been **Cleared**!"
+clearqueue_msg: '`🗑️` | Queue has been **Cleared**!'
 ### Forward command!
-forward_msg: "`⏩` | Forwarded to `%{duration}`"
-forward_beyond: "`⚠️` | Song is about to end. You can not Forward beyond it!"
+forward_msg: '`⏩` | Forwarded to `%{duration}`'
+forward_beyond: '`⚠️` | Song is about to end. You can not Forward beyond it!'
 ### Join command!
-join_msg: "`🔊` | Joined %{channel}"
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | You need to be in a voice channel to use this command!"
-join_already: "`⚠️` | I am already in %{channel}"
+join_msg: '`🔊` | Joined %{channel}'
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | You need to be in a voice channel to use this command!'
+join_already: '`⚠️` | I am already in %{channel}'
 ### Stop command!
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | Stopped the **Player**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | Stopped the **Player**!'
 ### Loop command!
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Looping current **Song**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Looping **Queue**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | Loop is now **Disabled**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Invalid Loop mode. Please use %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | Loop mode is already **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Looping current **Song**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Looping **Queue**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | Loop is now **Disabled**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Invalid Loop mode. Please use %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | Loop mode is already **%{mode}**!'
 ### Lyrics command!
-lyrics_title: "📜 %{song}"
-lyrics_notfound: "`⚠️` | Lyrics not found!"
-lyrics_toolong: "`⚠️` | Lyrics are too long to be displayed!"
+lyrics_title: '📜 %{song}'
+lyrics_notfound: '`⚠️` | Lyrics not found!'
+lyrics_toolong: '`⚠️` | Lyrics are too long to be displayed!'
 ### Nowplaying command!
-np_icon: ""
-np_title: "Now Playing"
-np_current_duration: "`⏰` | Current Duration: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`"
+np_icon: ''
+np_title: 'Now Playing'
+np_current_duration: '`⏰` | Current Duration: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`'
 ### Pause command!
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | Paused the **Player**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | Paused the **Player**!'
 ### Play command!
-play_track: "`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid song name or URL!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | Song not found!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | You can not play songs using emoji!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid song name or URL!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | Song not found!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | You can not play songs using emoji!'
 ### File command!
-file_notfound: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid File!"
-play_invalid_file: "`⚠️` | Invalid File type. Please use **mp3** or **ogg**!"
-play_warning_file: "`⚠️` | I could not detect the File type. Please use **mp3** or **ogg**!"
+file_notfound: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid File!'
+play_invalid_file: '`⚠️` | Invalid File type. Please use **mp3** or **ogg**!'
+play_warning_file: '`⚠️` | I could not detect the File type. Please use **mp3** or **ogg**!'
 ### Previous command!
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | Skipped to Previous **Song**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | No Previous song was found!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | Skipped to Previous **Song**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | No Previous song was found!'
 ### Queue command!
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Currently Playing:\n**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}\n\n`💤` | Rest of Queue:**%{rest}**"
-queue_footer: "Page • %{page}/%{pages} | Songs • %{queue_lang} | Total Duration • %{duration}"
-queue_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid page number!"
-queue_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | There are only **%{page} Pages**!"
+queue_footer: 'Page • %{page}/%{pages} | Songs • %{queue_lang} | Total Duration • %{duration}'
+queue_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid page number!'
+queue_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | There are only **%{page} Pages**!'
 ### Replay command!
-replay_msg: "`🔄` | Replayed the **Song**!"
+replay_msg: '`🔄` | Replayed the **Song**!'
 ### Resume command!
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | Resumed the **Player**!"
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | Resumed the **Player**!'
 ### Rewind command!
-rewind_msg: "`⏪` | Rewinded to `%{duration}`"
-rewind_beyond: "`⚠️` | Song just started. You can not Rewind beyond it!"
+rewind_msg: '`⏪` | Rewinded to `%{duration}`'
+rewind_beyond: '`⚠️` | Song just started. You can not Rewind beyond it!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-removetrack_desc: "`🗑️` | Removed **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-removetrack_already: "`⚠️` | I can not Remove a song that is already playing!"
-removetrack_notfound: "`⚠️` | Song not found!"
+removetrack_desc: '`🗑️` | Removed **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+removetrack_already: '`⚠️` | I can not Remove a song that is already playing!'
+removetrack_notfound: '`⚠️` | Song not found!'
 ### Seek command!
-seek_msg: "`➿` | Seeked to `%{duration}`"
-seek_beyond: "`⚠️` | You can not Seek beyond the song duration!"
-seek_invalid: "`⚠️` | Invalid Seek duration. Please use a valid timestamp. Example: **1:30**!"
+seek_msg: '`➿` | Seeked to `%{duration}`'
+seek_beyond: '`⚠️` | You can not Seek beyond the song duration!'
+seek_invalid: '`⚠️` | Invalid Seek duration. Please use a valid timestamp. Example: **1:30**!'
 ### Shuffle command!
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Shuffled the Queue"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Shuffled the Queue'
+### Unshuffle command!
+unshuffle_msg: '🔀 Unshuffled the Queue'
 ### Skip command!
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | Skipped the **Song**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | No song was found to Skip to!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | Skipped the **Song**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | No song was found to Skip to!'
 ### Volume command!
-volume_msg: "`🔊` | Volume has been set to **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | Invalid Volume. Please use a number between **1** and **100**!"
+volume_msg: '`🔊` | Volume has been set to **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | Invalid Volume. Please use a number between **1** and **100**!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-insert_desc: "`➕` | Inserted **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-insert_already: "`⚠️` | I can not insert a song that is already playing!"
-insert_notfound: "`⚠️` | Song not found!"
+insert_desc: '`➕` | Inserted **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+insert_already: '`⚠️` | I can not insert a song that is already playing!'
+insert_notfound: '`⚠️` | Song not found!'
 ### Radio command!
-radio_list_author: "List all radio avaliable in %{host}"
-radio_list_placeholder: "Choose a provider / country to get radio id list"
-radio_list_move: "`✅` | Moved to **%{providerName}**"
-radio_accept: "`✅` | Currently playing radio number **%{radio_no} [%{radio_name}](%{radio_link})**"
\ No newline at end of file
+radio_list_author: 'List all radio avaliable in %{host}'
+radio_list_placeholder: 'Choose a provider / country to get radio id list'
+radio_list_move: '`✅` | Moved to **%{providerName}**'
+radio_accept: '`✅` | Currently playing radio number **%{radio_no} [%{radio_name}](%{radio_link})**'
diff --git a/languages/en/command.playlist.yaml b/languages/en/command.playlist.yaml
index 75d7c7bb..7c9706fc 100644
--- a/languages/en/command.playlist.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/command.playlist.yaml
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
 ### Create command!
-create_created: "`💿` | Created **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`"
-create_toolong: "`⚠️` | Playlist Name can not be longer than **16 Characters**!"
-des_toolong: "`⚠️` | Playlist Description can not be longer than **1000 Characters**!"
-create_limit_playlist: "`⚠️` | You can not create more than **%{limit} Playlists**!"
+create_created: '`💿` | Created **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`'
+create_toolong: '`⚠️` | Playlist Name can not be longer than **16 Characters**!'
+des_toolong: '`⚠️` | Playlist Description can not be longer than **1000 Characters**!'
+create_limit_playlist: '`⚠️` | You can not create more than **%{limit} Playlists**!'
 ### Add command!
-add_track: "`🔍` | Searched **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_playlist: "`🔍` | Searched **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Songs**) • %{user}"
-add_search: "`🔍` | Searched **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_added: "`➕` | Added **%{count} Songs** to `%{playlist}`"
-add_match: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid song name or URL!"
-add_owner: "`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!"
-add_limit_track: "`⚠️` | You can not add more than **%{limit} Songs**!"
+add_track: '`🔍` | Searched **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_playlist: '`🔍` | Searched **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Songs**) • %{user}'
+add_search: '`🔍` | Searched **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_added: '`➕` | Added **%{count} Songs** to `%{playlist}`'
+add_match: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid song name or URL!'
+add_owner: '`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!'
+add_limit_track: '`⚠️` | You can not add more than **%{limit} Songs**!'
 ### Delete command!
-delete_confirm: "`❓` | Do you want to delete `%{playlist_id}`"
-delete_deleted: "`❌` | Deleted `%{name}`"
-delete_notfound: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!"
-delete_no: "`⚠️` | Cancelled **Deletion**!"
-delete_owner: "`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!"
+delete_confirm: '`❓` | Do you want to delete `%{playlist_id}`'
+delete_deleted: '`❌` | Deleted `%{name}`'
+delete_notfound: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!'
+delete_no: '`⚠️` | Cancelled **Deletion**!'
+delete_owner: '`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!'
 ### Detail command!
-detail_private: "`🔒` | Playlist is **Private**!"
-detail_embed_title: "%{name}"
-detail_embed_footer: "Page • %{page}/%{pages} | Songs • %{songs} | Total Duration • %{duration}"
-detail_track: "%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Author: **%{author}**"
-detail_notfound: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!"
-detail_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid page number!"
-detail_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | There are only **%{page} Pages**!"
+detail_private: '`🔒` | Playlist is **Private**!'
+detail_embed_title: '%{name}'
+detail_embed_footer: 'Page • %{page}/%{pages} | Songs • %{songs} | Total Duration • %{duration}'
+detail_track: '%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Author: **%{author}**'
+detail_notfound: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!'
+detail_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid page number!'
+detail_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | There are only **%{page} Pages**!'
 ### Import command!
-import_private: "`🔒` | Playlist is **Private**!"
-import_imported: "`💿` | Imported **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Songs**) • %{user}"
-import_voice: "`⚠️` | You need to be in a voice channel to use this command!"
-import_empty: "`⚠️` | Playlist is **Empty**!"
+import_private: '`🔒` | Playlist is **Private**!'
+import_imported: '`💿` | Imported **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Songs**) • %{user}'
+import_voice: '`⚠️` | You need to be in a voice channel to use this command!'
+import_empty: '`⚠️` | Playlist is **Empty**!'
 ### All command!
-view_embed_title: "%{user}"
-view_embed_footer: "Page • %{page}/%{pages} | Playlists • %{songs}"
-view_embed_playlist: "%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Songs**) • Created: `[%{create} ago]`"
-view_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid page number!"
-view_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | There are only **%{page} Pages**!"
+view_embed_title: '%{user}'
+view_embed_footer: 'Page • %{page}/%{pages} | Playlists • %{songs}'
+view_embed_playlist: '%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Songs**) • Created: `[%{create} ago]`'
+view_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid page number!'
+view_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | There are only **%{page} Pages**!'
 ### Remove command!
-remove_removed: "`➖` | Removed **%{position} Number** song from `%{name}`"
-remove_notfound: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!"
-remove_song_notfound: "`⚠️` | Song not found!"
-remove_owner: "`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!"
+remove_removed: '`➖` | Removed **%{position} Number** song from `%{name}`'
+remove_notfound: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!'
+remove_song_notfound: '`⚠️` | Song not found!'
+remove_owner: '`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!'
 ### SaveQueue command!
-savequeue_saved: "`✅` | Saved **%{tracks} Songs** to `%{name}`"
-savequeue_notfound: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!"
-savequeue_owner: "`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!"
-savequeue_no_new_saved: "`⚠️` | Song already exists in `%{name}`"
-savequeue_no_tracks: "`⚠️` | No song is currently playing!"
+savequeue_saved: '`✅` | Saved **%{tracks} Songs** to `%{name}`'
+savequeue_notfound: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!'
+savequeue_owner: '`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!'
+savequeue_no_new_saved: '`⚠️` | Song already exists in `%{name}`'
+savequeue_no_tracks: '`⚠️` | No song is currently playing!'
 ### Info Command!
-info_id: "`🆔` | ID:"
-info_total: "`🎵` | Total Songs:"
-info_created: "`📅` | Created:"
-info_private: "`👀` | Visibility:"
-info_owner: "`👑` | Owner:"
-info_des: "`💬` | Description:"
-no_des: "No description is provided!"
-public: "Public"
-private: "Private"
-invalid: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!"
+info_id: '`🆔` | ID:'
+info_total: '`🎵` | Total Songs:'
+info_created: '`📅` | Created:'
+info_private: '`👀` | Visibility:'
+info_owner: '`👑` | Owner:'
+info_des: '`💬` | Description:'
+no_des: 'No description is provided!'
+public: 'Public'
+private: 'Private'
+invalid: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!'
 ### Editor command!
-edit_playlist_id_label: "Enter your **New Playlist ID**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-edit_playlist_name_label: "Enter your **New Playlist Name**!"
-edit_playlist_des_label: "Enter your **New Playlist Description**!"
-edit_playlist_private_label: "Enter your **New Playlist Visibility**! `[public/private]`"
-edit_success: "`✅` | Successfully edited `%{playlistId}` info!"
-edit_arg: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!"
-edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!"
-edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!"
-edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | Please enter a valid and non existing Playlist ID!"
-edit_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Invalid Visibility mode. Please use **public** or **private**!"
+edit_playlist_id_label: 'Enter your **New Playlist ID**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+edit_playlist_name_label: 'Enter your **New Playlist Name**!'
+edit_playlist_des_label: 'Enter your **New Playlist Description**!'
+edit_playlist_private_label: 'Enter your **New Playlist Visibility**! `[public/private]`'
+edit_success: '`✅` | Successfully edited `%{playlistId}` info!'
+edit_arg: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!'
+edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!'
+edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!'
+edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | Please enter a valid and non existing Playlist ID!'
+edit_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Invalid Visibility mode. Please use **public** or **private**!'
 ### Editor interaction!
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: "New Playlist ID"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: "New Playlist Name"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: "New Playlist Description"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: "New Playlist Visibility"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: "Enter your New Playlist ID! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: "Enter your New Playlist Name!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: "Enter your New Playlist Description!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: "Enter your New Playlist Visibility! [public/private]"
-ineraction_edit_success: "`✅` | Successfully edited `%{playlistId}` info!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_error: "`⚠️` | Something went wrong. Please try again!"
-ineraction_edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!"
-ineraction_edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | Please enter a valid and non existing Playlist ID!"
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: 'New Playlist ID'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: 'New Playlist Name'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: 'New Playlist Description'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: 'New Playlist Visibility'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: 'Enter your New Playlist ID! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: 'Enter your New Playlist Name!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: 'Enter your New Playlist Description!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: 'Enter your New Playlist Visibility! [public/private]'
+ineraction_edit_success: '`✅` | Successfully edited `%{playlistId}` info!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_error: '`⚠️` | Something went wrong. Please try again!'
+ineraction_edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Playlist ID!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | You are not the **Playlist Owner**!'
+ineraction_edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | Please enter a valid and non existing Playlist ID!'
diff --git a/languages/en/command.premium.yaml b/languages/en/command.premium.yaml
index d4d02631..a79117b6 100644
--- a/languages/en/command.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/command.premium.yaml
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
 ### Comando Generate!
-gen_author: "Generate Premium Code"
+gen_author: 'Generate Premium Code'
 gen_desc: "`🔑` | **Code Created Successfully** `[%{codes_length}]`\n```%{codes}```\n`💰` | **Plan:** ***%{plan}***\n`📅` | **Expires At:** %{expires}"
-gen_footer: "Use • %{prefix}redeem <code> to activate premium"
-gen_success: "`🔑` | Successfully generate redeem code, please check your DM"
-gen_failed: "`❌` | Generate redeem code failed, please check if your DM opened"
+gen_footer: 'Use • %{prefix}redeem <code> to activate premium'
+gen_success: '`🔑` | Successfully generate redeem code, please check your DM'
+gen_failed: '`❌` | Generate redeem code failed, please check if your DM opened'
 ### Comando Profile!
-profile_author: "Premium Profile"
-profile_error_desc: "`⚠️` | **%{user}** is not a premium member!"
+profile_author: 'Premium Profile'
+profile_error_desc: '`⚠️` | **%{user}** is not a premium member!'
 profile_desc: "`👤` | **User:** `%{user}`\n`💰` | **Plan:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expires At:** %{expires}"
 ### Comando Guild Profile!
-guild_profile_author: "Premium Server Profile"
+guild_profile_author: 'Premium Server Profile'
 guild_profile_desc: "`👤` | **Server:** `%{guild}`\n`💰` | **Plan:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expires At:** %{expires}"
 ### Comando Redeem!
-redeem_title: "Redeem Premium"
+redeem_title: 'Redeem Premium'
 redeem_desc: "`💰` | **Plan:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expires At:** %{expires}"
-redeem_already: "`⚠️` | You are already a **Premium user**!"
-redeem_invalid: "`⚠️` | Invalid code. Please try again or use a valid code!"
-redeem_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Invalid premium activation type. Please specify `guild` or `user` only!"
-redeem_already_guild: "`⚠️` | This server already has **Premium**!"
+redeem_already: '`⚠️` | You are already a **Premium user**!'
+redeem_invalid: '`⚠️` | Invalid code. Please try again or use a valid code!'
+redeem_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Invalid premium activation type. Please specify `guild` or `user` only!'
+redeem_already_guild: '`⚠️` | This server already has **Premium**!'
 ### Comando Remove!
-remove_desc: "`✅` | Successfully removed premium from %{user}!"
-remove_already: "`⚠️` | %{user} is already without premium!"
+remove_desc: '`✅` | Successfully removed premium from %{user}!'
+remove_already: '`⚠️` | %{user} is already without premium!'
 remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | Please specify a **user's name** or **user's ID** to remove premium from!"
-remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid} is not a **premium member**!"
+remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid} is not a **premium member**!'
 ### Comando Guild Remove!
-guild_remove_desc: "`✅` | Successfully removed premium from the server %{user}!"
+guild_remove_desc: '`✅` | Successfully removed premium from the server %{user}!'
 guild_remove_already: "`⚠️` | %{user}'s server is already without premium!"
-guild_remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | Please specify the **server ID** to remove premium from!"
-guild_remove_404: "`⚠️` | The server %{userid} is not a **premium server**!"
+guild_remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | Please specify the **server ID** to remove premium from!'
+guild_remove_404: '`⚠️` | The server %{userid} is not a **premium server**!'
 ### Comando Guild List
-guild_list_title: "💫 List of Premium Servers!"
-guild_list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Only numbers are allowed for the page!"
-guild_list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Only **%{page} pages** are available!"
+guild_list_title: '💫 List of Premium Servers!'
+guild_list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Only numbers are allowed for the page!'
+guild_list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Only **%{page} pages** are available!'
 ### Comando User List
-list_title: "💫 List of Premium Users"
-list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Only numbers are allowed for the page!"
-list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Only **%{page} pages** are available!"
\ No newline at end of file
+list_title: '💫 List of Premium Users'
+list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Only numbers are allowed for the page!'
+list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Only **%{page} pages** are available!'
diff --git a/languages/en/command.utils.yaml b/languages/en/command.utils.yaml
index 5eb5fcac..4a9d2a48 100644
--- a/languages/en/command.utils.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/command.utils.yaml
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
 ### Language command!
-lang_set: "`📙` | Language has been set to **%{language}**!"
-lang_change: "`📙` | Language has been changed to **%{language}**!"
-lang_perm: "`⚠️` | You do not have permission to use this command!"
+lang_set: '`📙` | Language has been set to **%{language}**!'
+lang_change: '`📙` | Language has been changed to **%{language}**!'
+lang_perm: '`⚠️` | You do not have permission to use this command!'
 provide_lang: "`⚠️` | Invalid Language. Please use:\n`%{languages}`"
 ### Shutdown command!
-restart_msg: "`🔌` | **Shutting Down**..."
+restart_msg: '`🔌` | **Shutting Down**...'
 ### Prefix command!
-prefix_set: "`㊙️` | Prefix has been set to **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_change: "`㊙️` | Prefix has been changed to **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_arg: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Prefix!"
-prefix_length: "`⚠️` | Prefix can not be longer than **10 Characters**!"
+prefix_set: '`㊙️` | Prefix has been set to **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_change: '`㊙️` | Prefix has been changed to **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_arg: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid Prefix!'
+prefix_length: '`⚠️` | Prefix can not be longer than **10 Characters**!'
 ### SongNoti command!
-songnoti_set: "`🔔` | Song Notifications has been set to **%{toggle}**!"
-songnoti_already: "`⚠️` | Song Notifications are already **%{mode}**!"
+songnoti_set: '`🔔` | Song Notifications has been set to **%{toggle}**!'
+songnoti_already: '`⚠️` | Song Notifications are already **%{mode}**!'
 ### 24/7 command!
-247_on: "`✅` | 24/7 mode is now **Enabled**!"
-247_off: "`❌` | 24/7 mode is now **Disabled**!"
-247_already: "`⚠️` | 24/7 mode is already **%{mode}**!"
+247_on: '`✅` | 24/7 mode is now **Enabled**!'
+247_off: '`❌` | 24/7 mode is now **Disabled**!'
+247_already: '`⚠️` | 24/7 mode is already **%{mode}**!'
 ### Setup command!
 setup_msg: "**`⚙️` | Created Music System** %{channel}\n```Note: Do not delete any messages sent by me for the Music System to work properly!```"
-setup_deleted: "**`⚙️` | Deleted Music System!**"
+setup_deleted: '**`⚙️` | Deleted Music System!**'
 setup_topic: "⏹ **Stop**\n⏮️ **Previous**\n⏯ **Pause/Resume**\n⏭️ **Skip**\n🔁 **Loop/Unloop**"
-setup_enable: "`⚠️` | Music System already exists!"
-setup_null: "`⚠️` | Music System not found!"
+setup_enable: '`⚠️` | Music System already exists!'
+setup_null: '`⚠️` | Music System not found!'
 ## Blacklist command!
-bl_invalid_mode: "`❌` | Invalid type of mode, please use add / remove only"
-bl_invalid_type: "`❌` | Invalid type, please use guild / user only"
-bl_add: "`✅` | Blacklisted id `%{id}` successfully!"
-bl_remove: "`✅` | Blacklisted id `%{id}` removed successfully!"
+bl_invalid_mode: '`❌` | Invalid type of mode, please use add / remove only'
+bl_invalid_type: '`❌` | Invalid type, please use guild / user only'
+bl_add: '`✅` | Blacklisted id `%{id}` successfully!'
+bl_remove: '`✅` | Blacklisted id `%{id}` removed successfully!'
 ## Max length
-ml_invalid: "`⚠️` | Invalid time. Please use a valid timestamp. Example: **1:30**!"
-ml_set: "`✅` | Successfully set the max length of song to `%{time}`"
-ml_remove: "`✅` | Successfully remove the max length of the song"
\ No newline at end of file
+ml_invalid: '`⚠️` | Invalid time. Please use a valid timestamp. Example: **1:30**!'
+ml_set: '`✅` | Successfully set the max length of song to `%{time}`'
+ml_remove: '`✅` | Successfully remove the max length of the song'
diff --git a/languages/en/error.yaml b/languages/en/error.yaml
index 6cd7312b..adde667b 100644
--- a/languages/en/error.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/error.yaml
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
 # Invalid Number
-number_invalid: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid number!"
+number_invalid: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid number!'
 # Execute when invalid
-no_node: "`⚠️` | No Lavalink server was found. Please try again after **5 Minutes**!"
+no_node: '`⚠️` | No Lavalink server was found. Please try again after **5 Minutes**!'
 # No song is currently playing!
-no_player: "`⚠️` | No song is currently playing!"
+no_player: '`⚠️` | No song is currently playing!'
 # Need to join voice & same voice to use command!
-no_in_voice: "`⚠️` | You are not in a voice channel!"
-no_same_voice: "`⚠️` | You are not in the same voice channel as me!"
+no_in_voice: '`⚠️` | You are not in a voice channel!'
+no_same_voice: '`⚠️` | You are not in the same voice channel as me!'
 # No permission!
-user_no_perms: "`⚠️` | You do not have **%{perm}** permission to execute this command!"
-no_perms: "`⚠️` | I do not have **%{perm}** permission to execute this command!"
-no_perms_channel: "`⚠️` | I do not have **%{perm}** permission in <#%{channel}> to execute this command!"
+user_no_perms: '`⚠️` | You do not have **%{perm}** permission to execute this command!'
+no_perms: '`⚠️` | I do not have **%{perm}** permission to execute this command!'
+no_perms_channel: '`⚠️` | I do not have **%{perm}** permission in <#%{channel}> to execute this command!'
 # Getting error!
-unexpected_error: "`⚠️` | Something went wrong. Please try again later!"
+unexpected_error: '`⚠️` | Something went wrong. Please try again later!'
 # Client owner!
-owner_only: "`⚠️` | You are not my **Owner**!"
+owner_only: '`⚠️` | You are not my **Owner**!'
 # No premium Event!
-no_premium_author: "Premium"
-no_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | You are not a Premium user!"
-no_guild_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | You are not in a premium guild!"
+no_premium_author: 'Premium'
+no_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | You are not a Premium user!'
+no_guild_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | You are not in a premium guild!'
 # Rate limit!
-ratelimit: "`⚠️` | You are performing actions too quickly. Please wait for **%{time} Seconds**!"
+ratelimit: '`⚠️` | You are performing actions too quickly. Please wait for **%{time} Seconds**!'
 # Missing args
-arg_error: "`⚠️` | Invalid argument. Please use %{text}"
+arg_error: '`⚠️` | Invalid argument. Please use %{text}'
 # error
-topgg_error_author: "❌ | error"
-topgg_error_desc: "An exception occurred while checking your vote on, this may be because is down. Please try again after 5-10 minutes."
+topgg_error_author: '❌ | error'
+topgg_error_desc: 'An exception occurred while checking your vote on, this may be because is down. Please try again after 5-10 minutes.'
 topgg_vote_author: "❌ | You haven't voted yet"
-topgg_vote_desc: "To use this command, you have to vote this bot!"
-topgg_vote_button: "Click here to vote!"
+topgg_vote_desc: 'To use this command, you have to vote this bot!'
+topgg_vote_button: 'Click here to vote!'
 # Blacklist error
-bl_user: "`❌` | You have been blocked by <@%{bot}>, please contact the owner to resolve"
-bl_guild: "`❌` | This server has been blocked by <@%{bot}>, please contact the owner to resolve or use another server"
\ No newline at end of file
+bl_user: '`❌` | You have been blocked by <@%{bot}>, please contact the owner to resolve'
+bl_guild: '`❌` | This server has been blocked by <@%{bot}>, please contact the owner to resolve or use another server'
diff --git a/languages/en/event.guild.yaml b/languages/en/event.guild.yaml
index 680a62c0..d05ff31b 100644
--- a/languages/en/event.guild.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/event.guild.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-joined_title: "📥 Joined a guild!"
-leave_title: "📥 Left a guild!"
-guild_name: "Name"
-guild_id: "ID"
-guild_owner: "Owner"
-guild_member_count: "Member count"
-guild_creation_date: "Creation date"
-current_server_count: "Current server count"
-join_dm_title: "Thanks for choosing %{username} as an primary music bot!"
+joined_title: '📥 Joined a guild!'
+leave_title: '📥 Left a guild!'
+guild_name: 'Name'
+guild_id: 'ID'
+guild_owner: 'Owner'
+guild_member_count: 'Member count'
+guild_creation_date: 'Creation date'
+current_server_count: 'Current server count'
+join_dm_title: 'Thanks for choosing %{username} as an primary music bot!'
diff --git a/languages/en/event.message.yaml b/languages/en/event.message.yaml
index 887313ef..5e1460a0 100644
--- a/languages/en/event.message.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/event.message.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ### Help command!
-intro1: "・**%{bot}** is an advanced music bot with rich features!"
-intro2: "・Powered by **RainyXeon**"
-intro3: "・Partnered with **1sT - Services**"
-prefix: "・**Bot Prefix:** %{prefix}"
-ver: "・**Bot Version:** `%{botver}`"
-djs: "・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`"
-lavalink: "・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`"
-help1: "・**To get started:** %{help}"
-help2: "・**To get more info:** %{botinfo}"
-wel: "👋 Welcome to %{bot}"
-codename: "・**Codename:** `%{codename}`"
+intro1: '・**%{bot}** is an advanced music bot with rich features!'
+intro2: '・Powered by **RainyXeon**'
+intro3: '・Partnered with **1sT - Services**'
+prefix: '・**Bot Prefix:** %{prefix}'
+ver: '・**Bot Version:** `%{botver}`'
+djs: '・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`'
+lavalink: '・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`'
+help1: '・**To get started:** %{help}'
+help2: '・**To get more info:** %{botinfo}'
+wel: '👋 Welcome to %{bot}'
+codename: '・**Codename:** `%{codename}`'
diff --git a/languages/en/event.player.yaml b/languages/en/event.player.yaml
index 82cb886c..5f5cf481 100644
--- a/languages/en/event.player.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/event.player.yaml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 ### Playing event!
-track_title: "Started Playing"
-track_icon: ""
-author_title: "`✒️` | Author:"
-request_title: "`👤` | Requester:"
-volume_title: "`🔊` | Volume:"
-queue_title: "`💾` | Queue Length:"
-duration_title: "`🕒` | Song Duration:"
-total_duration_title: "`🕰️` | Queue Duration:"
-download_title: "`⬇️` | Download:"
+track_title: 'Started Playing'
+track_icon: ''
+author_title: '`✒️` | Author:'
+request_title: '`👤` | Requester:'
+volume_title: '`🔊` | Volume:'
+queue_title: '`💾` | Queue Length:'
+duration_title: '`🕒` | Song Duration:'
+total_duration_title: '`🕰️` | Queue Duration:'
+download_title: '`⬇️` | Download:'
 ### Same voice!
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | You are not in the same voice channel as me!"
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | You are not in the same voice channel as me!'
 ### QueueEnd event!
-queue_end_desc: "`🔚` | Song has been **Ended**!"
+queue_end_desc: '`🔚` | Song has been **Ended**!'
 ### Song error!
-error_desc: "`⚠️` | Song has error. Skipped the **Song**!"
+error_desc: '`⚠️` | Song has error. Skipped the **Song**!'
 ### Auto function!
-player_end: "`🛑` | I left <#%{leave}> because there is no one in the voice channel!"
-leave_pause: "`⏸️` | Song has been Paused because I was left alone!"
-leave_resume: "`▶️` | Song has been Resumed because someone joined!"
+player_end: '`🛑` | I left <#%{leave}> because there is no one in the voice channel!'
+leave_pause: '`⏸️` | Song has been Paused because I was left alone!'
+leave_resume: '`▶️` | Song has been Resumed because someone joined!'
diff --git a/languages/en/event.premium.yaml b/languages/en/event.premium.yaml
index ca6302d6..575453d4 100644
--- a/languages/en/event.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/event.premium.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-display_name: "Display name"
-username: "Username"
-createdAt: "Created At"
-redeemedAt: "Redeemed At"
-expiresAt: "Expires At"
-plan: "Plan"
-title: "💫 New user just registered successfully premium!"
-guild_title: "💫 New guild just registered successfully premium!"
\ No newline at end of file
+display_name: 'Display name'
+username: 'Username'
+createdAt: 'Created At'
+redeemedAt: 'Redeemed At'
+expiresAt: 'Expires At'
+plan: 'Plan'
+title: '💫 New user just registered successfully premium!'
+guild_title: '💫 New guild just registered successfully premium!'
diff --git a/languages/en/event.setup.yaml b/languages/en/event.setup.yaml
index 6a419820..1fa49d69 100644
--- a/languages/en/event.setup.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/event.setup.yaml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
 ### Setup handler!
-setup_queuemsg: "Join a voice channel and play songs using name or URL in here!"
-setup_playembed_author: "No Song Is Currently Playing"
+setup_queuemsg: 'Join a voice channel and play songs using name or URL in here!'
+setup_playembed_author: 'No Song Is Currently Playing'
 ### Update handler!
-setup_author: "Playing"
-setup_author_icon: ""
-setup_desc: "**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_footer: "Volume • %{volume}% | Total Duration • %{duration}"
-setup_content: "**__Queue:__**"
-setup_content_queue: "`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_content_empty: "Join a voice channel and play songs using name or URL in here!"
+setup_author: 'Playing'
+setup_author_icon: ''
+setup_desc: '**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_footer: 'Volume • %{volume}% | Total Duration • %{duration}'
+setup_content: '**__Queue:__**'
+setup_content_queue: '`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_content_empty: 'Join a voice channel and play songs using name or URL in here!'
 ### Status command!
-status_create: "**`📊` | Created Status Channel!**"
-status_delete: "**`📊` | Deleted Status Channel!**"
-status_enable: "`⚠️` | Status Channel already exists!"
-status_null: "`⚠️` | Status Channel not found!"
+status_create: '**`📊` | Created Status Channel!**'
+status_delete: '**`📊` | Deleted Status Channel!**'
+status_enable: '`⚠️` | Status Channel already exists!'
+status_null: '`⚠️` | Status Channel not found!'
 # Play!
-play_track: "`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | Please provide a valid song name or URL!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | Song not found!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | You can not play songs using emoji!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Queued **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | Please provide a valid song name or URL!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | Song not found!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | You can not play songs using emoji!'
diff --git a/languages/en/global.yaml b/languages/en/global.yaml
index f5d5995d..239eac62 100644
--- a/languages/en/global.yaml
+++ b/languages/en/global.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # Mode
-enable: "Enabled"
-disable: "Disabled"
\ No newline at end of file
+enable: 'Enabled'
+disable: 'Disabled'
diff --git a/languages/es/ b/languages/es/
index 524e2fdf..866a97b8 100644
--- a/languages/es/
+++ b/languages/es/
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Actualmente reproduciendo:\n**%{track}** `[%{duration}]` • %{requester}\n\n`💤` | Resto de la fila:**%{list_song}**"
-queue_footer: "Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Canción • %{queue_lang} | Duración total • %{total_duration}"
+queue_footer: 'Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Canción • %{queue_lang} | Duración total • %{total_duration}'
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | ¡Pausó al **Jugador**!"
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | ¡Reanudó al **Jugador**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | ¡Pausó al **Jugador**!'
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | ¡Reanudó al **Jugador**!'
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | ¡Se saltó la **canción**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡No se encontró ninguna canción para Saltar!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | ¡Se saltó la **canción**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡No se encontró ninguna canción para Saltar!'
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | ¡Detenido el **Jugador**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | ¡Detenido el **Jugador**!'
-volup_msg: "`🔊` | Volúmen cambiado a **%{volume}%**"
-voldown_msg: "`🔉` | Volúmen cambiado a **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | Volumen inválido. Por favor usa un número entre **1** y **100**!"
-volume_max: "`⚠️` | ¡El jugador ya está al volumen máximo!"
-volume_min: "`⚠️` | ¡El jugador ya tiene el volumen mínimo!"
+volup_msg: '`🔊` | Volúmen cambiado a **%{volume}%**'
+voldown_msg: '`🔉` | Volúmen cambiado a **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | Volumen inválido. Por favor usa un número entre **1** y **100**!'
+volume_max: '`⚠️` | ¡El jugador ya está al volumen máximo!'
+volume_min: '`⚠️` | ¡El jugador ya tiene el volumen mínimo!'
-clear_msg: "`🗑️` | ¡La cola ha sido **limpiada**!"
+clear_msg: '`🗑️` | ¡La cola ha sido **limpiada**!'
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Bucle actual **Canción**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Bucle **Cola**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | Bucle ahora está **Desactivado**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Modo bucle inválido. Por favor usa %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | ¡El modo bucle ya es **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Bucle actual **Canción**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Bucle **Cola**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | Bucle ahora está **Desactivado**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Modo bucle inválido. Por favor usa %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | ¡El modo bucle ya es **%{mode}**!'
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | ¡Saltó a la **Canción Anterior**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡No se encontró ninguna canción anterior!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | ¡Saltó a la **Canción Anterior**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡No se encontró ninguna canción anterior!'
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Mezclada la Cola"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Mezclada la Cola'
diff --git a/languages/es/command.filter.yaml b/languages/es/command.filter.yaml
index 2c0c0376..ee32a106 100644
--- a/languages/es/command.filter.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/command.filter.yaml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 ### All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | ¡El filtro %{name} ya está **habilitado**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | ¡El filtro %{name} ya está **habilitado**!"
-filter_number: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduce un número válido!"
-filter_greater: "`⚠️` | ¡El número debe ser mayor que **0**!"
-filter_less: "`⚠️` | ¡El número debe ser menor que **10**!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | ¡El filtro %{name} ya está **habilitado**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | ¡El filtro %{name} ya está **habilitado**!'
+filter_number: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduce un número válido!'
+filter_greater: '`⚠️` | ¡El número debe ser mayor que **0**!'
+filter_less: '`⚠️` | ¡El número debe ser menor que **10**!'
 ### Bassboost command!
-bassboost_set: "`🎚️` | ¡Bassboost se ha establecido a **%{amount}dB**!"
-bassboost_limit: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, usa un número entre **-10** y **10**!"
+bassboost_set: '`🎚️` | ¡Bassboost se ha establecido a **%{amount}dB**!'
+bassboost_limit: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, usa un número entre **-10** y **10**!'
 ### Equalizer command!
-eq_author: "Ecualizador"
-eq_icon: ""
-eq_desc: "`🎚️` | Hay **14 bandas** que pueden establecerse de **-10** a **10**. ¡No es obligatorio establecerlas todas!"
-eq_field_title: "Ejemplo:"
-eq_field_value: "%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0"
-eq_footer: "Restablecer ecualizador: %{prefix}eq reset"
-eq_on: "`🎚️` | ¡El ecualizador ha sido configurado a **%{bands}**!"
-eq_number: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduce un número válido!"
-eq_greater: "`⚠️` | ¡El número debe ser mayor que **-10**!"
-eq_than: "`⚠️` | ¡El número debe ser menor que **10**!"
+eq_author: 'Ecualizador'
+eq_icon: ''
+eq_desc: '`🎚️` | Hay **14 bandas** que pueden establecerse de **-10** a **10**. ¡No es obligatorio establecerlas todas!'
+eq_field_title: 'Ejemplo:'
+eq_field_value: '%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0'
+eq_footer: 'Restablecer ecualizador: %{prefix}eq reset'
+eq_on: '`🎚️` | ¡El ecualizador ha sido configurado a **%{bands}**!'
+eq_number: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduce un número válido!'
+eq_greater: '`⚠️` | ¡El número debe ser mayor que **-10**!'
+eq_than: '`⚠️` | ¡El número debe ser menor que **10**!'
 ### Pitch command!
-pitch_on: "`🎚️` | ¡El tono ha sido establecido a **%{amount}**!"
+pitch_on: '`🎚️` | ¡El tono ha sido establecido a **%{amount}**!'
 ### Rate command!
-rate_on: "`🎚️` | ¡La tasa se ha establecido en **%{amount}x**!"
+rate_on: '`🎚️` | ¡La tasa se ha establecido en **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Speed command!
-speed_on: "`🎚️` | ¡La velocidad se ha establecido en **%{amount}x**!"
+speed_on: '`🎚️` | ¡La velocidad se ha establecido en **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | ¡El filtro ha sido **Restablecido**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | ¡El filtro ya ha sido **reiniciado**!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | ¡El filtro ha sido **Restablecido**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | ¡El filtro ya ha sido **reiniciado**!'
diff --git a/languages/es/ b/languages/es/
index 9ca9c83f..4a46b171 100644
--- a/languages/es/
+++ b/languages/es/
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 ### Developer command!
-dev_title: "RainyXeon"
-dev_desc: "Solo soy un desarrollador de incógnito. ¡Y un creador oficial de Dreamvast y RainyProduction!"
-dev_foot: "Considere unirse a mi servidor o invitar a mis bots :) ¡Esto me ayudaría mucho!"
+dev_title: 'RainyXeon'
+dev_desc: 'Solo soy un desarrollador de incógnito. ¡Y un creador oficial de Dreamvast y RainyProduction!'
+dev_foot: 'Considere unirse a mi servidor o invitar a mis bots :) ¡Esto me ayudaría mucho!'
 ### Invite command!
-inv_title: "✉️ %{username}"
-inv_desc: "¡Gracias por invitarme de antemano!"
+inv_title: '✉️ %{username}'
+inv_desc: '¡Gracias por invitarme de antemano!'
 ### Ping command!
-ping_title: "🏓 "
+ping_title: '🏓 '
 ping_desc: "**Ping:** `%{ping}ms`\n**Tiempo de respuesta:** `%{response}ms`"
 ### Uptime command!
-uptime_title: "🕒 "
-uptime_desc: "**Uptime:** `%{uptime}`"
+uptime_title: '🕒 '
+uptime_desc: '**Uptime:** `%{uptime}`'
 ### Help command!
-ce_finder_name: "**Comando:**"
-ce_finder_des: "**Descripción:**"
-ce_finder_usage: "**Uso:**"
-ce_finder_access: "**Accesible por:**"
-ce_finder_aliases: "**Alias:**"
-ce_finder_slash: "**Slash:**"
-ce_finder_des_no: "No hay descripción"
-ce_finder_usage_no: "Sin uso"
-ce_finder_aliases_prefix: " [Solo prefijo]"
-ce_finder_aliases_no: "No hay alias"
-ce_finder_slash_enable: "Habilitado"
-ce_finder_slash_disable: "Deshabilitado"
-ce_finder_invalid: "Comando Inválido"
-ce_finder_example: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporcione un **Nombre de Comando** válido!"
-ce_name: "Comando de Ayuda"
-ce_total: "Comandos totales: "
+ce_finder_name: '**Comando:**'
+ce_finder_des: '**Descripción:**'
+ce_finder_usage: '**Uso:**'
+ce_finder_access: '**Accesible por:**'
+ce_finder_aliases: '**Alias:**'
+ce_finder_slash: '**Slash:**'
+ce_finder_des_no: 'No hay descripción'
+ce_finder_usage_no: 'Sin uso'
+ce_finder_aliases_prefix: ' [Solo prefijo]'
+ce_finder_aliases_no: 'No hay alias'
+ce_finder_slash_enable: 'Habilitado'
+ce_finder_slash_disable: 'Deshabilitado'
+ce_finder_invalid: 'Comando Inválido'
+ce_finder_example: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporcione un **Nombre de Comando** válido!'
+ce_name: 'Comando de Ayuda'
+ce_total: 'Comandos totales: '
diff --git a/languages/es/ b/languages/es/
index d6640a42..9a02781f 100644
--- a/languages/es/
+++ b/languages/es/
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
 ### Autoplay command!
-autoplay_on: "`✅` | ¡La reproducción automática ahora está **Habilitada**!"
-autoplay_off: "`❌` | ¡La reproducción automática ahora está **desactivada**!"
-autoplay_already: "`⚠️` | ¡Autoplay ya está **%{mode}**!"
+autoplay_on: '`✅` | ¡La reproducción automática ahora está **Habilitada**!'
+autoplay_off: '`❌` | ¡La reproducción automática ahora está **desactivada**!'
+autoplay_already: '`⚠️` | ¡Autoplay ya está **%{mode}**!'
 ### ClearQueue command!
-clearqueue_msg: "`🗑️` | ¡La cola ha sido **borrada**!"
+clearqueue_msg: '`🗑️` | ¡La cola ha sido **borrada**!'
 ### Forward command!
-forward_msg: "`⏭` | *Avanzar a:* `%{duration}`"
-forward_beyond: "`⚠️` | La canción está a punto de terminar. ¡No puedes avanzar más allá!"
+forward_msg: '`⏭` | *Avanzar a:* `%{duration}`'
+forward_beyond: '`⚠️` | La canción está a punto de terminar. ¡No puedes avanzar más allá!'
 ### Join command!
-join_msg: "`🔊` | Se unió a %{channel}"
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | ¡Necesitas estar en un canal de voz para usar este comando!"
-join_already: "`⚠️` | Ya estoy en %{channel}"
+join_msg: '`🔊` | Se unió a %{channel}'
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | ¡Necesitas estar en un canal de voz para usar este comando!'
+join_already: '`⚠️` | Ya estoy en %{channel}'
 ### Stop command!
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | ¡Detenido el **Jugador**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | ¡Detenido el **Jugador**!'
 ### Loop command!
-loop_current: "`🔁` | ¡Bucle actual **Canción**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | ¡Bucle **Cola**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | ¡La reproducción automática ahora está **desactivada**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Modo bucle inválido. ¡Por favor usa %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "¡`⚠️` | ¡El modo bucle ya está **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | ¡Bucle actual **Canción**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | ¡Bucle **Cola**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | ¡La reproducción automática ahora está **desactivada**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Modo bucle inválido. ¡Por favor usa %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '¡`⚠️` | ¡El modo bucle ya está **%{mode}**!'
 ### Lyrics command!
-lyrics_title: "📜 %{song}"
-lyrics_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Letras no encontradas!"
-lyrics_toolong: "`⚠️` | ¡Las letras son demasiado largas para ser mostradas!"
+lyrics_title: '📜 %{song}'
+lyrics_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Letras no encontradas!'
+lyrics_toolong: '`⚠️` | ¡Las letras son demasiado largas para ser mostradas!'
 ### Nowplaying command!
-np_icon: ""
-np_title: "Reproduciendo ahora"
-np_current_duration: "`⏰` | Duración actual: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`"
+np_icon: ''
+np_title: 'Reproduciendo ahora'
+np_current_duration: '`⏰` | Duración actual: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`'
 ### Pause command!
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | ¡Pausado por **Jugador**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | ¡Pausado por **Jugador**!'
 ### Play command!
-play_track: "`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Canciones**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un nombre de canción o URL válido!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | ¡Canción no encontrada!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | ¡No puedes reproducir canciones usando emoji!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Canciones**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un nombre de canción o URL válido!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | ¡Canción no encontrada!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | ¡No puedes reproducir canciones usando emoji!'
 ### File command!
-file_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un archivo válido!"
-play_invalid_file: "`⚠️` | Tipo de archivo inválido. ¡Por favor usa **mp3** o **ogg**!"
-play_warning_file: "`⚠️` | No pude detectar el tipo de archivo. ¡Por favor usa **mp3** o **ogg**!"
+file_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un archivo válido!'
+play_invalid_file: '`⚠️` | Tipo de archivo inválido. ¡Por favor usa **mp3** o **ogg**!'
+play_warning_file: '`⚠️` | No pude detectar el tipo de archivo. ¡Por favor usa **mp3** o **ogg**!'
 ### Previous command!
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | ¡Saltó a la **Canción Anterior**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡No se encontró ninguna canción anterior!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | ¡Saltó a la **Canción Anterior**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡No se encontró ninguna canción anterior!'
 ### Queue command!
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Actualmente reproduciendo:\n**[%{title}](%{url})** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}\n\n`💤` | Resto de la Cola:**%{rest}**"
-queue_footer: "Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Canción • %{queue_lang} | Duración total • %{duration}"
-queue_notnumber: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!"
-queue_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} páginas**!"
+queue_footer: 'Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Canción • %{queue_lang} | Duración total • %{duration}'
+queue_notnumber: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!'
+queue_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} páginas**!'
 ### Replay command!
-replay_msg: "`⏭️` | ¡Se saltó la **canción**!"
+replay_msg: '`⏭️` | ¡Se saltó la **canción**!'
 ### Resume command!
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | ¡Reanudó el **Jugador**!"
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | ¡Reanudó el **Jugador**!'
 ### Rewind command!
-rewind_msg: "`⏮` | *Rebobinar a:* `%{duration}"
-rewind_beyond: "`⚠️` | Canción que acaba de comenzar. ¡No puedes rebobinar más allá!"
+rewind_msg: '`⏮` | *Rebobinar a:* `%{duration}'
+rewind_beyond: '`⚠️` | Canción que acaba de comenzar. ¡No puedes rebobinar más allá!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-removetrack_desc: "`🗑️` | Se eliminó **[%{name}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-removetrack_already: "`⚠️` | ¡No puedo quitar una canción que ya está reproduciendo!"
-removetrack_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Canción no encontrada!"
+removetrack_desc: '`🗑️` | Se eliminó **[%{name}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+removetrack_already: '`⚠️` | ¡No puedo quitar una canción que ya está reproduciendo!'
+removetrack_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Canción no encontrada!'
 ### Seek command!
-seek_msg: "`➿` | Buscado en `%{duration}`"
-seek_beyond: "`⚠️` | ¡No puedes buscar más allá de la duración de la canción!"
-seek_invalid: "`⚠️` | Duración de búsqueda inválida. ¡Por favor usa una marca de tiempo válida, Ejemplo: **1:30**!"
+seek_msg: '`➿` | Buscado en `%{duration}`'
+seek_beyond: '`⚠️` | ¡No puedes buscar más allá de la duración de la canción!'
+seek_invalid: '`⚠️` | Duración de búsqueda inválida. ¡Por favor usa una marca de tiempo válida, Ejemplo: **1:30**!'
 ### Shuffle command!
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Se ha mezclado la cola"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Se ha mezclado la cola'
 ### Skip command!
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | ¡Se saltó la **canción**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡No se encontró ninguna canción para Saltar!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | ¡Se saltó la **canción**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡No se encontró ninguna canción para Saltar!'
 ### Volume command!
-volume_msg: "`🔊` | El volumen se ha establecido en **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | Volumen inválido. ¡Por favor usa un número entre **1** y **100**!"
+volume_msg: '`🔊` | El volumen se ha establecido en **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | Volumen inválido. ¡Por favor usa un número entre **1** y **100**!'
diff --git a/languages/es/command.playlist.yaml b/languages/es/command.playlist.yaml
index 64676389..01c5d231 100644
--- a/languages/es/command.playlist.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/command.playlist.yaml
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
 ### Create command!
-create_created: "`💿` | Creada **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`"
-create_toolong: "`⚠️` | ¡El nombre de la lista de reproducción no puede ser más largo que **16 caracteres**!"
-des_toolong: "`⚠️` | ¡La descripción de lista de reproducción no puede ser más larga que **1000 caracteres**!"
-create_limit_playlist: "`⚠️` | ¡No puedes crear más de %{limit} listas de reproducción!"
+create_created: '`💿` | Creada **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`'
+create_toolong: '`⚠️` | ¡El nombre de la lista de reproducción no puede ser más largo que **16 caracteres**!'
+des_toolong: '`⚠️` | ¡La descripción de lista de reproducción no puede ser más larga que **1000 caracteres**!'
+create_limit_playlist: '`⚠️` | ¡No puedes crear más de %{limit} listas de reproducción!'
 ### Add command!
-add_track: "`🔍` | Buscado **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_playlist: "`🔍` | Buscado **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Canciones**) • %{user}"
-add_search: "`🔍` | Buscado **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_added: "`➕` | Se añadieron ** canciones%{count} ** a `%{playlist}`"
-add_match: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un nombre de canción o URL válido!"
-add_owner: "`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!"
-add_limit_track: "`⚠️` | No puedes agregar más de %{limit} canciones."
+add_track: '`🔍` | Buscado **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_playlist: '`🔍` | Buscado **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Canciones**) • %{user}'
+add_search: '`🔍` | Buscado **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_added: '`➕` | Se añadieron ** canciones%{count} ** a `%{playlist}`'
+add_match: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un nombre de canción o URL válido!'
+add_owner: '`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!'
+add_limit_track: '`⚠️` | No puedes agregar más de %{limit} canciones.'
 ### Delete command!
-delete_confirm: "`❓` | Quieres eliminar `%{playlist_id}`"
-delete_deleted: "`❌` | Eliminada `%{name}`"
-delete_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!"
-delete_no: "`⚠️` | ¡Cancelado **Borrado**!"
-delete_owner: "`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!"
+delete_confirm: '`❓` | Quieres eliminar `%{playlist_id}`'
+delete_deleted: '`❌` | Eliminada `%{name}`'
+delete_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!'
+delete_no: '`⚠️` | ¡Cancelado **Borrado**!'
+delete_owner: '`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!'
 ### Detail command!
-detail_private: "`🔒` | ¡La lista de reproducción es **Privada**!"
-detail_embed_title: "%{name}:"
-detail_embed_footer: "Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Canciónes • %{songs} | Duración total • %{duration}"
-detail_track: "%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Autor: **%{author}**"
-detail_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!"
-detail_notnumber: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!"
-detail_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} páginas**!"
+detail_private: '`🔒` | ¡La lista de reproducción es **Privada**!'
+detail_embed_title: '%{name}:'
+detail_embed_footer: 'Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Canciónes • %{songs} | Duración total • %{duration}'
+detail_track: '%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Autor: **%{author}**'
+detail_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!'
+detail_notnumber: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!'
+detail_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} páginas**!'
 ### Import command!
-import_private: "`🔒` | ¡La lista de reproducción es **Privada**!"
-import_imported: "`💿` | Importado **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} canciones**) • %{user}"
-import_voice: "`⚠️` | ¡Necesitas estar en un canal de voz para usar este comando!"
-import_empty: "`⚠️` | ¡La lista de reproducción esta **vacía**!"
+import_private: '`🔒` | ¡La lista de reproducción es **Privada**!'
+import_imported: '`💿` | Importado **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} canciones**) • %{user}'
+import_voice: '`⚠️` | ¡Necesitas estar en un canal de voz para usar este comando!'
+import_empty: '`⚠️` | ¡La lista de reproducción esta **vacía**!'
 ### All command!
-view_embed_title: "%{user}"
-view_embed_footer: "Página • %{page}/%{pages} | listas de reproducción • %{songs}"
-view_embed_playlist: "%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Canciones**) • Creado: `[%{create} hace]`"
-view_notnumber: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!"
-view_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} Páginas**!"
+view_embed_title: '%{user}'
+view_embed_footer: 'Página • %{page}/%{pages} | listas de reproducción • %{songs}'
+view_embed_playlist: '%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Canciones**) • Creado: `[%{create} hace]`'
+view_notnumber: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!'
+view_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} Páginas**!'
 ### Remove command!
-remove_removed: "`➖` | Se ha eliminado **%{position} Número** canción de `%{name}`"
-remove_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!"
-remove_song_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Canción no encontrada!"
-remove_owner: "`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!"
+remove_removed: '`➖` | Se ha eliminado **%{position} Número** canción de `%{name}`'
+remove_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!'
+remove_song_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Canción no encontrada!'
+remove_owner: '`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!'
 ### SaveQueue command!
-savequeue_saved: "`✅` | Guardado **%{tracks} Canciones** a `%{name}`"
-savequeue_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!"
-savequeue_owner: "`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!"
-savequeue_no_new_saved: "`⚠️` | La canción ya existe en `%{name}`"
-savequeue_no_tracks: "`⚠️` | ¡No hay canción en reproducción actualmente!"
+savequeue_saved: '`✅` | Guardado **%{tracks} Canciones** a `%{name}`'
+savequeue_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!'
+savequeue_owner: '`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!'
+savequeue_no_new_saved: '`⚠️` | La canción ya existe en `%{name}`'
+savequeue_no_tracks: '`⚠️` | ¡No hay canción en reproducción actualmente!'
 ### Info Command!
-info_id: "`🆔` | ID:"
-info_total: "`🎵` | Canciones totales:"
-info_created: "`📅` | Creada:"
-info_private: "`👀` | Visibilidad:"
-info_owner: "`👑` | Propietario:"
-info_des: "`💬` | Descripción:"
-no_des: "No se ha proporcionado descripción."
-public: "Pública"
-private: "Privada"
-invalid: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!"
+info_id: '`🆔` | ID:'
+info_total: '`🎵` | Canciones totales:'
+info_created: '`📅` | Creada:'
+info_private: '`👀` | Visibilidad:'
+info_owner: '`👑` | Propietario:'
+info_des: '`💬` | Descripción:'
+no_des: 'No se ha proporcionado descripción.'
+public: 'Pública'
+private: 'Privada'
+invalid: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!'
 ### Editor command!
-edit_playlist_id_label: "**Ingresa tu nuevo ID de lista de reproducción**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-edit_playlist_name_label: "¡Introduce tu **Nuevo Nombre de la Lista de Reproducción**!"
-edit_playlist_des_label: "¡Introduce tu **Nueva descripción de la lista de reproducción**!"
-edit_playlist_private_label: "**¡Ingresa la visibilidad de tu nueva lista de reproducción**! `[public/private]`"
-edit_success: "`✅` | ¡Editado con éxito `%{playlistId}` info!"
-edit_arg: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!"
-edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!"
-edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!"
-edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduzca un ID de lista de reproducción válido y no existente!"
-edit_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Modo de visibilidad inválido. ¡Por favor usa **public** o **private**!"
+edit_playlist_id_label: '**Ingresa tu nuevo ID de lista de reproducción**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+edit_playlist_name_label: '¡Introduce tu **Nuevo Nombre de la Lista de Reproducción**!'
+edit_playlist_des_label: '¡Introduce tu **Nueva descripción de la lista de reproducción**!'
+edit_playlist_private_label: '**¡Ingresa la visibilidad de tu nueva lista de reproducción**! `[public/private]`'
+edit_success: '`✅` | ¡Editado con éxito `%{playlistId}` info!'
+edit_arg: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!'
+edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!'
+edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!'
+edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduzca un ID de lista de reproducción válido y no existente!'
+edit_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Modo de visibilidad inválido. ¡Por favor usa **public** o **private**!'
 ### Editor interaction!
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: "Nuevo ID de lista de reproducción"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: "Nuevo nombre de lista de reproducción"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: "Nueva descripción de lista de reproducción"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: "Nueva visibilidad de lista de reproducción"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: "**¡Ingresa tu nuevo ID de lista de reproducción**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: "¡Introduce tu **Nuevo Nombre de la Lista de Reproducción**!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: "¡Introduce tu **Nueva descripción de la lista de reproducción**!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: "**¡Ingresa la visibilidad de tu nueva lista de reproducción**! `[public/private]`"
-ineraction_edit_success: "`✅` | ¡Editado con éxito `%{playlistId}` info!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_error: "`⚠️` | Algo salió mal. ¡Inténtalo de nuevo!"
-ineraction_edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!"
-ineraction_edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduzca un ID de lista de reproducción válido y no existente!"
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: 'Nuevo ID de lista de reproducción'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: 'Nuevo nombre de lista de reproducción'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: 'Nueva descripción de lista de reproducción'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: 'Nueva visibilidad de lista de reproducción'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: '**¡Ingresa tu nuevo ID de lista de reproducción**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: '¡Introduce tu **Nuevo Nombre de la Lista de Reproducción**!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: '¡Introduce tu **Nueva descripción de la lista de reproducción**!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: '**¡Ingresa la visibilidad de tu nueva lista de reproducción**! `[public/private]`'
+ineraction_edit_success: '`✅` | ¡Editado con éxito `%{playlistId}` info!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_error: '`⚠️` | Algo salió mal. ¡Inténtalo de nuevo!'
+ineraction_edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, proporciona un ID de lista de reproducción válido!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | ¡No eres el **Propietario de la lista de reproducción**!'
+ineraction_edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduzca un ID de lista de reproducción válido y no existente!'
diff --git a/languages/es/command.premium.yaml b/languages/es/command.premium.yaml
index 54c0e7e0..e92982da 100644
--- a/languages/es/command.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/command.premium.yaml
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
 ### Generate command!
-gen_author: "Generar Premium"
+gen_author: 'Generar Premium'
 gen_desc: "🔑 | **Generado** `[%{codes_length}]`\n```%{codes}```\n💰 | **Plan:** `%{plan}`\n📅 | **Caduca:** `%{expires}`"
 gen_footer: "Canjear Premium • %{prefix}canjear <code>\n"
 ### Profile command!
-profile_author: "Perfil Premium"
-profile_error_desc: "`⚠️` | **%{user}** ¡No es un usuario Premium!"
+profile_author: 'Perfil Premium'
+profile_error_desc: '`⚠️` | **%{user}** ¡No es un usuario Premium!'
 profile_desc: "`👤` | **Usuario:** `%{user}`\n`💰` | **Plan:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expira:** `%{expires}`"
 ### Guild profile command!
-guild_profile_author: "Perfil Premium del Servidor"
+guild_profile_author: 'Perfil Premium del Servidor'
 guild_profile_desc: "`👤` | **Servidor:** `%{guild}`\n`💰` | **Plan:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expira:** `%{expires}`"
 ### Redeem command!
-redeem_title: "Canjear Premium"
+redeem_title: 'Canjear Premium'
 redeem_desc: "`💰` | **Plan:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expira:** `%{expires}"
-redeem_already: "`⚠️` | ¡Ya eres un **Usuario Premium**!"
-redeem_invalid: "`⚠️` | Código Premium no válido. ¡Por favor usa un código válido!"
-redeem_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Tipo de canje de Premium inválido. Usa solamente `guild` o `user`."
-redeem_already_guild: "`⚠️` | ¡Este servidor ya está en **Premium**!"
+redeem_already: '`⚠️` | ¡Ya eres un **Usuario Premium**!'
+redeem_invalid: '`⚠️` | Código Premium no válido. ¡Por favor usa un código válido!'
+redeem_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Tipo de canje de Premium inválido. Usa solamente `guild` o `user`.'
+redeem_already_guild: '`⚠️` | ¡Este servidor ya está en **Premium**!'
 ### Remove command!
-remove_desc: "`✅` | ¡Eliminado con éxito el Servidor Premium dé %{user}!"
-remove_already: "`⚠️` | ¡ %{user} Ya fue eliminado!"
-remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor mencione un **Usuario** o proporcione un **ID de usuario**!"
-remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid}** ¡no es un usuario Premium**!"
+remove_desc: '`✅` | ¡Eliminado con éxito el Servidor Premium dé %{user}!'
+remove_already: '`⚠️` | ¡ %{user} Ya fue eliminado!'
+remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor mencione un **Usuario** o proporcione un **ID de usuario**!'
+remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid}** ¡no es un usuario Premium**!'
 ### Guild remove command!
-guild_remove_desc: "`✅` | ¡Eliminado con éxito el Servidor Premium dé %{user}!"
-guild_remove_already: "`⚠️` | ¡El servidor de %{user} ya ha sido eliminado!"
-guild_remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un **ID del Servidor**!"
-guild_remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid}** ¡no es un usuario Premium**!"
+guild_remove_desc: '`✅` | ¡Eliminado con éxito el Servidor Premium dé %{user}!'
+guild_remove_already: '`⚠️` | ¡El servidor de %{user} ya ha sido eliminado!'
+guild_remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un **ID del Servidor**!'
+guild_remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid}** ¡no es un usuario Premium**!'
 ### Guild list command
-guild_list_title: "💫 Lista de Servidores Premium"
-guild_list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!"
-guild_list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} páginas** disponibles!"
+guild_list_title: '💫 Lista de Servidores Premium'
+guild_list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!'
+guild_list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} páginas** disponibles!'
 ### User list command
-list_title: "💫 Lista de Usuarios Premium"
-list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!"
-list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} Páginas**!"
+list_title: '💫 Lista de Usuarios Premium'
+list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un número de página válido!'
+list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | ¡Solo hay **%{page} Páginas**!'
diff --git a/languages/es/command.utils.yaml b/languages/es/command.utils.yaml
index b320987a..31e6f977 100644
--- a/languages/es/command.utils.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/command.utils.yaml
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 ### Language command!
-lang_set: "`📙` | ¡El idioma se ha establecido en **%{language}**!"
-lang_change: "`🔧` | *Se ha cambiado el idioma a:* `%{language}`"
-lang_perm: "`⚠️` | ¡No tienes permiso para usar este comando!"
-provide_lang: "`⚠️` | Idioma inválido. ¡Por favor usa %{languages}!"
+lang_set: '`📙` | ¡El idioma se ha establecido en **%{language}**!'
+lang_change: '`🔧` | *Se ha cambiado el idioma a:* `%{language}`'
+lang_perm: '`⚠️` | ¡No tienes permiso para usar este comando!'
+provide_lang: '`⚠️` | Idioma inválido. ¡Por favor usa %{languages}!'
 ### Shutdown command!
-restart_msg: "`🔌` | **Apagando**..."
+restart_msg: '`🔌` | **Apagando**...'
 ### Prefix command!
-prefix_set: "`㊙️` | Prefijo ha sido establecido a ** **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_change: "`㊙️` |  El prefijo se ha cambiado a **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_arg: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un prefijo válido!"
-prefix_length: "`⚠️` | ¡El prefijo no puede tener más de **10 caracteres**!"
+prefix_set: '`㊙️` | Prefijo ha sido establecido a ** **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_change: '`㊙️` |  El prefijo se ha cambiado a **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_arg: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un prefijo válido!'
+prefix_length: '`⚠️` | ¡El prefijo no puede tener más de **10 caracteres**!'
 ### SongNoti command!
-songnoti_set: "`🔔` | ¡Las notificaciones de la canción se han establecido a **%{toggle}**!"
-songnoti_already: "`⚠️` | ¡Las notificaciones de canciones ya están configuradas en **%{mode}**!"
+songnoti_set: '`🔔` | ¡Las notificaciones de la canción se han establecido a **%{toggle}**!'
+songnoti_already: '`⚠️` | ¡Las notificaciones de canciones ya están configuradas en **%{mode}**!'
 ### 24/7 command!
-247_on: "`✅` | ¡El modo 24/7 ahora está **Habilitado**!"
-247_off: "`❌` | ¡El modo 24/7 ahora está **Deshabilitado**!"
-247_already: "¡`⚠️` | ¡El modo 24/7 ya está configurado como **%{mode}**!"
+247_on: '`✅` | ¡El modo 24/7 ahora está **Habilitado**!'
+247_off: '`❌` | ¡El modo 24/7 ahora está **Deshabilitado**!'
+247_already: '¡`⚠️` | ¡El modo 24/7 ya está configurado como **%{mode}**!'
 ### Setup command!
 setup_msg: "**`⚙️` | Sistema de Música Creado** %{channel}\n```Nota: ¡No borre ningún mensaje enviado por mí para que el Sistema de Música funcione correctamente!```"
-setup_deleted: "**`⚙️` | Sistema de Música Eliminado!**"
+setup_deleted: '**`⚙️` | Sistema de Música Eliminado!**'
 setup_topic: "⏹️ **Detener**\n⏮️ **Anterior**\n⏯️ **Pausar/Reanudar**\n⏭️ **Saltar**\n🔁 **Activar/Desactivar bucle**"
-setup_enable: "`⚠️` | ¡El sistema de música ya existe!"
-setup_null: "`⚠️` | ¡Sistema de Música no encontrado!"
+setup_enable: '`⚠️` | ¡El sistema de música ya existe!'
+setup_null: '`⚠️` | ¡Sistema de Música no encontrado!'
diff --git a/languages/es/error.yaml b/languages/es/error.yaml
index e051b294..09ec2c16 100644
--- a/languages/es/error.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/error.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 #Invalid Number
-number_invalid: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduzca un número válido!"
+number_invalid: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor, introduzca un número válido!'
 #Execute when invalid
-no_node: "`⚠️` | No se encontró ningún servidor Lavalink. ¡Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo después de **5 minutos**!"
+no_node: '`⚠️` | No se encontró ningún servidor Lavalink. ¡Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo después de **5 minutos**!'
 #No song is currently playing!
-no_player: "`⚠️` | ¡No hay canción en reproducción actualmente!"
+no_player: '`⚠️` | ¡No hay canción en reproducción actualmente!'
 #Need to join voice & same voice to use command!
-no_in_voice: "`⚠️` | ¡No estás en un canal de voz!"
-no_same_voice: "`⚠️` | ¡No estás en el mismo canal de voz que yo!"
+no_in_voice: '`⚠️` | ¡No estás en un canal de voz!'
+no_same_voice: '`⚠️` | ¡No estás en el mismo canal de voz que yo!'
 #No permission!
-no_perms: "`⚠️` | ¡No tengo permiso **%{perm}** para ejecutar este comando!"
-no_perms_channel: "`⚠️` | ¡No tengo permiso **%{perm}** en <#%{channel}> para ejecutar este comando!"
+no_perms: '`⚠️` | ¡No tengo permiso **%{perm}** para ejecutar este comando!'
+no_perms_channel: '`⚠️` | ¡No tengo permiso **%{perm}** en <#%{channel}> para ejecutar este comando!'
 #Getting error!
-unexpected_error: "`⚠️` | Algo salió mal. ¡Inténtalo de nuevo!"
+unexpected_error: '`⚠️` | Algo salió mal. ¡Inténtalo de nuevo!'
 #Client owner!
-owner_only: "`⚠️` | ¡No eres mi **Propietario**!"
+owner_only: '`⚠️` | ¡No eres mi **Propietario**!'
 #No premium Event!
-no_premium_author: "Premium"
-no_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | ¡No eres un usuario Premium!"
-no_guild_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | ¡No estás en un servidor premium!"
+no_premium_author: 'Premium'
+no_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | ¡No eres un usuario Premium!'
+no_guild_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | ¡No estás en un servidor premium!'
 #Rate limit!
-ratelimit: "`⚠️` | ¡Estás realizando acciones demasiado rápido! ¡Por favor, espera **%{time} segundos**!"
+ratelimit: '`⚠️` | ¡Estás realizando acciones demasiado rápido! ¡Por favor, espera **%{time} segundos**!'
 #Missing args
-arg_error: "`⚠️` | Argumento no válido. Por favor usa %{text}"
+arg_error: '`⚠️` | Argumento no válido. Por favor usa %{text}' error
-topgg_error_author: "❌ | Error en"
-topgg_error_desc: "Se ha producido una excepción al comprobar su voto en, esto puede deberse a que está caído. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo después de 5-10 minutos."
-topgg_vote_author: "❌ | Aún no has votado"
-topgg_vote_desc: "Para usar este comando, ¡tienes que votar este bot!"
-topgg_vote_button: "¡Clic aquí para votar!"
+topgg_error_author: '❌ | Error en'
+topgg_error_desc: 'Se ha producido una excepción al comprobar su voto en, esto puede deberse a que está caído. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo después de 5-10 minutos.'
+topgg_vote_author: '❌ | Aún no has votado'
+topgg_vote_desc: 'Para usar este comando, ¡tienes que votar este bot!'
+topgg_vote_button: '¡Clic aquí para votar!'
diff --git a/languages/es/event.guild.yaml b/languages/es/event.guild.yaml
index 80ecd19c..2410bb18 100644
--- a/languages/es/event.guild.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/event.guild.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-joined_title: "📥 ¡Se unió a un servidor!"
-leave_title: "📥 ¡Dejó un servidor!"
-guild_name: "Nombre"
-guild_id: "ID"
-guild_owner: "Propietario/a"
-guild_member_count: "Contador de miembros"
-guild_creation_date: "Fecha de creación"
-current_server_count: "Número actual de servidores"
-join_dm_title: "¡Gracias por elegir %{username} como un bot de música principal!"
+joined_title: '📥 ¡Se unió a un servidor!'
+leave_title: '📥 ¡Dejó un servidor!'
+guild_name: 'Nombre'
+guild_id: 'ID'
+guild_owner: 'Propietario/a'
+guild_member_count: 'Contador de miembros'
+guild_creation_date: 'Fecha de creación'
+current_server_count: 'Número actual de servidores'
+join_dm_title: '¡Gracias por elegir %{username} como un bot de música principal!'
diff --git a/languages/es/event.message.yaml b/languages/es/event.message.yaml
index 331ef896..92ccd1fd 100644
--- a/languages/es/event.message.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/event.message.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ### Help command!
-intro1: "・**%{bot}** es un bot avanzado de música con características completas."
-intro2: "・Impulsado por **RainyXeon**"
-intro3: "Asociado con **1sT - Services**"
-prefix: "・**Prefijo del bot:** %{prefix}"
-ver: "・**Versión del Bot:** `%{botver}`"
-djs: "・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`"
-lavalink: "・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`"
-help1: "・**Para empezar:** %{help}"
-help2: "・**Para obtener más información:** %{botinfo}"
-wel: "👋 Bienvenido a %{bot}"
-codename: "・**Codename:** `%{codename}`"
+intro1: '・**%{bot}** es un bot avanzado de música con características completas.'
+intro2: '・Impulsado por **RainyXeon**'
+intro3: 'Asociado con **1sT - Services**'
+prefix: '・**Prefijo del bot:** %{prefix}'
+ver: '・**Versión del Bot:** `%{botver}`'
+djs: '・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`'
+lavalink: '・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`'
+help1: '・**Para empezar:** %{help}'
+help2: '・**Para obtener más información:** %{botinfo}'
+wel: '👋 Bienvenido a %{bot}'
+codename: '・**Codename:** `%{codename}`'
diff --git a/languages/es/event.player.yaml b/languages/es/event.player.yaml
index d57f7b28..a4389dff 100644
--- a/languages/es/event.player.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/event.player.yaml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 ### Playing event!
-track_title: "Empezar a Reproducir"
-track_icon: ""
-author_title: "`✒️` | Autor:"
-request_title: "`👤` | Solicitante:"
-volume_title: "`🔊` | Volumen:"
-queue_title: "`💾` | Longitud de cola:"
-duration_title: "`🕒` | Duración de la canción:"
-total_duration_title: "`🕰️` | Duración de cola:"
-download_title: "`⬇️` | Descargar:"
+track_title: 'Empezar a Reproducir'
+track_icon: ''
+author_title: '`✒️` | Autor:'
+request_title: '`👤` | Solicitante:'
+volume_title: '`🔊` | Volumen:'
+queue_title: '`💾` | Longitud de cola:'
+duration_title: '`🕒` | Duración de la canción:'
+total_duration_title: '`🕰️` | Duración de cola:'
+download_title: '`⬇️` | Descargar:'
 ### Same voice!
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | ¡No estás en el mismo canal de voz que yo!"
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | ¡No estás en el mismo canal de voz que yo!'
 ### QueueEnd event!
-queue_end_desc: "`🔚` | ¡La canción a **Terminado**!"
+queue_end_desc: '`🔚` | ¡La canción a **Terminado**!'
 ### Song error!
-error_desc: "`⚠️` | La canción tiene un error. ¡Omitida la **Canción**!"
+error_desc: '`⚠️` | La canción tiene un error. ¡Omitida la **Canción**!'
 ### Auto function!
-player_end: "`🛑` | ¡He salido de <#%{leave}> porque no hay nadie en el canal de voz!"
-leave_pause: "`⏸️` | ¡La canción ha sido pausada porque me dejaron solo!"
-leave_resume: "`▶️` | ¡La canción ha sido reanudada porque alguien se ha unido!"
+player_end: '`🛑` | ¡He salido de <#%{leave}> porque no hay nadie en el canal de voz!'
+leave_pause: '`⏸️` | ¡La canción ha sido pausada porque me dejaron solo!'
+leave_resume: '`▶️` | ¡La canción ha sido reanudada porque alguien se ha unido!'
diff --git a/languages/es/event.premium.yaml b/languages/es/event.premium.yaml
index c6cc3861..94b43920 100644
--- a/languages/es/event.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/event.premium.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-display_name: "Nombre para mostrar"
-username: "Nombre de usuario"
-createdAt: "Creado el"
-redeemedAt: "Canjeado en"
-expiresAt: "Caduca en"
-plan: "Plan"
-title: "💫 ¡Nuevo usuario se ha registrado exitosamente como premium!"
-guild_title: "💫 ¡Nuevo servidor se ha registrado exitosamente como premium!"
+display_name: 'Nombre para mostrar'
+username: 'Nombre de usuario'
+createdAt: 'Creado el'
+redeemedAt: 'Canjeado en'
+expiresAt: 'Caduca en'
+plan: 'Plan'
+title: '💫 ¡Nuevo usuario se ha registrado exitosamente como premium!'
+guild_title: '💫 ¡Nuevo servidor se ha registrado exitosamente como premium!'
diff --git a/languages/es/event.setup.yaml b/languages/es/event.setup.yaml
index c597b9d2..43f42e85 100644
--- a/languages/es/event.setup.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/event.setup.yaml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 ### Setup handler!
-setup_queuemsg: "¡Únete a un canal de voz y reproduce canciones usando el nombre o la URL aquí!"
-setup_playembed_author: "No hay ninguna canción reproduciéndose actualmente."
+setup_queuemsg: '¡Únete a un canal de voz y reproduce canciones usando el nombre o la URL aquí!'
+setup_playembed_author: 'No hay ninguna canción reproduciéndose actualmente.'
 ### Update handler!
-setup_author: "Reproduciendo"
-setup_author_icon: ""
-setup_desc: "**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_footer: "Volumen • %{volume}% | Duración total • %{duration}"
-setup_content: "**__Cola:__**"
-setup_content_queue: "`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_content_empty: "¡Únete a un canal de voz y reproduce canciones usando el nombre o la URL aquí!"
+setup_author: 'Reproduciendo'
+setup_author_icon: ''
+setup_desc: '**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_footer: 'Volumen • %{volume}% | Duración total • %{duration}'
+setup_content: '**__Cola:__**'
+setup_content_queue: '`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_content_empty: '¡Únete a un canal de voz y reproduce canciones usando el nombre o la URL aquí!'
 ### Status command!
-status_create: "**`📊` | Canal de Estado creado!**"
-status_delete: "**`📊` | Canal de Estado Eliminado!**"
-status_enable: "`⚠️` | ¡El Canal de Estado ya existe!"
-status_null: "`⚠️` | ¡Canal de estado no encontrado!"
+status_create: '**`📊` | Canal de Estado creado!**'
+status_delete: '**`📊` | Canal de Estado Eliminado!**'
+status_enable: '`⚠️` | ¡El Canal de Estado ya existe!'
+status_null: '`⚠️` | ¡Canal de estado no encontrado!'
-play_track: "`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Canciones**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un nombre de canción o URL válido!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | ¡Canción no encontrada!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | ¡No puedes reproducir canciones usando emoji!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Canciones**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Cola **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | ¡Por favor proporcione un nombre de canción o URL válido!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | ¡Canción no encontrada!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | ¡No puedes reproducir canciones usando emoji!'
diff --git a/languages/es/global.yaml b/languages/es/global.yaml
index dbb10f47..79402dea 100644
--- a/languages/es/global.yaml
+++ b/languages/es/global.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-enable: "Habilitado"
-disable: "Deshabilitado"
+enable: 'Habilitado'
+disable: 'Deshabilitado'
diff --git a/languages/hi/ b/languages/hi/
index a76884eb..323470f9 100644
--- a/languages/hi/
+++ b/languages/hi/
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | वर्तमान में चल रहा है:\n**%{track}** `[%{duration}]` • %{requester}\n\n`💤` | कतार का बाकी हिस्सा:**%{list_song}**"
-queue_footer: "पृष्ठ • %{page}/%{pages} | गाने • %{queue_lang} | कुल अवधि • %{total_duration}"
+queue_footer: 'पृष्ठ • %{page}/%{pages} | गाने • %{queue_lang} | कुल अवधि • %{total_duration}'
 # Pause
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | **प्लेयर** को पॉज़ किया गया है!"
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | **प्लेयर** को पुनरारंभ किया गया है!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | **प्लेयर** को पॉज़ किया गया है!'
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | **प्लेयर** को पुनरारंभ किया गया है!'
 # Skip
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | **गाना** को स्किप किया गया है!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | स्किप करने के लिए कोई गाना नहीं मिला!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | **गाना** को स्किप किया गया है!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | स्किप करने के लिए कोई गाना नहीं मिला!'
 # Stop
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | **प्लेयर** को बंद किया गया है!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | **प्लेयर** को बंद किया गया है!'
 # Volume
-volup_msg: "`🔊` | वॉल्यूम बदला गया है **%{volume}%**"
-voldown_msg: "`🔉` | वॉल्यूम बदला गया है **%{volume}%**"
-volume_max: "`⚠️` | अवाज अधिकतम क्षमता पे है!"
-volume_min: "`⚠️` | अवाज सबसे कम है!"
+volup_msg: '`🔊` | वॉल्यूम बदला गया है **%{volume}%**'
+voldown_msg: '`🔉` | वॉल्यूम बदला गया है **%{volume}%**'
+volume_max: '`⚠️` | अवाज अधिकतम क्षमता पे है!'
+volume_min: '`⚠️` | अवाज सबसे कम है!'
 # Clear
-clear_msg: "`🗑️` | कतार सफलतापूर्वक **हटा दी गई है**!"
+clear_msg: '`🗑️` | कतार सफलतापूर्वक **हटा दी गई है**!'
 # Loop
-loop_current: "`🔁` | वर्तमान **गाना** को लूप किया गया है!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | **कतार** को लूप किया गया है!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | लूप अब **अक्षम** है!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | अमान्य लूप मोड। कृपया %{mode} का उपयोग करें!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | लूप मोड पहले से ही **%{mode}** है!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | वर्तमान **गाना** को लूप किया गया है!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | **कतार** को लूप किया गया है!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | लूप अब **अक्षम** है!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | अमान्य लूप मोड। कृपया %{mode} का उपयोग करें!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | लूप मोड पहले से ही **%{mode}** है!'
 # Previous
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | पिछले **गाने** को स्किप किया गया है!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | कोई पिछला गाना नहीं मिला था!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | पिछले **गाने** को स्किप किया गया है!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | कोई पिछला गाना नहीं मिला था!'
 # Shuffle
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 कतार को शफल किया गया है"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 कतार को शफल किया गया है'
 # All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | %{name} फ़िल्टर अब **enable** है!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | %{name} फ़िल्टर पहले से ही **सक्षम** है!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | %{name} फ़िल्टर अब **enable** है!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | %{name} फ़िल्टर पहले से ही **सक्षम** है!'
 # Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | फ़िल्टर को **रीसेट** किया गया है!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | फ़िल्टर पहले से ही **रीसेट** किया गया है!"
\ No newline at end of file
+reset_on: '`❌` | फ़िल्टर को **रीसेट** किया गया है!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | फ़िल्टर पहले से ही **रीसेट** किया गया है!'
diff --git a/languages/hi/command.filter.yaml b/languages/hi/command.filter.yaml
index 78663ece..0847f3da 100644
--- a/languages/hi/command.filter.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/command.filter.yaml
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
 ### All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | %{name} फ़िल्टर अब **enable** है!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | %{name} फ़िल्टर पहले से ही **सक्षम** है!"
-filter_number: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य संख्या प्रदान करें!"
-filter_greater: "`⚠️` | संख्या **0** से अधिक होनी चाहिए!"
-filter_less: "`⚠️` | संख्या **10** से कम होनी चाहिए!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | %{name} फ़िल्टर अब **enable** है!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | %{name} फ़िल्टर पहले से ही **सक्षम** है!'
+filter_number: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य संख्या प्रदान करें!'
+filter_greater: '`⚠️` | संख्या **0** से अधिक होनी चाहिए!'
+filter_less: '`⚠️` | संख्या **10** से कम होनी चाहिए!'
 ### Bassboost command!
-bassboost_set: "`🎚️` | बासबूस्ट को **%{amount}dB** पर सेट किया गया है!"
-bassboost_limit: "`⚠️` | कृपया **-10** और **10** के बीच एक संख्या प्रयुक्त करें!"
+bassboost_set: '`🎚️` | बासबूस्ट को **%{amount}dB** पर सेट किया गया है!'
+bassboost_limit: '`⚠️` | कृपया **-10** और **10** के बीच एक संख्या प्रयुक्त करें!'
 ### Equalizer command!
-eq_author: "इक्वालाइज़र"
-eq_icon: ""
-eq_desc: "`🎚️` | **14 बैंड** हैं जो **-10** से **10** तक सेट किए जा सकते हैं। इन्हें सभी सेट करना आवश्यक नहीं है!"
-eq_field_title: "उदाहरण:"
-eq_field_value: "%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0"
-eq_footer: "इक्वालाइज़र रीसेट • %{prefix}eq reset"
-eq_on: "`🎚️` | इक्वालाइज़र को **%{bands}** पर सेट किया गया है!"
-eq_number: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य संख्या प्रदान करें!"
-eq_greater: "`⚠️` | संख्या **-10** से अधिक होनी चाहिए!"
-eq_than: "`⚠️` | संख्या **10** से कम होनी चाहिए!"
+eq_author: 'इक्वालाइज़र'
+eq_icon: ''
+eq_desc: '`🎚️` | **14 बैंड** हैं जो **-10** से **10** तक सेट किए जा सकते हैं। इन्हें सभी सेट करना आवश्यक नहीं है!'
+eq_field_title: 'उदाहरण:'
+eq_field_value: '%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0'
+eq_footer: 'इक्वालाइज़र रीसेट • %{prefix}eq reset'
+eq_on: '`🎚️` | इक्वालाइज़र को **%{bands}** पर सेट किया गया है!'
+eq_number: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य संख्या प्रदान करें!'
+eq_greater: '`⚠️` | संख्या **-10** से अधिक होनी चाहिए!'
+eq_than: '`⚠️` | संख्या **10** से कम होनी चाहिए!'
 ### Pitch command!
-pitch_on: "`🎚️` | पिच को **%{amount}** पर सेट किया गया है!"
+pitch_on: '`🎚️` | पिच को **%{amount}** पर सेट किया गया है!'
 ### Rate command!
-rate_on: "`🎚️` | दर को **%{amount}x** पर सेट किया गया है!"
+rate_on: '`🎚️` | दर को **%{amount}x** पर सेट किया गया है!'
 ### Speed command!
-speed_on: "`🎚️` | गति को **%{amount}x** पर सेट किया गया है!"
+speed_on: '`🎚️` | गति को **%{amount}x** पर सेट किया गया है!'
 ### Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | फ़िल्टर को **रीसेट** किया गया है!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | फ़िल्टर पहले से ही **रीसेट** किया गया है!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | फ़िल्टर को **रीसेट** किया गया है!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | फ़िल्टर पहले से ही **रीसेट** किया गया है!'
diff --git a/languages/hi/ b/languages/hi/
index 63cb9ceb..a6850ae1 100644
--- a/languages/hi/
+++ b/languages/hi/
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
 ### डेवेलपर कमांड!
-dev_title: "RainyXeon"
-dev_desc: "मैं बस एक छुपे हुए डेवेलपर हूँ। और Dreamvast और RainyProduction के आधिकारिक निर्माता!"
-dev_foot: "मेरे सर्वर में शामिल होने या मेरे बॉट को आमंत्रित करने का विचार करें :) इससे मेरी मदद होगी!"
+dev_title: 'RainyXeon'
+dev_desc: 'मैं बस एक छुपे हुए डेवेलपर हूँ। और Dreamvast और RainyProduction के आधिकारिक निर्माता!'
+dev_foot: 'मेरे सर्वर में शामिल होने या मेरे बॉट को आमंत्रित करने का विचार करें :) इससे मेरी मदद होगी!'
 ### आमंत्रण कमांड!
-inv_title: "✉️ %{username}"
-inv_desc: "पहले ही मुझे आमंत्रित करने के लिए धन्यवाद!"
+inv_title: '✉️ %{username}'
+inv_desc: 'पहले ही मुझे आमंत्रित करने के लिए धन्यवाद!'
 ### पिंग कमांड!
-ping_title: "🏓 "
+ping_title: '🏓 '
 ping_desc: "**पिंग:** `%{ping}ms`\n**प्रतिक्रिया समय:** `%{response}ms`"
 ### अपटाइम कमांड!
-uptime_title: "🕒 "
-uptime_desc: "**अपटाइम:** `%{uptime}`"
+uptime_title: '🕒 '
+uptime_desc: '**अपटाइम:** `%{uptime}`'
 ### हेल्प कमांड!
-ce_finder_name: "**कमांड:**"
-ce_finder_des: "**विवरण:**"
-ce_finder_usage: "**उपयोग:**"
-ce_finder_access: "**द्वारा पहुँचा जा सकता है:**"
-ce_finder_aliases: "**पर्यायवाची:**"
-ce_finder_slash: "**स्लैश:**"
-ce_finder_des_no: "कोई विवरण नहीं"
-ce_finder_usage_no: "कोई उपयोग नहीं"
-ce_finder_aliases_prefix: " [केवल प्रिफिक्स]"
-ce_finder_aliases_no: "कोई पर्यायवाची नहीं"
-ce_finder_slash_enable: "सक्षम"
-ce_finder_slash_disable: "अक्षम"
-ce_finder_invalid: "अमान्य कमांड"
-ce_finder_example: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य **कमांड नाम** प्रदान करें!"
-ce_name: "हेल्प कमांड"
-ce_total: "कुल कमांड: "
+ce_finder_name: '**कमांड:**'
+ce_finder_des: '**विवरण:**'
+ce_finder_usage: '**उपयोग:**'
+ce_finder_access: '**द्वारा पहुँचा जा सकता है:**'
+ce_finder_aliases: '**पर्यायवाची:**'
+ce_finder_slash: '**स्लैश:**'
+ce_finder_des_no: 'कोई विवरण नहीं'
+ce_finder_usage_no: 'कोई उपयोग नहीं'
+ce_finder_aliases_prefix: ' [केवल प्रिफिक्स]'
+ce_finder_aliases_no: 'कोई पर्यायवाची नहीं'
+ce_finder_slash_enable: 'सक्षम'
+ce_finder_slash_disable: 'अक्षम'
+ce_finder_invalid: 'अमान्य कमांड'
+ce_finder_example: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य **कमांड नाम** प्रदान करें!'
+ce_name: 'हेल्प कमांड'
+ce_total: 'कुल कमांड: '
diff --git a/languages/hi/ b/languages/hi/
index 4e613558..575726b1 100644
--- a/languages/hi/
+++ b/languages/hi/
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
 ### ऑटोप्ले कमांड!
-autoplay_on: "`✅` | ऑटोप्ले अब **सक्षम** है!"
-autoplay_off: "`❌` | ऑटोप्ले अब **अक्षम** है!"
-autoplay_already: "`⚠️` | ऑटोप्ले पहले से ही **%{mode}** है!"
+autoplay_on: '`✅` | ऑटोप्ले अब **सक्षम** है!'
+autoplay_off: '`❌` | ऑटोप्ले अब **अक्षम** है!'
+autoplay_already: '`⚠️` | ऑटोप्ले पहले से ही **%{mode}** है!'
 ### क्लियरक्यू कमांड!
-clearqueue_msg: "`🗑️` | क्यू अब **स्पष्ट** है!"
+clearqueue_msg: '`🗑️` | क्यू अब **स्पष्ट** है!'
 ### फॉरवर्ड कमांड!
-forward_msg: "`⏩` | `%{duration}` को फॉरवर्ड किया गया"
-forward_beyond: "`⚠️` | गाना समाप्त होने वाला है। आप इससे परे नहीं जा सकते!"
+forward_msg: '`⏩` | `%{duration}` को फॉरवर्ड किया गया'
+forward_beyond: '`⚠️` | गाना समाप्त होने वाला है। आप इससे परे नहीं जा सकते!'
 ### जॉइन कमांड!
-join_msg: "`🔊` | %{channel} में शामिल हो गया"
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | इस कमांड का उपयोग करने के लिए आपको एक आवाज चैनल में होना चाहिए!"
-join_already: "`⚠️` | मैं पहले ही %{channel} में हूँ"
+join_msg: '`🔊` | %{channel} में शामिल हो गया'
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | इस कमांड का उपयोग करने के लिए आपको एक आवाज चैनल में होना चाहिए!'
+join_already: '`⚠️` | मैं पहले ही %{channel} में हूँ'
 ### स्टॉप कमांड!
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | **प्लेयर** को रोका गया है!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | **प्लेयर** को रोका गया है!'
 ### लूप कमांड!
-loop_current: "`🔁` | मौजूदा **गाना** को लूप किया गया है!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | **क्यू** को लूप किया गया है!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | लूप अब **अक्षम** है!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | अवैध लूप मोड। कृपया %{mode} का उपयोग करें!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | लूप मोड पहले से ही **%{mode}** है!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | मौजूदा **गाना** को लूप किया गया है!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | **क्यू** को लूप किया गया है!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | लूप अब **अक्षम** है!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | अवैध लूप मोड। कृपया %{mode} का उपयोग करें!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | लूप मोड पहले से ही **%{mode}** है!'
 ### गाने का बोल कमांड!
-lyrics_title: "📜 %{song}"
-lyrics_notfound: "`⚠️` | बोल नहीं मिला!"
-lyrics_toolong: "`⚠️` | बोल बहुत लंबे हैं और प्रदर्शित किए जाने के लायक नहीं हैं!"
+lyrics_title: '📜 %{song}'
+lyrics_notfound: '`⚠️` | बोल नहीं मिला!'
+lyrics_toolong: '`⚠️` | बोल बहुत लंबे हैं और प्रदर्शित किए जाने के लायक नहीं हैं!'
 ### नाउप्ले कमांड!
-np_icon: ""
-np_title: "अब प्लेयिंग"
-np_current_duration: "`⏰` | मौजूदा अवधि: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`"
+np_icon: ''
+np_title: 'अब प्लेयिंग'
+np_current_duration: '`⏰` | मौजूदा अवधि: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`'
 ### पॉज कमांड!
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | **प्लेयर** को विराम दिया गया है!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | **प्लेयर** को विराम दिया गया है!'
 ### प्ले कमांड!
-play_track: "`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` को कतार में डाला गया • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` को कतार में डाला गया • (**%{songs} गाने**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` को कतार में डाला गया • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य गाने का नाम या URL प्रदान करें!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | गाना नहीं मिला!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | आप इमोजी का उपयोग करके गाने नहीं बजा सकते!"
+play_track: '`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` को कतार में डाला गया • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` को कतार में डाला गया • (**%{songs} गाने**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` को कतार में डाला गया • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य गाने का नाम या URL प्रदान करें!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | गाना नहीं मिला!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | आप इमोजी का उपयोग करके गाने नहीं बजा सकते!'
 ### फाइल कमांड!
-file_notfound: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य फ़ाइल प्रदान करें!"
-play_invalid_file: "`⚠️` | अवैध फ़ाइल प्रकार। कृपया **mp3** या **ogg** का उपयोग करें!"
-play_warning_file: "`⚠️` | मैंने फ़ाइल का प्रकार पहचाना नहीं है। कृपया **mp3** या **ogg** का उपयोग करें!"
+file_notfound: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य फ़ाइल प्रदान करें!'
+play_invalid_file: '`⚠️` | अवैध फ़ाइल प्रकार। कृपया **mp3** या **ogg** का उपयोग करें!'
+play_warning_file: '`⚠️` | मैंने फ़ाइल का प्रकार पहचाना नहीं है। कृपया **mp3** या **ogg** का उपयोग करें!'
 ### पिछला कमांड!
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | पिछले **गाने** पर स्किप किया गया है!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | पिछला गाना नहीं मिला!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | पिछले **गाने** पर स्किप किया गया है!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | पिछला गाना नहीं मिला!'
 ### क्यू कमांड!
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | वर्तमान में बज रहा है:\n**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}\n\n`💤` | कतार का शेषांश:**%{rest}**"
-queue_footer: "पृष्ठ • %{page}/%{pages} | गाने • %{queue_lang} | कुल अवधि • %{duration}"
-queue_notnumber: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य पृष्ठ संख्या प्रदान करें!"
-queue_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | केवल **%{page} पृष्ठ** हैं!"
+queue_footer: 'पृष्ठ • %{page}/%{pages} | गाने • %{queue_lang} | कुल अवधि • %{duration}'
+queue_notnumber: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य पृष्ठ संख्या प्रदान करें!'
+queue_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | केवल **%{page} पृष्ठ** हैं!'
 ### रीप्ले कमांड!
-replay_msg: "`🔄` | **गाना** को फिर से चलाया गया है!"
+replay_msg: '`🔄` | **गाना** को फिर से चलाया गया है!'
 ### रिज्यूम कमांड!
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | **प्लेयर** को पुनरारंभ किया गया है!"
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | **प्लेयर** को पुनरारंभ किया गया है!'
 ### रिवाइंड कमांड!
-rewind_msg: "`⏪` | `%{duration}` को रिवाइंड किया गया है"
-rewind_beyond: "`⚠️` | गाना अभी शुरू हुआ है। आप इससे परे नहीं जा सकते!"
+rewind_msg: '`⏪` | `%{duration}` को रिवाइंड किया गया है'
+rewind_beyond: '`⚠️` | गाना अभी शुरू हुआ है। आप इससे परे नहीं जा सकते!'
 ### रिमूवट्रैक कमांड!
-removetrack_desc: "`🗑️` | **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request} को हटा दिया गया"
-removetrack_already: "`⚠️` | मैं उस गाने को हटा नहीं सकता जो पहले से ही बज रहा है!"
-removetrack_notfound: "`⚠️` | गाना नहीं मिला!"
+removetrack_desc: '`🗑️` | **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request} को हटा दिया गया'
+removetrack_already: '`⚠️` | मैं उस गाने को हटा नहीं सकता जो पहले से ही बज रहा है!'
+removetrack_notfound: '`⚠️` | गाना नहीं मिला!'
 ### सीक कमांड!
-seek_msg: "`➿` | `%{duration}` को सीक किया गया है"
-seek_beyond: "`⚠️` | आप गाने की अवधि से परे नहीं जा सकते!"
-seek_invalid: "`⚠️` | अवैध सीक अवधि। कृपया मान्य समयचिह्न का उपयोग करें। उदाहरण: **1:30**!"
+seek_msg: '`➿` | `%{duration}` को सीक किया गया है'
+seek_beyond: '`⚠️` | आप गाने की अवधि से परे नहीं जा सकते!'
+seek_invalid: '`⚠️` | अवैध सीक अवधि। कृपया मान्य समयचिह्न का उपयोग करें। उदाहरण: **1:30**!'
 ### शफल कमांड!
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 क्यू को शफल किया गया है"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 क्यू को शफल किया गया है'
 ### स्किप कमांड!
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | **गाना** को स्किप किया गया है!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | स्किप करने के लिए कोई गाना नहीं मिला!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | **गाना** को स्किप किया गया है!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | स्किप करने के लिए कोई गाना नहीं मिला!'
 ### वॉल्यूम कमांड!
-volume_msg: "`🔊` | वॉल्यूम को **%{volume}%** पर सेट किया गया है"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | अमान्य वॉल्यूम। कृपया **1** से **100** के बीच एक संख्या का उपयोग करें!"
+volume_msg: '`🔊` | वॉल्यूम को **%{volume}%** पर सेट किया गया है'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | अमान्य वॉल्यूम। कृपया **1** से **100** के बीच एक संख्या का उपयोग करें!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-insert_desc: "`➕` | Inserted **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-insert_already: "`⚠️` | I can not insert a song that is already playing!"
-insert_notfound: "`⚠️` | Song not found!"
+insert_desc: '`➕` | Inserted **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+insert_already: '`⚠️` | I can not insert a song that is already playing!'
+insert_notfound: '`⚠️` | Song not found!'
diff --git a/languages/hi/command.playlist.yaml b/languages/hi/command.playlist.yaml
index 0bd0887d..19ab47a5 100644
--- a/languages/hi/command.playlist.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/command.playlist.yaml
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
 ### क्रीएट कमांड!
-create_created: "`💿` | **%{playlist}** बना दी गई • `%{id}`"
-create_toolong: "`⚠️` | प्लेलिस्ट का नाम **16 अक्षर** से अधिक लंबा नहीं हो सकता!"
-des_toolong: "`⚠️` | प्लेलिस्ट विवरण **1000 अक्षर** से अधिक लंबा नहीं हो सकता!"
-create_limit_playlist: "`⚠️` | आप **%{limit} प्लेलिस्ट्स** से अधिक नहीं बना सकते!"
+create_created: '`💿` | **%{playlist}** बना दी गई • `%{id}`'
+create_toolong: '`⚠️` | प्लेलिस्ट का नाम **16 अक्षर** से अधिक लंबा नहीं हो सकता!'
+des_toolong: '`⚠️` | प्लेलिस्ट विवरण **1000 अक्षर** से अधिक लंबा नहीं हो सकता!'
+create_limit_playlist: '`⚠️` | आप **%{limit} प्लेलिस्ट्स** से अधिक नहीं बना सकते!'
 ### एड कमांड!
-add_track: "`🔍` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user} ने खोजा"
-add_playlist: "`🔍` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} गाने**) • %{user} ने खोजा"
-add_search: "`🔍` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user} ने खोजा"
-add_added: "`➕` | **%{count} गाने** को `%{playlist}` में जोड़ा गया"
-add_match: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य गाने का नाम या URL प्रदान करें!"
-add_owner: "`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!"
-add_limit_track: "`⚠️` | आप **%{limit} गानों** से अधिक नहीं जोड़ सकते!"
+add_track: '`🔍` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user} ने खोजा'
+add_playlist: '`🔍` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} गाने**) • %{user} ने खोजा'
+add_search: '`🔍` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user} ने खोजा'
+add_added: '`➕` | **%{count} गाने** को `%{playlist}` में जोड़ा गया'
+add_match: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य गाने का नाम या URL प्रदान करें!'
+add_owner: '`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!'
+add_limit_track: '`⚠️` | आप **%{limit} गानों** से अधिक नहीं जोड़ सकते!'
 ### डिलीट कमांड!
-delete_confirm: "`❓` | क्या आप `%{playlist_id}` को हटाना चाहते हैं"
-delete_deleted: "`❌` | `%{name}` को हटा दिया गया"
-delete_notfound: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!"
-delete_no: "`⚠️` | **हटाना** रद्द किया गया है!"
-delete_owner: "`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!"
+delete_confirm: '`❓` | क्या आप `%{playlist_id}` को हटाना चाहते हैं'
+delete_deleted: '`❌` | `%{name}` को हटा दिया गया'
+delete_notfound: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!'
+delete_no: '`⚠️` | **हटाना** रद्द किया गया है!'
+delete_owner: '`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!'
 ### डिटेल कमांड!
-detail_private: "`🔒` | प्लेलिस्ट **निजी** है!"
-detail_embed_title: "%{name}"
-detail_embed_footer: "पृष्ठ • %{page}/%{pages} | गाने • %{songs} | कुल अवधि • %{duration}"
-detail_track: "%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • लेखक: **%{author}**"
-detail_notfound: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!"
-detail_notnumber: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य पृष्ठ संख्या प्रदान करें!"
-detail_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | केवल **%{page} पृष्ठ** हैं!"
+detail_private: '`🔒` | प्लेलिस्ट **निजी** है!'
+detail_embed_title: '%{name}'
+detail_embed_footer: 'पृष्ठ • %{page}/%{pages} | गाने • %{songs} | कुल अवधि • %{duration}'
+detail_track: '%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • लेखक: **%{author}**'
+detail_notfound: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!'
+detail_notnumber: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य पृष्ठ संख्या प्रदान करें!'
+detail_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | केवल **%{page} पृष्ठ** हैं!'
 ### आयतन कमांड!
-import_private: "`🔒` | प्लेलिस्ट **निजी** है!"
-import_imported: "`💿` | **%{name}** आयात की गई • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} गाने**) • %{user}"
-import_voice: "`⚠️` | इस कमांड का उपयोग करने के लिए आपको एक आवाज चैनल में होना चाहिए!"
-import_empty: "`⚠️` | प्लेलिस्ट **खाली** है!"
+import_private: '`🔒` | प्लेलिस्ट **निजी** है!'
+import_imported: '`💿` | **%{name}** आयात की गई • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} गाने**) • %{user}'
+import_voice: '`⚠️` | इस कमांड का उपयोग करने के लिए आपको एक आवाज चैनल में होना चाहिए!'
+import_empty: '`⚠️` | प्लेलिस्ट **खाली** है!'
 ### ऑल कमांड!
-view_embed_title: "%{user}"
-view_embed_footer: "पृष्ठ • %{page}/%{pages} | प्लेलिस्ट्स • %{songs}"
-view_embed_playlist: "%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} गाने**) • बनाया गया: `[%{create} पहले]`"
-view_notnumber: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य पृष्ठ संख्या प्रदान करें!"
-view_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | केवल **%{page} पृष्ठ** हैं!"
+view_embed_title: '%{user}'
+view_embed_footer: 'पृष्ठ • %{page}/%{pages} | प्लेलिस्ट्स • %{songs}'
+view_embed_playlist: '%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} गाने**) • बनाया गया: `[%{create} पहले]`'
+view_notnumber: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य पृष्ठ संख्या प्रदान करें!'
+view_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | केवल **%{page} पृष्ठ** हैं!'
 ### रिमूव कमांड!
-remove_removed: "`➖` | **%{position} संख्या** गाना `%{name}` से हटा दिया गया"
-remove_notfound: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!"
-remove_song_notfound: "`⚠️` | गाना नहीं मिला!"
-remove_owner: "`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!"
+remove_removed: '`➖` | **%{position} संख्या** गाना `%{name}` से हटा दिया गया'
+remove_notfound: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!'
+remove_song_notfound: '`⚠️` | गाना नहीं मिला!'
+remove_owner: '`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!'
 ### सेवक्यू कमांड!
-savequeue_saved: "`✅` | **%{tracks} गाने** को `%{name}` में सहेजा गया"
-savequeue_notfound: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!"
-savequeue_owner: "`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!"
-savequeue_no_new_saved: "`⚠️` | गाना पहले से ही `%{name}` में मौजूद है"
-savequeue_no_tracks: "`⚠️` | कोई गाना वर्तमान में बज रहा नहीं है!"
+savequeue_saved: '`✅` | **%{tracks} गाने** को `%{name}` में सहेजा गया'
+savequeue_notfound: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!'
+savequeue_owner: '`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!'
+savequeue_no_new_saved: '`⚠️` | गाना पहले से ही `%{name}` में मौजूद है'
+savequeue_no_tracks: '`⚠️` | कोई गाना वर्तमान में बज रहा नहीं है!'
 ### इंफो कमांड!
-info_id: "`🆔` | आईडी:"
-info_total: "`🎵` | कुल गाने:"
-info_created: "`📅` | बनाया गया:"
-info_private: "`👀` | दृश्यता:"
-info_owner: "`👑` | मालिक:"
-info_des: "`💬` | विवरण:"
-no_des: "कोई विवरण प्रदान नहीं है!"
-public: "सार्वजनिक"
-private: "निजी"
-invalid: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!"
+info_id: '`🆔` | आईडी:'
+info_total: '`🎵` | कुल गाने:'
+info_created: '`📅` | बनाया गया:'
+info_private: '`👀` | दृश्यता:'
+info_owner: '`👑` | मालिक:'
+info_des: '`💬` | विवरण:'
+no_des: 'कोई विवरण प्रदान नहीं है!'
+public: 'सार्वजनिक'
+private: 'निजी'
+invalid: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!'
 ### एडिटर कमांड!
-edit_playlist_id_label: "अपना **नया प्लेलिस्ट आईडी** दर्ज करें! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-edit_playlist_name_label: "अपना **नया प्लेलिस्ट नाम** दर्ज करें!"
-edit_playlist_des_label: "अपना **नया प्लेलिस्ट विवरण** दर्ज करें!"
-edit_playlist_private_label: "अपनी **नई प्लेलिस्ट दृश्यता** दर्ज करें! `[public/private]`"
-edit_success: "`✅` | सफलतापूर्वक **%{playlistId}** की जानकारी संपादित की गई!"
-edit_arg: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!"
-edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!"
-edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!"
-edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य और पहले से मौजूद ना होने वाला प्लेलिस्ट आईडी दर्ज करें!"
-edit_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | अमान्य दृश्यता मोड। कृपया **public** या **private** का उपयोग करें!"
+edit_playlist_id_label: 'अपना **नया प्लेलिस्ट आईडी** दर्ज करें! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+edit_playlist_name_label: 'अपना **नया प्लेलिस्ट नाम** दर्ज करें!'
+edit_playlist_des_label: 'अपना **नया प्लेलिस्ट विवरण** दर्ज करें!'
+edit_playlist_private_label: 'अपनी **नई प्लेलिस्ट दृश्यता** दर्ज करें! `[public/private]`'
+edit_success: '`✅` | सफलतापूर्वक **%{playlistId}** की जानकारी संपादित की गई!'
+edit_arg: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!'
+edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!'
+edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!'
+edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य और पहले से मौजूद ना होने वाला प्लेलिस्ट आईडी दर्ज करें!'
+edit_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | अमान्य दृश्यता मोड। कृपया **public** या **private** का उपयोग करें!'
 ### एडिटर इंटरएक्शन!
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: "नया प्लेलिस्ट आईडी"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: "नया प्लेलिस्ट नाम"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: "नया प्लेलिस्ट विवरण"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: "नई प्लेलिस्ट दृश्यता"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: "अपना नया प्लेलिस्ट आईडी दर्ज करें! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: "अपना नया प्लेलिस्ट नाम दर्ज करें!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: "अपना नया प्लेलिस्ट विवरण दर्ज करें!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: "अपनी नई प्लेलिस्ट दृश्यता दर्ज करें! [public/private]"
-ineraction_edit_success: "`✅` | **%{playlistId}** की जानकारी संपादित की गई!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_error: "`⚠️` | कुछ गड़बड़ हो गई है। कृपया पुन: प्रयास करें!"
-ineraction_edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!"
-ineraction_edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य और पहले से मौजूद ना होने वाला प्लेलिस्ट आईडी दर्ज करें!"
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: 'नया प्लेलिस्ट आईडी'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: 'नया प्लेलिस्ट नाम'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: 'नया प्लेलिस्ट विवरण'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: 'नई प्लेलिस्ट दृश्यता'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: 'अपना नया प्लेलिस्ट आईडी दर्ज करें! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: 'अपना नया प्लेलिस्ट नाम दर्ज करें!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: 'अपना नया प्लेलिस्ट विवरण दर्ज करें!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: 'अपनी नई प्लेलिस्ट दृश्यता दर्ज करें! [public/private]'
+ineraction_edit_success: '`✅` | **%{playlistId}** की जानकारी संपादित की गई!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_error: '`⚠️` | कुछ गड़बड़ हो गई है। कृपया पुन: प्रयास करें!'
+ineraction_edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्लेलिस्ट आईडी प्रदान करें!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | आप **प्लेलिस्ट मालिक** नहीं हैं!'
+ineraction_edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य और पहले से मौजूद ना होने वाला प्लेलिस्ट आईडी दर्ज करें!'
diff --git a/languages/hi/command.premium.yaml b/languages/hi/command.premium.yaml
index 396837e2..2dee11d0 100644
--- a/languages/hi/command.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/command.premium.yaml
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
 ### उत्पन्न कमांड!
-gen_author: "प्रीमियम कोड बनाएं"
+gen_author: 'प्रीमियम कोड बनाएं'
 gen_desc: "`🔑` | **कोड सफलतापूर्वक बनाएं** `[%{codes_length}]`\n```%{codes}```\n`💰` | **योजना:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **समाप्त होने की तारीख:** %{expires}"
-gen_footer: "उपयोग करें • %{prefix}redeem <कोड> प्रीमियम को सक्रिय करने के लिए"
+gen_footer: 'उपयोग करें • %{prefix}redeem <कोड> प्रीमियम को सक्रिय करने के लिए'
 ### प्रोफ़ाइल कमांड!
-profile_author: "प्रीमियम प्रोफ़ाइल"
-profile_error_desc: "`⚠️` | **%{user}** प्रीमियम सदस्य नहीं हैं!"
+profile_author: 'प्रीमियम प्रोफ़ाइल'
+profile_error_desc: '`⚠️` | **%{user}** प्रीमियम सदस्य नहीं हैं!'
 profile_desc: "`👤` | **उपयोगकर्ता:** `%{user}`\n`💰` | **योजना:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **समाप्त होने की तारीख:** %{expires}"
 ### गिल्ड प्रोफ़ाइल कमांड!
-guild_profile_author: "प्रीमियम गिल्ड प्रोफ़ाइल"
+guild_profile_author: 'प्रीमियम गिल्ड प्रोफ़ाइल'
 guild_profile_desc: "`👤` | **गिल्ड:** `%{guild}`\n`💰` | **योजना:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **समाप्त होने की तारीख:** %{expires}"
 ### रिडीम कमांड!
-redeem_title: "प्रीमियम रिडीम"
+redeem_title: 'प्रीमियम रिडीम'
 redeem_desc: "`💰` | **योजना:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **समाप्त होने की तारीख:** %{expires}"
-redeem_already: "`⚠️` | आप पहले से ही **प्रीमियम** उपयोगकर्ता हैं!"
-redeem_invalid: "`⚠️` | अमान्य कोड। कृपया फिर से प्रयास करें या मान्य कोड का उपयोग करें!"
-redeem_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | अमान्य प्रीमियम सक्रियण प्रकार! कृपया केवल `guild` या `user` को निर्दिष्ट करें!"
-redeem_already_guild: "`⚠️` | इस सर्वर पर पहले से ही **प्रीमियम** है!"
+redeem_already: '`⚠️` | आप पहले से ही **प्रीमियम** उपयोगकर्ता हैं!'
+redeem_invalid: '`⚠️` | अमान्य कोड। कृपया फिर से प्रयास करें या मान्य कोड का उपयोग करें!'
+redeem_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | अमान्य प्रीमियम सक्रियण प्रकार! कृपया केवल `guild` या `user` को निर्दिष्ट करें!'
+redeem_already_guild: '`⚠️` | इस सर्वर पर पहले से ही **प्रीमियम** है!'
 ### हटाएं कमांड!
-remove_desc: "`✅` | %{user} से प्रीमियम सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया गया है!"
-remove_already: "`⚠️` | %{user} को पहले से ही प्रीमियम हटा दिया गया है!"
-remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | कृपया प्रीमियम हटाने के लिए एक **उपयोगकर्ता नाम** या **उपयोगकर्ता आईडी** निर्दिष्ट करें!"
-remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid} इस उपयोगकर्ता को **प्रीमियम सदस्य** नहीं है!"
+remove_desc: '`✅` | %{user} से प्रीमियम सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया गया है!'
+remove_already: '`⚠️` | %{user} को पहले से ही प्रीमियम हटा दिया गया है!'
+remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | कृपया प्रीमियम हटाने के लिए एक **उपयोगकर्ता नाम** या **उपयोगकर्ता आईडी** निर्दिष्ट करें!'
+remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid} इस उपयोगकर्ता को **प्रीमियम सदस्य** नहीं है!'
 ### गिल्ड हटाएं कमांड!
-guild_remove_desc: "`✅` | %{user} से प्रीमियम सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया गया है!"
-guild_remove_already: "`⚠️` | %{user} का सर्वर पहले से ही प्रीमियम हटा दिया गया है!"
-guild_remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | कृपया प्रीमियम हटाने के लिए **सर्वर आईडी** निर्दिष्ट करें!"
-guild_remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid} यह **प्रीमियम सर्वर** नहीं है!"
+guild_remove_desc: '`✅` | %{user} से प्रीमियम सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया गया है!'
+guild_remove_already: '`⚠️` | %{user} का सर्वर पहले से ही प्रीमियम हटा दिया गया है!'
+guild_remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | कृपया प्रीमियम हटाने के लिए **सर्वर आईडी** निर्दिष्ट करें!'
+guild_remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid} यह **प्रीमियम सर्वर** नहीं है!'
 ### सर्वर सूची कमांड
-guild_list_title: "💫 प्रीमियम सर्वर सूची!"
-guild_list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | केवल संख्याओं की अनुमति है!"
-guild_list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | केवल **%{page} पृष्ठ** उपलब्ध हैं!"
+guild_list_title: '💫 प्रीमियम सर्वर सूची!'
+guild_list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | केवल संख्याओं की अनुमति है!'
+guild_list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | केवल **%{page} पृष्ठ** उपलब्ध हैं!'
 ### उपयोगकर्ता सूची कमांड
-list_title: "💫 प्रीमियम उपयोगकर्ता सूची"
-list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | केवल संख्याओं"
+list_title: '💫 प्रीमियम उपयोगकर्ता सूची'
+list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | केवल संख्याओं'
diff --git a/languages/hi/command.utils.yaml b/languages/hi/command.utils.yaml
index 4c6a569e..a781c27f 100644
--- a/languages/hi/command.utils.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/command.utils.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 ### भाषा कमांड!
-lang_set: "`📙` | भाषा सफलतापूर्वक सेट की गई है **%{language}**!"
-lang_change: "`📙` | भाषा सफलतापूर्वक बदल दी गई है **%{language}**!"
-lang_perm: "`⚠️` | आपको इस कमांड का उपयोग करने का अनुमति नहीं है!"
+lang_set: '`📙` | भाषा सफलतापूर्वक सेट की गई है **%{language}**!'
+lang_change: '`📙` | भाषा सफलतापूर्वक बदल दी गई है **%{language}**!'
+lang_perm: '`⚠️` | आपको इस कमांड का उपयोग करने का अनुमति नहीं है!'
 provide_lang: "`⚠️` | अमान्य भाषा। का उपयोग करें कृपया:\n`%{languages}`"
 ### शटडाउन कमांड!
-restart_msg: "`🔌` | **बंद हो रहा है**..."
+restart_msg: '`🔌` | **बंद हो रहा है**...'
 ### प्रिफिक्स कमांड!
-prefix_set: "`㊙️` | प्रिफिक्स सफलतापूर्वक सेट किया गया है **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_change: "`㊙️` | प्रिफिक्स सफलतापूर्वक बदल दिया गया है **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_arg: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्रिफिक्स प्रदान करें!"
-prefix_length: "`⚠️` | प्रिफिक्स **10 वर्णों से अधिक** नहीं हो सकता!"
+prefix_set: '`㊙️` | प्रिफिक्स सफलतापूर्वक सेट किया गया है **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_change: '`㊙️` | प्रिफिक्स सफलतापूर्वक बदल दिया गया है **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_arg: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य प्रिफिक्स प्रदान करें!'
+prefix_length: '`⚠️` | प्रिफिक्स **10 वर्णों से अधिक** नहीं हो सकता!'
 ### सॉन्ग नोटि कमांड!
-songnoti_set: "`🔔` | सॉन्ग सूचनाएं सफलतापूर्वक सेट की गईं हैं **%{toggle}**!"
-songnoti_already: "`⚠️` | सॉन्ग सूचनाएं पहले से ही **%{mode}** हैं!"
+songnoti_set: '`🔔` | सॉन्ग सूचनाएं सफलतापूर्वक सेट की गईं हैं **%{toggle}**!'
+songnoti_already: '`⚠️` | सॉन्ग सूचनाएं पहले से ही **%{mode}** हैं!'
 ### 24/7 कमांड!
-247_on: "`✅` | 24/7 मोड अब **सक्षम** है!"
-247_off: "`❌` | 24/7 मोड अब **अक्षम** है!"
-247_already: "`⚠️` | 24/7 मोड पहले से ही **%{mode}** है!"
+247_on: '`✅` | 24/7 मोड अब **सक्षम** है!'
+247_off: '`❌` | 24/7 मोड अब **अक्षम** है!'
+247_already: '`⚠️` | 24/7 मोड पहले से ही **%{mode}** है!'
 ### सेटअप कमांड!
 setup_msg: "**`⚙️` | संगीत सिस्टम बनाया गया** %{channel}\n```नोट: संगीत सिस्टम के लिए सही रूप से काम करने के लिए कृपया मेरे द्वारा भेजे गए किसी भी संदेश को मिटाएं!```"
-setup_deleted: "**`⚙️` | संगीत सिस्टम हटा दिया गया है!**"
+setup_deleted: '**`⚙️` | संगीत सिस्टम हटा दिया गया है!**'
 setup_topic: "⏹ **स्टॉप**\n⏮️ **पिछला**\n⏯ **पॉज/रिज्यूम**\n⏭️ **स्किप**\n🔁 **लूप/अनलूप**"
-setup_enable: "`⚠️` | संगीत सिस्टम पहले से ही मौजूद है!"
-setup_null: "`⚠️` | संगीत सिस्टम नहीं मिला!"
+setup_enable: '`⚠️` | संगीत सिस्टम पहले से ही मौजूद है!'
+setup_null: '`⚠️` | संगीत सिस्टम नहीं मिला!'
diff --git a/languages/hi/error.yaml b/languages/hi/error.yaml
index 2966bf63..34f3a72a 100644
--- a/languages/hi/error.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/error.yaml
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
 # Invalid Number
-number_invalid: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य संख्या प्रदान करें!"
+number_invalid: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक मान्य संख्या प्रदान करें!'
 # Execute when invalid
-no_node: "`⚠️` | कोई Lavalink सर्वर नहीं मिला। कृपया **5 मिनट** बाद पुनः प्रयास करें!"
+no_node: '`⚠️` | कोई Lavalink सर्वर नहीं मिला। कृपया **5 मिनट** बाद पुनः प्रयास करें!'
 # No song is currently playing!
-no_player: "`⚠️` | वर्तमान में कोई गाना नहीं बज रहा है!"
+no_player: '`⚠️` | वर्तमान में कोई गाना नहीं बज रहा है!'
 # Need to join voice & same voice to use command!
-no_in_voice: "`⚠️` | आप एक आवाज चैनल में नहीं हैं!"
-no_same_voice: "`⚠️` | आप मेरे से समान आवाज चैनल में नहीं हैं!"
+no_in_voice: '`⚠️` | आप एक आवाज चैनल में नहीं हैं!'
+no_same_voice: '`⚠️` | आप मेरे से समान आवाज चैनल में नहीं हैं!'
 # No permission!
-no_perms: "`⚠️` | मेरे पास इस कमांड को निष्पादित करने के लिए **%{perm}** अनुमति नहीं है!"
-no_perms_channel: "`⚠️` | I do not have **%{perm}** permission in <#%{channel}> to execute this command!"
+no_perms: '`⚠️` | मेरे पास इस कमांड को निष्पादित करने के लिए **%{perm}** अनुमति नहीं है!'
+no_perms_channel: '`⚠️` | I do not have **%{perm}** permission in <#%{channel}> to execute this command!'
 # Getting error!
-unexpected_error: "`⚠️` | कुछ गड़बड़ हो गया है। कृपया बाद में पुनः प्रयास करें!"
+unexpected_error: '`⚠️` | कुछ गड़बड़ हो गया है। कृपया बाद में पुनः प्रयास करें!'
 # Client owner!
-owner_only: "`⚠️` | आप मेरे **मालिक** नहीं हैं!"
+owner_only: '`⚠️` | आप मेरे **मालिक** नहीं हैं!'
 # No premium Event!
-no_premium_author: "प्रीमियम"
-no_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | आप प्रीमियम उपयोगकर्ता नहीं हैं!"
+no_premium_author: 'प्रीमियम'
+no_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | आप प्रीमियम उपयोगकर्ता नहीं हैं!'
 # Rate limit!
-ratelimit: "`⚠️` | आप बहुत तेजी से क्रियाएँ कर रहे हैं। कृपया **%{time} सेकंड** के लिए प्रतीक्षा करें!"
+ratelimit: '`⚠️` | आप बहुत तेजी से क्रियाएँ कर रहे हैं। कृपया **%{time} सेकंड** के लिए प्रतीक्षा करें!'
 # Missing args
-arg_error: "`⚠️` | अमान्य तर्क। कृपया %{text} का उपयोग करें।"
+arg_error: '`⚠️` | अमान्य तर्क। कृपया %{text} का उपयोग करें।'
diff --git a/languages/hi/event.guild.yaml b/languages/hi/event.guild.yaml
index 680a62c0..d05ff31b 100644
--- a/languages/hi/event.guild.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/event.guild.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-joined_title: "📥 Joined a guild!"
-leave_title: "📥 Left a guild!"
-guild_name: "Name"
-guild_id: "ID"
-guild_owner: "Owner"
-guild_member_count: "Member count"
-guild_creation_date: "Creation date"
-current_server_count: "Current server count"
-join_dm_title: "Thanks for choosing %{username} as an primary music bot!"
+joined_title: '📥 Joined a guild!'
+leave_title: '📥 Left a guild!'
+guild_name: 'Name'
+guild_id: 'ID'
+guild_owner: 'Owner'
+guild_member_count: 'Member count'
+guild_creation_date: 'Creation date'
+current_server_count: 'Current server count'
+join_dm_title: 'Thanks for choosing %{username} as an primary music bot!'
diff --git a/languages/hi/event.message.yaml b/languages/hi/event.message.yaml
index 6856ad98..cb473fb3 100644
--- a/languages/hi/event.message.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/event.message.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ### Help command!
-intro1: "・**%{bot}** एक उन्नत संगीत बॉट है जिसमें भरपूर सुविधाएं हैं!"
-intro2: "・**RainyXeon** द्वारा संचालित"
-intro3: "・**1sT - service** के साथ साझेदारी"
-prefix: "・**बॉट प्रिफ़िक्स:** %{prefix}"
-ver: "・**बॉट संस्करण:** `%{botver}`"
-djs: "・**डिस्कॉर्ड.js:** `%{djsver}`"
-lavalink: "・**ऑटोफिक्स:** `%{aver}`"
-help1: "・**शुरुआत के लिए:** %{help}"
-help2: "・**अधिक जानकारी के लिए:** %{botinfo}"
-wel: "👋 %{bot} में आपका स्वागत है"
-codename: "・**कोडनेम:** `%{codename}`"
+intro1: '・**%{bot}** एक उन्नत संगीत बॉट है जिसमें भरपूर सुविधाएं हैं!'
+intro2: '・**RainyXeon** द्वारा संचालित'
+intro3: '・**1sT - service** के साथ साझेदारी'
+prefix: '・**बॉट प्रिफ़िक्स:** %{prefix}'
+ver: '・**बॉट संस्करण:** `%{botver}`'
+djs: '・**डिस्कॉर्ड.js:** `%{djsver}`'
+lavalink: '・**ऑटोफिक्स:** `%{aver}`'
+help1: '・**शुरुआत के लिए:** %{help}'
+help2: '・**अधिक जानकारी के लिए:** %{botinfo}'
+wel: '👋 %{bot} में आपका स्वागत है'
+codename: '・**कोडनेम:** `%{codename}`'
diff --git a/languages/hi/event.player.yaml b/languages/hi/event.player.yaml
index 03652824..d263d098 100644
--- a/languages/hi/event.player.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/event.player.yaml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 ### Playing event!
-track_title: "प्लेयिंग शुरू हुआ"
-track_icon: ""
-author_title: "`✒️` | लेखक:"
-request_title: "`👤` | अनुरोधकर्ता:"
-volume_title: "`🔊` | वॉल्यूम:"
-queue_title: "`💾` | कतिपय लंबाई कुंज:"
-duration_title: "`🕒` | गाने की अवधि:"
-total_duration_title: "`🕰️` | कतिपय क्यू अवधि:"
-download_title: "`⬇️` | डाउनलोड:"
+track_title: 'प्लेयिंग शुरू हुआ'
+track_icon: ''
+author_title: '`✒️` | लेखक:'
+request_title: '`👤` | अनुरोधकर्ता:'
+volume_title: '`🔊` | वॉल्यूम:'
+queue_title: '`💾` | कतिपय लंबाई कुंज:'
+duration_title: '`🕒` | गाने की अवधि:'
+total_duration_title: '`🕰️` | कतिपय क्यू अवधि:'
+download_title: '`⬇️` | डाउनलोड:'
 ### Same voice!
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | आप मेरे साथ समान वॉयस चैनल में नहीं हैं!"
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | आप मेरे साथ समान वॉयस चैनल में नहीं हैं!'
 ### QueueEnd event!
-queue_end_desc: "`🔚` | गाना समाप्त हो गया है!"
+queue_end_desc: '`🔚` | गाना समाप्त हो गया है!'
 ### Song error!
-error_desc: "`⚠️` | गाने में त्रुटि है। गाना को स्किप किया गया है!"
+error_desc: '`⚠️` | गाने में त्रुटि है। गाना को स्किप किया गया है!'
 ### Auto function!
-player_end: "`🛑` | मैंने <#%{leave}> को छोड़ दिया है क्योंकि वहां कोई भी वॉयस चैनल में नहीं है!"
-leave_pause: "`⏸️` | गाना रुक गया है क्योंकि मैं अकेला हूं!"
-leave_resume: "`▶️` | गाना फिर से चालू हो गया है क्योंकि कोई जुड़ गया है!"
+player_end: '`🛑` | मैंने <#%{leave}> को छोड़ दिया है क्योंकि वहां कोई भी वॉयस चैनल में नहीं है!'
+leave_pause: '`⏸️` | गाना रुक गया है क्योंकि मैं अकेला हूं!'
+leave_resume: '`▶️` | गाना फिर से चालू हो गया है क्योंकि कोई जुड़ गया है!'
diff --git a/languages/hi/event.premium.yaml b/languages/hi/event.premium.yaml
index 5cca90b7..d82280a1 100644
--- a/languages/hi/event.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/event.premium.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-display_name: "Display name"
-username: "Username"
-createdAt: "Created At"
-redeemedAt: "Redeemed At"
-expiresAt: "Expires At"
-plan: "Plan"
-title: "💫 New user just registered successfully premium!"
+display_name: 'Display name'
+username: 'Username'
+createdAt: 'Created At'
+redeemedAt: 'Redeemed At'
+expiresAt: 'Expires At'
+plan: 'Plan'
+title: '💫 New user just registered successfully premium!'
diff --git a/languages/hi/event.setup.yaml b/languages/hi/event.setup.yaml
index 94e9976a..0972e957 100644
--- a/languages/hi/event.setup.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/event.setup.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 ### Setup handler!
-setup_queuemsg: "एक वॉयस चैनल में शामिल हों और यहां गाने चलाएं जिन्हें नाम या URL का उपयोग करके!"
-setup_playembed_author: "कोई गाना वर्तमान में चल रहा नहीं है"
+setup_queuemsg: 'एक वॉयस चैनल में शामिल हों और यहां गाने चलाएं जिन्हें नाम या URL का उपयोग करके!'
+setup_playembed_author: 'कोई गाना वर्तमान में चल रहा नहीं है'
 ### Update handler!
-setup_author: "चला रहा है"
-setup_author_icon: ""
-setup_desc: "**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_footer: "वॉल्यूम • %{volume}% | कुल अवधि • %{duration}"
-setup_content: "**__कतिपय क्यू:__**"
-setup_content_queue: "`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_content_empty: "एक वॉयस चैनल में शामिल हों और यहां गाने चलाएं जिन्हें नाम या URL का उपयोग करके!"
+setup_author: 'चला रहा है'
+setup_author_icon: ''
+setup_desc: '**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_footer: 'वॉल्यूम • %{volume}% | कुल अवधि • %{duration}'
+setup_content: '**__कतिपय क्यू:__**'
+setup_content_queue: '`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_content_empty: 'एक वॉयस चैनल में शामिल हों और यहां गाने चलाएं जिन्हें नाम या URL का उपयोग करके!'
 ### Status command!
-status_create: "**`📊` | स्थिति चैनल बना दिया गया है!**"
-status_delete: "**`📊` | स्थिति चैनल हटा दिया गया है!**"
-status_enable: "`⚠️` | स्थिति चैनल पहले से ही मौजूद है!"
-status_null: "`⚠️` | स्थिति चैनल नहीं मिला!"
+status_create: '**`📊` | स्थिति चैनल बना दिया गया है!**'
+status_delete: '**`📊` | स्थिति चैनल हटा दिया गया है!**'
+status_enable: '`⚠️` | स्थिति चैनल पहले से ही मौजूद है!'
+status_null: '`⚠️` | स्थिति चैनल नहीं मिला!'
 # Play!
-play_track: "`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request} को कतिपय में डाल दिया गया है"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request} को कतिपय में डाल दिया गया है"
-play_result: "`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request} को कतिपय में डाल दिया गया है"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | कृपया एक वैध गाना नाम या URL प्रदान करें!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | गाना नहीं मिला!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | आप इमोजी का उपयोग करके गाने नहीं बजा सकते हैं!"
+play_track: '`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request} को कतिपय में डाल दिया गया है'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request} को कतिपय में डाल दिया गया है'
+play_result: '`💾` | **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request} को कतिपय में डाल दिया गया है'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | कृपया एक वैध गाना नाम या URL प्रदान करें!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | गाना नहीं मिला!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | आप इमोजी का उपयोग करके गाने नहीं बजा सकते हैं!'
 # Mode
-enable: "सक्षम"
-disable: "अक्षम"
+enable: 'सक्षम'
+disable: 'अक्षम'
diff --git a/languages/hi/global.yaml b/languages/hi/global.yaml
index c4f74b3a..0719edf5 100644
--- a/languages/hi/global.yaml
+++ b/languages/hi/global.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # Mode
-enable: "सक्षम"
-disable: "अक्षम"
+enable: 'सक्षम'
+disable: 'अक्षम'
diff --git a/languages/ko/ b/languages/ko/
index 153490cc..5c387382 100644
--- a/languages/ko/
+++ b/languages/ko/
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | 현재 재생 중:\n**%{track}** `[%{duration}]` • %{requester}\n\n`💤` | 대기열에 추가된 항목 **%{list_song}**"
-queue_footer: "페이지 • %{page}/%{pages} | 노래 • %{queue_lang} | 총 재생 시간 • %{total_duration}"
+queue_footer: '페이지 • %{page}/%{pages} | 노래 • %{queue_lang} | 총 재생 시간 • %{total_duration}'
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | 노래를 일시정지했어요!"
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | 노래를 다시 재생할게요!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | 노래를 일시정지했어요!'
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | 노래를 다시 재생할게요!'
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | 다음 노래를 재생할게요!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | 건너 뛸 다음 곡이 없어요!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | 다음 노래를 재생할게요!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | 건너 뛸 다음 곡이 없어요!'
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | 노래를 정지했어요!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | 노래를 정지했어요!'
-volup_msg: "`🔊` | 볼륨을 설정했어요! **%{volume}%**"
-voldown_msg: "`🔉` | 볼륨을 설정했어요! **%{volume}%**"
-volume_max: "`⚠️` | 플레이어 볼륨이 이미 최대 볼륨이에요!"
-volume_min: "`⚠️` | 플레이어 볼륨이 이미 최하 볼륨이에요!"
+volup_msg: '`🔊` | 볼륨을 설정했어요! **%{volume}%**'
+voldown_msg: '`🔉` | 볼륨을 설정했어요! **%{volume}%**'
+volume_max: '`⚠️` | 플레이어 볼륨이 이미 최대 볼륨이에요!'
+volume_min: '`⚠️` | 플레이어 볼륨이 이미 최하 볼륨이에요!'
-clear_msg: "`🗑️` | 대기열을 정리했어요!"
+clear_msg: '`🗑️` | 대기열을 정리했어요!'
-loop_current: "`🔁` | 한 곡 반복 모드를 설정했어요!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | 전체 반복 모드를 설정했어요!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | 반복 모드를 해제했어요!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | 잘못된 반복 모드입니다. %{mode} 을 사용해 주세요!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | 이미 반복 모드가 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어 있어요!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | 한 곡 반복 모드를 설정했어요!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | 전체 반복 모드를 설정했어요!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | 반복 모드를 해제했어요!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | 잘못된 반복 모드입니다. %{mode} 을 사용해 주세요!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | 이미 반복 모드가 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어 있어요!'
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | 이전 노래를 재생할게요!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | 이전 곡을 찾을 수 없어요!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | 이전 노래를 재생할게요!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | 이전 곡을 찾을 수 없어요!'
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 대기열에 등록된 노래를 무작위로 재생할게요!"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 대기열에 등록된 노래를 무작위로 재생할게요!'
 # Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | 모든 필터의 설정이 재설정되었어요!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | 필터가 이미 재설정되었어요!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | 모든 필터의 설정이 재설정되었어요!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | 필터가 이미 재설정되었어요!'
 # All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | %{name} 필터를 설정했어요!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | %{name} 필터가 이미 **활성화되어 있어요!**"
\ No newline at end of file
+filter_on: '`✅` | %{name} 필터를 설정했어요!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | %{name} 필터가 이미 **활성화되어 있어요!**'
diff --git a/languages/ko/command.filter.yaml b/languages/ko/command.filter.yaml
index 839fd96b..acaad69c 100644
--- a/languages/ko/command.filter.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/command.filter.yaml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 ### All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | %{name} 필터를 설정했어요!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | %{name} 필터가 이미 **활성화되어 있어요!**"
-filter_number: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 값을 입력해주세요!"
-filter_greater: "`⚠️` | 0 이상의 숫자를 입력해주세요!"
-filter_less: "`⚠️` | 10 이하의 숫자를 입력해주세요!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | %{name} 필터를 설정했어요!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | %{name} 필터가 이미 **활성화되어 있어요!**'
+filter_number: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 값을 입력해주세요!'
+filter_greater: '`⚠️` | 0 이상의 숫자를 입력해주세요!'
+filter_less: '`⚠️` | 10 이하의 숫자를 입력해주세요!'
 ### Bassboost command!
-bassboost_set: "`🎚️` | Bassboost 모드가 **%{amount}dB** 로 설정되었어요!"
-bassboost_limit: "`⚠️` | -10 에서 10 사이의 값을 입력해 주세요!"
+bassboost_set: '`🎚️` | Bassboost 모드가 **%{amount}dB** 로 설정되었어요!'
+bassboost_limit: '`⚠️` | -10 에서 10 사이의 값을 입력해 주세요!'
 ### Equalizer command!
-eq_author: "Sinhala"
-eq_icon: ""
-eq_desc: "`🎚️` | -10부터 10까지 설정 가능한 밴드가 14개 있습니다. 반드시 모두 설정해야 하는 것은 아니에요! 취향에 맞게 설정해주세요!"
-eq_field_title: "예시:"
-eq_field_value: "%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0"
-eq_footer: "Equalizer 를 재설정 하려면 다음 명령어를 입력해주세요! • %{prefix}eq reset"
-eq_on: "`🎚️` | Equalizer 모드가 **%{bands}** 로 설정되었어요!"
-eq_number: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 값을 입력해주세요!"
-eq_greater: "`⚠️` | -10 이상의 숫자를 입력해주세요!"
-eq_than: "`⚠️` | 10 이하의 숫자를 입력해주세요!"
+eq_author: 'Sinhala'
+eq_icon: ''
+eq_desc: '`🎚️` | -10부터 10까지 설정 가능한 밴드가 14개 있습니다. 반드시 모두 설정해야 하는 것은 아니에요! 취향에 맞게 설정해주세요!'
+eq_field_title: '예시:'
+eq_field_value: '%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0'
+eq_footer: 'Equalizer 를 재설정 하려면 다음 명령어를 입력해주세요! • %{prefix}eq reset'
+eq_on: '`🎚️` | Equalizer 모드가 **%{bands}** 로 설정되었어요!'
+eq_number: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 값을 입력해주세요!'
+eq_greater: '`⚠️` | -10 이상의 숫자를 입력해주세요!'
+eq_than: '`⚠️` | 10 이하의 숫자를 입력해주세요!'
 ### Pitch command!
-pitch_on: "`🎚️` | Pitch 모드가 **%{amount}** 로 설정되었어요!"
+pitch_on: '`🎚️` | Pitch 모드가 **%{amount}** 로 설정되었어요!'
 ### Rate command!
-rate_on: "`🎚️` | Rate 모드가 **%{amount}x** 로 설정되었어요!"
+rate_on: '`🎚️` | Rate 모드가 **%{amount}x** 로 설정되었어요!'
 ### Speed command!
-speed_on: "`🎚️` | Speed 모드가 **%{amount}x** 로 설정되었어요!"
+speed_on: '`🎚️` | Speed 모드가 **%{amount}x** 로 설정되었어요!'
 ### Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | 모든 필터의 설정이 재설정되었어요!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | 필터가 이미 재설정되었어요!"
\ No newline at end of file
+reset_on: '`❌` | 모든 필터의 설정이 재설정되었어요!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | 필터가 이미 재설정되었어요!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/ b/languages/ko/
index 1f790907..5e4bd443 100644
--- a/languages/ko/
+++ b/languages/ko/
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 ### Developer command!
-dev_title: "RainyXeon"
-dev_desc: "저는 단지 인지도가 없는 개발자일 뿐이지만. Dreamvast 와 RainyProduction의 공식 크리에이터입니다!"
-dev_foot: "제 서버에 가입하거나 봇을 초대하는 것을 고려해보세요! :) 이것은 저에게 많은 도움이 될 것입니다!"
+dev_title: 'RainyXeon'
+dev_desc: '저는 단지 인지도가 없는 개발자일 뿐이지만. Dreamvast 와 RainyProduction의 공식 크리에이터입니다!'
+dev_foot: '제 서버에 가입하거나 봇을 초대하는 것을 고려해보세요! :) 이것은 저에게 많은 도움이 될 것입니다!'
 ### Invite command!
-inv_title: "✉️ %{username}"
-inv_desc: "봇을 사용해 주셔서 감사합니다!"
+inv_title: '✉️ %{username}'
+inv_desc: '봇을 사용해 주셔서 감사합니다!'
 ### Ping command!
-ping_title: "🏓 "
+ping_title: '🏓 '
 ping_desc: "**Ping:** `%{ping}ms`\n**응답시간:** `%{response}ms`"
 ### Uptime command!
-uptime_title: "🕒 "
-uptime_desc: "**업타임:** `%{uptime}`"
+uptime_title: '🕒 '
+uptime_desc: '**업타임:** `%{uptime}`'
 ### Help command!
-ce_finder_name: "**명령어:**"
-ce_finder_des: "**설명:**"
-ce_finder_usage: "**사용방법:**"
-ce_finder_access: "**명령어 사용 권한:**"
-ce_finder_aliases: "**별칭:**"
-ce_finder_slash: "**Slash 명령:**"
-ce_finder_des_no: "설명이 없어요!"
-ce_finder_usage_no: "사용방법이 없어요!"
-ce_finder_aliases_prefix: " [접두사로만 사용가능]"
-ce_finder_aliases_no: "별칭이 없어요!"
-ce_finder_slash_enable: "활성화"
-ce_finder_slash_disable: "비활성화"
-ce_finder_invalid: "알 수 없는 명령어"
-ce_finder_example: "`⚠️` | 올바른 명령어를 입력해주세요!"
-ce_name: "사용 가능한 명령어 목록"
-ce_total: "총 명령어"
+ce_finder_name: '**명령어:**'
+ce_finder_des: '**설명:**'
+ce_finder_usage: '**사용방법:**'
+ce_finder_access: '**명령어 사용 권한:**'
+ce_finder_aliases: '**별칭:**'
+ce_finder_slash: '**Slash 명령:**'
+ce_finder_des_no: '설명이 없어요!'
+ce_finder_usage_no: '사용방법이 없어요!'
+ce_finder_aliases_prefix: ' [접두사로만 사용가능]'
+ce_finder_aliases_no: '별칭이 없어요!'
+ce_finder_slash_enable: '활성화'
+ce_finder_slash_disable: '비활성화'
+ce_finder_invalid: '알 수 없는 명령어'
+ce_finder_example: '`⚠️` | 올바른 명령어를 입력해주세요!'
+ce_name: '사용 가능한 명령어 목록'
+ce_total: '총 명령어'
diff --git a/languages/ko/ b/languages/ko/
index b897a1ca..22fc8843 100644
--- a/languages/ko/
+++ b/languages/ko/
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
 ### Autoplay command!
-autoplay_on: "`✅` | 자동 플레이를 설정했어요!"
-autoplay_off: "`❌` | 자동 플레이를 해제했어요!"
-autoplay_already: "`⚠️` | 자동 플레이가 이미 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어 있어요!"
+autoplay_on: '`✅` | 자동 플레이를 설정했어요!'
+autoplay_off: '`❌` | 자동 플레이를 해제했어요!'
+autoplay_already: '`⚠️` | 자동 플레이가 이미 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어 있어요!'
 ### ClearQueue command!
-clearqueue_msg: "`🗑️` | 대기열을 정리했어요!"
+clearqueue_msg: '`🗑️` | 대기열을 정리했어요!'
 ### Forward command!
-forward_msg: "`⏩` | 해당 지점으로 이동했어요! `%{duration}`"
-forward_beyond: "`⚠️` | 노래가 곧 끝날 예정이에요 그 이후로 앞으로 넘길 수 없어요!"
+forward_msg: '`⏩` | 해당 지점으로 이동했어요! `%{duration}`'
+forward_beyond: '`⚠️` | 노래가 곧 끝날 예정이에요 그 이후로 앞으로 넘길 수 없어요!'
 ### Join command!
-join_msg: "`🔊` | 음성채널에 입장했어요! %{channel}"
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | 이 명령을 사용하려면 음성 채널에 입장해야 해요!"
-join_already: "`⚠️` | 이미 해당 채널에 있어요! %{channel}"
+join_msg: '`🔊` | 음성채널에 입장했어요! %{channel}'
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | 이 명령을 사용하려면 음성 채널에 입장해야 해요!'
+join_already: '`⚠️` | 이미 해당 채널에 있어요! %{channel}'
 ### Stop command!
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | 플레이어를 종료할게요!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | 플레이어를 종료할게요!'
 ### Loop command!
-loop_current: "`🔁` | 한 곡 반복 모드를 설정했어요!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | 전체 반복 모드를 설정했어요!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | 반복 모드를 해제했어요!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | 잘못된 반복 모드입니다. %{mode} 을 사용해 주세요!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | 이미 반복 모드가 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어 있어요!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | 한 곡 반복 모드를 설정했어요!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | 전체 반복 모드를 설정했어요!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | 반복 모드를 해제했어요!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | 잘못된 반복 모드입니다. %{mode} 을 사용해 주세요!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | 이미 반복 모드가 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어 있어요!'
 ### Lyrics command!
-lyrics_title: "📜 %{song}"
-lyrics_notfound: "`⚠️` | 가사를 찾을 수 없어요!"
-lyrics_toolong: "`⚠️` | 가사가 너무 길어서 표시할 수 없어요!"
+lyrics_title: '📜 %{song}'
+lyrics_notfound: '`⚠️` | 가사를 찾을 수 없어요!'
+lyrics_toolong: '`⚠️` | 가사가 너무 길어서 표시할 수 없어요!'
 ### Nowplaying command!
-np_icon: ""
-np_title: "현재 재생 중..."
-np_current_duration: "`⏰` | 노래 길이: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`"
+np_icon: ''
+np_title: '현재 재생 중...'
+np_current_duration: '`⏰` | 노래 길이: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`'
 ### Pause command!
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | 플레이어가 일시 정지되었어요!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | 플레이어가 일시 정지되었어요!'
 ### Play command!
-play_track: "`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 노래 이름 또는 URL을 입력해 주세요!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | 이모지를 사용해서 노래를 재생할 수 없어요!"
+play_track: '`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **[%{title}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 노래 이름 또는 URL을 입력해 주세요!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | 이모지를 사용해서 노래를 재생할 수 없어요!'
 ### File command!
-file_notfound: "`⚠️` | 올바른 파일을 제공해주세요!"
-play_invalid_file: "`⚠️` | 파일 형식이 잘못되었습니다. **mp3** 또는 **ogg** 를 사용해주세요!"
-play_warning_file: "`⚠️` | 파일 형식을 찾을 수 없습니다. **mp3** 또는 **ogg** 를 사용해주세요!"
+file_notfound: '`⚠️` | 올바른 파일을 제공해주세요!'
+play_invalid_file: '`⚠️` | 파일 형식이 잘못되었습니다. **mp3** 또는 **ogg** 를 사용해주세요!'
+play_warning_file: '`⚠️` | 파일 형식을 찾을 수 없습니다. **mp3** 또는 **ogg** 를 사용해주세요!'
 ### Previous command!
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | 다음 노래를 재생할게요!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | 이전 곡을 찾을 수 없어요!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | 다음 노래를 재생할게요!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | 이전 곡을 찾을 수 없어요!'
 ### Queue command!
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | 현재 재생 중...:\n**[%{title}](%{url})** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}\n\n`💤` | 대기열에 추가된 항목:**%{rest}**"
-queue_footer: "페이지 • %{page}/%{pages} | 노래 • %{queue_lang} | 총 재생 시간 • %{duration}"
-queue_notnumber: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 페이지 번호를 입력해주세요!"
-queue_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | %{page} 페이지만 남았어요!"
+queue_footer: '페이지 • %{page}/%{pages} | 노래 • %{queue_lang} | 총 재생 시간 • %{duration}'
+queue_notnumber: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 페이지 번호를 입력해주세요!'
+queue_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | %{page} 페이지만 남았어요!'
 ### Replay command!
-replay_msg: "`🔄` | 노래를 다시 재생할게요!"
+replay_msg: '`🔄` | 노래를 다시 재생할게요!'
 ### Resume command!
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | 노래를 다시 재생할게요!"
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | 노래를 다시 재생할게요!'
 ### Rewind command!
-rewind_msg: "`⏪` | 해당 지점으로 이동했어요! `%{duration}`"
-rewind_beyond: "`⚠️` | 노래가 방금 시작해서 그 이전으로 되감을 수 없어요!"
+rewind_msg: '`⏪` | 해당 지점으로 이동했어요! `%{duration}`'
+rewind_beyond: '`⚠️` | 노래가 방금 시작해서 그 이전으로 되감을 수 없어요!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-removetrack_desc: "`🗑️` | 대기열에서 제거했어요! **[%{name}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-removetrack_already: "`⚠️` | 현재 재생 중인 노래는 삭제할 수 없어요!"
-removetrack_notfound: "`⚠️` | 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!"
+removetrack_desc: '`🗑️` | 대기열에서 제거했어요! **[%{name}](%{url})** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+removetrack_already: '`⚠️` | 현재 재생 중인 노래는 삭제할 수 없어요!'
+removetrack_notfound: '`⚠️` | 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!'
 ### Seek command!
-seek_msg: "`➿` | 해당 지점으로 이동했어요! `%{duration}`"
-seek_beyond: "`⚠️` | 곡의 재생 시간을 초과하여 탐색할 수 없어요!"
-seek_invalid: "`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 탐색 시간 입니다. 유효한 타임스탬프를 사용해주세요. 예시: **1:30**!"
+seek_msg: '`➿` | 해당 지점으로 이동했어요! `%{duration}`'
+seek_beyond: '`⚠️` | 곡의 재생 시간을 초과하여 탐색할 수 없어요!'
+seek_invalid: '`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 탐색 시간 입니다. 유효한 타임스탬프를 사용해주세요. 예시: **1:30**!'
 ### Shuffle command!
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 대기열에 등록된 노래를 무작위로 재생할게요!"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 대기열에 등록된 노래를 무작위로 재생할게요!'
 ### Skip command!
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | 다음 노래를 재생할게요!"
-skip_notfound: "건너뛸 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | 다음 노래를 재생할게요!'
+skip_notfound: '건너뛸 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!'
 ### Volume command!
-volume_msg: "`🔊` | 볼륨을 설정했어요! **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | 볼륨은 **1** 부터 **100** 까지만 설정할수 있어요!"
+volume_msg: '`🔊` | 볼륨을 설정했어요! **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | 볼륨은 **1** 부터 **100** 까지만 설정할수 있어요!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/command.playlist.yaml b/languages/ko/command.playlist.yaml
index f2d183f5..2aabec0c 100644
--- a/languages/ko/command.playlist.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/command.playlist.yaml
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
 ### Create command!
-create_created: "`💿` | 재생목록이 생성되었어요! **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`"
-create_toolong: "`⚠️` | 재생목록 이름은 16자 이상 설정할 수 없어요!"
-des_toolong: "`⚠️` | 재생목록 설명은 1000자 이상 설정할 수 없어요!"
-create_limit_playlist: "`⚠️` | %{limit} 개 이상의 재생 목록은 생성할 수 없어요!"
+create_created: '`💿` | 재생목록이 생성되었어요! **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`'
+create_toolong: '`⚠️` | 재생목록 이름은 16자 이상 설정할 수 없어요!'
+des_toolong: '`⚠️` | 재생목록 설명은 1000자 이상 설정할 수 없어요!'
+create_limit_playlist: '`⚠️` | %{limit} 개 이상의 재생 목록은 생성할 수 없어요!'
 ### Add command!
-add_track: "`🔍` | 검색됨! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_playlist: "`🔍` | 검색됨! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Songs**) • %{user}"
-add_search: "`🔍` | 검색됨! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_added: "`➕` | 재생목록에 추가되었어요! **%{count} 노래** `%{playlist}`"
-add_match: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 노래 이름 또는 URL을 입력해 주세요!"
-add_owner: "`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할 수 있어요!"
-add_limit_track: "`⚠️` | %{limit} 곡을 초과하여 추가할 수 없어요!"
+add_track: '`🔍` | 검색됨! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_playlist: '`🔍` | 검색됨! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Songs**) • %{user}'
+add_search: '`🔍` | 검색됨! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_added: '`➕` | 재생목록에 추가되었어요! **%{count} 노래** `%{playlist}`'
+add_match: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 노래 이름 또는 URL을 입력해 주세요!'
+add_owner: '`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할 수 있어요!'
+add_limit_track: '`⚠️` | %{limit} 곡을 초과하여 추가할 수 없어요!'
 ### Delete command!
-delete_confirm: "`❓` | 재생목록을 삭제할까요? `%{playlist_id}`"
-delete_deleted: "`❌` | 재생목록이 삭제되었어요! `%{name}`"
-delete_notfound: "`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!"
-delete_no: "`⚠️` | 삭제를 취소했어요!"
-delete_owner: "`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할 수 있어요!"
+delete_confirm: '`❓` | 재생목록을 삭제할까요? `%{playlist_id}`'
+delete_deleted: '`❌` | 재생목록이 삭제되었어요! `%{name}`'
+delete_notfound: '`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!'
+delete_no: '`⚠️` | 삭제를 취소했어요!'
+delete_owner: '`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할 수 있어요!'
 ### Detail command!
-detail_private: "`🔒` | 재생목록이 비공개 상태입니다!"
-detail_embed_title: "%{name}"
-detail_embed_footer: "페이지 • %{page}/%{pages} | 노래 • %{songs} | 총 재생 시간 • %{duration}"
-detail_track: "%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • 작곡가: **%{author}**"
-detail_notfound: "`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!"
-detail_notnumber: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 페이지 번호를 입력해주세요!"
-detail_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | %{page} 페이지만 남았어요!"
+detail_private: '`🔒` | 재생목록이 비공개 상태입니다!'
+detail_embed_title: '%{name}'
+detail_embed_footer: '페이지 • %{page}/%{pages} | 노래 • %{songs} | 총 재생 시간 • %{duration}'
+detail_track: '%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • 작곡가: **%{author}**'
+detail_notfound: '`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!'
+detail_notnumber: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 페이지 번호를 입력해주세요!'
+detail_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | %{page} 페이지만 남았어요!'
 ### Import command!
-import_private: "`🔒` | 재생목록이 비공개 상태입니다!"
-import_imported: "`💿` | 재생목록을 가져왔어요! **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Songs**) • %{user}"
-import_voice: "`⚠️` | 이 명령을 사용하려면 음성 채널에 입장해야 해요!"
-import_empty: "`⚠️` | 재생목록이 비어있어요!"
+import_private: '`🔒` | 재생목록이 비공개 상태입니다!'
+import_imported: '`💿` | 재생목록을 가져왔어요! **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Songs**) • %{user}'
+import_voice: '`⚠️` | 이 명령을 사용하려면 음성 채널에 입장해야 해요!'
+import_empty: '`⚠️` | 재생목록이 비어있어요!'
 ### All command!
-view_embed_title: "%{user}"
-view_embed_footer: "페이지 • %{page}/%{pages} | 재생목록 • %{songs}"
-view_embed_playlist: "%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} 노래**) • 생성일: `[%{create} ago]`"
-view_notnumber: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 페이지 번호를 입력해주세요!"
-view_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | %{page} 페이지만 남았어요!"
+view_embed_title: '%{user}'
+view_embed_footer: '페이지 • %{page}/%{pages} | 재생목록 • %{songs}'
+view_embed_playlist: '%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} 노래**) • 생성일: `[%{create} ago]`'
+view_notnumber: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 페이지 번호를 입력해주세요!'
+view_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | %{page} 페이지만 남았어요!'
 ### Remove command!
-remove_removed: "`➖` | 삭제됨! **%{position} Number** song from `%{name}`"
-remove_notfound: "`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!"
-remove_song_notfound: "`⚠️` | 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!"
-remove_owner: "`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할 수 있어요!"
+remove_removed: '`➖` | 삭제됨! **%{position} Number** song from `%{name}`'
+remove_notfound: '`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!'
+remove_song_notfound: '`⚠️` | 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!'
+remove_owner: '`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할 수 있어요!'
 ### SaveQueue command!
-savequeue_saved: "`✅` | 저장됨! **%{tracks} 노래** `%{name}`"
-savequeue_notfound: "`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!"
-savequeue_owner: "`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할수 있어요!"
-savequeue_no_new_saved: "`⚠️` | 해당 노래는 이미 추가되었어요! `%{name}`"
-savequeue_no_tracks: "`⚠️` | 현재 재생 중인 노래가 없어요!"
+savequeue_saved: '`✅` | 저장됨! **%{tracks} 노래** `%{name}`'
+savequeue_notfound: '`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!'
+savequeue_owner: '`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할수 있어요!'
+savequeue_no_new_saved: '`⚠️` | 해당 노래는 이미 추가되었어요! `%{name}`'
+savequeue_no_tracks: '`⚠️` | 현재 재생 중인 노래가 없어요!'
 ### Info Command!
-info_id: "`🆔` | ID:"
-info_total: "`🎵` | 총 노래:"
-info_created: "`📅` | 생성일:"
-info_private: "`👀` | 공개 여부:"
-info_owner: "`👑` | 재생목록 소유자:"
-info_des: "`💬` | 설명:"
-no_des: "설명이 제공되지 않았어요!"
-public: "공개"
-private: "비공개"
-invalid: "`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!"
+info_id: '`🆔` | ID:'
+info_total: '`🎵` | 총 노래:'
+info_created: '`📅` | 생성일:'
+info_private: '`👀` | 공개 여부:'
+info_owner: '`👑` | 재생목록 소유자:'
+info_des: '`💬` | 설명:'
+no_des: '설명이 제공되지 않았어요!'
+public: '공개'
+private: '비공개'
+invalid: '`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!'
 ### Editor command!
-edit_playlist_id_label: "새로운 재생 목록 ID를 입력하세요! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]"
+edit_playlist_id_label: '새로운 재생 목록 ID를 입력하세요! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]'
 edit_playlist_name_label: "\n새로운 재생 목록 이름을 입력하세요!"
-edit_playlist_des_label: "새로운 재생 목록 설명을 입력하세요!"
-edit_playlist_private_label: "새로운 재생 목록 공개여부를 입력하세요! [public/private]"
-edit_success: "`✅` | 성공적으로 정보를 수정했어요! `%{playlistId}`"
-edit_arg: "`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!"
-edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!"
-edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할수 있어요!"
-edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | 유효하고 존재하지 않는 재생 목록 ID를 입력하세요!"
+edit_playlist_des_label: '새로운 재생 목록 설명을 입력하세요!'
+edit_playlist_private_label: '새로운 재생 목록 공개여부를 입력하세요! [public/private]'
+edit_success: '`✅` | 성공적으로 정보를 수정했어요! `%{playlistId}`'
+edit_arg: '`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!'
+edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!'
+edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할수 있어요!'
+edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | 유효하고 존재하지 않는 재생 목록 ID를 입력하세요!'
 edit_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 공개 모드입니다. public 또는 private을 사용하세요!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
 ### Editor interaction!
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: "새 재생목록 ID"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: "새 재생목록 이름"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: "새 재생목록 설명"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: "새 재생목록 공개여부"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: "새 재생목록 ID [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: "새 재생목록 이름을 입력해주세요!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: "새 재생목록 설명을 입력해주세요!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: "새 재생목록 공개 여부를 입력해주세요!"
-ineraction_edit_success: "`✅` | 성공적으로 정보를 수정했어요! `%{playlistId}`"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_error: "`⚠️` | 문제가 발생했습니다 다시 시도 해주세요!"
-ineraction_edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할수 있어요!"
-ineraction_edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | 유효하고 존재하지 않는 재생 목록 ID를 입력하세요!"
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: '새 재생목록 ID'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: '새 재생목록 이름'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: '새 재생목록 설명'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: '새 재생목록 공개여부'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: '새 재생목록 ID [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: '새 재생목록 이름을 입력해주세요!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: '새 재생목록 설명을 입력해주세요!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: '새 재생목록 공개 여부를 입력해주세요!'
+ineraction_edit_success: '`✅` | 성공적으로 정보를 수정했어요! `%{playlistId}`'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_error: '`⚠️` | 문제가 발생했습니다 다시 시도 해주세요!'
+ineraction_edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | 올바른 재생목록 ID를 입력해주세요!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | 재생목록 소유자만 관리할수 있어요!'
+ineraction_edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | 유효하고 존재하지 않는 재생 목록 ID를 입력하세요!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/command.premium.yaml b/languages/ko/command.premium.yaml
index 4cdaed9a..26294daa 100644
--- a/languages/ko/command.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/command.premium.yaml
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
 ### Generate command!
-gen_author: "프리미엄 키 생성!"
+gen_author: '프리미엄 키 생성!'
 gen_desc: "`🔑` | **생성됨!** `[%{codes_length}]`\n```%{codes}```\n`💰` | **플랜:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **사용기한:** %{expires}"
-gen_footer: "프리미엄 코드 사용법 • %{prefix}redeem <code>"
+gen_footer: '프리미엄 코드 사용법 • %{prefix}redeem <code>'
 ### Profile command!
-profile_author: "프리미엄 프로필"
-profile_error_desc: "`⚠️` | **%{user}**는 프리미엄 사용자가 아니에요!"
+profile_author: '프리미엄 프로필'
+profile_error_desc: '`⚠️` | **%{user}**는 프리미엄 사용자가 아니에요!'
 profile_desc: "`👤` | **사용자:** `%{user}`\n`💰` | **플랜:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **사용기한:** %{expires}"
 ### Guild profile command!
-guild_profile_author: "Guild Premium Profile"
+guild_profile_author: 'Guild Premium Profile'
 guild_profile_desc: "`👤` | **Guild:** `%{guild}`\n`💰` | **플랜:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **사용기한:** %{expires}"
 ### Redeem command!
-redeem_title: "프리미엄 키 사용"
+redeem_title: '프리미엄 키 사용'
 redeem_desc: "`💰` | **플랜:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **사용기한:** %{expires}"
-redeem_already: "`⚠️` | 이미 프리미엄 사용자입니다!"
-redeem_invalid: "`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 프리미엄 코드입니다. 유효한 코드를 사용해주세요!"
-redeem_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 프리미엄 사용 유형입니다. `guild` 또는 `user` 만 사용하세요."
-redeem_already_guild: "`⚠️` | 이 길드는 이미 **프리미엄**입니다!"
+redeem_already: '`⚠️` | 이미 프리미엄 사용자입니다!'
+redeem_invalid: '`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 프리미엄 코드입니다. 유효한 코드를 사용해주세요!'
+redeem_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 프리미엄 사용 유형입니다. `guild` 또는 `user` 만 사용하세요.'
+redeem_already_guild: '`⚠️` | 이 길드는 이미 **프리미엄**입니다!'
 ### Remove command!
-remove_desc: "`✅` | 성공적으로 다음 유저의 프리미엄을 제거했어요! %{user}"
-remove_already: "`⚠️` | 이미 %{user} 의 프리미엄이 제거되었어요!"
-remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | 사용자를 언급하거나 사용자 ID를 제공해주세요!"
-remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid} 님은 프리미엄 사용자가 아니에요!"
+remove_desc: '`✅` | 성공적으로 다음 유저의 프리미엄을 제거했어요! %{user}'
+remove_already: '`⚠️` | 이미 %{user} 의 프리미엄이 제거되었어요!'
+remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | 사용자를 언급하거나 사용자 ID를 제공해주세요!'
+remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid} 님은 프리미엄 사용자가 아니에요!'
 ### Guild remove command!
-guild_remove_desc: "`✅` | 성공적으로 %{user} 길드의 프리미엄을 제거했어요!"
-guild_remove_already: "`⚠️` | Guild %{user} 의 프리미엄이 이미 제거되었어요!"
-guild_remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | **Guild ID**를 제공해주세요!"
-guild_remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid} 는 **프리미엄 길드**가 아니에요!"
+guild_remove_desc: '`✅` | 성공적으로 %{user} 길드의 프리미엄을 제거했어요!'
+guild_remove_already: '`⚠️` | Guild %{user} 의 프리미엄이 이미 제거되었어요!'
+guild_remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | **Guild ID**를 제공해주세요!'
+guild_remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid} 는 **프리미엄 길드**가 아니에요!'
 ### Guild list command
-guild_list_title: "💫 프리미엄 길드 목록"
-guild_list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | 유효한 페이지 번호를 제공해주세요!"
-guild_list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | 총 **%{page} 페이지**만 있어요!"
+guild_list_title: '💫 프리미엄 길드 목록'
+guild_list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | 유효한 페이지 번호를 제공해주세요!'
+guild_list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | 총 **%{page} 페이지**만 있어요!'
 ### User list command
-list_title: "💫 프리미엄 사용자 목록"
-list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | 유효한 페이지 번호를 제공해주세요!"
-list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | 총 **%{page} 페이지**만 있어요!"
\ No newline at end of file
+list_title: '💫 프리미엄 사용자 목록'
+list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | 유효한 페이지 번호를 제공해주세요!'
+list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | 총 **%{page} 페이지**만 있어요!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/command.utils.yaml b/languages/ko/command.utils.yaml
index ab08f6c2..d769f693 100644
--- a/languages/ko/command.utils.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/command.utils.yaml
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 ### Language command!
-lang_set: "`📙` | 언어가 다음 언어로 설정되었어요! **%{language}**"
-lang_change: "`📙` | 언어가 다음 언어로 변경되었어요! **%{language}**"
-lang_perm: "`⚠️` | 이 명령을 사용할 권한이 없어요!"
-provide_lang: "`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 언어입니다. 다음 중 하나를 사용하세요: %{languages}"
+lang_set: '`📙` | 언어가 다음 언어로 설정되었어요! **%{language}**'
+lang_change: '`📙` | 언어가 다음 언어로 변경되었어요! **%{language}**'
+lang_perm: '`⚠️` | 이 명령을 사용할 권한이 없어요!'
+provide_lang: '`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 언어입니다. 다음 중 하나를 사용하세요: %{languages}'
 ### Shutdown command!
-restart_msg: "`🔌` | **봇 종료중**..."
+restart_msg: '`🔌` | **봇 종료중**...'
 ### Prefix command!
-prefix_set: "`㊙️` | 접두사가 성공적으로 설정되었어요! **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_change: "`㊙️` | 접두가가 성공적으로 변경되었어요! **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_arg: "`⚠️` | 올바른 접두사를 설정해주세요!"
-prefix_length: "`⚠️` | 접두사는 10자 이상 설정할 수 없어요!"
+prefix_set: '`㊙️` | 접두사가 성공적으로 설정되었어요! **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_change: '`㊙️` | 접두가가 성공적으로 변경되었어요! **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_arg: '`⚠️` | 올바른 접두사를 설정해주세요!'
+prefix_length: '`⚠️` | 접두사는 10자 이상 설정할 수 없어요!'
 ### SongNoti command!
-songnoti_set: "`🔔` | 노래 재생 알림이 **%{toggle}** 로 설정되었어요!"
-songnoti_already: "`⚠️` | 노래 재생 알림 모드가 이미 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어있어요!"
+songnoti_set: '`🔔` | 노래 재생 알림이 **%{toggle}** 로 설정되었어요!'
+songnoti_already: '`⚠️` | 노래 재생 알림 모드가 이미 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어있어요!'
 ### 24/7 command!
-247_on: "`✅` | 24/7 모드 **활성화됨**!"
-247_off: "`❌` | 24/7 모드 **비활성화됨**!"
-247_already: "`⚠️` | 24/7 모드가 이미 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어있어요!"
+247_on: '`✅` | 24/7 모드 **활성화됨**!'
+247_off: '`❌` | 24/7 모드 **비활성화됨**!'
+247_already: '`⚠️` | 24/7 모드가 이미 **%{mode}** 로 설정되어있어요!'
 ### Setup command!
 setup_msg: "**`⚙️` | 뮤직 시스템이 성공적으로 설정되었어요!** %{channel}\n```경고! 음악 시스템이 정상적으로 작동하기 위해 제가 보낸 메시지를 삭제하지 마세요.!```"
-setup_deleted: "**`⚙️` | 뮤직 시스템 삭제됨!**"
+setup_deleted: '**`⚙️` | 뮤직 시스템 삭제됨!**'
 setup_topic: "⏹ **정지**\n⏮️ **이전곡**\n⏯ **재생/일시정지**\n⏭️ **다음곡**\n🔁 **반복설정/반복해제**"
-setup_enable: "`⚠️` | 뮤직 시스템이 이미 설정되어있어요!"
-setup_null: "`⚠️` | 뮤직 시스템을 찾을 수 없어요!"
+setup_enable: '`⚠️` | 뮤직 시스템이 이미 설정되어있어요!'
+setup_null: '`⚠️` | 뮤직 시스템을 찾을 수 없어요!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/error.yaml b/languages/ko/error.yaml
index ddab6669..c19e08c7 100644
--- a/languages/ko/error.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/error.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 #Invalid Number
-number_invalid: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 값을 입력해주세요!"
+number_invalid: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 값을 입력해주세요!'
 #Execute when invalid
-no_node: "`⚠️` | Lavalink 서버를 찾을 수 없습니다. 5분 후에 다시 시도해주세요!"
+no_node: '`⚠️` | Lavalink 서버를 찾을 수 없습니다. 5분 후에 다시 시도해주세요!'
 #No song is currently playing!
-no_player: "`⚠️` | 현재 재생 중인 노래가 없어요!"
+no_player: '`⚠️` | 현재 재생 중인 노래가 없어요!'
 #Need to join voice & same voice to use command!
-no_in_voice: "`⚠️` | 음성채널에 입장해 있지 않아요 입장후 다시시도 해주세요!"
-no_same_voice: "`⚠️` | 같은 음성채널에 있어야 해요!"
+no_in_voice: '`⚠️` | 음성채널에 입장해 있지 않아요 입장후 다시시도 해주세요!'
+no_same_voice: '`⚠️` | 같은 음성채널에 있어야 해요!'
 #No permission!
-no_perms: "`⚠️` | 이 명령을 실행하기 위한 **%{perm}** 권한이 없습니다."
-no_perms_channel: "`⚠️` | 이 명령을 실행하기 위한 **%{perm}** 권한이 <#%{channel}> 채널에 없어요!"
+no_perms: '`⚠️` | 이 명령을 실행하기 위한 **%{perm}** 권한이 없습니다.'
+no_perms_channel: '`⚠️` | 이 명령을 실행하기 위한 **%{perm}** 권한이 <#%{channel}> 채널에 없어요!'
 #Getting error!
-unexpected_error: "`⚠️` | 문제가 발생했습니다 다시 시도 해주세요!"
+unexpected_error: '`⚠️` | 문제가 발생했습니다 다시 시도 해주세요!'
 #Client owner!
-owner_only: "`⚠️` | 괸리자가 아니여서 처리할수 없어요!"
+owner_only: '`⚠️` | 괸리자가 아니여서 처리할수 없어요!'
 #No premium Event!
-no_premium_author: "프리미엄"
-no_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | 프리미엄 사용자가 아니에요!"
-no_guild_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | 프리미엄 길드에 속해 있지 않습니다!"
+no_premium_author: '프리미엄'
+no_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | 프리미엄 사용자가 아니에요!'
+no_guild_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | 프리미엄 길드에 속해 있지 않습니다!'
 #Rate limit!
-ratelimit: "`⚠️` | **%{time} 초** 후에 다시 시도해 주세요!"
+ratelimit: '`⚠️` | **%{time} 초** 후에 다시 시도해 주세요!'
 #Missing args
-arg_error: "`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 인수입니다. 다음을 사용해주세요! %{text}"
+arg_error: '`⚠️` | 유효하지 않은 인수입니다. 다음을 사용해주세요! %{text}' error
-topgg_error_author: "❌ | 오류"
-topgg_error_desc: " 에서 투표를 확인하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 이는 이 다운되었기 때문일 수 있습니다. 5-10분 후에 다시 시도하십시오."
-topgg_vote_author: "❌ | 아직 투표를 하지 않았어요!"
-topgg_vote_desc: "이 명령을 사용하려면 이 봇에 투표해야 해요!"
-topgg_vote_button: "투표하려면 여기를 클릭하세요!"
+topgg_error_author: '❌ | 오류'
+topgg_error_desc: ' 에서 투표를 확인하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 이는 이 다운되었기 때문일 수 있습니다. 5-10분 후에 다시 시도하십시오.'
+topgg_vote_author: '❌ | 아직 투표를 하지 않았어요!'
+topgg_vote_desc: '이 명령을 사용하려면 이 봇에 투표해야 해요!'
+topgg_vote_button: '투표하려면 여기를 클릭하세요!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/event.guild.yaml b/languages/ko/event.guild.yaml
index 725d3101..7e9c60a5 100644
--- a/languages/ko/event.guild.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/event.guild.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-joined_title: "📥 서버 참가 알림!"
-leave_title: "📥 서버 퇴장 알림!"
-guild_name: "서버 이름"
-guild_id: "서버 ID"
-guild_owner: "관리자"
-guild_member_count: "멤버 카운트"
-guild_creation_date: "서버 생성 날짜"
-current_server_count: "서버 카운트"
-join_dm_title: "주 음악 봇으로 %{username}을(를) 선택해 주셔서 감사합니다!"
+joined_title: '📥 서버 참가 알림!'
+leave_title: '📥 서버 퇴장 알림!'
+guild_name: '서버 이름'
+guild_id: '서버 ID'
+guild_owner: '관리자'
+guild_member_count: '멤버 카운트'
+guild_creation_date: '서버 생성 날짜'
+current_server_count: '서버 카운트'
+join_dm_title: '주 음악 봇으로 %{username}을(를) 선택해 주셔서 감사합니다!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/event.message.yaml b/languages/ko/event.message.yaml
index 825dc837..db21a0b8 100644
--- a/languages/ko/event.message.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/event.message.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ### Help command!
-intro1: "・**%{bot}** 은 다양한 기능을 갖춘 고급 음악 봇입니다!"
-intro2: "・Powered by **RainyXeon**"
-intro3: "・Partnered with **1sT - Services**"
-prefix: "・**봇 접두사:** %{prefix}"
-ver: "・**현재 버전:** `%{botver}`"
-djs: "・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`"
-lavalink: "・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`"
-help1: "・**봇을 사용하려면:** %{help}"
-help2: "・**봇 정보를 보려면:** %{botinfo}"
-wel: "👋 환영합니다 %{bot}"
-codename: "・**프로젝트 이름:** `%{codename}`"
\ No newline at end of file
+intro1: '・**%{bot}** 은 다양한 기능을 갖춘 고급 음악 봇입니다!'
+intro2: '・Powered by **RainyXeon**'
+intro3: '・Partnered with **1sT - Services**'
+prefix: '・**봇 접두사:** %{prefix}'
+ver: '・**현재 버전:** `%{botver}`'
+djs: '・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`'
+lavalink: '・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`'
+help1: '・**봇을 사용하려면:** %{help}'
+help2: '・**봇 정보를 보려면:** %{botinfo}'
+wel: '👋 환영합니다 %{bot}'
+codename: '・**프로젝트 이름:** `%{codename}`'
diff --git a/languages/ko/event.player.yaml b/languages/ko/event.player.yaml
index 671065ad..e473791c 100644
--- a/languages/ko/event.player.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/event.player.yaml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 ### Playing event!
-track_title: "현재 재생 중..."
-track_icon: ""
-author_title: "`✒️` | 작곡가:"
-request_title: "`👤` | 요청자:"
-volume_title: "`🔊` | 볼륨:"
-queue_title: "`💾` | 대기열 수:"
-duration_title: "`🕒` | 노래 재생 시간:"
-total_duration_title: "`🕰️` | 대기열 재생 시간:"
-download_title: "`⬇️` | 다운로드:"
+track_title: '현재 재생 중...'
+track_icon: ''
+author_title: '`✒️` | 작곡가:'
+request_title: '`👤` | 요청자:'
+volume_title: '`🔊` | 볼륨:'
+queue_title: '`💾` | 대기열 수:'
+duration_title: '`🕒` | 노래 재생 시간:'
+total_duration_title: '`🕰️` | 대기열 재생 시간:'
+download_title: '`⬇️` | 다운로드:'
 ### Same voice!
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | 같은 음성채널에 있어야 해요!"
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | 같은 음성채널에 있어야 해요!'
 ### QueueEnd event!
-queue_end_desc: "`🔚` | 노래가 종료되었어요!"
+queue_end_desc: '`🔚` | 노래가 종료되었어요!'
 ### Song error!
-error_desc: "`⚠️` | 노래를 재생하는 중 오류가 발생했어요! 다음 노래를 재생할게요!"
+error_desc: '`⚠️` | 노래를 재생하는 중 오류가 발생했어요! 다음 노래를 재생할게요!'
 ### Auto function!
-player_end: "`🛑` | 음성 채널에 아무도 없기 때문에 <#%{leave}> 에서 나갔습니다!"
-leave_pause: "`⏸️` | 음성채널에 아무도 없어 음악이 일시정지 되었어요!"
-leave_resume: "`▶️` | 음악을 다시 재생할게요!"
+player_end: '`🛑` | 음성 채널에 아무도 없기 때문에 <#%{leave}> 에서 나갔습니다!'
+leave_pause: '`⏸️` | 음성채널에 아무도 없어 음악이 일시정지 되었어요!'
+leave_resume: '`▶️` | 음악을 다시 재생할게요!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/event.premium.yaml b/languages/ko/event.premium.yaml
index 74902bce..cc2c5175 100644
--- a/languages/ko/event.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/event.premium.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-display_name: "이름"
-username: "사용자 이름"
-createdAt: "생성 날짜"
-redeemedAt: "사용 날짜"
-expiresAt: "만료일"
-plan: "플랜"
-title: "💫 새로운 사용자가 성공적으로 프리미엄에 등록되었습니다!"
-guild_title: "💫 New guild just registered successfully premium!"
+display_name: '이름'
+username: '사용자 이름'
+createdAt: '생성 날짜'
+redeemedAt: '사용 날짜'
+expiresAt: '만료일'
+plan: '플랜'
+title: '💫 새로운 사용자가 성공적으로 프리미엄에 등록되었습니다!'
+guild_title: '💫 New guild just registered successfully premium!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/event.setup.yaml b/languages/ko/event.setup.yaml
index e746d1d6..1f170e95 100644
--- a/languages/ko/event.setup.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/event.setup.yaml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 ### Setup handler!
-setup_queuemsg: "음성 채널에 참여하여 노래 이름 또는 URL로 노래를 대기열에 추가하세요!"
-setup_playembed_author: "현재 재생 중인 노래가 없어요!"
+setup_queuemsg: '음성 채널에 참여하여 노래 이름 또는 URL로 노래를 대기열에 추가하세요!'
+setup_playembed_author: '현재 재생 중인 노래가 없어요!'
 ### Update handler!
-setup_author: "현재 재생 중..."
-setup_author_icon: ""
-setup_desc: "**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_footer: "볼륨 • %{volume}% | 총 재생 시간 • %{duration}"
-setup_content: "**__대기열에 추가된 항목:__**"
-setup_content_queue: "`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_content_empty: "음성 채널에 참여하여 노래 이름 또는 URL로 노래를 대기열에 추가하세요!"
+setup_author: '현재 재생 중...'
+setup_author_icon: ''
+setup_desc: '**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_footer: '볼륨 • %{volume}% | 총 재생 시간 • %{duration}'
+setup_content: '**__대기열에 추가된 항목:__**'
+setup_content_queue: '`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_content_empty: '음성 채널에 참여하여 노래 이름 또는 URL로 노래를 대기열에 추가하세요!'
 ### Status command!
-status_create: "**`📊` | Status 채널이 성공적으로 생성되었습니다.**"
-status_delete: "**`📊` | Status 채널이 성공적으로 제거되었습니다.**"
-status_enable: "`⚠️` | Status 채널이 이미 존재해요!"
-status_null: "`⚠️` | Status 채널을 찾을수 없어요!"
+status_create: '**`📊` | Status 채널이 성공적으로 생성되었습니다.**'
+status_delete: '**`📊` | Status 채널이 성공적으로 제거되었습니다.**'
+status_enable: '`⚠️` | Status 채널이 이미 존재해요!'
+status_null: '`⚠️` | Status 채널을 찾을수 없어요!'
-play_track: "`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | 알맞은 노래 이름 또는 URL을 입력해 주세요!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | 이모지를 사용해서 노래를 재생할 수 없어요!"
+play_track: '`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | 대기열에 추가되었어요! **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | 알맞은 노래 이름 또는 URL을 입력해 주세요!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | 노래를 찾을 수 없어요!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | 이모지를 사용해서 노래를 재생할 수 없어요!'
diff --git a/languages/ko/global.yaml b/languages/ko/global.yaml
index a2f4f359..015cf6b3 100644
--- a/languages/ko/global.yaml
+++ b/languages/ko/global.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-enable: "활성화"
-disable: "비활성화"
+enable: '활성화'
+disable: '비활성화'
diff --git a/languages/pt/ b/languages/pt/
index 146d3a21..990f0299 100644
--- a/languages/pt/
+++ b/languages/pt/
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Tocando Atualmente:\n**%{track}** `[%{duration}]` • %{requester}\n\n`💤` | Restante da Fila:**%{list_song}**"
-queue_footer: "Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Músicas • %{queue_lang} | Duração Total • %{total_duration}"
+queue_footer: 'Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Músicas • %{queue_lang} | Duração Total • %{total_duration}'
 # Pause
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | **Player** Pausado!"
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | **Player** Retomado!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | **Player** Pausado!'
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | **Player** Retomado!'
 # Skip
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | Música **Pulada**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | Nenhuma música encontrada para pular!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | Música **Pulada**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | Nenhuma música encontrada para pular!'
 # Stop
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | **Player** Parado!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | **Player** Parado!'
 # Volume
-volup_msg: "`🔊` | Volume alterado para **%{volume}%**"
-voldown_msg: "`🔉` | Volume alterado para **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | Volume inválido. Por favor, use um número entre **1** e **100**!"
-volume_max: "`⚠️` | O player já está no volume máximo!"
-volume_min: "`⚠️` | O player já está no volume mínimo!"
+volup_msg: '`🔊` | Volume alterado para **%{volume}%**'
+voldown_msg: '`🔉` | Volume alterado para **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | Volume inválido. Por favor, use um número entre **1** e **100**!'
+volume_max: '`⚠️` | O player já está no volume máximo!'
+volume_min: '`⚠️` | O player já está no volume mínimo!'
 # Clear
-clear_msg: "`🗑️` | A fila foi **Limpada**!"
+clear_msg: '`🗑️` | A fila foi **Limpada**!'
 # Loop
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Repetindo a música **Atual**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Repetindo a **Fila**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | Repetição **Desativada**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Modo de repetição inválido. Por favor, use %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | O modo de repetição já está **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Repetindo a música **Atual**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Repetindo a **Fila**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | Repetição **Desativada**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Modo de repetição inválido. Por favor, use %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | O modo de repetição já está **%{mode}**!'
 # Previous
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | Voltou para a música **Anterior**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | Nenhuma música anterior encontrada!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | Voltou para a música **Anterior**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | Nenhuma música anterior encontrada!'
 # Shuffle
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Fila **Embaralhada**"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Fila **Embaralhada**'
 ### Todos os comandos de filtro!
-filter_on: "`✅` | Filtro %{name} está agora **ativado**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | O filtro %{name} já está **ativado**!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | Filtro %{name} está agora **ativado**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | O filtro %{name} já está **ativado**!'
 ### Comando de reset!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Filtro foi **Resetado**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | O filtro já foi **Resetado**!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | Filtro foi **Resetado**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | O filtro já foi **Resetado**!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/command.filter.yaml b/languages/pt/command.filter.yaml
index e7cc920a..734da818 100644
--- a/languages/pt/command.filter.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/command.filter.yaml
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
 ### Todos os comandos de filtro!
-filter_on: "`✅` | O filtro %{name} está agora **ativado**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | O filtro %{name} já está **ativado**!"
-filter_number: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número válido!"
-filter_greater: "`⚠️` | O número deve ser maior que **0**!"
-filter_less: "`⚠️` | O número deve ser menor que **10**!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | O filtro %{name} está agora **ativado**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | O filtro %{name} já está **ativado**!'
+filter_number: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número válido!'
+filter_greater: '`⚠️` | O número deve ser maior que **0**!'
+filter_less: '`⚠️` | O número deve ser menor que **10**!'
 ### Comando de Bassboost!
-bassboost_set: "`🎚️` | O Bassboost foi definido para **%{amount}dB**!"
-bassboost_limit: "`⚠️` | Por favor, use um número entre **-10** e **10**!"
+bassboost_set: '`🎚️` | O Bassboost foi definido para **%{amount}dB**!'
+bassboost_limit: '`⚠️` | Por favor, use um número entre **-10** e **10**!'
 ### Comando de Equalizer!
-eq_author: "Equalizador"
-eq_icon: ""
-eq_desc: "`🎚️` | Existem **14 Bandas** que podem ser ajustadas de **-10** a **10**. Não é obrigatório definir todas elas!"
-eq_field_title: "Exemplo:"
-eq_field_value: "%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0"
-eq_footer: "Resetar Equalizador • %{prefix}eq reset"
-eq_on: "`🎚️` | O equalizador foi definido para **%{bands}**!"
-eq_number: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número válido!"
-eq_greater: "`⚠️` | O número deve ser maior que **-10**!"
-eq_than: "`⚠️` | O número deve ser menor que **10**!"
+eq_author: 'Equalizador'
+eq_icon: ''
+eq_desc: '`🎚️` | Existem **14 Bandas** que podem ser ajustadas de **-10** a **10**. Não é obrigatório definir todas elas!'
+eq_field_title: 'Exemplo:'
+eq_field_value: '%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0'
+eq_footer: 'Resetar Equalizador • %{prefix}eq reset'
+eq_on: '`🎚️` | O equalizador foi definido para **%{bands}**!'
+eq_number: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número válido!'
+eq_greater: '`⚠️` | O número deve ser maior que **-10**!'
+eq_than: '`⚠️` | O número deve ser menor que **10**!'
 ### Comando de Pitch!
-pitch_on: "`🎚️` | O Pitch foi definido para **%{amount}**!"
+pitch_on: '`🎚️` | O Pitch foi definido para **%{amount}**!'
 ### Comando de Rate!
-rate_on: "`🎚️` | A Taxa foi definida para **%{amount}x**!"
+rate_on: '`🎚️` | A Taxa foi definida para **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Comando de Speed!
-speed_on: "`🎚️` | A Velocidade foi definida para **%{amount}x**!"
+speed_on: '`🎚️` | A Velocidade foi definida para **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Comando de Reset!
-reset_on: "`❌` | O filtro foi **Resetado**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | O filtro já foi **Resetado**!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | O filtro foi **Resetado**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | O filtro já foi **Resetado**!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/ b/languages/pt/
index 0a707a6e..8a1fea13 100644
--- a/languages/pt/
+++ b/languages/pt/
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
 ### Comando de Desenvolvedor!
-dev_title: "RainyXeon"
-dev_desc: "Sou apenas um desenvolvedor incógnito. E o criador oficial do Dreamvast e RainyProduction!"
-dev_foot: "Considere entrar no meu servidor ou convidar meus bots :) Isso me ajudaria muito!"
+dev_title: 'RainyXeon'
+dev_desc: 'Sou apenas um desenvolvedor incógnito. E o criador oficial do Dreamvast e RainyProduction!'
+dev_foot: 'Considere entrar no meu servidor ou convidar meus bots :) Isso me ajudaria muito!'
 ### Comando de Convite!
-inv_title: "✉️ %{username}"
-inv_desc: "Obrigado por me convidar antecipadamente!"
+inv_title: '✉️ %{username}'
+inv_desc: 'Obrigado por me convidar antecipadamente!'
 ### Comando de Ping!
-ping_title: "🏓 "
+ping_title: '🏓 '
 ping_desc: "**Ping:** `%{ping}ms`\n**Tempo de Resposta:** `%{response}ms`"
 ### Comando de Uptime!
-uptime_title: "🕒 "
-uptime_desc: "**Tempo de Atividade:** `%{uptime}`"
+uptime_title: '🕒 '
+uptime_desc: '**Tempo de Atividade:** `%{uptime}`'
 ### Comando de Ajuda!
-ce_finder_name: "**Comando:**"
-ce_finder_des: "**Descrição:**"
-ce_finder_usage: "**Uso:**"
-ce_finder_access: "**Acessível por:**"
-ce_finder_aliases: "**Aliases:**"
-ce_finder_slash: "**Slash:**"
-ce_finder_des_no: "Sem Descrição"
-ce_finder_usage_no: "Sem Uso"
-ce_finder_aliases_prefix: " [Apenas com Prefixo]"
-ce_finder_aliases_no: "Sem Aliases"
-ce_finder_slash_enable: "Habilitado"
-ce_finder_slash_disable: "Desabilitado"
-ce_finder_invalid: "Comando Inválido"
-ce_finder_example: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um **Nome de Comando** válido!"
-ce_name: "Comando de Ajuda"
-ce_total: "Total de Comandos: "
+ce_finder_name: '**Comando:**'
+ce_finder_des: '**Descrição:**'
+ce_finder_usage: '**Uso:**'
+ce_finder_access: '**Acessível por:**'
+ce_finder_aliases: '**Aliases:**'
+ce_finder_slash: '**Slash:**'
+ce_finder_des_no: 'Sem Descrição'
+ce_finder_usage_no: 'Sem Uso'
+ce_finder_aliases_prefix: ' [Apenas com Prefixo]'
+ce_finder_aliases_no: 'Sem Aliases'
+ce_finder_slash_enable: 'Habilitado'
+ce_finder_slash_disable: 'Desabilitado'
+ce_finder_invalid: 'Comando Inválido'
+ce_finder_example: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um **Nome de Comando** válido!'
+ce_name: 'Comando de Ajuda'
+ce_total: 'Total de Comandos: '
diff --git a/languages/pt/ b/languages/pt/
index 7a9b813c..c302b082 100644
--- a/languages/pt/
+++ b/languages/pt/
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
 ### Comando de Reprodução Automática!
-autoplay_on: "`✅` | A Reprodução Automática está agora **Ativada**!"
-autoplay_off: "`❌` | A Reprodução Automática está agora **Desativada**!"
-autoplay_already: "`⚠️` | A Reprodução Automática já está **%{mode}**!"
+autoplay_on: '`✅` | A Reprodução Automática está agora **Ativada**!'
+autoplay_off: '`❌` | A Reprodução Automática está agora **Desativada**!'
+autoplay_already: '`⚠️` | A Reprodução Automática já está **%{mode}**!'
 ### Comando de Limpar Fila!
-clearqueue_msg: "`🗑️` | A Fila foi **Limpada**!"
+clearqueue_msg: '`🗑️` | A Fila foi **Limpada**!'
 ### Comando de Avançar!
-forward_msg: "`⏩` | Avançado para `%{duration}`"
-forward_beyond: "`⚠️` | A música está prestes a terminar. Não é possível avançar além disso!"
+forward_msg: '`⏩` | Avançado para `%{duration}`'
+forward_beyond: '`⚠️` | A música está prestes a terminar. Não é possível avançar além disso!'
 ### Comando de Entrar!
-join_msg: "`🔊` | Entrei em %{channel}"
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | Você precisa estar em um canal de voz para usar este comando!"
-join_already: "`⚠️` | Já estou em %{channel}"
+join_msg: '`🔊` | Entrei em %{channel}'
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | Você precisa estar em um canal de voz para usar este comando!'
+join_already: '`⚠️` | Já estou em %{channel}'
 ### Comando de Parar!
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | O **Player** foi Parado!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | O **Player** foi Parado!'
 ### Comando de Repetição!
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Repetindo a **Música Atual**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Repetindo a **Fila**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | A Repetição está agora **Desativada**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Modo de Repetição inválido. Por favor, use %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | O modo de Repetição já está **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Repetindo a **Música Atual**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Repetindo a **Fila**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | A Repetição está agora **Desativada**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Modo de Repetição inválido. Por favor, use %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | O modo de Repetição já está **%{mode}**!'
 ### Comando de Letras!
-lyrics_title: "📜 %{song}"
-lyrics_notfound: "`⚠️` | Letras não encontradas!"
-lyrics_toolong: "`⚠️` | As letras são muito longas para serem exibidas!"
+lyrics_title: '📜 %{song}'
+lyrics_notfound: '`⚠️` | Letras não encontradas!'
+lyrics_toolong: '`⚠️` | As letras são muito longas para serem exibidas!'
 ### Comando de Tocando Agora!
-np_icon: ""
-np_title: "Tocando Agora"
-np_current_duration: "`⏰` | Duração Atual: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`"
+np_icon: ''
+np_title: 'Tocando Agora'
+np_current_duration: '`⏰` | Duração Atual: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`'
 ### Comando de Pausa!
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | O **Player** foi Pausado!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | O **Player** foi Pausado!'
 ### Comando de Tocar!
-play_track: "`💾` | Adicionada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Adicionada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Músicas**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Adicionada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um nome de música ou URL válido!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | Não é possível tocar músicas usando emoji!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Adicionada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Adicionada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Músicas**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Adicionada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um nome de música ou URL válido!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | Não é possível tocar músicas usando emoji!'
 ### Comando de Arquivo!
-file_notfound: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um Arquivo válido!"
-play_invalid_file: "`⚠️` | Tipo de Arquivo inválido. Por favor, use **mp3** ou **ogg**!"
-play_warning_file: "`⚠️` | Não consegui detectar o tipo de Arquivo. Por favor, use **mp3** ou **ogg**!"
+file_notfound: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um Arquivo válido!'
+play_invalid_file: '`⚠️` | Tipo de Arquivo inválido. Por favor, use **mp3** ou **ogg**!'
+play_warning_file: '`⚠️` | Não consegui detectar o tipo de Arquivo. Por favor, use **mp3** ou **ogg**!'
 ### Comando de Anterior!
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | Pulado para a Música **Anterior**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | Nenhuma música anterior foi encontrada!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | Pulado para a Música **Anterior**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | Nenhuma música anterior foi encontrada!'
 ### Comando de Fila!
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Tocando Atualmente:\n**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}\n\n`💤` | Resto da Fila:**%{rest}**"
-queue_footer: "Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Músicas • %{queue_lang} | Duração Total • %{duration}"
-queue_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número de página válido!"
-queue_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Existem apenas **%{page} Páginas**!"
+queue_footer: 'Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Músicas • %{queue_lang} | Duração Total • %{duration}'
+queue_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número de página válido!'
+queue_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Existem apenas **%{page} Páginas**!'
 ### Comando de Repetir Música!
-replay_msg: "`🔄` | A música foi Reproduzida novamente!"
+replay_msg: '`🔄` | A música foi Reproduzida novamente!'
 ### Comando de Retomar!
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | O **Player** foi Retomado!"
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | O **Player** foi Retomado!'
 ### Comando de Retroceder!
-rewind_msg: "`⏪` | Retrocedido para `%{duration}`"
-rewind_beyond: "`⚠️` | A música acabou de começar. Não é possível retroceder além disso!"
+rewind_msg: '`⏪` | Retrocedido para `%{duration}`'
+rewind_beyond: '`⚠️` | A música acabou de começar. Não é possível retroceder além disso!'
 ### Comando de Remover Música!
-removetrack_desc: "`🗑️` | Removida **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-removetrack_already: "`⚠️` | Não posso remover uma música que já está tocando!"
-removetrack_notfound: "`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!"
+removetrack_desc: '`🗑️` | Removida **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+removetrack_already: '`⚠️` | Não posso remover uma música que já está tocando!'
+removetrack_notfound: '`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!'
 ### Comando de Procurar!
-seek_msg: "`➿` | Procurado para `%{duration}`"
-seek_beyond: "`⚠️` | Não é possível procurar além da duração da música!"
-seek_invalid: "`⚠️` | Duração de procura inválida. Por favor, use um timestamp válido. Exemplo: **1:30**!"
+seek_msg: '`➿` | Procurado para `%{duration}`'
+seek_beyond: '`⚠️` | Não é possível procurar além da duração da música!'
+seek_invalid: '`⚠️` | Duração de procura inválida. Por favor, use um timestamp válido. Exemplo: **1:30**!'
 ### Comando de Embaralhar!
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 A Fila foi Embaralhada"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 A Fila foi Embaralhada'
 ### Comando de Pular!
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | Música **Pulada**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | Nenhuma música foi encontrada para pular!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | Música **Pulada**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | Nenhuma música foi encontrada para pular!'
 ### Comando de Volume!
-volume_msg: "`🔊` | O Volume foi definido para **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | Volume inválido. Por favor, use um número entre **1** e **100**!"
+volume_msg: '`🔊` | O Volume foi definido para **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | Volume inválido. Por favor, use um número entre **1** e **100**!'
 ### Comando de Inserir Música!
-insert_desc: "`➕` | Inserida **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-insert_already: "`⚠️` | Não posso inserir uma música que já está tocando!"
-insert_notfound: "`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!"
+insert_desc: '`➕` | Inserida **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+insert_already: '`⚠️` | Não posso inserir uma música que já está tocando!'
+insert_notfound: '`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/command.playlist.yaml b/languages/pt/command.playlist.yaml
index 6e6eb0ae..2234f3f2 100644
--- a/languages/pt/command.playlist.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/command.playlist.yaml
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
 ### Comando de Criar!
-create_created: "`💿` | Criada **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`"
-create_toolong: "`⚠️` | O nome da Playlist não pode ter mais de **16 Caracteres**!"
-des_toolong: "`⚠️` | A descrição da Playlist não pode ter mais de **1000 Caracteres**!"
-create_limit_playlist: "`⚠️` | Você não pode criar mais de **%{limit} Playlists**!"
+create_created: '`💿` | Criada **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`'
+create_toolong: '`⚠️` | O nome da Playlist não pode ter mais de **16 Caracteres**!'
+des_toolong: '`⚠️` | A descrição da Playlist não pode ter mais de **1000 Caracteres**!'
+create_limit_playlist: '`⚠️` | Você não pode criar mais de **%{limit} Playlists**!'
 ### Comando de Adicionar!
-add_track: "`🔍` | Pesquisada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_playlist: "`🔍` | Pesquisada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Músicas**) • %{user}"
-add_search: "`🔍` | Pesquisada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_added: "`➕` | Adicionadas **%{count} Músicas** a `%{playlist}`"
-add_match: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um nome de música ou URL válido!"
-add_owner: "`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!"
-add_limit_track: "`⚠️` | Você não pode adicionar mais de **%{limit} Músicas**!"
+add_track: '`🔍` | Pesquisada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_playlist: '`🔍` | Pesquisada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Músicas**) • %{user}'
+add_search: '`🔍` | Pesquisada **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_added: '`➕` | Adicionadas **%{count} Músicas** a `%{playlist}`'
+add_match: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um nome de música ou URL válido!'
+add_owner: '`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!'
+add_limit_track: '`⚠️` | Você não pode adicionar mais de **%{limit} Músicas**!'
 ### Comando de Deletar!
-delete_confirm: "`❓` | Você quer deletar `%{playlist_id}`"
-delete_deleted: "`❌` | Deletada `%{name}`"
-delete_notfound: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!"
-delete_no: "`⚠️` | Exclusão **Cancelada**!"
-delete_owner: "`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!"
+delete_confirm: '`❓` | Você quer deletar `%{playlist_id}`'
+delete_deleted: '`❌` | Deletada `%{name}`'
+delete_notfound: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!'
+delete_no: '`⚠️` | Exclusão **Cancelada**!'
+delete_owner: '`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!'
 ### Comando de Detalhes!
-detail_private: "`🔒` | A Playlist é **Privada**!"
-detail_embed_title: "%{name}"
-detail_embed_footer: "Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Músicas • %{songs} | Duração Total • %{duration}"
-detail_track: "%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Autor: **%{author}**"
-detail_notfound: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!"
-detail_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número de página válido!"
-detail_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Existem apenas **%{page} Páginas**!"
+detail_private: '`🔒` | A Playlist é **Privada**!'
+detail_embed_title: '%{name}'
+detail_embed_footer: 'Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Músicas • %{songs} | Duração Total • %{duration}'
+detail_track: '%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Autor: **%{author}**'
+detail_notfound: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!'
+detail_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número de página válido!'
+detail_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Existem apenas **%{page} Páginas**!'
 ### Comando de Importar!
-import_private: "`🔒` | A Playlist é **Privada**!"
-import_imported: "`💿` | Importada **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Músicas**) • %{user}"
-import_voice: "`⚠️` | Você precisa estar em um canal de voz para usar este comando!"
-import_empty: "`⚠️` | A Playlist está **Vazia**!"
+import_private: '`🔒` | A Playlist é **Privada**!'
+import_imported: '`💿` | Importada **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Músicas**) • %{user}'
+import_voice: '`⚠️` | Você precisa estar em um canal de voz para usar este comando!'
+import_empty: '`⚠️` | A Playlist está **Vazia**!'
 ### Comando de Visualizar Todos!
-view_embed_title: "%{user}"
-view_embed_footer: "Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Playlists • %{songs}"
-view_embed_playlist: "%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Músicas**) • Criada: `[%{create} ago]`"
-view_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número de página válido!"
-view_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Existem apenas **%{page} Páginas**!"
+view_embed_title: '%{user}'
+view_embed_footer: 'Página • %{page}/%{pages} | Playlists • %{songs}'
+view_embed_playlist: '%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Músicas**) • Criada: `[%{create} ago]`'
+view_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número de página válido!'
+view_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Existem apenas **%{page} Páginas**!'
 ### Comando de Remover!
-remove_removed: "`➖` | Removida a música número **%{position}** de `%{name}`"
-remove_notfound: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!"
-remove_song_notfound: "`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!"
-remove_owner: "`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!"
+remove_removed: '`➖` | Removida a música número **%{position}** de `%{name}`'
+remove_notfound: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!'
+remove_song_notfound: '`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!'
+remove_owner: '`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!'
 ### Comando de Salvar Fila!
-savequeue_saved: "`✅` | Salvas **%{tracks} Músicas** em `%{name}`"
-savequeue_notfound: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!"
-savequeue_owner: "`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!"
-savequeue_no_new_saved: "`⚠️` | Música já existente em `%{name}`"
-savequeue_no_tracks: "`⚠️` | Nenhuma música está tocando atualmente!"
+savequeue_saved: '`✅` | Salvas **%{tracks} Músicas** em `%{name}`'
+savequeue_notfound: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!'
+savequeue_owner: '`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!'
+savequeue_no_new_saved: '`⚠️` | Música já existente em `%{name}`'
+savequeue_no_tracks: '`⚠️` | Nenhuma música está tocando atualmente!'
 ### Comando de Informações!
-info_id: "`🆔` | ID:"
-info_total: "`🎵` | Total de Músicas:"
-info_created: "`📅` | Criada em:"
-info_private: "`👀` | Visibilidade:"
-info_owner: "`👑` | Dono:"
-info_des: "`💬` | Descrição:"
-no_des: "Nenhuma descrição fornecida!"
-public: "Pública"
-private: "Privada"
-invalid: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!"
+info_id: '`🆔` | ID:'
+info_total: '`🎵` | Total de Músicas:'
+info_created: '`📅` | Criada em:'
+info_private: '`👀` | Visibilidade:'
+info_owner: '`👑` | Dono:'
+info_des: '`💬` | Descrição:'
+no_des: 'Nenhuma descrição fornecida!'
+public: 'Pública'
+private: 'Privada'
+invalid: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!'
 ### Comando de Editor!
-edit_playlist_id_label: "Insira o seu **Novo ID da Playlist**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-edit_playlist_name_label: "Insira o seu **Novo Nome da Playlist**!"
-edit_playlist_des_label: "Insira a sua **Nova Descrição da Playlist**!"
-edit_playlist_private_label: "Insira a sua **Nova Visibilidade da Playlist**! `[pública/privada]`"
-edit_success: "`✅` | `%{playlistId}` editada com sucesso!"
-edit_arg: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!"
-edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!"
-edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!"
-edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | Por favor, insira um ID de Playlist válido e que não exista!"
-edit_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Modo de Visibilidade inválido. Por favor, use **pública** ou **privada**!"
+edit_playlist_id_label: 'Insira o seu **Novo ID da Playlist**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+edit_playlist_name_label: 'Insira o seu **Novo Nome da Playlist**!'
+edit_playlist_des_label: 'Insira a sua **Nova Descrição da Playlist**!'
+edit_playlist_private_label: 'Insira a sua **Nova Visibilidade da Playlist**! `[pública/privada]`'
+edit_success: '`✅` | `%{playlistId}` editada com sucesso!'
+edit_arg: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!'
+edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!'
+edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!'
+edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | Por favor, insira um ID de Playlist válido e que não exista!'
+edit_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Modo de Visibilidade inválido. Por favor, use **pública** ou **privada**!'
 ### Interação de Editor!
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: "Novo ID da Playlist"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: "Novo Nome da Playlist"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: "Nova Descrição da Playlist"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: "Nova Visibilidade da Playlist"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: "Insira o seu Novo ID da Playlist! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: "Insira o seu Novo Nome da Playlist!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: "Insira a sua Nova Descrição da Playlist!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: "Insira a sua Nova Visibilidade da Playlist! [pública/privada]"
-ineraction_edit_success: "`✅` | `%{playlistId}` editada com sucesso!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_error: "`⚠️` | Algo deu errado. Por favor, tente novamente!"
-ineraction_edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!"
-ineraction_edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | Por favor, insira um ID de Playlist válido e que não exista!"
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: 'Novo ID da Playlist'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: 'Novo Nome da Playlist'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: 'Nova Descrição da Playlist'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: 'Nova Visibilidade da Playlist'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: 'Insira o seu Novo ID da Playlist! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: 'Insira o seu Novo Nome da Playlist!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: 'Insira a sua Nova Descrição da Playlist!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: 'Insira a sua Nova Visibilidade da Playlist! [pública/privada]'
+ineraction_edit_success: '`✅` | `%{playlistId}` editada com sucesso!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_error: '`⚠️` | Algo deu errado. Por favor, tente novamente!'
+ineraction_edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um ID de Playlist válido!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | Você não é o **Dono da Playlist**!'
+ineraction_edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | Por favor, insira um ID de Playlist válido e que não exista!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/command.premium.yaml b/languages/pt/command.premium.yaml
index a6f558b0..ff8fc0de 100644
--- a/languages/pt/command.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/command.premium.yaml
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 ### Comando de gerar!
-gen_author: "Gerar código premium"
+gen_author: 'Gerar código premium'
 gen_desc: "`🔑` | **Código gerado com sucesso** `[%{codes_length}]`\n```%{codes}```\n`💰` | **Plano:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expira em:** %{expires}"
-gen_footer: "Use • %{prefix}redeem <code> para ativar o premium"
+gen_footer: 'Use • %{prefix}redeem <code> para ativar o premium'
 ### Comando de perfil!
-profile_author: "Perfil premium"
-profile_error_desc: "`⚠️` | O usuário **%{user}** não é um membro premium!"
+profile_author: 'Perfil premium'
+profile_error_desc: '`⚠️` | O usuário **%{user}** não é um membro premium!'
 profile_desc: "`👤` | **Usuário:** `%{user}`\n`💰` | **Plano:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expira em:** %{expires}"
 ### Comando de perfil de servidor!
-guild_profile_author: "Perfil do servidor premium"
+guild_profile_author: 'Perfil do servidor premium'
 guild_profile_desc: "`👤` | **Servidor:** `%{guild}`\n`💰` | **Plano:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expira em:** %{expires}"
 ### Comando de resgatar!
-redeem_title: "Resgatar premium"
+redeem_title: 'Resgatar premium'
 redeem_desc: "`💰` | **Plano:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Expira em:** %{expires}"
-redeem_already: "`⚠️` | Você já é um usuário **premium**!"
-redeem_invalid: "`⚠️` | Código inválido. Tente novamente ou use um código válido!"
-redeem_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Tipo de ativação do premium inválido! Use `guild` ou `user`."
-redeem_already_guild: "`⚠️` | Este servidor já é **premium**!"
+redeem_already: '`⚠️` | Você já é um usuário **premium**!'
+redeem_invalid: '`⚠️` | Código inválido. Tente novamente ou use um código válido!'
+redeem_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Tipo de ativação do premium inválido! Use `guild` ou `user`.'
+redeem_already_guild: '`⚠️` | Este servidor já é **premium**!'
 ### Comando de remover!
-remove_desc: "`✅` | Premium removido de %{user} com sucesso!"
-remove_already: "`⚠️` | %{user} já teve o premium removido!"
-remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça o **nome de usuário** ou **ID de usuário** para remover o premium!"
-remove_404: "`⚠️` | O usuário %{userid} não é um **membro premium**!"
+remove_desc: '`✅` | Premium removido de %{user} com sucesso!'
+remove_already: '`⚠️` | %{user} já teve o premium removido!'
+remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça o **nome de usuário** ou **ID de usuário** para remover o premium!'
+remove_404: '`⚠️` | O usuário %{userid} não é um **membro premium**!'
 ### Comando de remover do servidor!
-guild_remove_desc: "`✅` | Premium removido do servidor %{user} com sucesso!"
-guild_remove_already: "`⚠️` | O servidor %{user} já teve o premium removido!"
-guild_remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça o **ID do servidor** para remover o premium!"
-guild_remove_404: "`⚠️` | O servidor %{userid} não é um **servidor premium**!"
+guild_remove_desc: '`✅` | Premium removido do servidor %{user} com sucesso!'
+guild_remove_already: '`⚠️` | O servidor %{user} já teve o premium removido!'
+guild_remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça o **ID do servidor** para remover o premium!'
+guild_remove_404: '`⚠️` | O servidor %{userid} não é um **servidor premium**!'
 ### Comando de lista de servidores!
-guild_list_title: "💫 Lista de servidores premium!"
-guild_list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | A página deve ser um número!"
-guild_list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Apenas **%{page} páginas disponíveis**!"
+guild_list_title: '💫 Lista de servidores premium!'
+guild_list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | A página deve ser um número!'
+guild_list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Apenas **%{page} páginas disponíveis**!'
 ### Comando de lista de usuários!
-list_title: "💫 Lista de usuários premium"
-list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | A página deve ser um número!"
-list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Apenas **%{page} páginas disponíveis**!"
+list_title: '💫 Lista de usuários premium'
+list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | A página deve ser um número!'
+list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Apenas **%{page} páginas disponíveis**!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/command.utils.yaml b/languages/pt/command.utils.yaml
index a732e9d2..0045d913 100644
--- a/languages/pt/command.utils.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/command.utils.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 ### Comando de idioma!
-lang_set: "`📙` | O idioma foi definido para **%{language}**!"
-lang_change: "`📙` | O idioma foi alterado para **%{language}**!"
-lang_perm: "`⚠️` | Você não tem permissão para usar este comando!"
+lang_set: '`📙` | O idioma foi definido para **%{language}**!'
+lang_change: '`📙` | O idioma foi alterado para **%{language}**!'
+lang_perm: '`⚠️` | Você não tem permissão para usar este comando!'
 provide_lang: "`⚠️` | Idioma inválido. Por favor, use:\n`%{languages}`"
 ### Comando de desligar!
-restart_msg: "`🔌` | **Desligando...**"
+restart_msg: '`🔌` | **Desligando...**'
 ### Comando de prefixo!
-prefix_set: "`㊙️` | O prefixo foi definido para **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_change: "`㊙️` | O prefixo foi alterado para **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_arg: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um prefixo válido!"
-prefix_length: "`⚠️` | O prefixo não pode ter mais de **10 caracteres**!"
+prefix_set: '`㊙️` | O prefixo foi definido para **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_change: '`㊙️` | O prefixo foi alterado para **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_arg: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um prefixo válido!'
+prefix_length: '`⚠️` | O prefixo não pode ter mais de **10 caracteres**!'
 ### Comando de notificação de música!
-songnoti_set: "`🔔` | As notificações de música foram definidas para **%{toggle}**!"
-songnoti_already: "`⚠️` | As notificações de música já estão **%{mode}**!"
+songnoti_set: '`🔔` | As notificações de música foram definidas para **%{toggle}**!'
+songnoti_already: '`⚠️` | As notificações de música já estão **%{mode}**!'
 ### Comando 24/7!
-247_on: "`✅` | O modo 24/7 está agora **ativado**!"
-247_off: "`❌` | O modo 24/7 está agora **desativado**!"
-247_already: "`⚠️` | O modo 24/7 já está **%{mode}**!"
+247_on: '`✅` | O modo 24/7 está agora **ativado**!'
+247_off: '`❌` | O modo 24/7 está agora **desativado**!'
+247_already: '`⚠️` | O modo 24/7 já está **%{mode}**!'
 ### Comando de configuração!
 setup_msg: "**`⚙️` | Sistema de música criado** %{channel}\n```Nota: Não exclua nenhuma mensagem enviada por mim para que o Sistema de Música funcione corretamente!```"
-setup_deleted: "**`⚙️` | Sistema de música excluído!**"
+setup_deleted: '**`⚙️` | Sistema de música excluído!**'
 setup_topic: "⏹ **Parar**\n⏮️ **Anterior**\n⏯ **Pausar/Continuar**\n⏭️ **Pular**\n🔁 **Repetir/Desativar repetição**"
-setup_enable: "`⚠️` | O Sistema de Música já existe!"
-setup_null: "`⚠️` | Sistema de Música não encontrado!"
+setup_enable: '`⚠️` | O Sistema de Música já existe!'
+setup_null: '`⚠️` | Sistema de Música não encontrado!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/error.yaml b/languages/pt/error.yaml
index 04e1109d..c107c2d8 100644
--- a/languages/pt/error.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/error.yaml
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
 # Número inválido
-number_invalid: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número válido!"
+number_invalid: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um número válido!'
 # Executar quando inválido
-no_node: "`⚠️` | Nenhum servidor Lavalink foi encontrado. Por favor, tente novamente em **5 minutos**!"
+no_node: '`⚠️` | Nenhum servidor Lavalink foi encontrado. Por favor, tente novamente em **5 minutos**!'
 # Nenhuma música está tocando atualmente!
-no_player: "`⚠️` | Nenhuma música está tocando no momento!"
+no_player: '`⚠️` | Nenhuma música está tocando no momento!'
 # Precisa entrar no canal de voz & mesmo canal de voz para usar o comando!
-no_in_voice: "`⚠️` | Você não está em um canal de voz!"
-no_same_voice: "`⚠️` | Você não está no mesmo canal de voz que eu!"
+no_in_voice: '`⚠️` | Você não está em um canal de voz!'
+no_same_voice: '`⚠️` | Você não está no mesmo canal de voz que eu!'
 # Sem permissão!
-no_perms: "`⚠️` | Eu não tenho permissão **%{perm}** para executar este comando!"
-no_perms_channel: "`⚠️` | Eu não tenho permissão **%{perm}** no canal <#%{channel}> para executar este comando!"
+no_perms: '`⚠️` | Eu não tenho permissão **%{perm}** para executar este comando!'
+no_perms_channel: '`⚠️` | Eu não tenho permissão **%{perm}** no canal <#%{channel}> para executar este comando!'
 # Obtendo erro!
-unexpected_error: "`⚠️` | Algo deu errado. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde!"
+unexpected_error: '`⚠️` | Algo deu errado. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde!'
 # Proprietário do cliente!
-owner_only: "`⚠️` | Você não é meu **Proprietário**!"
+owner_only: '`⚠️` | Você não é meu **Proprietário**!'
 # Sem evento premium!
-no_premium_author: "Premium"
-no_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | Você não é um usuário Premium!"
-no_guild_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | Você não está em um servidor premium!"
+no_premium_author: 'Premium'
+no_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | Você não é um usuário Premium!'
+no_guild_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | Você não está em um servidor premium!'
 # Limite de taxa!
-ratelimit: "`⚠️` | Você está realizando ações muito rapidamente. Por favor, espere **%{time} segundos**!"
+ratelimit: '`⚠️` | Você está realizando ações muito rapidamente. Por favor, espere **%{time} segundos**!'
 # Argumentos ausentes
-arg_error: "`⚠️` | Argumento inválido. Por favor, use %{text}"
+arg_error: '`⚠️` | Argumento inválido. Por favor, use %{text}'
 # Erro do
-topgg_error_author: "❌ | Erro no"
-topgg_error_desc: "Ocorreu uma exceção ao verificar seu voto no, isso pode ser porque o está fora do ar. Por favor, tente novamente em 5-10 minutos."
-topgg_vote_author: "❌ | Você ainda não votou"
-topgg_vote_desc: "Para usar este comando, você precisa votar neste bot!"
-topgg_vote_button: "Clique aqui para votar!"
+topgg_error_author: '❌ | Erro no'
+topgg_error_desc: 'Ocorreu uma exceção ao verificar seu voto no, isso pode ser porque o está fora do ar. Por favor, tente novamente em 5-10 minutos.'
+topgg_vote_author: '❌ | Você ainda não votou'
+topgg_vote_desc: 'Para usar este comando, você precisa votar neste bot!'
+topgg_vote_button: 'Clique aqui para votar!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/event.guild.yaml b/languages/pt/event.guild.yaml
index edd04c47..a73700db 100644
--- a/languages/pt/event.guild.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/event.guild.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-joined_title: "📥 Entrou em um servidor!"
-leave_title: "📥 Saiu de um servidor!"
-guild_name: "Nome"
-guild_id: "ID"
-guild_owner: "Proprietário"
-guild_member_count: "Contagem de membros"
-guild_creation_date: "Data de criação"
-current_server_count: "Contagem atual de servidores"
-join_dm_title: "Obrigado por escolher %{username} como seu bot de música principal!"
+joined_title: '📥 Entrou em um servidor!'
+leave_title: '📥 Saiu de um servidor!'
+guild_name: 'Nome'
+guild_id: 'ID'
+guild_owner: 'Proprietário'
+guild_member_count: 'Contagem de membros'
+guild_creation_date: 'Data de criação'
+current_server_count: 'Contagem atual de servidores'
+join_dm_title: 'Obrigado por escolher %{username} como seu bot de música principal!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/event.message.yaml b/languages/pt/event.message.yaml
index ba42752e..a10e53d6 100644
--- a/languages/pt/event.message.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/event.message.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ### Comando de Ajuda!
-intro1: "・**%{bot}** é um bot de música avançado com recursos ricos!"
-intro2: "・Desenvolvido por **RainyXeon**"
-intro3: "・Parceiro da **1sT - Services**"
-prefix: "・**Prefixo do Bot:** %{prefix}"
-ver: "・**Versão do Bot:** `%{botver}`"
-djs: "・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`"
-lavalink: "・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`"
-help1: "・**Para começar:** %{help}"
-help2: "・**Para obter mais informações:** %{botinfo}"
-wel: "👋 Bem-vindo ao %{bot}"
-codename: "・**Codinome:** `%{codename}`"
+intro1: '・**%{bot}** é um bot de música avançado com recursos ricos!'
+intro2: '・Desenvolvido por **RainyXeon**'
+intro3: '・Parceiro da **1sT - Services**'
+prefix: '・**Prefixo do Bot:** %{prefix}'
+ver: '・**Versão do Bot:** `%{botver}`'
+djs: '・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`'
+lavalink: '・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`'
+help1: '・**Para começar:** %{help}'
+help2: '・**Para obter mais informações:** %{botinfo}'
+wel: '👋 Bem-vindo ao %{bot}'
+codename: '・**Codinome:** `%{codename}`'
diff --git a/languages/pt/event.player.yaml b/languages/pt/event.player.yaml
index bfee4491..a7bf7eec 100644
--- a/languages/pt/event.player.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/event.player.yaml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 ### Evento de Reprodução!
-track_title: "Iniciando a Reprodução"
-track_icon: ""
-author_title: "`✒️` | Autor:"
-request_title: "`👤` | Solicitante:"
-volume_title: "`🔊` | Volume:"
-queue_title: "`💾` | Comprimento da Fila:"
-duration_title: "`🕒` | Duração da Música:"
-total_duration_title: "`🕰️` | Duração Total da Fila:"
-download_title: "`⬇️` | Download:"
+track_title: 'Iniciando a Reprodução'
+track_icon: ''
+author_title: '`✒️` | Autor:'
+request_title: '`👤` | Solicitante:'
+volume_title: '`🔊` | Volume:'
+queue_title: '`💾` | Comprimento da Fila:'
+duration_title: '`🕒` | Duração da Música:'
+total_duration_title: '`🕰️` | Duração Total da Fila:'
+download_title: '`⬇️` | Download:'
 ### Mesmo canal de voz!
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | Você não está no mesmo canal de voz que eu!"
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | Você não está no mesmo canal de voz que eu!'
 ### Evento de Fim da Fila!
-queue_end_desc: "`🔚` | A música foi **Finalizada**!"
+queue_end_desc: '`🔚` | A música foi **Finalizada**!'
 ### Erro na música!
-error_desc: "`⚠️` | A música apresentou um erro. Pulando a **Música**!"
+error_desc: '`⚠️` | A música apresentou um erro. Pulando a **Música**!'
 ### Função Automática!
-player_end: "`🛑` | Saí de <#%{leave}> porque não há ninguém no canal de voz!"
-leave_pause: "`⏸️` | A música foi Pausada porque fiquei sozinho!"
-leave_resume: "`▶️` | A música foi Retomada porque alguém entrou!"
+player_end: '`🛑` | Saí de <#%{leave}> porque não há ninguém no canal de voz!'
+leave_pause: '`⏸️` | A música foi Pausada porque fiquei sozinho!'
+leave_resume: '`▶️` | A música foi Retomada porque alguém entrou!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/event.premium.yaml b/languages/pt/event.premium.yaml
index a54d881a..c7a96240 100644
--- a/languages/pt/event.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/event.premium.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-display_name: "Nome de Exibição"
-username: "Nome de Usuário"
-createdAt: "Criado em"
-redeemedAt: "Resgatado em"
-expiresAt: "Expira em"
-plan: "Plano"
-title: "💫 Novo usuário acabou de se registrar com sucesso como premium!"
-guild_title: "💫 Novo servidor acabou de se registrar com sucesso como premium!"
+display_name: 'Nome de Exibição'
+username: 'Nome de Usuário'
+createdAt: 'Criado em'
+redeemedAt: 'Resgatado em'
+expiresAt: 'Expira em'
+plan: 'Plano'
+title: '💫 Novo usuário acabou de se registrar com sucesso como premium!'
+guild_title: '💫 Novo servidor acabou de se registrar com sucesso como premium!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/event.setup.yaml b/languages/pt/event.setup.yaml
index ffebca9e..71fd10c0 100644
--- a/languages/pt/event.setup.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/event.setup.yaml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
 ### Manipulador de Configuração!
-setup_queuemsg: "Junte-se a um canal de voz e reproduza músicas usando nome ou URL aqui!"
-setup_playembed_author: "Nenhuma música está sendo reproduzida no momento"
+setup_queuemsg: 'Junte-se a um canal de voz e reproduza músicas usando nome ou URL aqui!'
+setup_playembed_author: 'Nenhuma música está sendo reproduzida no momento'
 ### Manipulador de Atualização!
-setup_author: "Reproduzindo"
-setup_author_icon: ""
-setup_desc: "**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_footer: "Volume • %{volume}% | Duração Total • %{duration}"
-setup_content: "**__Fila:__**"
-setup_content_queue: "`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_content_empty: "Junte-se a um canal de voz e reproduza músicas usando nome ou URL aqui!"
+setup_author: 'Reproduzindo'
+setup_author_icon: ''
+setup_desc: '**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_footer: 'Volume • %{volume}% | Duração Total • %{duration}'
+setup_content: '**__Fila:__**'
+setup_content_queue: '`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_content_empty: 'Junte-se a um canal de voz e reproduza músicas usando nome ou URL aqui!'
 ### Comando de Status!
-status_create: "**`📊` | Canal de Status Criado!**"
-status_delete: "**`📊` | Canal de Status Excluído!**"
-status_enable: "`⚠️` | Canal de Status já existe!"
-status_null: "`⚠️` | Canal de Status não encontrado!"
+status_create: '**`📊` | Canal de Status Criado!**'
+status_delete: '**`📊` | Canal de Status Excluído!**'
+status_enable: '`⚠️` | Canal de Status já existe!'
+status_null: '`⚠️` | Canal de Status não encontrado!'
 # Play!
-play_track: "`💾` | Adicionada na fila **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Adicionada na fila **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Músicas**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Adicionada na fila **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um nome de música ou URL válidos!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | Você não pode reproduzir músicas usando emojis!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Adicionada na fila **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Adicionada na fila **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Músicas**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Adicionada na fila **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | Por favor, forneça um nome de música ou URL válidos!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | Música não encontrada!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | Você não pode reproduzir músicas usando emojis!'
diff --git a/languages/pt/global.yaml b/languages/pt/global.yaml
index ae4e2e16..25579d1d 100644
--- a/languages/pt/global.yaml
+++ b/languages/pt/global.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # Modo
-enable: "Ativado"
-disable: "Desativado"
+enable: 'Ativado'
+disable: 'Desativado'
diff --git a/languages/ru/ b/languages/ru/
index f15e84ae..1d84512a 100644
--- a/languages/ru/
+++ b/languages/ru/
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Сейчас играет:\n**%{track}** `[%{duration}]` • %{requester}\n\n`💤` | Очередь:**%{list_song}**"
-queue_footer: "Страница • %{page}/%{pages} | Общая очередь • %{queue_lang} | Общая времени • %{total_duration}"
+queue_footer: 'Страница • %{page}/%{pages} | Общая очередь • %{queue_lang} | Общая времени • %{total_duration}'
 # Pause
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | **Пауза**!"
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | **Возобновление**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | **Пауза**!'
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | **Возобновление**!'
 # Skip
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | **Пропущено**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | Нет больше песни чтобы пропустить!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | **Пропущено**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | Нет больше песни чтобы пропустить!'
 # Stop
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | **Остановлено**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | **Остановлено**!'
 # Volume
-volup_msg: "`🔊` | Изменено громкость на **%{volume}%**"
-voldown_msg: "`🔉` | Изменено громкость на **%{volume}%**"
-volume_max: "`⚠️` | Плеер уже на максимальной громкости!"
-volume_min: "`⚠️` | Плеер уже на минимальной громкости!"
+volup_msg: '`🔊` | Изменено громкость на **%{volume}%**'
+voldown_msg: '`🔉` | Изменено громкость на **%{volume}%**'
+volume_max: '`⚠️` | Плеер уже на максимальной громкости!'
+volume_min: '`⚠️` | Плеер уже на минимальной громкости!'
 # Clear
-clear_msg: "`🗑️` | Очередь успешно **очищена**!"
+clear_msg: '`🗑️` | Очередь успешно **очищена**!'
 # Loop
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Повтор: **Песня**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Повтор: **Очередь**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | Повтор: **Отключено**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Неверный режим повтора. Пожалуйста используйте %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | Повтор уже выбран **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Повтор: **Песня**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Повтор: **Очередь**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | Повтор: **Отключено**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Неверный режим повтора. Пожалуйста используйте %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | Повтор уже выбран **%{mode}**!'
 # Previous
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | Перемотаю к предыдущему **композицию**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | Предыдущая композиция не найден!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | Перемотаю к предыдущему **композицию**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | Предыдущая композиция не найден!'
 # Shuffle
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Успешно перемешал очередь!"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Успешно перемешал очередь!'
 # All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | %{name} Фильтр теперь **включен**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | %{name} Фильтр уже **включен**!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | %{name} Фильтр теперь **включен**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | %{name} Фильтр уже **включен**!'
 # Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Фильтр **сброшен**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | Фильтр уже **сброшена**!"
\ No newline at end of file
+reset_on: '`❌` | Фильтр **сброшен**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | Фильтр уже **сброшена**!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/command.filter.yaml b/languages/ru/command.filter.yaml
index 5ebd6d10..d324f10d 100644
--- a/languages/ru/command.filter.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/command.filter.yaml
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
 ### All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | %{name} Фильтр теперь **включен**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | %{name} Фильтр уже **включен**!"
-filter_number: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите число!"
-filter_greater: "`⚠️` | Число должен быть выше от **0**!"
-filter_less: "`⚠️` | Число должен быть ниже до **10**!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | %{name} Фильтр теперь **включен**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | %{name} Фильтр уже **включен**!'
+filter_number: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите число!'
+filter_greater: '`⚠️` | Число должен быть выше от **0**!'
+filter_less: '`⚠️` | Число должен быть ниже до **10**!'
 ### Bassboost command!
-bassboost_set: "`🎚️` | Bassboost установлен на **%{amount}dB**!"
-bassboost_limit: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите число от **-10** до **10**!"
+bassboost_set: '`🎚️` | Bassboost установлен на **%{amount}dB**!'
+bassboost_limit: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите число от **-10** до **10**!'
 ### Equalizer command!
-eq_author: "Эквалайзер"
-eq_icon: ""
-eq_desc: "`🎚️` | Существует **14 диапазонов**, которые можно установить от **-10** до **10**. Не обязательно устанавливать их все!"
-eq_field_title: "Пример:"
-eq_field_value: "%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0"
-eq_footer: "Сброс эквалайзера • %{prefix}eq reset"
-eq_on: "`🎚️` | Эквалайзер настроен на **%{bands}**!"
-eq_number: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите число!"
-eq_greater: "`⚠️` | Число должен быть выше от **-10**!"
-eq_than: "`⚠️` | Число должен быть ниже до **10**!"
+eq_author: 'Эквалайзер'
+eq_icon: ''
+eq_desc: '`🎚️` | Существует **14 диапазонов**, которые можно установить от **-10** до **10**. Не обязательно устанавливать их все!'
+eq_field_title: 'Пример:'
+eq_field_value: '%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0'
+eq_footer: 'Сброс эквалайзера • %{prefix}eq reset'
+eq_on: '`🎚️` | Эквалайзер настроен на **%{bands}**!'
+eq_number: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите число!'
+eq_greater: '`⚠️` | Число должен быть выше от **-10**!'
+eq_than: '`⚠️` | Число должен быть ниже до **10**!'
 ### Pitch command!
-pitch_on: "`🎚️` | Высота тона установлена на **%{amount}**!"
+pitch_on: '`🎚️` | Высота тона установлена на **%{amount}**!'
 ### Rate command!
-rate_on: "`🎚️` | Рейт установлена на **%{amount}x**!"
+rate_on: '`🎚️` | Рейт установлена на **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Speed command!
-speed_on: "`🎚️` | Скорость установлена на **%{amount}x**!"
+speed_on: '`🎚️` | Скорость установлена на **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Фильтр **сброшен**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | Фильтр уже **сброшена**!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | Фильтр **сброшен**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | Фильтр уже **сброшена**!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/ b/languages/ru/
index 07786c5d..261dfcc8 100644
--- a/languages/ru/
+++ b/languages/ru/
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
 ### Developer command!
-dev_title: "RainyXeon"
-dev_desc: "Я просто разработчик инкогнито. И официальный создатель Dreamvast и RainyProduction!"
-dev_foot: "Подумайте о том, чтобы вы присоединились к моему серверу или пригласили моих ботов :) Это мне очень поможет!"
+dev_title: 'RainyXeon'
+dev_desc: 'Я просто разработчик инкогнито. И официальный создатель Dreamvast и RainyProduction!'
+dev_foot: 'Подумайте о том, чтобы вы присоединились к моему серверу или пригласили моих ботов :) Это мне очень поможет!'
 ### Invite command!
-inv_title: "✉️ %{username}"
-inv_desc: "Спасибо, что пригласили меня заранее!"
+inv_title: '✉️ %{username}'
+inv_desc: 'Спасибо, что пригласили меня заранее!'
 ### Ping command!
-ping_title: "🏓 "
+ping_title: '🏓 '
 ping_desc: "**Пинг:** `%{ping}ms`\n**Время отклика:** `%{response}ms`"
 ### Uptime command!
-uptime_title: "🕒 "
-uptime_desc: "**Аптайм:** `%{uptime}`"
+uptime_title: '🕒 '
+uptime_desc: '**Аптайм:** `%{uptime}`'
 ### Help command!
-ce_finder_name: "**Команды:**"
-ce_finder_des: "**Описание:**"
-ce_finder_usage: "**Использование:**"
-ce_finder_access: "**Доступно:**"
-ce_finder_aliases: "**Другие команды:**"
-ce_finder_slash: "**Использование слеша:**"
-ce_finder_des_no: "Нет описания"
-ce_finder_usage_no: "Нету"
-ce_finder_aliases_prefix: " [Только Префикс]"
-ce_finder_aliases_no: "Нету"
-ce_finder_slash_enable: "Включена"
-ce_finder_slash_disable: "Отключена"
-ce_finder_invalid: "Неверный команда"
-ce_finder_example: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите правильную **команду**!"
-ce_name: "Команды"
-ce_total: "Всего команд: "
+ce_finder_name: '**Команды:**'
+ce_finder_des: '**Описание:**'
+ce_finder_usage: '**Использование:**'
+ce_finder_access: '**Доступно:**'
+ce_finder_aliases: '**Другие команды:**'
+ce_finder_slash: '**Использование слеша:**'
+ce_finder_des_no: 'Нет описания'
+ce_finder_usage_no: 'Нету'
+ce_finder_aliases_prefix: ' [Только Префикс]'
+ce_finder_aliases_no: 'Нету'
+ce_finder_slash_enable: 'Включена'
+ce_finder_slash_disable: 'Отключена'
+ce_finder_invalid: 'Неверный команда'
+ce_finder_example: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите правильную **команду**!'
+ce_name: 'Команды'
+ce_total: 'Всего команд: '
diff --git a/languages/ru/ b/languages/ru/
index c78cae65..65b69f1c 100644
--- a/languages/ru/
+++ b/languages/ru/
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
 ### Autoplay command!
-autoplay_on: "`✅` | Автомузыка **включена**!"
-autoplay_off: "`❌` | Автомузыка **отключена**!"
-autoplay_already: "`⚠️` | Автомузыка уже установлен на **%{mode}**!"
+autoplay_on: '`✅` | Автомузыка **включена**!'
+autoplay_off: '`❌` | Автомузыка **отключена**!'
+autoplay_already: '`⚠️` | Автомузыка уже установлен на **%{mode}**!'
 ### ClearQueue command!
-clearqueue_msg: "`🗑️` | Очередь успешно **очищена**!"
+clearqueue_msg: '`🗑️` | Очередь успешно **очищена**!'
 ### Forward command!
-forward_msg: "`⏩` | Перемотана на `%{duration}`"
-forward_beyond: "`⚠️` | Песня подходит к концу. Вы не сможете перемотать дальше!"
+forward_msg: '`⏩` | Перемотана на `%{duration}`'
+forward_beyond: '`⚠️` | Песня подходит к концу. Вы не сможете перемотать дальше!'
 ### Join command!
-join_msg: "`🔊` | Вошел %{channel}"
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | Чтобы использовать эту команду, вы должны находиться в голосовом канале!"
-join_already: "`⚠️` | Я уже в %{channel}"
+join_msg: '`🔊` | Вошел %{channel}'
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | Чтобы использовать эту команду, вы должны находиться в голосовом канале!'
+join_already: '`⚠️` | Я уже в %{channel}'
 ### Stop command!
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | **Остановлено**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | **Остановлено**!'
 ### Loop command!
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Повтор: **Песня**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Повтор: **Очередь**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | Повтор: **Отключено**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Неверный режим повтора. Пожалуйста используйте %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | Повтор уже выбран **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Повтор: **Песня**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Повтор: **Очередь**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | Повтор: **Отключено**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Неверный режим повтора. Пожалуйста используйте %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | Повтор уже выбран **%{mode}**!'
 ### Lyrics command!
-lyrics_title: "📜 %{song}"
-lyrics_notfound: "`⚠️` | Текст не найдены!"
-lyrics_toolong: "`⚠️` | Тексты песен слишком длинные для отображения!"
+lyrics_title: '📜 %{song}'
+lyrics_notfound: '`⚠️` | Текст не найдены!'
+lyrics_toolong: '`⚠️` | Тексты песен слишком длинные для отображения!'
 ### Nowplaying command!
-np_icon: ""
-np_title: "Сейчас играет"
-np_current_duration: "`⏰` | Текущая: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`"
+np_icon: ''
+np_title: 'Сейчас играет'
+np_current_duration: '`⏰` | Текущая: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`'
 ### Pause command!
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | **Пауза**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | **Пауза**!'
 ### Play command!
-play_track: "`💾` | Добавлена **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Добавлена **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Добавлена **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите правильное название песни или URL-адрес!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | Вы не можете воспроизводить песни с помощью эмодзи!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Добавлена **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Добавлена **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Добавлена **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите правильное название песни или URL-адрес!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | Вы не можете воспроизводить песни с помощью эмодзи!'
 ### File command!
-file_notfound: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите действительный файл!"
-play_invalid_file: "`⚠️` | Неверный тип файла. Пожалуйста, используйте **mp3** или **ogg**!"
-play_warning_file: "`⚠️` | Я не смог определить тип файла. Пожалуйста, используйте **mp3** или **ogg**!"
+file_notfound: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите действительный файл!'
+play_invalid_file: '`⚠️` | Неверный тип файла. Пожалуйста, используйте **mp3** или **ogg**!'
+play_warning_file: '`⚠️` | Я не смог определить тип файла. Пожалуйста, используйте **mp3** или **ogg**!'
 ### Previous command!
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | Перемотаю к предыдущему **композицию**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | Предыдущая композиция не найден!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | Перемотаю к предыдущему **композицию**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | Предыдущая композиция не найден!'
 ### Queue command!
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Сейчас играет:\n**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}\n\n`💤` | Очередь:**%{rest}**"
-queue_footer: "Страница • %{page}/%{pages} | Общая очередь • %{queue_lang} | Общая времени • %{duration}"
-queue_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Укажите номер страницы!"
-queue_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Здесь только **%{page} страницы**!"
+queue_footer: 'Страница • %{page}/%{pages} | Общая очередь • %{queue_lang} | Общая времени • %{duration}'
+queue_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Укажите номер страницы!'
+queue_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Здесь только **%{page} страницы**!'
 ### Replay command!
-replay_msg: "`🔄` | **Перемотано к `0:00`**!"
+replay_msg: '`🔄` | **Перемотано к `0:00`**!'
 ### Resume command!
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | **Возобновление**!"
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | **Возобновление**!'
 ### Rewind command!
-rewind_msg: "`⏪` | Перемотана на `%{duration}`"
-rewind_beyond: "`⚠️` | Песня только началась. Вы не можете перемотать назад!"
+rewind_msg: '`⏪` | Перемотана на `%{duration}`'
+rewind_beyond: '`⚠️` | Песня только началась. Вы не можете перемотать назад!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-removetrack_desc: "`🗑️` | Удалена **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-removetrack_already: "`⚠️` | Я не могу удалить песню, которая уже играет!"
-removetrack_notfound: "`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!"
+removetrack_desc: '`🗑️` | Удалена **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+removetrack_already: '`⚠️` | Я не могу удалить песню, которая уже играет!'
+removetrack_notfound: '`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!'
 ### Seek command!
-seek_msg: "`➿` | Перемотана на `%{duration}`"
-seek_beyond: "`⚠️` | Вы не можете перемотать на конце!"
-seek_invalid: "`⚠️` | Недопустимая время. Пожалуйста, используйте действительную временную метку. Пример: **1:30**!"
+seek_msg: '`➿` | Перемотана на `%{duration}`'
+seek_beyond: '`⚠️` | Вы не можете перемотать на конце!'
+seek_invalid: '`⚠️` | Недопустимая время. Пожалуйста, используйте действительную временную метку. Пример: **1:30**!'
 ### Shuffle command!
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Успешно перемешал очередь!"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Успешно перемешал очередь!'
 ### Skip command!
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | **Пропущено**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | Нет больше песни чтобы пропустить!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | **Пропущено**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | Нет больше песни чтобы пропустить!'
 ### Volume command!
-volume_msg: "`🔊` | Громкость установлен на **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | Неверный громкость. Пожалуйста используйте от **1** до **100**!"
+volume_msg: '`🔊` | Громкость установлен на **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | Неверный громкость. Пожалуйста используйте от **1** до **100**!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-insert_desc: "`➕` | Вставлено **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-insert_already: "`⚠️` | Я не могу вставить песню, которая уже играет!"
-insert_notfound: "`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!"
+insert_desc: '`➕` | Вставлено **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+insert_already: '`⚠️` | Я не могу вставить песню, которая уже играет!'
+insert_notfound: '`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/command.playlist.yaml b/languages/ru/command.playlist.yaml
index f5853ea1..7d622129 100644
--- a/languages/ru/command.playlist.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/command.playlist.yaml
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
 ### Create command!
-create_created: "`💿` | Создана **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`"
-create_toolong: "`⚠️` | Имя плейлиста не может быть длиннее **16 символов**!"
-des_toolong: "`⚠️` | Описание плейлиста не может быть длиннее **1000 символов**!"
-create_limit_playlist: "`⚠️` | Вы не можете создать более **%{limit} плейлистов**!"
+create_created: '`💿` | Создана **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`'
+create_toolong: '`⚠️` | Имя плейлиста не может быть длиннее **16 символов**!'
+des_toolong: '`⚠️` | Описание плейлиста не может быть длиннее **1000 символов**!'
+create_limit_playlist: '`⚠️` | Вы не можете создать более **%{limit} плейлистов**!'
 ### Add command!
-add_track: "`🔍` | Поискал **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_playlist: "`🔍` | Поискал **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Песен**) • %{user}"
-add_search: "`🔍` | Поискал **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_added: "`➕` | Добавлено **%{count} Песен** на `%{playlist}`"
-add_match: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите правильное название песни или URL-адрес!"
-add_owner: "`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!"
-add_limit_track: "`⚠️` | Вы не можете добавить больше, чем **%{limit}**!"
+add_track: '`🔍` | Поискал **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_playlist: '`🔍` | Поискал **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Песен**) • %{user}'
+add_search: '`🔍` | Поискал **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_added: '`➕` | Добавлено **%{count} Песен** на `%{playlist}`'
+add_match: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите правильное название песни или URL-адрес!'
+add_owner: '`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!'
+add_limit_track: '`⚠️` | Вы не можете добавить больше, чем **%{limit}**!'
 ### Delete command!
-delete_confirm: "`❓` | Хотите ли вы удалить `%{playlist_id}`"
-delete_deleted: "`❌` | Удалено `%{name}`"
-delete_notfound: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!"
-delete_no: "`⚠️` | Отменено **Удаление**!"
-delete_owner: "`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!"
+delete_confirm: '`❓` | Хотите ли вы удалить `%{playlist_id}`'
+delete_deleted: '`❌` | Удалено `%{name}`'
+delete_notfound: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!'
+delete_no: '`⚠️` | Отменено **Удаление**!'
+delete_owner: '`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!'
 ### Detail command!
-detail_private: "`🔒` | Эта плейлист **приватный**!"
-detail_embed_title: "%{name}"
-detail_embed_footer: "Страница • %{page}/%{pages} | Общая песен • %{songs} | Общая времени • %{duration}"
-detail_track: "%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Автор: **%{author}**"
-detail_notfound: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!"
-detail_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Укажите номер страницы!"
-detail_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Здесь только **%{page} страницы**!"
+detail_private: '`🔒` | Эта плейлист **приватный**!'
+detail_embed_title: '%{name}'
+detail_embed_footer: 'Страница • %{page}/%{pages} | Общая песен • %{songs} | Общая времени • %{duration}'
+detail_track: '%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Автор: **%{author}**'
+detail_notfound: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!'
+detail_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Укажите номер страницы!'
+detail_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Здесь только **%{page} страницы**!'
 ### Import command!
-import_private: "`🔒` | Эта плейлист **приватный**!"
-import_imported: "`💿` | Импортировано **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Песен**) • %{user}"
-import_voice: "`⚠️` | Чтобы использовать эту команду, вы должны находиться в голосовом канале!"
-import_empty: "`⚠️` | Эта плейлист **пуст**!"
+import_private: '`🔒` | Эта плейлист **приватный**!'
+import_imported: '`💿` | Импортировано **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Песен**) • %{user}'
+import_voice: '`⚠️` | Чтобы использовать эту команду, вы должны находиться в голосовом канале!'
+import_empty: '`⚠️` | Эта плейлист **пуст**!'
 ### All command!
-view_embed_title: "%{user}"
-view_embed_footer: "Страница • %{page}/%{pages} | Общая песен • %{songs}"
-view_embed_playlist: "%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Песен**) • Создана: `[%{create} ago]`"
-view_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Укажите номер страницы!"
-view_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Здесь только **%{page} страницы**!"
+view_embed_title: '%{user}'
+view_embed_footer: 'Страница • %{page}/%{pages} | Общая песен • %{songs}'
+view_embed_playlist: '%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Песен**) • Создана: `[%{create} ago]`'
+view_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Укажите номер страницы!'
+view_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Здесь только **%{page} страницы**!'
 ### Remove command!
-remove_removed: "`➖` | Удалено в позиции **%{position}** песню `%{name}`"
-remove_notfound: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!"
-remove_song_notfound: "`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!"
-remove_owner: "`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!"
+remove_removed: '`➖` | Удалено в позиции **%{position}** песню `%{name}`'
+remove_notfound: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!'
+remove_song_notfound: '`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!'
+remove_owner: '`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!'
 ### SaveQueue command!
-savequeue_saved: "`✅` | Сохранена **%{tracks} Песен** на `%{name}`"
-savequeue_notfound: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!"
-savequeue_owner: "`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!"
-savequeue_no_new_saved: "`⚠️` | Музыка `%{name}` уже существует"
-savequeue_no_tracks: "`⚠️` | В данный момент ни одна песня не играет!"
+savequeue_saved: '`✅` | Сохранена **%{tracks} Песен** на `%{name}`'
+savequeue_notfound: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!'
+savequeue_owner: '`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!'
+savequeue_no_new_saved: '`⚠️` | Музыка `%{name}` уже существует'
+savequeue_no_tracks: '`⚠️` | В данный момент ни одна песня не играет!'
 ### Info Command!
-info_id: "`🆔` | ID:"
-info_total: "`🎵` | Всего песен:"
-info_created: "`📅` | Создана:"
-info_private: "`👀` | Видимость:"
-info_owner: "`👑` | Владелец:"
-info_des: "`💬` | Описание:"
-no_des: "Нет описания!"
-public: "Публичная"
-private: "Приватная"
-invalid: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!"
+info_id: '`🆔` | ID:'
+info_total: '`🎵` | Всего песен:'
+info_created: '`📅` | Создана:'
+info_private: '`👀` | Видимость:'
+info_owner: '`👑` | Владелец:'
+info_des: '`💬` | Описание:'
+no_des: 'Нет описания!'
+public: 'Публичная'
+private: 'Приватная'
+invalid: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!'
 ### Editor command!
-edit_playlist_id_label: "Введите **ID**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-edit_playlist_name_label: "Введите **название**!"
-edit_playlist_des_label: "Введите **описание**!"
-edit_playlist_private_label: "Выберите **видимость**! `[public/private]`"
-edit_success: "`✅` | Успешно изменен `%{playlistId}`!"
-edit_arg: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!"
-edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!"
-edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!"
-edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, введите действительный и несуществующий идентификатор плейлиста!"
-edit_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Неверный выбор видимости. Пожалуйста, используйте **public** или **private**!"
+edit_playlist_id_label: 'Введите **ID**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+edit_playlist_name_label: 'Введите **название**!'
+edit_playlist_des_label: 'Введите **описание**!'
+edit_playlist_private_label: 'Выберите **видимость**! `[public/private]`'
+edit_success: '`✅` | Успешно изменен `%{playlistId}`!'
+edit_arg: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!'
+edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!'
+edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!'
+edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, введите действительный и несуществующий идентификатор плейлиста!'
+edit_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Неверный выбор видимости. Пожалуйста, используйте **public** или **private**!'
 ### Editor interaction!
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: "ID"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: "Название"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: "Описание"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: "Видимость"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: "Введите ID! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: "Введите название!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: "Введите описание!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: "Введите видимость! [public/private]"
-ineraction_edit_success: "`✅` | Успешно изменен `%{playlistId}`!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_error: "`⚠️` | Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз!"
-ineraction_edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!"
-ineraction_edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, введите действительный и несуществующий идентификатор плейлиста!"
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: 'ID'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: 'Название'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: 'Описание'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: 'Видимость'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: 'Введите ID! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: 'Введите название!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: 'Введите описание!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: 'Введите видимость! [public/private]'
+ineraction_edit_success: '`✅` | Успешно изменен `%{playlistId}`!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_error: '`⚠️` | Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз!'
+ineraction_edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите идентификатор плейлиста!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | Это не ваш **плейлист**!'
+ineraction_edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, введите действительный и несуществующий идентификатор плейлиста!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/command.premium.yaml b/languages/ru/command.premium.yaml
index aedc2ce3..f7b8d953 100644
--- a/languages/ru/command.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/command.premium.yaml
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 ### Команда создания!
-gen_author: "Создать премиум-код"
+gen_author: 'Создать премиум-код'
 gen_desc: "`🔑` | **Код создан успешно** `[%{codes_length}]`\n```%{codes}```\n`💰` | **План:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Истекает:** %{expires}"
-gen_footer: "Используйте • %{prefix}redeem <код> для активации премиума"
+gen_footer: 'Используйте • %{prefix}redeem <код> для активации премиума'
 ### Команда профиля!
-profile_author: "Премиум-профиль"
-profile_error_desc: "`⚠️` | **%{user}** не является премиум-пользователем!"
+profile_author: 'Премиум-профиль'
+profile_error_desc: '`⚠️` | **%{user}** не является премиум-пользователем!'
 profile_desc: "`👤` | **Пользователь:** `%{user}`\n`💰` | **План:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Истекает:** %{expires}"
 ### Команда профиля сервера!
-guild_profile_author: "Премиум-профиль сервера"
+guild_profile_author: 'Премиум-профиль сервера'
 guild_profile_desc: "`👤` | **Сервер:** `%{guild}`\n`💰` | **План:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Истекает:** %{expires}"
 ### Команда активации!
-redeem_title: "Активация премиума"
+redeem_title: 'Активация премиума'
 redeem_desc: "`💰` | **План:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Истекает:** %{expires}"
-redeem_already: "`⚠️` | У вас уже **премиум**!"
-redeem_invalid: "`⚠️` | Неверный код. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз или используйте правильный код!"
-redeem_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Неверный тип активации премиума! Укажите только `guild` или `user`!"
-redeem_already_guild: "`⚠️` | На этом сервере уже есть **премиум**!"
+redeem_already: '`⚠️` | У вас уже **премиум**!'
+redeem_invalid: '`⚠️` | Неверный код. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз или используйте правильный код!'
+redeem_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Неверный тип активации премиума! Укажите только `guild` или `user`!'
+redeem_already_guild: '`⚠️` | На этом сервере уже есть **премиум**!'
 ### Команда удаления!
-remove_desc: "`✅` | Премиум у пользователя %{user} успешно удален!"
-remove_already: "`⚠️` | У пользователя %{user} уже удален премиум!"
-remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | Укажите **имя пользователя** или **ID пользователя**, чтобы удалить премиум!"
-remove_404: "`⚠️` | Пользователь с идентификатором %{userid} не является **премиум-пользователем**!"
+remove_desc: '`✅` | Премиум у пользователя %{user} успешно удален!'
+remove_already: '`⚠️` | У пользователя %{user} уже удален премиум!'
+remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | Укажите **имя пользователя** или **ID пользователя**, чтобы удалить премиум!'
+remove_404: '`⚠️` | Пользователь с идентификатором %{userid} не является **премиум-пользователем**!'
 ### Команда удаления сервера!
-guild_remove_desc: "`✅` | Премиум для сервера %{user} успешно удален!"
-guild_remove_already: "`⚠️` | У сервера %{user} уже удален премиум!"
-guild_remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | Укажите **ID сервера**, чтобы удалить премиум!"
-guild_remove_404: "`⚠️` | Сервер с идентификатором %{userid} не является **премиум-сервером**!"
+guild_remove_desc: '`✅` | Премиум для сервера %{user} успешно удален!'
+guild_remove_already: '`⚠️` | У сервера %{user} уже удален премиум!'
+guild_remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | Укажите **ID сервера**, чтобы удалить премиум!'
+guild_remove_404: '`⚠️` | Сервер с идентификатором %{userid} не является **премиум-сервером**!'
 ### Команда списка серверов
-guild_list_title: "💫 Список серверов с премиумом!"
-guild_list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Страница должна быть указана только числом!"
-guild_list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Только **%{page} страниц** доступно для отображения!"
+guild_list_title: '💫 Список серверов с премиумом!'
+guild_list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Страница должна быть указана только числом!'
+guild_list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Только **%{page} страниц** доступно для отображения!'
 ### Команда списка пользователей
-list_title: "💫 Список пользователей с премиумом"
-list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Страница должна быть указана только числом!"
-list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Только **%{page} страниц** доступно для отображения!"
+list_title: '💫 Список пользователей с премиумом'
+list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Страница должна быть указана только числом!'
+list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Только **%{page} страниц** доступно для отображения!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/command.utils.yaml b/languages/ru/command.utils.yaml
index 592e9592..c448681e 100644
--- a/languages/ru/command.utils.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/command.utils.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 ### Language command!
-lang_set: "`📙` | Язык установлен на **%{language}**!"
-lang_change: "`📙` | Язык был изменен на **%{language}**!"
-lang_perm: "`⚠️` | У вас нет разрешения на использование этой команды!"
+lang_set: '`📙` | Язык установлен на **%{language}**!'
+lang_change: '`📙` | Язык был изменен на **%{language}**!'
+lang_perm: '`⚠️` | У вас нет разрешения на использование этой команды!'
 provide_lang: "`⚠️` | Неверный язык. Пожалуйста, используйте:\n`%{languages}`"
 ### Shutdown command!
-restart_msg: "`🔌` | **Выключение**..."
+restart_msg: '`🔌` | **Выключение**...'
 ### Prefix command!
-prefix_set: "`㊙️` | Префикс был установлен на **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_change: "`㊙️` | Префикс был изменен на **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_arg: "`⚠️` | Укажите префикс!"
-prefix_length: "`⚠️` | Префикс не может быть длиннее **10 символов**.!"
+prefix_set: '`㊙️` | Префикс был установлен на **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_change: '`㊙️` | Префикс был изменен на **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_arg: '`⚠️` | Укажите префикс!'
+prefix_length: '`⚠️` | Префикс не может быть длиннее **10 символов**.!'
 ### SongNoti command!
 songnoti_set: "`🔔` | 'Уведомления о песнях' установлено значение **%{toggle}**!"
 songnoti_already: "`⚠️` | 'Уведомления о песнях' уже установлено **%{mode}**!"
 ### 24/7 command!
-247_on: "`✅` | Режим 24/7 **Включен**!"
-247_off: "`❌` | Режим 24/7 **Отключен**!"
-247_already: "`⚠️` | Режим 24/7 уже установлен **%{mode}**!"
+247_on: '`✅` | Режим 24/7 **Включен**!'
+247_off: '`❌` | Режим 24/7 **Отключен**!'
+247_already: '`⚠️` | Режим 24/7 уже установлен **%{mode}**!'
 ### Setup command!
 setup_msg: "**`⚙️` | Создана музыкальная система** %{channel}\n```Примечание: Не удаляйте сообщения, отправленные мной, чтобы музыкальная система работала правильно!```"
-setup_deleted: "**`⚙️` | Удалено музыкальная система!**"
+setup_deleted: '**`⚙️` | Удалено музыкальная система!**'
 setup_topic: "⏹ **Остановить**\n⏮️ **Предыдущий**\n⏯ **Пауза/возобновление**\n⏭️ **Пропустить**\n🔁 **Повторять/Не повторять**"
-setup_enable: "`⚠️` | Музыкальная система уже существует!"
-setup_null: "`⚠️` | Музыкальная система не найдена!"
+setup_enable: '`⚠️` | Музыкальная система уже существует!'
+setup_null: '`⚠️` | Музыкальная система не найдена!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/error.yaml b/languages/ru/error.yaml
index 4612bdf0..012ee2e2 100644
--- a/languages/ru/error.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/error.yaml
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
 # Invalid Number
-number_invalid: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите число!"
+number_invalid: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите число!'
 # Execute when invalid
-no_node: "`⚠️` | Сервер Lavalink не найден. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку через **5 минут**!"
+no_node: '`⚠️` | Сервер Lavalink не найден. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку через **5 минут**!'
 # No song is currently playing!
-no_player: "`⚠️` | В данный момент ни одна песня не играет!"
+no_player: '`⚠️` | В данный момент ни одна песня не играет!'
 # Need to join voice & same voice to use command!
-no_in_voice: "`⚠️` | Вы не находитесь в голосовом канале!"
-no_same_voice: "`⚠️` | Вы находитесь не на том же голосовом канале!"
+no_in_voice: '`⚠️` | Вы не находитесь в голосовом канале!'
+no_same_voice: '`⚠️` | Вы находитесь не на том же голосовом канале!'
 # No permission!
-no_perms: "`⚠️` | У меня нет **%{perm}** разрешения на выполнение этой команды!"
-no_perms_channel: "`⚠️` | У меня нет **%{perm}** прав в <#%{channel}> для выполнения этой команды!"
+no_perms: '`⚠️` | У меня нет **%{perm}** разрешения на выполнение этой команды!'
+no_perms_channel: '`⚠️` | У меня нет **%{perm}** прав в <#%{channel}> для выполнения этой команды!'
 # Getting error!
-unexpected_error: "`⚠️` | Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже!"
+unexpected_error: '`⚠️` | Что-то пошло не так. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже!'
 # Client owner!
-owner_only: "`⚠️` | Ты не мой **владелец**!"
+owner_only: '`⚠️` | Ты не мой **владелец**!'
 # No premium Event!
-no_premium_author: "Премиум"
-no_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | Вы не являетесь пользователем Premium!"
-no_guild_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | Вы не состоите в премиум ДС сервере!"
+no_premium_author: 'Премиум'
+no_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | Вы не являетесь пользователем Premium!'
+no_guild_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | Вы не состоите в премиум ДС сервере!'
 # Rate limit!
-ratelimit: "`⚠️` | Вы выполняете действия слишком быстро. Пожалуйста, подождите через **%{time} секунд**!"
+ratelimit: '`⚠️` | Вы выполняете действия слишком быстро. Пожалуйста, подождите через **%{time} секунд**!'
 # Missing args
-arg_error: "`⚠️` | Недопустимый аргумент. Пожалуйста, используйте %{text}"
+arg_error: '`⚠️` | Недопустимый аргумент. Пожалуйста, используйте %{text}'
 # error
-topgg_error_author: "❌ | ошибка"
-topgg_error_desc: "При проверке вашего голоса на сайте произошел ошибка. Это может быть связано с тем, что не работает. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку через 5–10 минут."
-topgg_vote_author: "❌ | Вы еще не проголосовали"
-topgg_vote_desc: "Чтобы использовать эту команду, вам необходимо проголосовать за этого бота!"
-topgg_vote_button: "Нажмите здесь, чтобы проголосовать!"
\ No newline at end of file
+topgg_error_author: '❌ | ошибка'
+topgg_error_desc: 'При проверке вашего голоса на сайте произошел ошибка. Это может быть связано с тем, что не работает. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку через 5–10 минут.'
+topgg_vote_author: '❌ | Вы еще не проголосовали'
+topgg_vote_desc: 'Чтобы использовать эту команду, вам необходимо проголосовать за этого бота!'
+topgg_vote_button: 'Нажмите здесь, чтобы проголосовать!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/event.guild.yaml b/languages/ru/event.guild.yaml
index 375542f7..de317bef 100644
--- a/languages/ru/event.guild.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/event.guild.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-joined_title: "📥 Вступил сервер!"
-leave_title: "📥 Покинул сервер!"
-guild_name: "Название"
-guild_id: "ID"
-guild_owner: "Владелец"
-guild_member_count: "Количество пользователей"
-guild_creation_date: "Дата создания"
-current_server_count: "Текущее количество серверов"
-join_dm_title: "Спасибо, что выбрали %{username} в качестве основного музыкального бота!"
+joined_title: '📥 Вступил сервер!'
+leave_title: '📥 Покинул сервер!'
+guild_name: 'Название'
+guild_id: 'ID'
+guild_owner: 'Владелец'
+guild_member_count: 'Количество пользователей'
+guild_creation_date: 'Дата создания'
+current_server_count: 'Текущее количество серверов'
+join_dm_title: 'Спасибо, что выбрали %{username} в качестве основного музыкального бота!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/event.message.yaml b/languages/ru/event.message.yaml
index 174e5f35..9ac54407 100644
--- a/languages/ru/event.message.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/event.message.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ### Help command!
-intro1: "・**%{bot}** - продвинутый музыкальный бот с богатыми возможностями!"
-intro2: "・Создано **RainyXeon**"
-intro3: "・Партнерство с **1sT - Услуги**"
-prefix: "・**Префикс бота:** %{prefix}"
-ver: "・**Версия:** `%{botver}`"
-djs: "・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`"
-lavalink: "・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`"
-help1: "・**Для начала:** %{help}"
-help2: "・**Чтобы получить больше информации:** %{botinfo}"
-wel: "👋 Добро пожаловать в %{bot}"
-codename: "・**Кодовое имя:** `%{codename}`"
+intro1: '・**%{bot}** - продвинутый музыкальный бот с богатыми возможностями!'
+intro2: '・Создано **RainyXeon**'
+intro3: '・Партнерство с **1sT - Услуги**'
+prefix: '・**Префикс бота:** %{prefix}'
+ver: '・**Версия:** `%{botver}`'
+djs: '・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`'
+lavalink: '・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`'
+help1: '・**Для начала:** %{help}'
+help2: '・**Чтобы получить больше информации:** %{botinfo}'
+wel: '👋 Добро пожаловать в %{bot}'
+codename: '・**Кодовое имя:** `%{codename}`'
diff --git a/languages/ru/event.player.yaml b/languages/ru/event.player.yaml
index b6ecc305..f609fc62 100644
--- a/languages/ru/event.player.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/event.player.yaml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 ### Playing event!
-track_title: "Начал играть"
-track_icon: ""
-author_title: "`✒️` | Автор:"
-request_title: "`👤` | Запросил:"
-volume_title: "`🔊` | Громкость:"
-queue_title: "`💾` | Длина очереди:"
-duration_title: "`🕒` | Длительность песни:"
-total_duration_title: "`🕰️` | Длительность очереди:"
-download_title: "`⬇️` | Скачать:"
+track_title: 'Начал играть'
+track_icon: ''
+author_title: '`✒️` | Автор:'
+request_title: '`👤` | Запросил:'
+volume_title: '`🔊` | Громкость:'
+queue_title: '`💾` | Длина очереди:'
+duration_title: '`🕒` | Длительность песни:'
+total_duration_title: '`🕰️` | Длительность очереди:'
+download_title: '`⬇️` | Скачать:'
 ### Same voice!
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | Вы находитесь не на том же голосовом канале!"
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | Вы находитесь не на том же голосовом канале!'
 ### QueueEnd event!
-queue_end_desc: "`🔚` | Ой, очередь **закончился**!"
+queue_end_desc: '`🔚` | Ой, очередь **закончился**!'
 ### Song error!
-error_desc: "`⚠️` | Что то пошло не так с песней. Пропущена **песня**!"
+error_desc: '`⚠️` | Что то пошло не так с песней. Пропущена **песня**!'
 ### Auto function!
-player_end: "`🛑` | Я вышел из <#%{leave}>, потому что в голосовом канале никого нет!"
-leave_pause: "`⏸️` | Песня была поставлена на паузу, потому что я остался один!"
-leave_resume: "`▶️` | Песня была возобновлена, потому что кто-то присоединился!"
+player_end: '`🛑` | Я вышел из <#%{leave}>, потому что в голосовом канале никого нет!'
+leave_pause: '`⏸️` | Песня была поставлена на паузу, потому что я остался один!'
+leave_resume: '`▶️` | Песня была возобновлена, потому что кто-то присоединился!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/event.premium.yaml b/languages/ru/event.premium.yaml
index 5a5adffc..52cc0b3c 100644
--- a/languages/ru/event.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/event.premium.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-display_name: "Отображаемое имя"
-username: "Ник"
-createdAt: "Создано в"
-redeemedAt: "Получено в"
-expiresAt: "Истекает через"
-plan: "План"
-title: "💫 Новый пользователь только что успешно получил премиум!"
-guild_title: "💫 Этот ДС сервер только что успешно зарегистрировала премиум!"
\ No newline at end of file
+display_name: 'Отображаемое имя'
+username: 'Ник'
+createdAt: 'Создано в'
+redeemedAt: 'Получено в'
+expiresAt: 'Истекает через'
+plan: 'План'
+title: '💫 Новый пользователь только что успешно получил премиум!'
+guild_title: '💫 Этот ДС сервер только что успешно зарегистрировала премиум!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/event.setup.yaml b/languages/ru/event.setup.yaml
index c094b90a..68978ec8 100644
--- a/languages/ru/event.setup.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/event.setup.yaml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
 ### Setup handler!
-setup_queuemsg: "Присоединяйтесь к голосовому каналу и включайте песни, используя имя или URL здесь!"
-setup_playembed_author: "В данный момент не играет песни"
+setup_queuemsg: 'Присоединяйтесь к голосовому каналу и включайте песни, используя имя или URL здесь!'
+setup_playembed_author: 'В данный момент не играет песни'
 ### Update handler!
-setup_author: "Играет"
-setup_author_icon: ""
-setup_desc: "**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_footer: "Громкость • %{volume}% | Общая времени • %{duration}"
-setup_content: "**__Очередь:__**"
-setup_content_queue: "`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_content_empty: "Присоединяйтесь к голосовому каналу и включайте песни, используя имя или URL здесь!"
+setup_author: 'Играет'
+setup_author_icon: ''
+setup_desc: '**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_footer: 'Громкость • %{volume}% | Общая времени • %{duration}'
+setup_content: '**__Очередь:__**'
+setup_content_queue: '`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_content_empty: 'Присоединяйтесь к голосовому каналу и включайте песни, используя имя или URL здесь!'
 ### Status command!
-status_create: "**`📊` | Создана Статус Канал!**"
-status_delete: "**`📊` | Удалена Статус Канал!**"
-status_enable: "`⚠️` | Статус Канал уже существует!"
-status_null: "`⚠️` | Статус Канал не найдена!"
+status_create: '**`📊` | Создана Статус Канал!**'
+status_delete: '**`📊` | Удалена Статус Канал!**'
+status_enable: '`⚠️` | Статус Канал уже существует!'
+status_null: '`⚠️` | Статус Канал не найдена!'
 # Play!
-play_track: "`💾` | Добавлено **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Добавлено **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Песен**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Добавлено **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите правильное название песни или URL-адрес!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | Вы не можете воспроизводить песни с помощью эмодзи!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Добавлено **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Добавлено **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Песен**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Добавлено **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | Пожалуйста, укажите правильное название песни или URL-адрес!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | Такая песня не найдена!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | Вы не можете воспроизводить песни с помощью эмодзи!'
diff --git a/languages/ru/global.yaml b/languages/ru/global.yaml
index 1eb23a83..d7888f4d 100644
--- a/languages/ru/global.yaml
+++ b/languages/ru/global.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # Mode
-enable: "Включена"
-disable: "Выключена"
+enable: 'Включена'
+disable: 'Выключена'
diff --git a/languages/th/ b/languages/th/
index c930bf4d..8f2a78fc 100644
--- a/languages/th/
+++ b/languages/th/
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | กำลังเล่นเพลง:\n**%{track}** `[%{duration}]` • %{requester}\n\n`💤` | คิวที่เหลือ:**%{list_song}**"
-queue_footer: "หน้าที่ • %{page}/%{pages} | เพลงในคิว • %{queue_lang} | ระยะเวลาทั้งหมด • %{total_duration}"
+queue_footer: 'หน้าที่ • %{page}/%{pages} | เพลงในคิว • %{queue_lang} | ระยะเวลาทั้งหมด • %{total_duration}'
 # Pause
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | หยุด **การเล่นเพลงชั่วคราว**!"
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | ดำเนินการ **เล่นเพลงต่อ**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | หยุด **การเล่นเพลงชั่วคราว**!'
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | ดำเนินการ **เล่นเพลงต่อ**!'
 # Skip
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | ข้าม **เพลงเรียบร้อย**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | ไม่พบเพลงที่ท่านกำลังจะข้าม!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | ข้าม **เพลงเรียบร้อย**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | ไม่พบเพลงที่ท่านกำลังจะข้าม!'
 # Stop
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | ดำเนินการ **หยุดการเล่น** เรียบร้อย!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | ดำเนินการ **หยุดการเล่น** เรียบร้อย!'
 # Volume
-volup_msg: "`🔊` | เพิ่มระดับเสียงเป็น **%{volume}%**"
-voldown_msg: "`🔉` | ลดระดับเสียงเป็น **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | ท่านสามารถตั้งระดับเสียงได้แค่ **1** ถึง **100** เท่านั้น!"
-volume_max: "`⚠️` | ท่านเพิ่มระดับเสียงเพลงเกินกว่านี้ไม่ได้แล้วนะ!"
-volume_min: "`⚠️` | ท่านลดระดับเสียงเพลงต่ำกว่านี้ไม่ได้แล้วนะ!"
+volup_msg: '`🔊` | เพิ่มระดับเสียงเป็น **%{volume}%**'
+voldown_msg: '`🔉` | ลดระดับเสียงเป็น **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | ท่านสามารถตั้งระดับเสียงได้แค่ **1** ถึง **100** เท่านั้น!'
+volume_max: '`⚠️` | ท่านเพิ่มระดับเสียงเพลงเกินกว่านี้ไม่ได้แล้วนะ!'
+volume_min: '`⚠️` | ท่านลดระดับเสียงเพลงต่ำกว่านี้ไม่ได้แล้วนะ!'
 # Clear
-clear_msg: "`🗑️` |  คิวถูก **เคลียร์ไปหมดแล้ว**!"
+clear_msg: '`🗑️` |  คิวถูก **เคลียร์ไปหมดแล้ว**!'
 # Loop
-loop_current: "`🔁` | ลูปเพลง **ปัจจุบัน**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | ลูปเพลง **ทั้งคิวเพลง**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | ลูปเพลงทั้งหมดถูก **ปิดใช้งานแล้ว**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | กำหนดวนลูปไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาใช้โหมด %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | โหมดวนลูปถูกตั้งเป็น **%{mode}** อยู่แล้ว!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | ลูปเพลง **ปัจจุบัน**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | ลูปเพลง **ทั้งคิวเพลง**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | ลูปเพลงทั้งหมดถูก **ปิดใช้งานแล้ว**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | กำหนดวนลูปไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาใช้โหมด %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | โหมดวนลูปถูกตั้งเป็น **%{mode}** อยู่แล้ว!'
 # Previous
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | ย้อนกลับไป **เพลงก่อนหน้าแล้ว**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | ไม่พบ **เพลงก่อนหน้าให้ข้าม**!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | ย้อนกลับไป **เพลงก่อนหน้าแล้ว**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | ไม่พบ **เพลงก่อนหน้าให้ข้าม**!'
 # Shuffle
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 สุ่มคิวเพลงแล้ว!"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 สุ่มคิวเพลงแล้ว!'
 # Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Filter ถูก **ปิด** แล้ว!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | Filter โดน **ปิด** อยู่แล้ว!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | Filter ถูก **ปิด** แล้ว!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | Filter โดน **ปิด** อยู่แล้ว!'
 # All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | ฟิลเตอร์ %{name} ถูก **เปิดใช้งาน** แล้ว!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | ฟิลเตอร์ %{name} นี้ถูก **เปิดใช้งานไปแล้ว** !"
\ No newline at end of file
+filter_on: '`✅` | ฟิลเตอร์ %{name} ถูก **เปิดใช้งาน** แล้ว!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | ฟิลเตอร์ %{name} นี้ถูก **เปิดใช้งานไปแล้ว** !'
diff --git a/languages/th/command.filter.yaml b/languages/th/command.filter.yaml
index 8c9afb18..46da5948 100644
--- a/languages/th/command.filter.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/command.filter.yaml
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
 ### All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | ฟิลเตอร์ %{name} ถูก **เปิดใช้งาน** แล้ว!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | ฟิลเตอร์ %{name} นี้ถูก **เปิดใช้งานไปแล้ว** !"
-filter_number: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุเลขให้ถูกต้องน้าาา!"
-filter_greater: "`⚠️` | ใส่ตัวเลขต้องมากกว่า **0** !"
-filter_less: "`⚠️` | ใส่ตัวเลขต้องน้อยกว่า **10** !"
+filter_on: '`✅` | ฟิลเตอร์ %{name} ถูก **เปิดใช้งาน** แล้ว!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | ฟิลเตอร์ %{name} นี้ถูก **เปิดใช้งานไปแล้ว** !'
+filter_number: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุเลขให้ถูกต้องน้าาา!'
+filter_greater: '`⚠️` | ใส่ตัวเลขต้องมากกว่า **0** !'
+filter_less: '`⚠️` | ใส่ตัวเลขต้องน้อยกว่า **10** !'
 ### Bassboost command!
-bassboost_set: "`🎚️` | เบสบูสต์ถูกตั้งค่าเป็นจำนวน **%{amount}dB** **แกตายแน่**!"
-bassboost_limit: "`⚠️` | กรุณาใส่เลขปรับระดับเสียงให้ถูกต้อง โดยสามารถใส่ได้แค่ **-10** ถึง **10**!"
+bassboost_set: '`🎚️` | เบสบูสต์ถูกตั้งค่าเป็นจำนวน **%{amount}dB** **แกตายแน่**!'
+bassboost_limit: '`⚠️` | กรุณาใส่เลขปรับระดับเสียงให้ถูกต้อง โดยสามารถใส่ได้แค่ **-10** ถึง **10**!'
 ### Equalizer command!
-eq_author: "ฟิลเตอร์ กำหนดเอง"
-eq_icon: ""
-eq_desc: "`🎚️` | มี **14 แบนด์** ที่สามารถตั้งค่าได้ตั้งแต่ **-10** ถึง **10** ไม่จำเป็นต้องกรอกทุกแบนด์!"
-eq_field_title: "ตัวอย่าง:"
-eq_field_value: "%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0"
-eq_footer: "รีเซ็ต ฟิลเตอร์: • %{prefix}eq reset"
-eq_on: "`🎚️` | ฟิลเตอร์กำหนดเองตั้งค่าเป็น **%{bands}**!"
-eq_number: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุเลขที่ถูกต้อง!"
-eq_greater: "`⚠️` | ใส่ตัวเลขต้องมากกว่า **-10**!"
-eq_than: "`⚠️` | ใส่ตัวเลขต้องน้อยกว่า **10**!"
+eq_author: 'ฟิลเตอร์ กำหนดเอง'
+eq_icon: ''
+eq_desc: '`🎚️` | มี **14 แบนด์** ที่สามารถตั้งค่าได้ตั้งแต่ **-10** ถึง **10** ไม่จำเป็นต้องกรอกทุกแบนด์!'
+eq_field_title: 'ตัวอย่าง:'
+eq_field_value: '%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0'
+eq_footer: 'รีเซ็ต ฟิลเตอร์: • %{prefix}eq reset'
+eq_on: '`🎚️` | ฟิลเตอร์กำหนดเองตั้งค่าเป็น **%{bands}**!'
+eq_number: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุเลขที่ถูกต้อง!'
+eq_greater: '`⚠️` | ใส่ตัวเลขต้องมากกว่า **-10**!'
+eq_than: '`⚠️` | ใส่ตัวเลขต้องน้อยกว่า **10**!'
 ### Pitch command!
-pitch_on: "`🎚️` | ตั้งค่า Pitch ถูกตั้งค่าเป็นจำนวน **%{amount}** แล้ว!"
+pitch_on: '`🎚️` | ตั้งค่า Pitch ถูกตั้งค่าเป็นจำนวน **%{amount}** แล้ว!'
 ### Rate command!
-rate_on: "`🎚️` | ตั้งค่า  Rate ถูกตั้งค่าเป็นจำนวน **%{amount}x** แล้ว!"
+rate_on: '`🎚️` | ตั้งค่า  Rate ถูกตั้งค่าเป็นจำนวน **%{amount}x** แล้ว!'
 ### Speed command!
-speed_on: "`🎚️` | ตั้งค่า  Speed ถูกตั้งค่าเป็นจำนวน **%{amount}x** แล้ว!"
+speed_on: '`🎚️` | ตั้งค่า  Speed ถูกตั้งค่าเป็นจำนวน **%{amount}x** แล้ว!'
 ### Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Filter ถูก **ปิด** แล้ว!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | Filter โดน **ปิด** อยู่แล้ว!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | Filter ถูก **ปิด** แล้ว!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | Filter โดน **ปิด** อยู่แล้ว!'
diff --git a/languages/th/ b/languages/th/
index 86868a26..1a079eb0 100644
--- a/languages/th/
+++ b/languages/th/
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
 ### Developer command!
-dev_title: "RainyXeon"
-dev_desc: "ผมมันก็แค่นักพัฒนานิรนาม อ่อแล้วก็ผมก็เป็นผู้สร้างอย่างเป็นทางการของ Dreamvast และ  RainyProduction อีกด้วยนะ!"
-dev_foot: "เอาตามตรง เข้าร่วมเซิร์ฟเวอร์ผม หรือเชิญบอทของผมเนี่ย :) มันคงช่วงผมได้มากเลยล่ะ!"
+dev_title: 'RainyXeon'
+dev_desc: 'ผมมันก็แค่นักพัฒนานิรนาม อ่อแล้วก็ผมก็เป็นผู้สร้างอย่างเป็นทางการของ Dreamvast และ  RainyProduction อีกด้วยนะ!'
+dev_foot: 'เอาตามตรง เข้าร่วมเซิร์ฟเวอร์ผม หรือเชิญบอทของผมเนี่ย :) มันคงช่วงผมได้มากเลยล่ะ!'
 ### Invite command!
-inv_title: "✉️ %{username}"
-inv_desc: "ขอขอบคุณที่ท่านเชิญบอทมานะ!"
+inv_title: '✉️ %{username}'
+inv_desc: 'ขอขอบคุณที่ท่านเชิญบอทมานะ!'
 ### Ping command!
-ping_title: "🏓 "
+ping_title: '🏓 '
 ping_desc: "**ปิง:** `%{ping}ms`\n**ระยะเวลาการตอบสนอง:** `%{response}ms`"
 ### Uptime command!
-uptime_title: "🕒 "
-uptime_desc: "**ระยะเวลาออนไลน์:** `%{uptime}`"
+uptime_title: '🕒 '
+uptime_desc: '**ระยะเวลาออนไลน์:** `%{uptime}`'
 ### Help command!
-ce_finder_name: "**คำสั่ง:**"
-ce_finder_des: "**คำอธิบาย:**"
-ce_finder_usage: "**การใช้งาน:**"
-ce_finder_access: "**เข้าถึงได้โดย:**"
-ce_finder_aliases: "**Aliases:**"
-ce_finder_slash: "**Slash:**"
-ce_finder_des_no: "ไม่มีคำอธิบาย"
-ce_finder_usage_no: "ไม่มีการใช้งาน"
-ce_finder_aliases_prefix: " [เฉพาะคำสั่ง Prefix เท่านั้น]"
-ce_finder_aliases_no: "ไม่มี Aliases"
-ce_finder_slash_enable: "เปิดใช้งานแล้ว"
-ce_finder_slash_disable: "ปิดใช้งานแล้ว"
-ce_finder_invalid: "คำสั่งไม่ถูกต้อง"
-ce_finder_example: "`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุชื่อคำสั่ง** ที่ถูกต้อง!**"
-ce_name: "คำสั่งช่วยเหลือ"
-ce_total: "คำสั่งทั้งหมด: "
+ce_finder_name: '**คำสั่ง:**'
+ce_finder_des: '**คำอธิบาย:**'
+ce_finder_usage: '**การใช้งาน:**'
+ce_finder_access: '**เข้าถึงได้โดย:**'
+ce_finder_aliases: '**Aliases:**'
+ce_finder_slash: '**Slash:**'
+ce_finder_des_no: 'ไม่มีคำอธิบาย'
+ce_finder_usage_no: 'ไม่มีการใช้งาน'
+ce_finder_aliases_prefix: ' [เฉพาะคำสั่ง Prefix เท่านั้น]'
+ce_finder_aliases_no: 'ไม่มี Aliases'
+ce_finder_slash_enable: 'เปิดใช้งานแล้ว'
+ce_finder_slash_disable: 'ปิดใช้งานแล้ว'
+ce_finder_invalid: 'คำสั่งไม่ถูกต้อง'
+ce_finder_example: '`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุชื่อคำสั่ง** ที่ถูกต้อง!**'
+ce_name: 'คำสั่งช่วยเหลือ'
+ce_total: 'คำสั่งทั้งหมด: '
diff --git a/languages/th/ b/languages/th/
index e518e66a..7bf5a1e6 100644
--- a/languages/th/
+++ b/languages/th/
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
 ### Autoplay command!
-autoplay_on: "`✅` | การเล่นอัตโนมัติได้ถูก **เปิดใช้งาน**!"
-autoplay_off: "`❌` | การเล่นอัตโนมัติได้ถูก **ปิดใช้งาน**!"
-autoplay_already: "`⚠️` | การเล่นอัตโนมัติได้ถูก **%{mode}** ไปแล้ว!"
+autoplay_on: '`✅` | การเล่นอัตโนมัติได้ถูก **เปิดใช้งาน**!'
+autoplay_off: '`❌` | การเล่นอัตโนมัติได้ถูก **ปิดใช้งาน**!'
+autoplay_already: '`⚠️` | การเล่นอัตโนมัติได้ถูก **%{mode}** ไปแล้ว!'
 ### ClearQueue command!
-clearqueue_msg: "`🗑️` | คิวเพลงทั้งหมดถูก **เคลียร์แล้ว**!"
+clearqueue_msg: '`🗑️` | คิวเพลงทั้งหมดถูก **เคลียร์แล้ว**!'
 ### Forward command!
-forward_msg: "`⏩` | ข้ามเวลาไปยัง `%{duration}`"
-forward_beyond: "`⚠️` | ช้าก่อน  ท่านไม่สามารถข้ามเกินระยะเวลาของเพลงได้!"
+forward_msg: '`⏩` | ข้ามเวลาไปยัง `%{duration}`'
+forward_beyond: '`⚠️` | ช้าก่อน  ท่านไม่สามารถข้ามเกินระยะเวลาของเพลงได้!'
 ### Join command!
-join_msg: "`🔊` | เข้าร่วมช่องเสียง %{channel}"
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | ท่านต้องเข้าช่องเสียงเท่านั้น ถึงจะใช้คำสั่งนี้ได้!"
-join_already: "`⚠️` | ผมอยู่ในช่องเสียง %{channel} นี้อยู่แล้ว"
+join_msg: '`🔊` | เข้าร่วมช่องเสียง %{channel}'
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | ท่านต้องเข้าช่องเสียงเท่านั้น ถึงจะใช้คำสั่งนี้ได้!'
+join_already: '`⚠️` | ผมอยู่ในช่องเสียง %{channel} นี้อยู่แล้ว'
 ### Stop command!
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | หยุด **การเล่นเพลงแล้ว**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | หยุด **การเล่นเพลงแล้ว**!'
 ### Loop command!
-loop_current: "`🔁` | ลูปเพลง **ปัจจุบัน**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | ลูปเพลง **ทั้งคิวเพลง**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | ยกเลิก **การวนลูปทั้งหมดแล้ว**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | วนลูปไม่ถูกนะ? ลองใช้โหมด %{mode} ดู!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | การวนลูปอยู่ในโหมด **%{mode}** อยู่แล้วนะ!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | ลูปเพลง **ปัจจุบัน**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | ลูปเพลง **ทั้งคิวเพลง**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | ยกเลิก **การวนลูปทั้งหมดแล้ว**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | วนลูปไม่ถูกนะ? ลองใช้โหมด %{mode} ดู!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | การวนลูปอยู่ในโหมด **%{mode}** อยู่แล้วนะ!'
 ### Lyrics command!
-lyrics_title: "📜 %{song}"
-lyrics_notfound: "`⚠️` | หาเนื้อเพลงไม่เจอ!"
-lyrics_toolong: "`⚠️` | เนื้อเพลงยาวเกินไปที่จะแสดงใน Discord ได้!"
+lyrics_title: '📜 %{song}'
+lyrics_notfound: '`⚠️` | หาเนื้อเพลงไม่เจอ!'
+lyrics_toolong: '`⚠️` | เนื้อเพลงยาวเกินไปที่จะแสดงใน Discord ได้!'
 ### Nowplaying command!
-np_icon: ""
-np_title: "กำลังเล่นเพลง"
-np_current_duration: "`⏰` | ระยะในปัจจุบันนี้: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`"
+np_icon: ''
+np_title: 'กำลังเล่นเพลง'
+np_current_duration: '`⏰` | ระยะในปัจจุบันนี้: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`'
 ### Pause command!
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | หยุด **การเล่นเพลงชั่วคราว**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | หยุด **การเล่นเพลงชั่วคราว**!'
 ### Play command!
-play_track: "`💾` | คิวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | คืวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | คิวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | ได้โปรดระบุชื่อเพลงหรือลิ้งค์เพลงที่ถูกต้อง!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | ค้นหาเพลงไม่เจอ!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | ท่านจะค้นหาเพลงด้วยอิโมจิไม่ได้!"
+play_track: '`💾` | คิวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | คืวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | คิวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | ได้โปรดระบุชื่อเพลงหรือลิ้งค์เพลงที่ถูกต้อง!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | ค้นหาเพลงไม่เจอ!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | ท่านจะค้นหาเพลงด้วยอิโมจิไม่ได้!'
 ### File command!
-file_notfound: "`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุประเภทไฟล์เสียงให้ถูกต้อง!"
-play_invalid_file: "`⚠️` | ไฟล์เสียงไม่ถูกต้อง ลองใช้ไฟล์ประเภท **mp3** หรือ **ogg** ดู!"
-play_warning_file: "`⚠️` | ตรวจไฟล์เสียงไม่ได้ ลองใช้ไฟล์ประเภท **mp3** หรือ **ogg** ดู!"
+file_notfound: '`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุประเภทไฟล์เสียงให้ถูกต้อง!'
+play_invalid_file: '`⚠️` | ไฟล์เสียงไม่ถูกต้อง ลองใช้ไฟล์ประเภท **mp3** หรือ **ogg** ดู!'
+play_warning_file: '`⚠️` | ตรวจไฟล์เสียงไม่ได้ ลองใช้ไฟล์ประเภท **mp3** หรือ **ogg** ดู!'
 ### Previous command!
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | ข้ามไป **เพลงก่อนหน้า**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | ไม่มีเพลงก่อนหน้าให้ข้ามไป!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | ข้ามไป **เพลงก่อนหน้า**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | ไม่มีเพลงก่อนหน้าให้ข้ามไป!'
 ### Queue command!
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | กำลังเล่นเพลง:\n**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}\n\n`💤` | คืวที่เหลือ:**%{rest}**"
-queue_footer: "หน้าที่ • %{page}/%{pages} | เพลง • %{queue_lang} | ระยะเวลาทั้งหมด • %{duration}"
-queue_notnumber: "`⚠️` | หน้าต้องระบุแค่ตัวเลขเท่านั้น!"
-queue_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้นที่หาได้**!"
+queue_footer: 'หน้าที่ • %{page}/%{pages} | เพลง • %{queue_lang} | ระยะเวลาทั้งหมด • %{duration}'
+queue_notnumber: '`⚠️` | หน้าต้องระบุแค่ตัวเลขเท่านั้น!'
+queue_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้นที่หาได้**!'
 ### Replay command!
-replay_msg: "`🔄` | เล่นเพลง  **ซ้ำอีกรอบ**!"
+replay_msg: '`🔄` | เล่นเพลง  **ซ้ำอีกรอบ**!'
 ### Resume command!
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | เพลงถูก  **หยุดชั่วคราว**!"
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | เพลงถูก  **หยุดชั่วคราว**!'
 ### Rewind command!
-rewind_msg: "`⏪` | ย้อนไปยัง `%{duration}`"
-rewind_beyond: "`⚠️` | ช้าก่อน! ท่านไม่สามารถย้อนเกินระยะของเพลงได้นะ!"
+rewind_msg: '`⏪` | ย้อนไปยัง `%{duration}`'
+rewind_beyond: '`⚠️` | ช้าก่อน! ท่านไม่สามารถย้อนเกินระยะของเพลงได้นะ!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-removetrack_desc: "`🗑️` | ลบเพลง **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-removetrack_already: "`⚠️` | ไม่สามารถลบเพลงที่กำลังเล่นให้ท่านฟังอยู่ได้!"
-removetrack_notfound: "`⚠️` | หาเพลงที่จะลบไม่เจอ!"
+removetrack_desc: '`🗑️` | ลบเพลง **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+removetrack_already: '`⚠️` | ไม่สามารถลบเพลงที่กำลังเล่นให้ท่านฟังอยู่ได้!'
+removetrack_notfound: '`⚠️` | หาเพลงที่จะลบไม่เจอ!'
 ### Seek command!
-seek_msg: "`➿` | ข้ามไปยัง `%{duration}`"
-seek_beyond: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่สามารถข้าม/ย้อน เกินความยาวของเพลงได้!"
-seek_invalid: "`⚠️` | ข้าม/ย้อนเพลงไม่ได้! ลองใช้ตัวเลขให้ถูกต้อง อย่างเช่น: **1:30**!"
+seek_msg: '`➿` | ข้ามไปยัง `%{duration}`'
+seek_beyond: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่สามารถข้าม/ย้อน เกินความยาวของเพลงได้!'
+seek_invalid: '`⚠️` | ข้าม/ย้อนเพลงไม่ได้! ลองใช้ตัวเลขให้ถูกต้อง อย่างเช่น: **1:30**!'
 ### Shuffle command!
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 คิวเพลงได้ถูก **สุ่มเรียบร้อย**!"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 คิวเพลงได้ถูก **สุ่มเรียบร้อย**!'
 ### Skip command!
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | เพลงได้ถูก **ข้ามแล้ว**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | ไม่มีเพลงให้ข้าม!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | เพลงได้ถูก **ข้ามแล้ว**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | ไม่มีเพลงให้ข้าม!'
 ### Volume command!
-volume_msg: "`🔊` | ระดับเสียงถูกเปลี่ยนเป็น **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | ท่านสามารถตั้งระดับเสียงได้แค่  **1** ถึง **100** เท่านั้น!"
+volume_msg: '`🔊` | ระดับเสียงถูกเปลี่ยนเป็น **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | ท่านสามารถตั้งระดับเสียงได้แค่  **1** ถึง **100** เท่านั้น!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-insert_desc: "`➕` | แทรกเพลง **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-insert_already: "`⚠️` | ผมไม่สามารถสอดเพลงแทรกเพลงเดิมที่กำลังเล่นอยู่ในขณะนี้ได้!"
-insert_notfound: "`⚠️` | หาเพลงที่จะแทรกไม่เจอ!"
\ No newline at end of file
+insert_desc: '`➕` | แทรกเพลง **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+insert_already: '`⚠️` | ผมไม่สามารถสอดเพลงแทรกเพลงเดิมที่กำลังเล่นอยู่ในขณะนี้ได้!'
+insert_notfound: '`⚠️` | หาเพลงที่จะแทรกไม่เจอ!'
diff --git a/languages/th/command.playlist.yaml b/languages/th/command.playlist.yaml
index 81cf3f1a..4434e5ac 100644
--- a/languages/th/command.playlist.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/command.playlist.yaml
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
 ### Create command!
-create_created: "`💿` | สร้างเพลย์ลิสต์ **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`"
-create_toolong: "`⚠️` | ชื่อของเพลย์ลิสต์ยาวเกิน **16 ตัวอักษรไม่ได้**!"
-des_toolong: "`⚠️` | คำอธิบายของเพลย์ลิสต์ของท่านจะเกิน **1000 ตัวอักษรไม่ได้**!"
-create_limit_playlist: "`⚠️` | คุณสร้างเพลย์ลิสต์ไม่เกิน **%{limit} เพลย์ลิสต์**!"
+create_created: '`💿` | สร้างเพลย์ลิสต์ **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`'
+create_toolong: '`⚠️` | ชื่อของเพลย์ลิสต์ยาวเกิน **16 ตัวอักษรไม่ได้**!'
+des_toolong: '`⚠️` | คำอธิบายของเพลย์ลิสต์ของท่านจะเกิน **1000 ตัวอักษรไม่ได้**!'
+create_limit_playlist: '`⚠️` | คุณสร้างเพลย์ลิสต์ไม่เกิน **%{limit} เพลย์ลิสต์**!'
 ### Add command!
-add_track: "`🔍` | ค้นหาเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_playlist: "`🔍` | ค้นหาเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Songs**) • %{user}"
-add_search: "`🔍` | ค้นหาเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_added: "`➕` | เพิ่มเพลง **%{count} เพลง** เข้าเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{playlist}`"
-add_match: "`⚠️` | ได้โปรดระบุชื่อเพลงหรือลิ้งค์เพลงที่ถูกต้อง!"
-add_owner: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!"
-add_limit_track: "`⚠️` | คุณเพิ่มเพลงใส่เพลย์ลิสต์ได้ไม่เกิน **%{limit} เพลง**!"
+add_track: '`🔍` | ค้นหาเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_playlist: '`🔍` | ค้นหาเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Songs**) • %{user}'
+add_search: '`🔍` | ค้นหาเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_added: '`➕` | เพิ่มเพลง **%{count} เพลง** เข้าเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{playlist}`'
+add_match: '`⚠️` | ได้โปรดระบุชื่อเพลงหรือลิ้งค์เพลงที่ถูกต้อง!'
+add_owner: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!'
+add_limit_track: '`⚠️` | คุณเพิ่มเพลงใส่เพลย์ลิสต์ได้ไม่เกิน **%{limit} เพลง**!'
 ### Delete command!
-delete_confirm: "`❓` | ท่านต้องการลบเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{playlist_id} จริงหรอ?`"
-delete_deleted: "`❌` | ลบเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{name}`"
-delete_notfound: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!"
-delete_no: "`⚠️` | ยกเลิก **การลบเพลย์ลิสต์แล้ว**!"
-delete_owner: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!"
+delete_confirm: '`❓` | ท่านต้องการลบเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{playlist_id} จริงหรอ?`'
+delete_deleted: '`❌` | ลบเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{name}`'
+delete_notfound: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!'
+delete_no: '`⚠️` | ยกเลิก **การลบเพลย์ลิสต์แล้ว**!'
+delete_owner: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!'
 ### Detail command!
-detail_private: "`🔒` | เพลย์ลิสต์นี้เป็น **ส่วนตัวอยู่**!"
-detail_embed_title: "%{name}"
-detail_embed_footer: "หน้าที่ • %{page}/%{pages} | เพลง • %{songs} | ความยาวทั้งหมด • %{duration}"
-detail_track: "%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • ช่อง: **%{author}**"
-detail_notfound: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!"
-detail_notnumber: "`⚠️` | หน้าต้องเป็นตัวเลขเท่านั้น!"
-detail_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้น ที่ใช้ได้**!"
+detail_private: '`🔒` | เพลย์ลิสต์นี้เป็น **ส่วนตัวอยู่**!'
+detail_embed_title: '%{name}'
+detail_embed_footer: 'หน้าที่ • %{page}/%{pages} | เพลง • %{songs} | ความยาวทั้งหมด • %{duration}'
+detail_track: '%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • ช่อง: **%{author}**'
+detail_notfound: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!'
+detail_notnumber: '`⚠️` | หน้าต้องเป็นตัวเลขเท่านั้น!'
+detail_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้น ที่ใช้ได้**!'
 ### Import command!
-import_private: "`🔒` | เพลย์ลิสต์นี้เป็น **ส่วนตัวอยู่**"
-import_imported: "`💿` | เพิ่มเพลย์ลิสต์ **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} เพลง**) • %{user}"
-import_voice: "`⚠️` | ท่านต้องเข้าช่องเสียงเท่านั้น ถึงจะใช้คำสั่งนี้ได้!"
-import_empty: "`⚠️` | เพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้ **ไม่มีเพลงอะไรเลย**!"
+import_private: '`🔒` | เพลย์ลิสต์นี้เป็น **ส่วนตัวอยู่**'
+import_imported: '`💿` | เพิ่มเพลย์ลิสต์ **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} เพลง**) • %{user}'
+import_voice: '`⚠️` | ท่านต้องเข้าช่องเสียงเท่านั้น ถึงจะใช้คำสั่งนี้ได้!'
+import_empty: '`⚠️` | เพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้ **ไม่มีเพลงอะไรเลย**!'
 ### All command!
-view_embed_title: "%{user}"
-view_embed_footer: "หน้าที่ • %{page}/%{pages} | เพลย์ลิสต์ • %{songs}"
-view_embed_playlist: "%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} เพลง**) • สร้างเมื่อ: `[%{create} ago]`"
-view_notnumber: "`⚠️` | หน้าต้องเป็นตัวเลขเท่านั้น!"
-view_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้น ที่ใช้ได้**!"
+view_embed_title: '%{user}'
+view_embed_footer: 'หน้าที่ • %{page}/%{pages} | เพลย์ลิสต์ • %{songs}'
+view_embed_playlist: '%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} เพลง**) • สร้างเมื่อ: `[%{create} ago]`'
+view_notnumber: '`⚠️` | หน้าต้องเป็นตัวเลขเท่านั้น!'
+view_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้น ที่ใช้ได้**!'
 ### Remove command!
-remove_removed: "`➖` | ลบเพลง **ตำแหน่งที่ %{position}** ในเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{name}`"
-remove_notfound: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!"
-remove_song_notfound: "`⚠️` | หาเพลงบ่เจอ!"
-remove_owner: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!"
+remove_removed: '`➖` | ลบเพลง **ตำแหน่งที่ %{position}** ในเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{name}`'
+remove_notfound: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!'
+remove_song_notfound: '`⚠️` | หาเพลงบ่เจอ!'
+remove_owner: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!'
 ### SaveQueue command!
-savequeue_saved: "`✅` | บันทึก **%{tracks} เพลง** ลงในเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{name}`"
-savequeue_notfound: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!"
-savequeue_owner: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!"
-savequeue_no_new_saved: "`⚠️` | มีเพลงนี้อยู่ในเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{name}`"
-savequeue_no_tracks: "`⚠️` | ไม่มีเพลงที่กำลังเล่นอยู่!"
+savequeue_saved: '`✅` | บันทึก **%{tracks} เพลง** ลงในเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{name}`'
+savequeue_notfound: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!'
+savequeue_owner: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!'
+savequeue_no_new_saved: '`⚠️` | มีเพลงนี้อยู่ในเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{name}`'
+savequeue_no_tracks: '`⚠️` | ไม่มีเพลงที่กำลังเล่นอยู่!'
 ### Info Command!
-info_id: "`🆔` | ไอดี:"
-info_total: "`🎵` | เพลงทั้งหมด:"
-info_created: "`📅` | สร้างเมื่อ:"
-info_private: "`👀` | การเปิดให้มองเห็นเป็น:"
-info_owner: "`👑` | เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์:"
-info_des: "`💬` | คำอธิบาย:"
-no_des: "ไม่มีคำอธิบายที่เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์แจ้งไว้!"
-public: "สาธารณะ"
-private: "ส่วนตัว"
-invalid: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!"
+info_id: '`🆔` | ไอดี:'
+info_total: '`🎵` | เพลงทั้งหมด:'
+info_created: '`📅` | สร้างเมื่อ:'
+info_private: '`👀` | การเปิดให้มองเห็นเป็น:'
+info_owner: '`👑` | เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์:'
+info_des: '`💬` | คำอธิบาย:'
+no_des: 'ไม่มีคำอธิบายที่เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์แจ้งไว้!'
+public: 'สาธารณะ'
+private: 'ส่วนตัว'
+invalid: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!'
 ### Editor command!
-edit_playlist_id_label: "กรอก **ไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่ของคุณ**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-edit_playlist_name_label: "กรอก **ชื่อเพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่ของคุณ**!"
-edit_playlist_des_label: "กรอก **คำอธิบายเพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่ของคุณ**!"
-edit_playlist_private_label: "กรอกว่า **จะให้เพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่เปิดการมองเห็นเป็น**! `[public/private]`"
-edit_success: "`✅` | ดำเนินการแก้ไขเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{playlistId}`เสร็จสิ้น!"
-edit_arg: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!"
-edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!"
-edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!"
-edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | กรุณากรอกไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ที่ใช้ได้และไม่ซ้ำกับไอดพเพลย์ลิสต์อันอื่น!"
-edit_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | ตั้งค่าการเปิดการมองเห็นไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาเลือก  **public** หรือ **private**!"
+edit_playlist_id_label: 'กรอก **ไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่ของคุณ**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+edit_playlist_name_label: 'กรอก **ชื่อเพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่ของคุณ**!'
+edit_playlist_des_label: 'กรอก **คำอธิบายเพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่ของคุณ**!'
+edit_playlist_private_label: 'กรอกว่า **จะให้เพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่เปิดการมองเห็นเป็น**! `[public/private]`'
+edit_success: '`✅` | ดำเนินการแก้ไขเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{playlistId}`เสร็จสิ้น!'
+edit_arg: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!'
+edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!'
+edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!'
+edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | กรุณากรอกไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ที่ใช้ได้และไม่ซ้ำกับไอดพเพลย์ลิสต์อันอื่น!'
+edit_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | ตั้งค่าการเปิดการมองเห็นไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาเลือก  **public** หรือ **private**!'
 ### Editor interaction!
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: "ไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: "ชื่อเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: "คำอธิบายเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: "ปรับการเปิดการมองเห็นใหม่เป็น"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: "กรอก **ไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่ของคุณ**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: "กรอก **ชื่อเพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่ของคุณ**!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: "กรอก **คำอธิบายเพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่ของคุณ**!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: "กรอกว่า **จะให้เพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่เปิดการมองเห็นเป็น**! `[public/private]]`"
-ineraction_edit_success: "`✅` | ดำเนินการแก้ไขเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{playlistId}`เสร็จสิ้น!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_error: "`⚠️` | เกิดข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่าง กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง!"
-ineraction_edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!"
-ineraction_edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | กรุณากรอกไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ที่ใช้ได้และไม่ซ้ำกับไอดพเพลย์ลิสต์อันอื่น!"
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: 'ไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: 'ชื่อเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: 'คำอธิบายเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: 'ปรับการเปิดการมองเห็นใหม่เป็น'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: 'กรอก **ไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์อันใหม่ของคุณ**! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: 'กรอก **ชื่อเพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่ของคุณ**!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: 'กรอก **คำอธิบายเพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่ของคุณ**!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: 'กรอกว่า **จะให้เพลย์ลิสต์ใหม่เปิดการมองเห็นเป็น**! `[public/private]]`'
+ineraction_edit_success: '`✅` | ดำเนินการแก้ไขเพลย์ลิสต์ `%{playlistId}`เสร็จสิ้น!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_error: '`⚠️` | เกิดข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่าง กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง!'
+ineraction_edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ให้ถูกต้อง!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ใช่ **เจ้าของเพลย์ลิสต์อันนี้**!'
+ineraction_edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | กรุณากรอกไอดีเพลย์ลิสต์ที่ใช้ได้และไม่ซ้ำกับไอดพเพลย์ลิสต์อันอื่น!'
diff --git a/languages/th/command.premium.yaml b/languages/th/command.premium.yaml
index 1446d42d..6302bfb6 100644
--- a/languages/th/command.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/command.premium.yaml
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 ### คำสั่งสร้าง!
-gen_author: "สร้างโค้ดพรีเมี่ยม"
+gen_author: 'สร้างโค้ดพรีเมี่ยม'
 gen_desc: "`🔑` | **สร้างโค้ดสำเร็จ** `[%{codes_length}]`\n```%{codes}```\n`💰` | **แผน:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **หมดอายุวันที่:** %{expires}"
-gen_footer: "ใช้ • %{prefix}redeem <code> เพื่อเปิดใช้พรีเมี่ยม"
+gen_footer: 'ใช้ • %{prefix}redeem <code> เพื่อเปิดใช้พรีเมี่ยม'
 ### คำสั่งโปรไฟล์!
-profile_author: "โปรไฟล์พรีเมี่ยม"
-profile_error_desc: "`⚠️` | ท่าน **%{user}** ไม่ได้เป็นสมาชิกพรีเมี่ยมนะ!"
+profile_author: 'โปรไฟล์พรีเมี่ยม'
+profile_error_desc: '`⚠️` | ท่าน **%{user}** ไม่ได้เป็นสมาชิกพรีเมี่ยมนะ!'
 profile_desc: "`👤` | **ผู้ใช้:** `%{user}`\n`💰` | **แผน:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **หมดอายุวันที่:** %{expires}"
 ### คำสั่งโปรไฟล์เซิร์ฟเวอร์!
-guild_profile_author: "โปรไฟล์เซิร์ฟเวอร์พรีเมี่ยม"
+guild_profile_author: 'โปรไฟล์เซิร์ฟเวอร์พรีเมี่ยม'
 guild_profile_desc: "`👤` | **เซิร์ฟเวอร์:** `%{guild}`\n`💰` | **แผน:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **หมดอายุวันที่:** %{expires}"
 ### คำสั่งแลก!
-redeem_title: "แลกพรีเมี่ยม"
+redeem_title: 'แลกพรีเมี่ยม'
 redeem_desc: "`💰` | **แผน:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **หมดอายุวันที่:** %{expires}"
-redeem_already: "`⚠️` | นายท่านเป็นผู้ใช้ **พรีเมี่ยมอยู่แล้วนะ**!"
-redeem_invalid: "`⚠️` | โค้ดไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง หรือใช้โค้ดที่ถูกต้อง!"
-redeem_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | ระบุระเภทการเปิดใช้งานพรีเมี่ยมไม่ถูกต้องนะ! กรุณาระบุเป็น `guild` หรือ `user` เท่านั้นนะ!"
-redeem_already_guild: "`⚠️` | เซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้มี **พรีเมี่ยม** อยู่แล้วนะ?!"
+redeem_already: '`⚠️` | นายท่านเป็นผู้ใช้ **พรีเมี่ยมอยู่แล้วนะ**!'
+redeem_invalid: '`⚠️` | โค้ดไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง หรือใช้โค้ดที่ถูกต้อง!'
+redeem_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | ระบุระเภทการเปิดใช้งานพรีเมี่ยมไม่ถูกต้องนะ! กรุณาระบุเป็น `guild` หรือ `user` เท่านั้นนะ!'
+redeem_already_guild: '`⚠️` | เซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้มี **พรีเมี่ยม** อยู่แล้วนะ?!'
 ### คำสั่งลบ!
-remove_desc: "`✅` | ลบพรีเมี่ยมออกจาก %{user} เรียบร้อยแล้ว!"
-remove_already: "`⚠️` | %{user} โดนเอาพรีเมี่ยมออกไปแล้ว!"
-remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุ **ชื่อผู้ใข้** หรือ **ไอดีของชื่อผู้ใช้** ที่จะเอาพรีเมี่ยมออกด้วย!"
-remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid} คนนี้ ไม่ใช่**สมาชิกพรีเมี่ยม**นะ!"
+remove_desc: '`✅` | ลบพรีเมี่ยมออกจาก %{user} เรียบร้อยแล้ว!'
+remove_already: '`⚠️` | %{user} โดนเอาพรีเมี่ยมออกไปแล้ว!'
+remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุ **ชื่อผู้ใข้** หรือ **ไอดีของชื่อผู้ใช้** ที่จะเอาพรีเมี่ยมออกด้วย!'
+remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid} คนนี้ ไม่ใช่**สมาชิกพรีเมี่ยม**นะ!'
 ### คำสั่งลบเซิร์ฟเวอร์!
-guild_remove_desc: "`✅` |  ลบพรีเมี่ยมออกจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ %{user} เรียบร้อยแล้ว!"
-guild_remove_already: "`⚠️` | เซิร์ฟเวอร์ %{user} โดนเอาพรีเมี่ยมออกไปแล้ว!"
-guild_remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุ **เซิร์ฟเวอร์ไอดี** ที่จะเอาพรีเมี่ยมออกด้วย!"
-guild_remove_404: "`⚠️` | เซิร์ฟเวอร์ %{userid} นี้ไม่ใช่**เซิร์ฟเวอร์พรีเมี่ยม**นะ!"
+guild_remove_desc: '`✅` |  ลบพรีเมี่ยมออกจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ %{user} เรียบร้อยแล้ว!'
+guild_remove_already: '`⚠️` | เซิร์ฟเวอร์ %{user} โดนเอาพรีเมี่ยมออกไปแล้ว!'
+guild_remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุ **เซิร์ฟเวอร์ไอดี** ที่จะเอาพรีเมี่ยมออกด้วย!'
+guild_remove_404: '`⚠️` | เซิร์ฟเวอร์ %{userid} นี้ไม่ใช่**เซิร์ฟเวอร์พรีเมี่ยม**นะ!'
 ### คำสั่งรายชื่อเซิร์ฟเวอร์
-guild_list_title: "💫 รายชื่อเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่มีพรีเมี่ยม!"
-guild_list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | หน้าต้องระบุแค่ตัวเลขเท่านั้น!"
-guild_list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้นที่หาได้**!"
+guild_list_title: '💫 รายชื่อเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่มีพรีเมี่ยม!'
+guild_list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | หน้าต้องระบุแค่ตัวเลขเท่านั้น!'
+guild_list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้นที่หาได้**!'
 ### คำสั่งรายชื่อผู้ใช้
-list_title: "💫 รายชื่อผู้ใช้ที่มีพรีเมี่ยม"
-list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | หน้าต้องระบุแค่ตัวเลขเท่านั้น!"
-list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้นที่หาได้**!"
+list_title: '💫 รายชื่อผู้ใช้ที่มีพรีเมี่ยม'
+list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | หน้าต้องระบุแค่ตัวเลขเท่านั้น!'
+list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | มีเพียง **%{page} หน้าเท่านั้นที่หาได้**!'
diff --git a/languages/th/command.utils.yaml b/languages/th/command.utils.yaml
index 3e5f5a99..9eeb65f5 100644
--- a/languages/th/command.utils.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/command.utils.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 ### Language command!
-lang_set: "`📙` | ตั้งค่าภาษาเป็น **%{language}**!"
-lang_change: "`📙` | เปลี่ยนภาษาเป็น **%{language}**!"
-lang_perm: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่มีสิทธิ์ในการใช้คำสั่งนี้นะ!"
+lang_set: '`📙` | ตั้งค่าภาษาเป็น **%{language}**!'
+lang_change: '`📙` | เปลี่ยนภาษาเป็น **%{language}**!'
+lang_perm: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่มีสิทธิ์ในการใช้คำสั่งนี้นะ!'
 provide_lang: "`⚠️` | ท่านเปลี่ยนภาษาไม่ถูก บอทมีภาษาแค่:\n`%{languages}`"
 ### Shutdown command!
-restart_msg: "`🔌` | **กำลังปิดบอท**..."
+restart_msg: '`🔌` | **กำลังปิดบอท**...'
 ### Prefix command!
-prefix_set: "`㊙️` | Prefix ถูกตั้งค่าเป็น **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_change: "`㊙️` | Prefix ถูกเปลี่ยนเป็น **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_arg: "`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุ Prefix ที่ใช้ได้เท่านั้น!"
-prefix_length: "`⚠️` | กำหนด Prefix ยาวกว่า **10 ตัวอักษรไม่ได้**!"
+prefix_set: '`㊙️` | Prefix ถูกตั้งค่าเป็น **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_change: '`㊙️` | Prefix ถูกเปลี่ยนเป็น **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_arg: '`⚠️` | กรุณาระบุ Prefix ที่ใช้ได้เท่านั้น!'
+prefix_length: '`⚠️` | กำหนด Prefix ยาวกว่า **10 ตัวอักษรไม่ได้**!'
 ### SongNoti command!
-songnoti_set: "`🔔` | แผงปุ่มควบคุมโดนตั้งค่าให้ **%{toggle}** แล้วนะ!"
-songnoti_already: "`⚠️` | แผงปุ่มควบคุมโดนตั้งค่าให้ **%{mode}** อยู่แล้วนะ?!"
+songnoti_set: '`🔔` | แผงปุ่มควบคุมโดนตั้งค่าให้ **%{toggle}** แล้วนะ!'
+songnoti_already: '`⚠️` | แผงปุ่มควบคุมโดนตั้งค่าให้ **%{mode}** อยู่แล้วนะ?!'
 ### 24/7 command!
-247_on: "`✅` | โหมด 24/7 ถูก **เปิดใข้งาน** แล้ว!"
-247_off: "`❌` | โหมด 24/7 ถูก **ปิดใช้งาน** แล้ว!"
-247_already: "`⚠️` | โหมด 24/7 เป็น **%{mode}** อยู่แล้ว!"
+247_on: '`✅` | โหมด 24/7 ถูก **เปิดใข้งาน** แล้ว!'
+247_off: '`❌` | โหมด 24/7 ถูก **ปิดใช้งาน** แล้ว!'
+247_already: '`⚠️` | โหมด 24/7 เป็น **%{mode}** อยู่แล้ว!'
 ### Setup command!
 setup_msg: "**`⚙️` | สร้างห้องสั่งเพลงเรียบร้อย** %{channel}\n```Note: ได้โปรดอย่าลบข้อความบอทใดๆ ในห้องสั่งเพลงเพื่อประสิทธิภาพการใช้งานที่ดีที่สุดเด้อ!```"
-setup_deleted: "**`⚙️` | ลบห้องเพลงเรียบร้อย!**"
+setup_deleted: '**`⚙️` | ลบห้องเพลงเรียบร้อย!**'
 setup_topic: "⏹ **หยุดเพลง**\n⏮️ **เล่นเพลงก่อนหน้า**\n⏯ **หยุดเพลงชั่วคราว/เล่นเพลงต่อ**\n⏭️ **ข้ามเพลง**\n🔁 **วนเพลง/เลิกวนเพลง**"
-setup_enable: "`⚠️` | มีห้องสั่งเพลงอยู่ในเซิร์ฟนี้แล้วเด้อ!"
-setup_null: "`⚠️` | หาห้องสั่งเพลงบ่เจอ!"
+setup_enable: '`⚠️` | มีห้องสั่งเพลงอยู่ในเซิร์ฟนี้แล้วเด้อ!'
+setup_null: '`⚠️` | หาห้องสั่งเพลงบ่เจอ!'
diff --git a/languages/th/error.yaml b/languages/th/error.yaml
index a8bde24f..04f82a1d 100644
--- a/languages/th/error.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/error.yaml
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
 # Invalid Number
-number_invalid: "`⚠️` | โปรดระบุจำนวนตัวเลขด้วย!"
+number_invalid: '`⚠️` | โปรดระบุจำนวนตัวเลขด้วย!'
 # Execute when invalid
-no_node: "`⚠️` | หาเซิร์ฟเวอร์ lavalink ไม่เจอ โปรดรอก่อนสักประมาณ **5 นาที** นะ!"
+no_node: '`⚠️` | หาเซิร์ฟเวอร์ lavalink ไม่เจอ โปรดรอก่อนสักประมาณ **5 นาที** นะ!'
 # No song is currently playing!
-no_player: "`⚠️` | ไม่มีเพลงอะไรเล่นอยู่ในขณะนี้!"
+no_player: '`⚠️` | ไม่มีเพลงอะไรเล่นอยู่ในขณะนี้!'
 # Need to join voice & same voice to use command!
-no_in_voice: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ได้อยู่ในห้องเสียง!"
-no_same_voice: "`⚠️` | โทษที! ท่านไม่ได้อยู่ช่องเสียงที่เดียวกันบอท!"
+no_in_voice: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ได้อยู่ในห้องเสียง!'
+no_same_voice: '`⚠️` | โทษที! ท่านไม่ได้อยู่ช่องเสียงที่เดียวกันบอท!'
 # No permission!
-no_perms: "`⚠️` | คุณไม่มีสิทธิ์ **%{perm}** ในการใช้คำสั่งอันนี้!"
-no_perms_channel: "`⚠️` | คุณไม่มีสิทธิ์ **%{perm}** ในห้องแชท <#%{channel}> ในการใช้คำสั่งอันนี้!"
+no_perms: '`⚠️` | คุณไม่มีสิทธิ์ **%{perm}** ในการใช้คำสั่งอันนี้!'
+no_perms_channel: '`⚠️` | คุณไม่มีสิทธิ์ **%{perm}** ในห้องแชท <#%{channel}> ในการใช้คำสั่งอันนี้!'
 # Getting error!
-unexpected_error: "`⚠️` | มีบางอย่างผิดพลาด ได้โปรดลองใหม่อีกครั้งภายหลัง!"
+unexpected_error: '`⚠️` | มีบางอย่างผิดพลาด ได้โปรดลองใหม่อีกครั้งภายหลัง!'
 # Client owner!
-owner_only: "`⚠️` | นายท่าน **ไม่ใช่เจ้าของบอท**!"
+owner_only: '`⚠️` | นายท่าน **ไม่ใช่เจ้าของบอท**!'
 # No premium Event!
-no_premium_author: "พรีเมี่ยม"
-no_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | นายท่านไม่มีพรีเมี่ยม ไม่สามารถใช้ได้นะ"
-no_guild_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | เซิร์ฟเวอร์ของนายท่านไม่มีพรีเมี่ยม ไม่สามารถใช้ได้นะ!"
+no_premium_author: 'พรีเมี่ยม'
+no_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | นายท่านไม่มีพรีเมี่ยม ไม่สามารถใช้ได้นะ'
+no_guild_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | เซิร์ฟเวอร์ของนายท่านไม่มีพรีเมี่ยม ไม่สามารถใช้ได้นะ!'
 # Rate limit!
-ratelimit: "`⚠️` | แหม่ ร้อนแรงไปนะเนี่ย พักก่อนะ ได้โปรดรอสัก **%{time} วินาที**!"
+ratelimit: '`⚠️` | แหม่ ร้อนแรงไปนะเนี่ย พักก่อนะ ได้โปรดรอสัก **%{time} วินาที**!'
 # Missing args
-arg_error: "`⚠️` | อาร์กิวเมนต์ไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดใช้  %{text}"
+arg_error: '`⚠️` | อาร์กิวเมนต์ไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดใช้  %{text}'
 # error
-topgg_error_author: "❌ | เกิดข้อผิดพลาดของ"
-topgg_error_desc: "เกิดเหตุขัดข้องระหว่างเช็คโหวตของท่านใน, อาจจะเป็นเพราะ กำลังล่มอยู่ก็ได้นะ ค่อยมาโหวตใหม่อีกทีในอีก 5-10 นาทีนะ!."
-topgg_vote_author: "❌ | ท่านยังไม่ได้โหวตเลย!!"
-topgg_vote_desc: "เพื่อที่จะใช้คำสั่งนี้ ท่านจะต้องโหวตให้บอทก่อนนะ!"
-topgg_vote_button: "กดตรงนี้เพื่อโหวต!!"
\ No newline at end of file
+topgg_error_author: '❌ | เกิดข้อผิดพลาดของ'
+topgg_error_desc: 'เกิดเหตุขัดข้องระหว่างเช็คโหวตของท่านใน, อาจจะเป็นเพราะ กำลังล่มอยู่ก็ได้นะ ค่อยมาโหวตใหม่อีกทีในอีก 5-10 นาทีนะ!.'
+topgg_vote_author: '❌ | ท่านยังไม่ได้โหวตเลย!!'
+topgg_vote_desc: 'เพื่อที่จะใช้คำสั่งนี้ ท่านจะต้องโหวตให้บอทก่อนนะ!'
+topgg_vote_button: 'กดตรงนี้เพื่อโหวต!!'
diff --git a/languages/th/event.guild.yaml b/languages/th/event.guild.yaml
index 2af4c806..894fa746 100644
--- a/languages/th/event.guild.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/event.guild.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-joined_title: "📥 บอทโดนเชิญเข้าเซิร์ฟเวอร์แล้ว!"
-leave_title: "📥 บอทโดนออกจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์แล้ว!"
-guild_name: "ชื่อเซิร์ฟ"
-guild_id: "ไอดี"
-guild_owner: "เจ้าของเซิร์ฟคือ"
-guild_member_count: "มีสมาชิกทั้งหมด"
-guild_creation_date: "เซิร์ฟสร้างเมื่อวันที่"
-current_server_count: "ในขณะนี้มีจำนวนเซิร์ฟทั้งหมด"
-join_dm_title: "ขอขอบคุณที่เชิญบอทเพลง %{username}นะ ขอให้บอทตัวนี้เป็นบอทตัวโปรดของนายท่าน!"
+joined_title: '📥 บอทโดนเชิญเข้าเซิร์ฟเวอร์แล้ว!'
+leave_title: '📥 บอทโดนออกจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์แล้ว!'
+guild_name: 'ชื่อเซิร์ฟ'
+guild_id: 'ไอดี'
+guild_owner: 'เจ้าของเซิร์ฟคือ'
+guild_member_count: 'มีสมาชิกทั้งหมด'
+guild_creation_date: 'เซิร์ฟสร้างเมื่อวันที่'
+current_server_count: 'ในขณะนี้มีจำนวนเซิร์ฟทั้งหมด'
+join_dm_title: 'ขอขอบคุณที่เชิญบอทเพลง %{username}นะ ขอให้บอทตัวนี้เป็นบอทตัวโปรดของนายท่าน!'
diff --git a/languages/th/event.message.yaml b/languages/th/event.message.yaml
index 100fa030..026b334b 100644
--- a/languages/th/event.message.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/event.message.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ### Help command!
-intro1: "・**%{bot}** บอทคุณภาพดีเริ่ดพร้อมกับคำสั่งคุณภาพอีกมากมาย!"
-intro2: "・สนับสนุนโดย **RainyXeon**"
-intro3: "・พันธมิตรกับ **1sT - Services**"
-prefix: "・**Prefix ของบอทคือ:** %{prefix}"
-ver: "・**ตอนนี้บอทเวอร์ชั่น:** `%{botver}`"
-djs: "・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`"
-lavalink: "・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`"
-help1: "・**เริ่มต้นการใช้งานโดย:** %{help}"
-help2: "・**วิธีเอาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมโดย:** %{botinfo}"
-wel: "👋 ยินดีต้อนรับสู่บอท %{bot}"
-codename: "・**Codename:** `%{codename}`"
+intro1: '・**%{bot}** บอทคุณภาพดีเริ่ดพร้อมกับคำสั่งคุณภาพอีกมากมาย!'
+intro2: '・สนับสนุนโดย **RainyXeon**'
+intro3: '・พันธมิตรกับ **1sT - Services**'
+prefix: '・**Prefix ของบอทคือ:** %{prefix}'
+ver: '・**ตอนนี้บอทเวอร์ชั่น:** `%{botver}`'
+djs: '・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`'
+lavalink: '・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`'
+help1: '・**เริ่มต้นการใช้งานโดย:** %{help}'
+help2: '・**วิธีเอาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมโดย:** %{botinfo}'
+wel: '👋 ยินดีต้อนรับสู่บอท %{bot}'
+codename: '・**Codename:** `%{codename}`'
diff --git a/languages/th/event.player.yaml b/languages/th/event.player.yaml
index cf0d2ad4..84680033 100644
--- a/languages/th/event.player.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/event.player.yaml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 ### Playing event!
-track_title: "กำลังเล่นเพลง"
-track_icon: ""
-author_title: "`✒️` | ช่อง:"
-request_title: "`👤` | คนสั่งการ:"
-volume_title: "`🔊` | ระดับเสียง:"
-queue_title: "`💾` | ความยาวคิว:"
-duration_title: "`🕒` | ระยะเวลา:"
-total_duration_title: "`🕰️` | ระยะเวลาทั้งหมด:"
-download_title: "`⬇️` | ดาวน์โหลด:"
+track_title: 'กำลังเล่นเพลง'
+track_icon: ''
+author_title: '`✒️` | ช่อง:'
+request_title: '`👤` | คนสั่งการ:'
+volume_title: '`🔊` | ระดับเสียง:'
+queue_title: '`💾` | ความยาวคิว:'
+duration_title: '`🕒` | ระยะเวลา:'
+total_duration_title: '`🕰️` | ระยะเวลาทั้งหมด:'
+download_title: '`⬇️` | ดาวน์โหลด:'
 ### Same voice!
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ได้อยู่ช่องเสียงเดียวกันกับที่ผมอยู่!"
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | ท่านไม่ได้อยู่ช่องเสียงเดียวกันกับที่ผมอยู่!'
 ### QueueEnd event!
-queue_end_desc: "`🔚` | เพลงได้ **เล่นจบแล้ว**!"
+queue_end_desc: '`🔚` | เพลงได้ **เล่นจบแล้ว**!'
 ### Song error!
-error_desc: "`⚠️` | เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในระหว่างการเล่นเพลง กำลัง **ข้ามเพลงอัตโนมัติ**!"
+error_desc: '`⚠️` | เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในระหว่างการเล่นเพลง กำลัง **ข้ามเพลงอัตโนมัติ**!'
 ### Auto function!
-player_end: "`🛑` | บอทขอออกจากช่องเสียง <#%{leave}> เพราะว่าไม่มีใครอยู่เป็นเพื่อนในช่องเสียงเลย!"
-leave_pause: "`⏸️` | เพลงถูกหยุดเล่นชั่วคราว เพราะทุกคนออกสายช่องเสียงหมด!"
-leave_resume: "`▶️` | เพลงถูกเล่นต่อ เพราะมีคนกลับเข้ามาในสายต่อแล้ว!"
+player_end: '`🛑` | บอทขอออกจากช่องเสียง <#%{leave}> เพราะว่าไม่มีใครอยู่เป็นเพื่อนในช่องเสียงเลย!'
+leave_pause: '`⏸️` | เพลงถูกหยุดเล่นชั่วคราว เพราะทุกคนออกสายช่องเสียงหมด!'
+leave_resume: '`▶️` | เพลงถูกเล่นต่อ เพราะมีคนกลับเข้ามาในสายต่อแล้ว!'
diff --git a/languages/th/event.premium.yaml b/languages/th/event.premium.yaml
index 5044fe12..45c38333 100644
--- a/languages/th/event.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/event.premium.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-display_name: "ชื่อ"
-username: "ชื่อผู้ใช้"
-createdAt: "สร้างวันที่"
-redeemedAt: "ถูกใช้งานวันที่"
-expiresAt: "หมดอายุวันที่"
-plan: "แผน"
-title: "💫 ลงทะเบียนสมาชิกพรีเมี่ยมคนใหม่สำเร็จแล้ว!!"
-guild_title: "💫 ลงทะเบียนพรีเมี่ยมสำหรับเซิร์ฟเวอร์สำเร็จแล้ว!!"
\ No newline at end of file
+display_name: 'ชื่อ'
+username: 'ชื่อผู้ใช้'
+createdAt: 'สร้างวันที่'
+redeemedAt: 'ถูกใช้งานวันที่'
+expiresAt: 'หมดอายุวันที่'
+plan: 'แผน'
+title: '💫 ลงทะเบียนสมาชิกพรีเมี่ยมคนใหม่สำเร็จแล้ว!!'
+guild_title: '💫 ลงทะเบียนพรีเมี่ยมสำหรับเซิร์ฟเวอร์สำเร็จแล้ว!!'
diff --git a/languages/th/event.setup.yaml b/languages/th/event.setup.yaml
index 476f1314..de81d988 100644
--- a/languages/th/event.setup.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/event.setup.yaml
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 ### Setup handler!
-setup_queuemsg: "เข้าห้องเสียงและเริ่มเล่นเพลงผ่านการส่งลิ้งค์เพลงหรือพิมพ์ชื่อเพลงได้เลย!"
-setup_playembed_author: "ตอนนี้ยังไม่มีเพลงไหนให้เล่นอยู่"
+setup_queuemsg: 'เข้าห้องเสียงและเริ่มเล่นเพลงผ่านการส่งลิ้งค์เพลงหรือพิมพ์ชื่อเพลงได้เลย!'
+setup_playembed_author: 'ตอนนี้ยังไม่มีเพลงไหนให้เล่นอยู่'
 ### Update handler!
-setup_author: "กำลังเล่นเพลง"
-setup_author_icon: ""
-setup_desc: "**%{title}** `[%{duration}]`"
-setup_footer: "ระดับเสียง • %{volume}% | ความยาวทั้งหมด • %{duration}"
-setup_content: "**__คิวเพลง:__**"
-setup_content_queue: "`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_content_empty: "เข้าห้องเสียงและเริ่มเล่นเพลงผ่านการส่งลิ้งค์เพลงหรือพิมพ์ชื่อเพลงได้เลย!"
+setup_author: 'กำลังเล่นเพลง'
+setup_author_icon: ''
+setup_desc: '**%{title}** `[%{duration}]`'
+setup_footer: 'ระดับเสียง • %{volume}% | ความยาวทั้งหมด • %{duration}'
+setup_content: '**__คิวเพลง:__**'
+setup_content_queue: '`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_content_empty: 'เข้าห้องเสียงและเริ่มเล่นเพลงผ่านการส่งลิ้งค์เพลงหรือพิมพ์ชื่อเพลงได้เลย!'
 ### Status command!
-status_create: "**`📊` | สร้างห้องสั่งเพลงแล้ว!**"
-status_delete: "**`📊` | ลบห้องสั่งเพลงแล้ว!**"
-status_enable: "`⚠️` | มีห้องสั่งเพลงอยู่แล้วน้าา!"
-status_null: "`⚠️` | ไม่พบห้องสั่งเพลงนะ?!"
+status_create: '**`📊` | สร้างห้องสั่งเพลงแล้ว!**'
+status_delete: '**`📊` | ลบห้องสั่งเพลงแล้ว!**'
+status_enable: '`⚠️` | มีห้องสั่งเพลงอยู่แล้วน้าา!'
+status_null: '`⚠️` | ไม่พบห้องสั่งเพลงนะ?!'
 # Play!
-play_track: "`💾` | คิวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | คืวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | คิวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | ได้โปรดระบุชื่อเพลงหรือลิ้งค์เพลงที่ถูกต้อง!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | ค้นหาเพลงไม่เจอ!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | ท่านจะค้นหาเพลงด้วยอิโมจิไม่ได้!"
+play_track: '`💾` | คิวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | คืวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | คิวเพลง **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | ได้โปรดระบุชื่อเพลงหรือลิ้งค์เพลงที่ถูกต้อง!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | ค้นหาเพลงไม่เจอ!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | ท่านจะค้นหาเพลงด้วยอิโมจิไม่ได้!'
diff --git a/languages/th/global.yaml b/languages/th/global.yaml
index dea4c0bb..464290c5 100644
--- a/languages/th/global.yaml
+++ b/languages/th/global.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # Mode
-enable: "เปิดใข้งาน"
-disable: "ปิดใช้งาน"
\ No newline at end of file
+enable: 'เปิดใข้งาน'
+disable: 'ปิดใช้งาน'
diff --git a/languages/vi/ b/languages/vi/
index b7d8258e..f87f763c 100644
--- a/languages/vi/
+++ b/languages/vi/
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Hiện đang chơi:\n**%{track}** `[%{duration}]` • %{requester}\n\n`💤` | Hàng chờ:**%{list_song}**"
-queue_footer: "Trang • %{page}/%{pages} | Tổng số bài hát • %{queue_lang} | Tổng thời lượng • %{total_duration}"
+queue_footer: 'Trang • %{page}/%{pages} | Tổng số bài hát • %{queue_lang} | Tổng thời lượng • %{total_duration}'
 # Pause
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | Đã tạm dừng **bài hát**!"
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | Đã tiếp tục lại **bài hát**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | Đã tạm dừng **bài hát**!'
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | Đã tiếp tục lại **bài hát**!'
 # Skip
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | Đã bỏ qua **bài hát**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | Không có bài hát để bỏ qua!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | Đã bỏ qua **bài hát**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | Không có bài hát để bỏ qua!'
 # Stop
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | Đã dừng **bài hát**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | Đã dừng **bài hát**!'
 # Volume
-volup_msg: "`🔊` | Đã tăng âm lượng lên **%{volume}%**"
-voldown_msg: "`🔉` | Đã giảm âm lượng xuống **%{volume}%**"
-volume_max: "`⚠️` | Bot đã ở mức âm lượng cao nhất!"
-volume_min: "`⚠️` | Bot đã ở mức âm lượng thấp nhất!"
+volup_msg: '`🔊` | Đã tăng âm lượng lên **%{volume}%**'
+voldown_msg: '`🔉` | Đã giảm âm lượng xuống **%{volume}%**'
+volume_max: '`⚠️` | Bot đã ở mức âm lượng cao nhất!'
+volume_min: '`⚠️` | Bot đã ở mức âm lượng thấp nhất!'
 # Clear
-clear_msg: "`🗑️` | Đã xóa toàn bộ **danh sách phát**!"
+clear_msg: '`🗑️` | Đã xóa toàn bộ **danh sách phát**!'
 # Loop
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Đã lặp lại **bài hát**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Đã lặp lại **danh sách phát**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | Đã tắt chế độ **lặp lại**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Chế độ lặp lại không hợp lệ. Vui lòng chỉ nhập %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | Chế độ lặp lại đã được chuyển thành **%{mode}** trước đó!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Đã lặp lại **bài hát**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Đã lặp lại **danh sách phát**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | Đã tắt chế độ **lặp lại**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Chế độ lặp lại không hợp lệ. Vui lòng chỉ nhập %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | Chế độ lặp lại đã được chuyển thành **%{mode}** trước đó!'
 # Previous
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | Đã quay trở lại bài hát trước đó!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy bài hát trước đó!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | Đã quay trở lại bài hát trước đó!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy bài hát trước đó!'
 # Shuffle
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Đã xáo trộn danh sách phát"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Đã xáo trộn danh sách phát'
 # Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Filter đã được **đặt lại**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | Filter đã được **đặt lại** trước đó!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | Filter đã được **đặt lại**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | Filter đã được **đặt lại** trước đó!'
 # All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | Filter %{name} đã được **bật**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | Filter %{name} đã ở được bật trước đó!"
\ No newline at end of file
+filter_on: '`✅` | Filter %{name} đã được **bật**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | Filter %{name} đã ở được bật trước đó!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/command.filter.yaml b/languages/vi/command.filter.yaml
index 1c5c1ee2..f67fc4f8 100644
--- a/languages/vi/command.filter.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/command.filter.yaml
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
 ### All filter command!
-filter_on: "`✅` | Filter %{name} đã được **bật**!"
-filter_already: "`⚠️` | Filter %{name} đã ở được bật trước đó!"
-filter_number: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 số hợp lệ!"
-filter_greater: "`⚠️` | Số bạn nhập phải lớn hơn **0**!"
-filter_less: "`⚠️` | Số bạn nhập phải nhỏ hơn **10**!"
+filter_on: '`✅` | Filter %{name} đã được **bật**!'
+filter_already: '`⚠️` | Filter %{name} đã ở được bật trước đó!'
+filter_number: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 số hợp lệ!'
+filter_greater: '`⚠️` | Số bạn nhập phải lớn hơn **0**!'
+filter_less: '`⚠️` | Số bạn nhập phải nhỏ hơn **10**!'
 ### Bassboost command!
-bassboost_set: "`🎚️` | Bassboost đã được đặt ở **%{amount}dB**!"
-bassboost_limit: "`⚠️` | Hạy nhập 1 số từ **-10** đến **10**!"
+bassboost_set: '`🎚️` | Bassboost đã được đặt ở **%{amount}dB**!'
+bassboost_limit: '`⚠️` | Hạy nhập 1 số từ **-10** đến **10**!'
 ### Equalizer command!
-eq_author: "Bộ cân bằng âm thanh"
-eq_icon: ""
-eq_desc: "`🎚️` | Ở đây bot có **14 dải âm** có thể được đặt từ **-10** đến **10**. Không cần phải đặt hết tất cả 14 dải!"
-eq_field_title: "Ví dụ:"
-eq_field_value: "%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0"
-eq_footer: "Đặt lại bộ cân bằng âm thanh • %{prefix}eq reset"
-eq_on: "`🎚️` | Bộ cân bằng âm thanh đã được đặt thành **%{bands}**!"
-eq_number: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 số hợp lệ!"
-eq_greater: "`⚠️` | Số bạn nhập phải lớn hơn **-10**!"
-eq_than: "`⚠️` | Số bạn nhập phải nhỏ hơn **10**!"
+eq_author: 'Bộ cân bằng âm thanh'
+eq_icon: ''
+eq_desc: '`🎚️` | Ở đây bot có **14 dải âm** có thể được đặt từ **-10** đến **10**. Không cần phải đặt hết tất cả 14 dải!'
+eq_field_title: 'Ví dụ:'
+eq_field_value: '%{prefix}eq 2 3 0 8 0 5 0 -5 0 0'
+eq_footer: 'Đặt lại bộ cân bằng âm thanh • %{prefix}eq reset'
+eq_on: '`🎚️` | Bộ cân bằng âm thanh đã được đặt thành **%{bands}**!'
+eq_number: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 số hợp lệ!'
+eq_greater: '`⚠️` | Số bạn nhập phải lớn hơn **-10**!'
+eq_than: '`⚠️` | Số bạn nhập phải nhỏ hơn **10**!'
 ### Pitch command!
-pitch_on: "`🎚️` | Cao độ đã được đặt thành **%{amount}**!"
+pitch_on: '`🎚️` | Cao độ đã được đặt thành **%{amount}**!'
 ### Rate command!
-rate_on: "`🎚️` | Tần số âm thaaanh đã được đặt thành **%{amount}x**!"
+rate_on: '`🎚️` | Tần số âm thaaanh đã được đặt thành **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Speed command!
-speed_on: "`🎚️` | Tốc độ đã được đặt thành **%{amount}x**!"
+speed_on: '`🎚️` | Tốc độ đã được đặt thành **%{amount}x**!'
 ### Reset command!
-reset_on: "`❌` | Filter đã được **đặt lại**!"
-reset_already: "`⚠️` | Filter đã được **đặt lại** trước đó!"
+reset_on: '`❌` | Filter đã được **đặt lại**!'
+reset_already: '`⚠️` | Filter đã được **đặt lại** trước đó!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/ b/languages/vi/
index db28f4c3..6f3c2f3a 100644
--- a/languages/vi/
+++ b/languages/vi/
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
 ### Developer command!
-dev_title: "RainyXeon"
-dev_desc: "Tôi là đứa làm ra con bot này :0"
-dev_foot: "Hãy cân nhắc việc tham gia máy chủ của tôi hoặc mời bot của tôi :) Điều này sẽ giúp tôi rất nhiều!"
+dev_title: 'RainyXeon'
+dev_desc: 'Tôi là đứa làm ra con bot này :0'
+dev_foot: 'Hãy cân nhắc việc tham gia máy chủ của tôi hoặc mời bot của tôi :) Điều này sẽ giúp tôi rất nhiều!'
 ### Invite command!
-inv_title: "✉️ %{username}"
-inv_desc: "Cảm ơn bạn vì đã mời!"
+inv_title: '✉️ %{username}'
+inv_desc: 'Cảm ơn bạn vì đã mời!'
 ### Ping command!
-ping_title: "🏓 "
+ping_title: '🏓 '
 ping_desc: "**Ping:** `%{ping}ms`\n**Tốc độ phản hồi:** `%{response}ms`"
 ### Uptime command!
-uptime_title: "🕒 "
-uptime_desc: "**Đã online được:** `%{uptime}`"
+uptime_title: '🕒 '
+uptime_desc: '**Đã online được:** `%{uptime}`'
 ### Help command!
-ce_finder_name: "**Lệnh:**"
-ce_finder_des: "**Mô tả:**"
-ce_finder_usage: "**Cách dùng:**"
-ce_finder_access: "**Được phép dùng bởi:**"
-ce_finder_aliases: "**Truy cập nhanh:**"
-ce_finder_slash: "**Lệnh slash của discord:**"
-ce_finder_des_no: "Không có mô tả"
-ce_finder_usage_no: "Không có cách dùng cụ thể, điều này có nghĩa là bạn chỉ cần nhập lệnh là được"
-ce_finder_aliases_prefix: " [Chỉ sử dụng ở chế độ lệnh bằng tin nhắn]"
-ce_finder_aliases_no: "Không có cách truy cập nhanh"
-ce_finder_slash_enable: "Đã bật"
-ce_finder_slash_disable: "Đã tắt"
-ce_finder_invalid: "Lệnh không hợp lệ"
-ce_finder_example: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 tên lệnh hợp lệ!"
-ce_name: "Lệnh giúp"
-ce_total: "Tổng số lệnh: "
+ce_finder_name: '**Lệnh:**'
+ce_finder_des: '**Mô tả:**'
+ce_finder_usage: '**Cách dùng:**'
+ce_finder_access: '**Được phép dùng bởi:**'
+ce_finder_aliases: '**Truy cập nhanh:**'
+ce_finder_slash: '**Lệnh slash của discord:**'
+ce_finder_des_no: 'Không có mô tả'
+ce_finder_usage_no: 'Không có cách dùng cụ thể, điều này có nghĩa là bạn chỉ cần nhập lệnh là được'
+ce_finder_aliases_prefix: ' [Chỉ sử dụng ở chế độ lệnh bằng tin nhắn]'
+ce_finder_aliases_no: 'Không có cách truy cập nhanh'
+ce_finder_slash_enable: 'Đã bật'
+ce_finder_slash_disable: 'Đã tắt'
+ce_finder_invalid: 'Lệnh không hợp lệ'
+ce_finder_example: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 tên lệnh hợp lệ!'
+ce_name: 'Lệnh giúp'
+ce_total: 'Tổng số lệnh: '
diff --git a/languages/vi/ b/languages/vi/
index 87cbd69a..8e8df503 100644
--- a/languages/vi/
+++ b/languages/vi/
@@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
 ### Autoplay command!
-autoplay_on: "`✅` | Tính năng tự động phát hiện đã được **Bật**!"
-autoplay_off: "`❌` | Tính năng tự động phát hiện đã được **Đã tắt**!"
+autoplay_on: '`✅` | Tính năng tự động phát hiện đã được **Bật**!'
+autoplay_off: '`❌` | Tính năng tự động phát hiện đã được **Đã tắt**!'
 ### ClearQueue command!
-clearqueue_msg: "`🗑️` | Hàng đợi đã được **Xóa**!"
+clearqueue_msg: '`🗑️` | Hàng đợi đã được **Xóa**!'
 ### Forward command!
-forward_msg: "`⏩` | Đã chuyển tiếp tới `%{duration}`"
-forward_beyond: "`⚠️` | Bài hát sắp kết thúc. Bạn không thể Chuyển tiếp vượt quá nó!"
+forward_msg: '`⏩` | Đã chuyển tiếp tới `%{duration}`'
+forward_beyond: '`⚠️` | Bài hát sắp kết thúc. Bạn không thể Chuyển tiếp vượt quá nó!'
 ### Join command!
-join_msg: "`🔊` | Đã tham gia %{channel}"
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | Bạn cần ở trong kênh thoại để sử dụng lệnh này!"
-join_already: "`⚠️` | Tôi đã ở %{channel}"
+join_msg: '`🔊` | Đã tham gia %{channel}'
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | Bạn cần ở trong kênh thoại để sử dụng lệnh này!'
+join_already: '`⚠️` | Tôi đã ở %{channel}'
 ### Stop command!
-stop_msg: "`⏹️` | Đã dừng **Người chơi**!"
+stop_msg: '`⏹️` | Đã dừng **Người chơi**!'
 ### Loop command!
-loop_current: "`🔁` | Vòng lặp hiện tại **Bài hát**!"
-loop_all: "`🔁` | Đang lặp **Hàng đợi**!"
-unloop_all: "`❌` | Bây giờ là vòng lặp **Đã tắt**!"
-loop_invalid: "`⚠️` | Chế độ vòng lặp không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng %{mode}!"
-loop_already: "`⚠️` | Chế độ vòng lặp đã có **%{mode}**!"
+loop_current: '`🔁` | Vòng lặp hiện tại **Bài hát**!'
+loop_all: '`🔁` | Đang lặp **Hàng đợi**!'
+unloop_all: '`❌` | Bây giờ là vòng lặp **Đã tắt**!'
+loop_invalid: '`⚠️` | Chế độ vòng lặp không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng %{mode}!'
+loop_already: '`⚠️` | Chế độ vòng lặp đã có **%{mode}**!'
 ### Lyrics command!
-lyrics_title: "📜 %{song}"
-lyrics_notfound: "`⚠️` | Lời bài hát không được tìm thấy!"
-lyrics_toolong: "`⚠️` | Lời bài hát quá dài để hiển thị!"
+lyrics_title: '📜 %{song}'
+lyrics_notfound: '`⚠️` | Lời bài hát không được tìm thấy!'
+lyrics_toolong: '`⚠️` | Lời bài hát quá dài để hiển thị!'
 ### Nowplaying command!
-np_icon: ""
-np_title: "Đang phát"
-np_current_duration: "`⏰` | Thời lượng hiện tại: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`"
+np_icon: ''
+np_title: 'Đang phát'
+np_current_duration: '`⏰` | Thời lượng hiện tại: `[%{current_duration} / %{total_duration}]`'
 ### Pause command!
-pause_msg: "`⏸️` | Đã tạm dừng **Người chơi**!"
+pause_msg: '`⏸️` | Đã tạm dừng **Người chơi**!'
 ### Play command!
-play_track: "`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Bài hát**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp tên bài hát hoặc URL hợp lệ!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | Bài hát không được tìm thấy!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | Bạn không thể phát các bài hát bằng biểu tượng cảm xúc!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Bài hát**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp tên bài hát hoặc URL hợp lệ!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | Bài hát không được tìm thấy!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | Bạn không thể phát các bài hát bằng biểu tượng cảm xúc!'
 ### File command!
-file_notfound: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp một tệp hợp lệ!"
-play_invalid_file: "`⚠️` | Loại tệp không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng **mp3** hoặc **ogg**!"
-play_warning_file: "`⚠️` | Tôi không thể phát hiện loại Tệp. Vui lòng sử dụng **mp3** hoặc **ogg**!"
+file_notfound: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp một tệp hợp lệ!'
+play_invalid_file: '`⚠️` | Loại tệp không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng **mp3** hoặc **ogg**!'
+play_warning_file: '`⚠️` | Tôi không thể phát hiện loại Tệp. Vui lòng sử dụng **mp3** hoặc **ogg**!'
 ### Previous command!
-previous_msg: "`⏮️` | Bỏ qua tới phần trước **Bài hát**!"
-previous_notfound: "`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy bài hát trước đó!"
+previous_msg: '`⏮️` | Bỏ qua tới phần trước **Bài hát**!'
+previous_notfound: '`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy bài hát trước đó!'
 ### Queue command!
-queue_author: "💾 %{guild}"
+queue_author: '💾 %{guild}'
 queue_description: "`📀` | Đang phát:\n**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}\n\n`💤` | Phần còn lại của hàng đợi:**%{rest}**"
-queue_footer: "Trang • %{page}/%{pages} | Bài hát • %{queue_lang} | Tổng thời lượng • %{duration}"
-queue_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp số trang hợp lệ!"
-queue_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang**!"
+queue_footer: 'Trang • %{page}/%{pages} | Bài hát • %{queue_lang} | Tổng thời lượng • %{duration}'
+queue_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp số trang hợp lệ!'
+queue_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang**!'
 ### Replay command!
-replay_msg: "`🔄` | Đã phát lại **Bài hát**!"
+replay_msg: '`🔄` | Đã phát lại **Bài hát**!'
 ### Resume command!
-resume_msg: "`▶️` | Đã tiếp tục **Người chơi**!"
+resume_msg: '`▶️` | Đã tiếp tục **Người chơi**!'
 ### Rewind command!
-rewind_msg: "`⏪` | Đã tua lại về `%{duration}`"
-rewind_beyond: "`⚠️` | Bài hát vừa mới bắt đầu. Bạn không thể Tua lại ngoài nó!"
+rewind_msg: '`⏪` | Đã tua lại về `%{duration}`'
+rewind_beyond: '`⚠️` | Bài hát vừa mới bắt đầu. Bạn không thể Tua lại ngoài nó!'
 ### RemoveTrack command!
-removetrack_desc: "`🗑️` | Đã xóa **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-removetrack_already: "`⚠️` | Tôi không thể xóa bài hát đang phát!"
-removetrack_notfound: "`⚠️` | Bài hát không được tìm thấy!"
+removetrack_desc: '`🗑️` | Đã xóa **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+removetrack_already: '`⚠️` | Tôi không thể xóa bài hát đang phát!'
+removetrack_notfound: '`⚠️` | Bài hát không được tìm thấy!'
 ### Seek command!
-seek_msg: "`➿` | Đã tìm kiếm tới `%{duration}`"
-seek_beyond: "`⚠️` | Bạn không thể Tìm kiếm vượt quá thời lượng bài hát!"
-seek_invalid: "`⚠️` | Thời lượng tìm kiếm không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng dấu thời gian hợp lệ. Ví dụ: **1:30**!"
+seek_msg: '`➿` | Đã tìm kiếm tới `%{duration}`'
+seek_beyond: '`⚠️` | Bạn không thể Tìm kiếm vượt quá thời lượng bài hát!'
+seek_invalid: '`⚠️` | Thời lượng tìm kiếm không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng dấu thời gian hợp lệ. Ví dụ: **1:30**!'
 ### Shuffle command!
-shuffle_msg: "🔀 Đã xáo trộn hàng đợi"
+shuffle_msg: '🔀 Đã xáo trộn hàng đợi'
 ### Skip command!
-skip_msg: "`⏭️` | Đã bỏ qua **Bài hát**!"
-skip_notfound: "`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy bài hát nào để Bỏ qua!"
+skip_msg: '`⏭️` | Đã bỏ qua **Bài hát**!'
+skip_notfound: '`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy bài hát nào để Bỏ qua!'
 ### Volume command!
-volume_msg: "`🔊` | Âm lượng đã được đặt thành **%{volume}%**"
-volume_invalid: "`⚠️` | Khối lượng không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng số từ **1** đến **100**!"
+volume_msg: '`🔊` | Âm lượng đã được đặt thành **%{volume}%**'
+volume_invalid: '`⚠️` | Khối lượng không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng số từ **1** đến **100**!'
 ### Insert command!
-insert_desc: "`➕` | Đã chèn nhạc **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-insert_already: "`⚠️` | Tôi không thể chèn vào bài hát đang phát!"
-insert_notfound: "`⚠️` | Bài hát không được tìm thấy!"
+insert_desc: '`➕` | Đã chèn nhạc **%{name}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+insert_already: '`⚠️` | Tôi không thể chèn vào bài hát đang phát!'
+insert_notfound: '`⚠️` | Bài hát không được tìm thấy!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/command.playlist.yaml b/languages/vi/command.playlist.yaml
index b76ad3cf..41765c48 100644
--- a/languages/vi/command.playlist.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/command.playlist.yaml
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
 ### Create command!
-create_created: "`💿` | Đã tạo **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`"
-create_toolong: "`⚠️` | Tên danh sách phát không được dài hơn **16 ký tự**!"
-des_toolong: "`⚠️` | Mô tả danh sách phát không được dài hơn **1000 ký tự**!"
-create_limit_playlist: "`⚠️` | Bạn không thể tạo nhiều hơn **%{limit} Danh sách phát**!"
+create_created: '`💿` | Đã tạo **%{playlist}** • `%{id}`'
+create_toolong: '`⚠️` | Tên danh sách phát không được dài hơn **16 ký tự**!'
+des_toolong: '`⚠️` | Mô tả danh sách phát không được dài hơn **1000 ký tự**!'
+create_limit_playlist: '`⚠️` | Bạn không thể tạo nhiều hơn **%{limit} Danh sách phát**!'
 ### Add command!
-add_track: "`🔍` | Đã tìm kiếm **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_playlist: "`🔍` | Đã tìm kiếm **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Bài hát**) • %{user}"
-add_search: "`🔍` | Đã tìm kiếm **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}"
-add_added: "`➕` | Đã thêm **%{count} Bài hát** vào `%{playlist}`"
-add_match: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp tên bài hát hoặc URL hợp lệ!"
-add_owner: "`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!"
-add_limit_track: "`⚠️` | Bạn không thể thêm nhiều hơn **%{limit} bài hát**!"
+add_track: '`🔍` | Đã tìm kiếm **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_playlist: '`🔍` | Đã tìm kiếm **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{track} Bài hát**) • %{user}'
+add_search: '`🔍` | Đã tìm kiếm **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{user}'
+add_added: '`➕` | Đã thêm **%{count} Bài hát** vào `%{playlist}`'
+add_match: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp tên bài hát hoặc URL hợp lệ!'
+add_owner: '`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!'
+add_limit_track: '`⚠️` | Bạn không thể thêm nhiều hơn **%{limit} bài hát**!'
 ### Delete command!
-delete_confirm: "`❓` | Bạn có muốn xóa `%{playlist_id}`"
-delete_deleted: "`❌` | Đã xóa `%{name}`"
-delete_notfound: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!"
-delete_no: "`⚠️` | Đã hủy **Xóa**!"
-delete_owner: "`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!"
+delete_confirm: '`❓` | Bạn có muốn xóa `%{playlist_id}`'
+delete_deleted: '`❌` | Đã xóa `%{name}`'
+delete_notfound: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!'
+delete_no: '`⚠️` | Đã hủy **Xóa**!'
+delete_owner: '`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!'
 ### Detail command!
-detail_private: "`🔒` | Danh sách phát là **Riêng tư**!"
-detail_embed_title: "%{name}"
-detail_embed_footer: "Trang • %{page}/%{pages} | Bài hát • %{songs} | Tổng thời lượng • %{duration}"
-detail_track: "%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Tác giả: **%{author}**"
-detail_notfound: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!"
-detail_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp số trang hợp lệ!"
-detail_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang**!"
+detail_private: '`🔒` | Danh sách phát là **Riêng tư**!'
+detail_embed_title: '%{name}'
+detail_embed_footer: 'Trang • %{page}/%{pages} | Bài hát • %{songs} | Tổng thời lượng • %{duration}'
+detail_track: '%{num}. **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • Tác giả: **%{author}**'
+detail_notfound: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!'
+detail_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp số trang hợp lệ!'
+detail_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang**!'
 ### Import command!
-import_private: "`🔒` | Danh sách phát là **Riêng tư**!"
-import_imported: "`💿` | Đã nhập **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Bài hát**) • %{user}"
-import_voice: "`⚠️` | Bạn cần ở trong kênh thoại để sử dụng lệnh này!"
-import_empty: "`⚠️` | Danh sách phát **trống**!"
+import_private: '`🔒` | Danh sách phát là **Riêng tư**!'
+import_imported: '`💿` | Đã nhập **%{name}** • `[%{duration}]` • (**%{tracks} Bài hát**) • %{user}'
+import_voice: '`⚠️` | Bạn cần ở trong kênh thoại để sử dụng lệnh này!'
+import_empty: '`⚠️` | Danh sách phát **trống**!'
 ### All command!
-view_embed_title: "%{user}"
-view_embed_footer: "Trang • %{page}/%{pages} | Danh sách phát • %{songs}"
-view_embed_playlist: "%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Bài hát**) • Đã tạo: `[%{create} trước]`"
-view_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp số trang hợp lệ!"
-view_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang**!"
+view_embed_title: '%{user}'
+view_embed_footer: 'Trang • %{page}/%{pages} | Danh sách phát • %{songs}'
+view_embed_playlist: '%{num}. `%{name}` • (**%{tracks} Bài hát**) • Đã tạo: `[%{create} trước]`'
+view_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp số trang hợp lệ!'
+view_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang**!'
 ### Remove command!
-remove_removed: "`➖` | Đã xóa bài hát **%{position} Number** khỏi `%{name}`"
-remove_notfound: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!"
-remove_song_notfound: "`⚠️` | Bài hát không được tìm thấy!"
-remove_owner: "`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!"
+remove_removed: '`➖` | Đã xóa bài hát **%{position} Number** khỏi `%{name}`'
+remove_notfound: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!'
+remove_song_notfound: '`⚠️` | Bài hát không được tìm thấy!'
+remove_owner: '`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!'
 ### SaveQueue command!
-savequeue_saved: "`✅` | Đã lưu **%{tracks} Bài hát** vào `%{name}`"
-savequeue_notfound: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!"
-savequeue_owner: "`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!"
-savequeue_no_new_saved: "`⚠️` | Bài hát đã tồn tại trong `%{name}`"
-savequeue_no_tracks: "`⚠️` | Hiện tại không có bài hát nào đang phát!"
+savequeue_saved: '`✅` | Đã lưu **%{tracks} Bài hát** vào `%{name}`'
+savequeue_notfound: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!'
+savequeue_owner: '`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!'
+savequeue_no_new_saved: '`⚠️` | Bài hát đã tồn tại trong `%{name}`'
+savequeue_no_tracks: '`⚠️` | Hiện tại không có bài hát nào đang phát!'
 ### Info Command!
-info_id: "`🆔` | ID:"
-info_total: "`🎵` | Tổng số bài hát:"
-info_created: "`📅` | Tạo:"
-info_private: "`👀` | Hiển thị:"
-info_owner: "`👑` | Người sở hữu:"
-info_des: "`💬` | Sự miêu tả:"
-no_des: "Không có mô tả được cung cấp!"
-public: "Công cộng"
-private: "Riêng tư"
-invalid: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!"
+info_id: '`🆔` | ID:'
+info_total: '`🎵` | Tổng số bài hát:'
+info_created: '`📅` | Tạo:'
+info_private: '`👀` | Hiển thị:'
+info_owner: '`👑` | Người sở hữu:'
+info_des: '`💬` | Sự miêu tả:'
+no_des: 'Không có mô tả được cung cấp!'
+public: 'Công cộng'
+private: 'Riêng tư'
+invalid: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!'
 ### Editor command!
-edit_playlist_id_label: "Nhập **ID danh sách phát mới** của bạn! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`"
-edit_playlist_name_label: "Nhập **Tên danh sách phát mới** của bạn!"
-edit_playlist_des_label: "Nhập **Mô tả danh sách phát mới** của bạn!"
-edit_playlist_private_label: "Nhập **Chế độ hiển thị danh sách phát mới** của bạn! `[public/private]`"
-edit_success: "`✅` | Đã chỉnh sửa thành công thông tin `%{playlistId}`!"
-edit_arg: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!"
-edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!"
-edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!"
-edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập ID danh sách phát hợp lệ và không tồn tại!"
-edit_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Chế độ hiển thị không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng **public** hoặc **private**!"
+edit_playlist_id_label: 'Nhập **ID danh sách phát mới** của bạn! `[a-z, A-Z, 0-9]`'
+edit_playlist_name_label: 'Nhập **Tên danh sách phát mới** của bạn!'
+edit_playlist_des_label: 'Nhập **Mô tả danh sách phát mới** của bạn!'
+edit_playlist_private_label: 'Nhập **Chế độ hiển thị danh sách phát mới** của bạn! `[public/private]`'
+edit_success: '`✅` | Đã chỉnh sửa thành công thông tin `%{playlistId}`!'
+edit_arg: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!'
+edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!'
+edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!'
+edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập ID danh sách phát hợp lệ và không tồn tại!'
+edit_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Chế độ hiển thị không hợp lệ. Vui lòng sử dụng **public** hoặc **private**!'
 ### Editor interaction!
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: "ID danh sách phát mới"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: "Tên danh sách phát mới"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: "Mô tả danh sách phát mới"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: "Hiển thị danh sách phát mới"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: "Nhập ID danh sách phát mới của bạn! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: "Nhập tên danh sách phát mới của bạn!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: "Nhập Mô tả danh sách phát mới của bạn!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: "Nhập Chế độ hiển thị danh sách phát mới của bạn! [public/private]"
-ineraction_edit_success: "`✅` | Đã chỉnh sửa thành công thông tin `%{playlistId}`!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_error: "`⚠️` | Đã xảy ra lỗi. Vui lòng thử lại!"
-ineraction_edit_notfound: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!"
-ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: "`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!"
-ineraction_edit_invalid_id: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập ID danh sách phát hợp lệ và không tồn tại!"
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_label: 'ID danh sách phát mới'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_label: 'Tên danh sách phát mới'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_label: 'Mô tả danh sách phát mới'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_label: 'Hiển thị danh sách phát mới'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_id_placeholder: 'Nhập ID danh sách phát mới của bạn! [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_name_placeholder: 'Nhập tên danh sách phát mới của bạn!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_des_placeholder: 'Nhập Mô tả danh sách phát mới của bạn!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_private_placeholder: 'Nhập Chế độ hiển thị danh sách phát mới của bạn! [public/private]'
+ineraction_edit_success: '`✅` | Đã chỉnh sửa thành công thông tin `%{playlistId}`!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_error: '`⚠️` | Đã xảy ra lỗi. Vui lòng thử lại!'
+ineraction_edit_notfound: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng cung cấp ID danh sách phát hợp lệ!'
+ineraction_edit_playlist_owner: '`⚠️` | Bạn không phải là **Chủ sở hữu danh sách phát**!'
+ineraction_edit_invalid_id: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập ID danh sách phát hợp lệ và không tồn tại!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/command.premium.yaml b/languages/vi/command.premium.yaml
index ad8be0cc..9685f11a 100644
--- a/languages/vi/command.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/command.premium.yaml
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 ### Lệnh Tạo!
-gen_author: "Tạo Mã Premium"
+gen_author: 'Tạo Mã Premium'
 gen_desc: "`🔑` | **Tạo mã thành công** `[%{codes_length}]`\n```%{codes}```\n`💰` | **Gói:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Hết hạn vào ngày:** %{expires}"
-gen_footer: "Sử dụng • %{prefix}redeem <code> để kích hoạt Premium"
+gen_footer: 'Sử dụng • %{prefix}redeem <code> để kích hoạt Premium'
 ### Lệnh Hồ sơ!
-profile_author: "Hồ sơ Premium"
-profile_error_desc: "`⚠️` | **%{user}** không phải là thành viên Premium!"
+profile_author: 'Hồ sơ Premium'
+profile_error_desc: '`⚠️` | **%{user}** không phải là thành viên Premium!'
 profile_desc: "`👤` | **Người dùng:** `%{user}`\n`💰` | **Gói:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Hết hạn vào ngày:** %{expires}"
 ### Lệnh Hồ sơ Guild!
-guild_profile_author: "Hồ sơ Guild Premium"
+guild_profile_author: 'Hồ sơ Guild Premium'
 guild_profile_desc: "`👤` | **Guild:** `%{guild}`\n`💰` | **Gói:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Hết hạn vào ngày:** %{expires}"
 ### Lệnh Redeem!
-redeem_title: "Kích hoạt Premium"
+redeem_title: 'Kích hoạt Premium'
 redeem_desc: "`💰` | **Gói:** `%{plan}`\n`📅` | **Hết hạn vào ngày:** %{expires}"
-redeem_already: "`⚠️` | Bạn đã có tài khoản **Premium** rồi!"
-redeem_invalid: "`⚠️` | Mã không hợp lệ. Vui lòng thử lại hoặc sử dụng mã đúng!"
-redeem_invalid_mode: "`⚠️` | Chế độ kích hoạt Premium không hợp lệ! Vui lòng chỉ định là `guild` hoặc `user`!"
-redeem_already_guild: "`⚠️` | Guild đã có **Premium** rồi!"
+redeem_already: '`⚠️` | Bạn đã có tài khoản **Premium** rồi!'
+redeem_invalid: '`⚠️` | Mã không hợp lệ. Vui lòng thử lại hoặc sử dụng mã đúng!'
+redeem_invalid_mode: '`⚠️` | Chế độ kích hoạt Premium không hợp lệ! Vui lòng chỉ định là `guild` hoặc `user`!'
+redeem_already_guild: '`⚠️` | Guild đã có **Premium** rồi!'
 ### Lệnh Xóa!
-remove_desc: "`✅` | Xóa Premium thành công cho %{user}!"
-remove_already: "`⚠️` | %{user} đã không có Premium!"
-remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng chỉ định **tên người dùng** hoặc **ID của người dùng** để xóa Premium!"
-remove_404: "`⚠️` | %{userid} không phải là **thành viên Premium**!"
+remove_desc: '`✅` | Xóa Premium thành công cho %{user}!'
+remove_already: '`⚠️` | %{user} đã không có Premium!'
+remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng chỉ định **tên người dùng** hoặc **ID của người dùng** để xóa Premium!'
+remove_404: '`⚠️` | %{userid} không phải là **thành viên Premium**!'
 ### Lệnh Xóa Guild!
-guild_remove_desc: "`✅` | Xóa Premium thành công cho Guild %{user}!"
-guild_remove_already: "`⚠️` | Guild %{user} đã không có Premium!"
-guild_remove_no_params: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng chỉ định **ID của Guild** để xóa Premium!"
-guild_remove_404: "`⚠️` | Guild %{userid} không phải là **Guild Premium**!"
+guild_remove_desc: '`✅` | Xóa Premium thành công cho Guild %{user}!'
+guild_remove_already: '`⚠️` | Guild %{user} đã không có Premium!'
+guild_remove_no_params: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng chỉ định **ID của Guild** để xóa Premium!'
+guild_remove_404: '`⚠️` | Guild %{userid} không phải là **Guild Premium**!'
 ### Lệnh Danh sách Guild
-guild_list_title: "💫 Danh sách Guild có Premium!"
-guild_list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Trang chỉ có thể là số!"
-guild_list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang** có sẵn!"
+guild_list_title: '💫 Danh sách Guild có Premium!'
+guild_list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Trang chỉ có thể là số!'
+guild_list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang** có sẵn!'
 ### Lệnh Danh sách Người dùng
-list_title: "💫 Danh sách người dùng có Premium"
-list_notnumber: "`⚠️` | Trang chỉ có thể là số!"
-list_page_notfound: "`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang** có sẵn!"
+list_title: '💫 Danh sách người dùng có Premium'
+list_notnumber: '`⚠️` | Trang chỉ có thể là số!'
+list_page_notfound: '`⚠️` | Chỉ có **%{page} trang** có sẵn!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/command.utils.yaml b/languages/vi/command.utils.yaml
index 12df1275..07da5846 100644
--- a/languages/vi/command.utils.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/command.utils.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 ### Language command!
-lang_set: "`📙` | Ngôn ngữ đã được đổi thành **%{language}**!"
-lang_change: "`📙` | Ngôn ngữ đã được đổi thành **%{language}**!"
-lang_perm: "`⚠️` | Bạn ko có quyền để sử dụng lệnh này!"
+lang_set: '`📙` | Ngôn ngữ đã được đổi thành **%{language}**!'
+lang_change: '`📙` | Ngôn ngữ đã được đổi thành **%{language}**!'
+lang_perm: '`⚠️` | Bạn ko có quyền để sử dụng lệnh này!'
 provide_lang: "`⚠️` | Ngôn ngữ mới ko hợp lệ. Vui lòng chỉ nhập\n`%{languages}`"
 ### Shutdown command!
-restart_msg: "`🔌` | **Đang tắt nguồn bot**..."
+restart_msg: '`🔌` | **Đang tắt nguồn bot**...'
 ### Prefix command!
-prefix_set: "`㊙️` | Prefix đã được đặt thành **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_change: "`㊙️` | Prefix đã được đặt thành **%{prefix}**"
-prefix_arg: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 prefix mới hợp lệ!"
-prefix_length: "`⚠️` | Prefix không thể dài hơn **10 kí tự**!"
+prefix_set: '`㊙️` | Prefix đã được đặt thành **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_change: '`㊙️` | Prefix đã được đặt thành **%{prefix}**'
+prefix_arg: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 prefix mới hợp lệ!'
+prefix_length: '`⚠️` | Prefix không thể dài hơn **10 kí tự**!'
 ### SongNoti command!
-songnoti_set: "`🔔` | Thông báo nhạc mới đã được đặt thành **%{toggle}**!"
-songnoti_already: "`⚠️` | Thông báo nhạc mới đã được đặt thành **%{mode}** trước đó!"
+songnoti_set: '`🔔` | Thông báo nhạc mới đã được đặt thành **%{toggle}**!'
+songnoti_already: '`⚠️` | Thông báo nhạc mới đã được đặt thành **%{mode}** trước đó!'
 ### 24/7 command!
-247_on: "`✅` | Chế độ 24/7 đã được **bật**!"
-247_off: "`❌` | Chế độ 24/7 đã được **tắt**!"
-247_already: "`⚠️` | 24/7 đã ở chế độ **%{mode}** trước đó!"
+247_on: '`✅` | Chế độ 24/7 đã được **bật**!'
+247_off: '`❌` | Chế độ 24/7 đã được **tắt**!'
+247_already: '`⚠️` | 24/7 đã ở chế độ **%{mode}** trước đó!'
 ### Setup command!
 setup_msg: "**`⚙️` | Đã tạo thành công hệ thống yêu cầu nhạc** %{channel}\n```Lưu ý: Đừng xóa bát kì 1 tin nhắn nào trong kênh song-request để hệ thống này hoạt động!```"
-setup_deleted: "**`⚙️` | Đã xóa thành công hệ thống yêu cầu nhạc!**"
+setup_deleted: '**`⚙️` | Đã xóa thành công hệ thống yêu cầu nhạc!**'
 setup_topic: "⏹ **Dừng**\n⏮️ **Trước đó**\n⏯ **Tạm dừng/Tiếp tục**\n⏭️ **Bỏ qua**\n🔁 **Lặp/Không lặp**"
-setup_enable: "`⚠️` | Hệ thống yêu cầu nhạc đã tồn tại!"
-setup_null: "`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy hệ thống yêu cầu nhạc!"
+setup_enable: '`⚠️` | Hệ thống yêu cầu nhạc đã tồn tại!'
+setup_null: '`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy hệ thống yêu cầu nhạc!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/error.yaml b/languages/vi/error.yaml
index 69502f3c..c0b373d0 100644
--- a/languages/vi/error.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/error.yaml
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
 # Invalid Number
-number_invalid: "`⚠️` | Hãy nhập 1 số hợp lệ!"
+number_invalid: '`⚠️` | Hãy nhập 1 số hợp lệ!'
 # Execute when invalid
-no_node: "`⚠️` | Hiện không có máy chủ lavalink để chơi nhạc. Vui lòng thử lại sau **5 phút**!"
+no_node: '`⚠️` | Hiện không có máy chủ lavalink để chơi nhạc. Vui lòng thử lại sau **5 phút**!'
 # No song is currently playing!
-no_player: "`⚠️` | Hiện giờ không có nhạc nào đang chơi!"
+no_player: '`⚠️` | Hiện giờ không có nhạc nào đang chơi!'
 # Need to join voice & same voice to use command!
-no_in_voice: "`⚠️` | Bạn không ở trong kênh đàm thoại với tôi!"
-no_same_voice: "`⚠️` | Bạn không ở cùng kênh đàm thoại với tôi!"
+no_in_voice: '`⚠️` | Bạn không ở trong kênh đàm thoại với tôi!'
+no_same_voice: '`⚠️` | Bạn không ở cùng kênh đàm thoại với tôi!'
 # No permission!
-no_perms: "`⚠️` | Bot không có quyền **%{perm}** để thực hiện lệnh này!"
-no_perms_channel: "`⚠️` | Bot không có quyền **%{perm}** trong kênh <#%{channel}> để thực hiện lệnh này!"
+no_perms: '`⚠️` | Bot không có quyền **%{perm}** để thực hiện lệnh này!'
+no_perms_channel: '`⚠️` | Bot không có quyền **%{perm}** trong kênh <#%{channel}> để thực hiện lệnh này!'
 # Getting error!
-unexpected_error: "`⚠️` | Có gì đó không ổn. Vui lòng thử lại!"
+unexpected_error: '`⚠️` | Có gì đó không ổn. Vui lòng thử lại!'
 # Client owner!
-owner_only: "`⚠️` | Bạn không phải chủ nhân của tôi!"
+owner_only: '`⚠️` | Bạn không phải chủ nhân của tôi!'
 # No premium Event!
-no_premium_author: "Dịch vụ trả phí"
-no_premium_desc: "`⚠️` | Bạn không phải người dùng gói dịch vụ trả phí!"
+no_premium_author: 'Dịch vụ trả phí'
+no_premium_desc: '`⚠️` | Bạn không phải người dùng gói dịch vụ trả phí!'
 # Rate limit!
-ratelimit: "`⚠️` | Bạn dùng lệnh quá nhanh. Hãy đợi **%{time} giây**!"
+ratelimit: '`⚠️` | Bạn dùng lệnh quá nhanh. Hãy đợi **%{time} giây**!'
 # Missing args
-arg_error: "`⚠️` | Dữ liệu đi theo không hợp lệ. Vui lòng chỉ sử dụng %{text}"
+arg_error: '`⚠️` | Dữ liệu đi theo không hợp lệ. Vui lòng chỉ sử dụng %{text}'
 # error
-topgg_error_author: "❌ | Lỗi"
-topgg_error_desc: "Đã xảy ra ngoại lệ khi kiểm tra phiếu bầu của bạn trên, điều này có thể là do không hoạt động. Vui lòng thử lại sau 5-10 phút."
-topgg_vote_author: "❌ | Bạn chưa vote bot"
-topgg_vote_desc: "Để sử dụng lệnh này, bạn cần phải vote cho con bot này trên!"
-topgg_vote_button: "Nhấn vào đây để vote!"
\ No newline at end of file
+topgg_error_author: '❌ | Lỗi'
+topgg_error_desc: 'Đã xảy ra ngoại lệ khi kiểm tra phiếu bầu của bạn trên, điều này có thể là do không hoạt động. Vui lòng thử lại sau 5-10 phút.'
+topgg_vote_author: '❌ | Bạn chưa vote bot'
+topgg_vote_desc: 'Để sử dụng lệnh này, bạn cần phải vote cho con bot này trên!'
+topgg_vote_button: 'Nhấn vào đây để vote!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/event.guild.yaml b/languages/vi/event.guild.yaml
index aaf84091..a7e349ab 100644
--- a/languages/vi/event.guild.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/event.guild.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-joined_title: "📥 Đã tham gia một server!"
-leave_title: "📥 Đã rời một server!"
-guild_name: "Tên server"
-guild_id: "ID"
-guild_owner: "Chủ sở hữu"
-guild_member_count: "Tổng số thành viên"
-guild_creation_date: "Ngày thành lập"
-current_server_count: "Tổng số server bot đã tham gia"
-join_dm_title: "Cảm ơn vì đã chọn %{username} là bot nghe nhạc chính của server bạn!"
+joined_title: '📥 Đã tham gia một server!'
+leave_title: '📥 Đã rời một server!'
+guild_name: 'Tên server'
+guild_id: 'ID'
+guild_owner: 'Chủ sở hữu'
+guild_member_count: 'Tổng số thành viên'
+guild_creation_date: 'Ngày thành lập'
+current_server_count: 'Tổng số server bot đã tham gia'
+join_dm_title: 'Cảm ơn vì đã chọn %{username} là bot nghe nhạc chính của server bạn!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/event.message.yaml b/languages/vi/event.message.yaml
index 6dc43eed..9c199e2c 100644
--- a/languages/vi/event.message.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/event.message.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ### Help command!
-intro1: "・**%{bot}** là một con bot nhạc nhiều tính năng và ổn định!"
-intro2: "・Phát triển bởi **RainyXeon**"
-intro3: "・Hợp tác với **1sT - Services**"
-prefix: "・**Prefix của bot:** %{prefix}"
-ver: "・**Phiên bản:** `%{botver}`"
-djs: "・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`"
-lavalink: "・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`"
-help1: "・**Để bắt đầu, hãy dùng lệnh:** %{help}"
-help2: "・**Để Để biết thêm nhiều thông tin, hãy dùng lệnh:** %{botinfo}"
-wel: "👋 Chào mừng đến với %{bot}"
-codename: "・**Mã sản phẩm:** `%{codename}`"
+intro1: '・**%{bot}** là một con bot nhạc nhiều tính năng và ổn định!'
+intro2: '・Phát triển bởi **RainyXeon**'
+intro3: '・Hợp tác với **1sT - Services**'
+prefix: '・**Prefix của bot:** %{prefix}'
+ver: '・**Phiên bản:** `%{botver}`'
+djs: '・**Discord.js:** `%{djsver}`'
+lavalink: '・**Autofix:** `%{aver}`'
+help1: '・**Để bắt đầu, hãy dùng lệnh:** %{help}'
+help2: '・**Để Để biết thêm nhiều thông tin, hãy dùng lệnh:** %{botinfo}'
+wel: '👋 Chào mừng đến với %{bot}'
+codename: '・**Mã sản phẩm:** `%{codename}`'
diff --git a/languages/vi/event.player.yaml b/languages/vi/event.player.yaml
index 52faae38..ec23e547 100644
--- a/languages/vi/event.player.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/event.player.yaml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 ### Playing event!
-track_title: "Bắt đầu chơi"
-track_icon: ""
-author_title: "`✒️` | Tác giả:"
-request_title: "`👤` | Người yêu cầu:"
-volume_title: "`🔊` | Âm lượng:"
-queue_title: "`💾` | Tổng số bài hát:"
-duration_title: "`🕒` | Thời lượng bài hát:"
-total_duration_title: "`🕰️` | Tổng thời lượng danh sách phát:"
-download_title: "`⬇️` | Tải xuống:"
+track_title: 'Bắt đầu chơi'
+track_icon: ''
+author_title: '`✒️` | Tác giả:'
+request_title: '`👤` | Người yêu cầu:'
+volume_title: '`🔊` | Âm lượng:'
+queue_title: '`💾` | Tổng số bài hát:'
+duration_title: '`🕒` | Thời lượng bài hát:'
+total_duration_title: '`🕰️` | Tổng thời lượng danh sách phát:'
+download_title: '`⬇️` | Tải xuống:'
 ### Same voice!
-join_voice: "`⚠️` | Bạn hiện đang không ở cùng kênh đàm thoại với tôi!"
+join_voice: '`⚠️` | Bạn hiện đang không ở cùng kênh đàm thoại với tôi!'
 ### QueueEnd event!
-queue_end_desc: "`🔚` | Bài hấ đã **kết thúc**!"
+queue_end_desc: '`🔚` | Bài hấ đã **kết thúc**!'
 ### Song error!
-error_desc: "`⚠️` | Bài hát này đang bị lỗi. Tiến hành bỏ qua **bài hát** này!"
+error_desc: '`⚠️` | Bài hát này đang bị lỗi. Tiến hành bỏ qua **bài hát** này!'
 ### Auto function!
-player_end: "`🛑` | Bot đã rời <#%{leave}> bởi vì không còn ai ở kênh này!"
-leave_pause: "`⏸️` | Nhạc đã bị dừng lại bởi vì tôi đã bị bỏ lại 1 mình!"
-leave_resume: "`▶️` | Nhạc đã khởi động lại do có ai đó vào!"
+player_end: '`🛑` | Bot đã rời <#%{leave}> bởi vì không còn ai ở kênh này!'
+leave_pause: '`⏸️` | Nhạc đã bị dừng lại bởi vì tôi đã bị bỏ lại 1 mình!'
+leave_resume: '`▶️` | Nhạc đã khởi động lại do có ai đó vào!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/event.premium.yaml b/languages/vi/event.premium.yaml
index 10c61b59..7e014277 100644
--- a/languages/vi/event.premium.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/event.premium.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-display_name: "Tên hiển thị"
-username: "Tên người dùng"
-createdAt: "Tạo vào lúc"
-redeemedAt: "Đăng kí vào lúc"
-expiresAt: "Hết hạn lúc"
-plan: "Gói"
-title: "💫 Mội người dùng mới thành công đăng kí dịch vụ trả phí!"
-guild_title: "💫 Mội máy chủ mới thành công đăng kí dịch vụ trả phí!"
\ No newline at end of file
+display_name: 'Tên hiển thị'
+username: 'Tên người dùng'
+createdAt: 'Tạo vào lúc'
+redeemedAt: 'Đăng kí vào lúc'
+expiresAt: 'Hết hạn lúc'
+plan: 'Gói'
+title: '💫 Mội người dùng mới thành công đăng kí dịch vụ trả phí!'
+guild_title: '💫 Mội máy chủ mới thành công đăng kí dịch vụ trả phí!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/event.setup.yaml b/languages/vi/event.setup.yaml
index caf715a2..cfd59917 100644
--- a/languages/vi/event.setup.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/event.setup.yaml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 ### Setup handler!
-setup_queuemsg: "Tham gia vào 1 kênh đàm thoại bất kì và nhập tên hoặc url bài hát vào đây!"
-setup_playembed_author: "Hiện đang không chơi nhạc nào!"
+setup_queuemsg: 'Tham gia vào 1 kênh đàm thoại bất kì và nhập tên hoặc url bài hát vào đây!'
+setup_playembed_author: 'Hiện đang không chơi nhạc nào!'
 ### Update handler!
-setup_author: "Đang chơi"
-setup_author_icon: ""
-setup_desc: "**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_footer: "Âm lượng • %{volume}% | Tổng thười lượng • %{duration}"
-setup_content: "**__Danh sách phát:__**"
-setup_content_queue: "`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}"
-setup_content_empty: "Tham gia vào 1 kênh đàm thoại bất kì và nhập tên hoặc url bài hát vào đây!"
+setup_author: 'Đang chơi'
+setup_author_icon: ''
+setup_desc: '**%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_footer: 'Âm lượng • %{volume}% | Tổng thười lượng • %{duration}'
+setup_content: '**__Danh sách phát:__**'
+setup_content_queue: '`%{index}.` **%{title}** `[%{duration}]` • %{request}'
+setup_content_empty: 'Tham gia vào 1 kênh đàm thoại bất kì và nhập tên hoặc url bài hát vào đây!'
 # Play!
-play_track: "`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát bài **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_playlist: "`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát bài **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}"
-play_result: "`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát bài **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}"
-play_arg: "`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 tên hoặc URL bài hát hợp lệ!"
-play_match: "`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy bài hát!"
-play_emoji: "`⚠️` | Bạn không thế chơi bài hát bằng emoji!"
+play_track: '`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát bài **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_playlist: '`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát bài **%{title}** `%{duration}` • (**%{songs} Songs**) • %{request}'
+play_result: '`💾` | Đã thêm vào danh sách phát bài **%{title}** `%{duration}` • %{request}'
+play_arg: '`⚠️` | Vui lòng nhập 1 tên hoặc URL bài hát hợp lệ!'
+play_match: '`⚠️` | Không tìm thấy bài hát!'
+play_emoji: '`⚠️` | Bạn không thế chơi bài hát bằng emoji!'
diff --git a/languages/vi/global.yaml b/languages/vi/global.yaml
index bc3c18e3..7d2462b0 100644
--- a/languages/vi/global.yaml
+++ b/languages/vi/global.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # Mode
-enable: "Đã bật"
-disable: "Đã tắt"
+enable: 'Đã bật'
+disable: 'Đã tắt'
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 6143db82..f20b10fb 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -45,6 +45,13 @@
   "homepage": "",
+  "prettier": {
+    "trailingComma": "es5",
+    "tabWidth": 2,
+    "semi": false,
+    "singleQuote": true,
+    "printWidth": 100
+  },
   "dependencies": {
     "@execaman/lyricist": "^2.0.2",
     "@fastify/websocket": "^10.0.1",
diff --git a/scripts/build.mjs b/scripts/build.mjs
index 36e42d9b..390db7e8 100644
--- a/scripts/build.mjs
+++ b/scripts/build.mjs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const ignored = [
-  ''
+  '',
 function logger(data, type) {
@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ if (args.get(0) == acceptedParams[0]) {
 if (args.get(0) == acceptedParams[2]) {
-  const child = spawn(/^win/.test(process.platform) ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm', ['run', 'build:full'], { shell: true })
+  const child = spawn(/^win/.test(process.platform) ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm', ['run', 'build:full'], {
+    shell: true,
+  })
   child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
     logger(data, 'build')
@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ if (args.get(0) == acceptedParams[2]) {
         return true // remind to return a true value when file check passed.
-    });
+    })
     copydir.sync('./languages', './out/ByteBlaze/languages', {
       filter: function (stat, _, filename) {
@@ -105,11 +107,13 @@ if (args.get(0) == acceptedParams[2]) {
         return true // remind to return a true value when file check passed.
-    });
+    })
 } else {
   // Build (Local build)
-  const child = spawn(/^win/.test(process.platform) ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm', ['run', 'build:full'], { shell: true })
+  const child = spawn(/^win/.test(process.platform) ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm', ['run', 'build:full'], {
+    shell: true,
+  })
   child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
     logger(data, 'build')
diff --git a/src/autofix/LICENSE b/src/autofix/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 3877ae0a..00000000
--- a/src/autofix/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
-                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
- Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-                            Preamble
-  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
-software and other kinds of works.
-  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
-to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
-the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
-share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
-software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
-GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
-any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
-want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
-free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
-these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
-certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
-you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
-freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
-or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
-know their rights.
-  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
-(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
-giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
-  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
-that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
-authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
-changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
-authors of previous versions.
-  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
-modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
-can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
-protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
-pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
-use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
-have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
-products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
-stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
-of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
-  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
-States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
-software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
-avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
-make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
-patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
-                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS
-  0. Definitions.
-  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
-  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
-works, such as semiconductor masks.
-  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
-License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
-"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
-  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
-in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
-exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
-earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
-  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
-on the Program.
-  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
-permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
-infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
-computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
-distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
-public, and in some countries other activities as well.
-  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
-parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
-a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
-  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
-to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
-feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
-tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
-extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
-work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
-the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
-menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
-  1. Source Code.
-  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
-for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
-form of a work.
-  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
-standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
-interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
-is widely used among developers working in that language.
-  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
-than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
-packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
-Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
-Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
-implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
-"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
-(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
-(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
-produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
-  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
-the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
-work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
-control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
-System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
-programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
-which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
-includes interface definition files associated with source files for
-the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
-linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
-such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
-subprograms and other parts of the work.
-  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
-can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
-  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
-same work.
-  2. Basic Permissions.
-  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
-copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
-conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
-permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
-covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
-content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
-rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
-  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
-convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
-in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
-of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
-with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
-the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
-not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
-for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
-and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
-your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
-  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
-the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
-makes it unnecessary.
-  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
-  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
-measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
-11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
-similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
-  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
-circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
-is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
-the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
-modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
-users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
-technological measures.
-  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
-  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
-receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
-appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
-keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
-non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
-keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
-recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
-  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
-and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
-  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
-  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
-produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
-terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
-    it, and giving a relevant date.
-    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
-    released under this License and any conditions added under section
-    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
-    "keep intact all notices".
-    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
-    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
-    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
-    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
-    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
-    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
-    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
-    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
-    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
-    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
-    work need not make them do so.
-  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
-works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
-and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
-in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
-"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
-used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
-beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
-in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
-parts of the aggregate.
-  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
-  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
-of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
-machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
-in one of these ways:
-    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
-    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
-    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
-    customarily used for software interchange.
-    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
-    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
-    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
-    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
-    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
-    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
-    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
-    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
-    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
-    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
-    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
-    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
-    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
-    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
-    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
-    with subsection 6b.
-    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
-    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
-    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
-    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
-    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
-    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
-    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
-    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
-    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
-    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
-    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
-    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
-    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
-    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
-    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
-    charge under subsection 6d.
-  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
-from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
-included in conveying the object code work.
-  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
-tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
-or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
-into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
-doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
-product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
-typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
-of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
-actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
-is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
-commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
-the only significant mode of use of the product.
-  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
-procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
-and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
-a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
-suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
-code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
-modification has been made.
-  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
-specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
-part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
-User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
-fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
-Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
-by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
-if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
-modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
-been installed in ROM).
-  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
-requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
-for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
-the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
-network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
-adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
-protocols for communication across the network.
-  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
-in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
-documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
-source code form), and must require no special password or key for
-unpacking, reading or copying.
-  7. Additional Terms.
-  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
-License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
-Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
-be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
-that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
-apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
-under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
-this License without regard to the additional permissions.
-  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
-remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
-it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
-removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
-additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
-for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
-  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
-add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
-that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
-    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
-    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
-    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
-    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
-    Notices displayed by works containing it; or
-    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
-    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
-    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
-    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
-    authors of the material; or
-    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
-    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
-    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
-    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
-    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
-    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
-    those licensors and authors.
-  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
-restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
-received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
-governed by this License along with a term that is a further
-restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
-a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
-License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
-of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
-not survive such relicensing or conveying.
-  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
-must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
-additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
-where to find the applicable terms.
-  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
-form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
-the above requirements apply either way.
-  8. Termination.
-  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
-provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
-modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
-this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
-paragraph of section 11).
-  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
-license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
-provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
-finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
-holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
-prior to 60 days after the cessation.
-  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
-reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
-violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
-received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
-copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
-your receipt of the notice.
-  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
-licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
-this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
-reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
-material under section 10.
-  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
-  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
-run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
-occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
-to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
-nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
-modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
-not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
-covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
-  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
-  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
-receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
-propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
-for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
-  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
-organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
-organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
-work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
-transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
-licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
-give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
-Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
-the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
-  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
-rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
-not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
-rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
-(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
-any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
-sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
-  11. Patents.
-  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
-License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
-work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
-  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
-owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
-hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
-by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
-but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
-consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
-purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
-patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
-this License.
-  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
-patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
-make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
-propagate the contents of its contributor version.
-  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
-agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
-(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
-sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
-party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
-patent against the party.
-  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
-and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
-to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
-publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
-then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
-available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
-patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
-consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
-license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
-actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
-covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
-in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
-country that you have reason to believe are valid.
-  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
-arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
-covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
-receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
-or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
-you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
-work and works based on it.
-  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
-the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
-conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
-specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
-work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
-in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
-to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
-the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
-parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
-patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
-conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
-for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
-contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
-or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
-  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
-any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
-otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
-  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
-  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
-covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
-not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
-to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
-the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
-License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
-  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
-  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
-permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
-under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
-combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
-License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
-but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
-section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
-combination as such.
-  14. Revised Versions of this License.
-  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
-the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
-Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
-Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
-option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
-version or of any later version published by the Free Software
-Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
-GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
-by the Free Software Foundation.
-  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
-versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
-public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
-to choose that version for the Program.
-  Later license versions may give you additional or different
-permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
-author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
-later version.
-  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
-  16. Limitation of Liability.
-  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
-  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
-above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
-reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
-an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
-Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
-copy of the Program in return for a fee.
-                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
-            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
-notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
-    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
-might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
-  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
-if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
-For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
-  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
-into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
-may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
-the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read
diff --git a/src/commands/Music/Shuffle.ts b/src/commands/Music/Shuffle.ts
index 911bb044..39a8e6a6 100644
--- a/src/commands/Music/Shuffle.ts
+++ b/src/commands/Music/Shuffle.ts
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export default class implements Command {
     const pages = []
     for (let i = 0; i < pagesNum; i++) {
-      const str = songStrings.slice(i * 10, i * 10 + 10).join('')
+      const str = songStrings.slice(i * 10, i * 10 + 10).join('\n')
       const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
diff --git a/src/commands/Music/Unshuffle.ts b/src/commands/Music/Unshuffle.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f68daba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/commands/Music/Unshuffle.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import { EmbedBuilder, User } from 'discord.js'
+import { Manager } from '../../manager.js'
+import { Accessableby, Command } from '../../structures/Command.js'
+import { CommandHandler } from '../../structures/CommandHandler.js'
+import { formatDuration } from '../../utilities/FormatDuration.js'
+import { PageQueue } from '../../structures/PageQueue.js'
+import { getTitle } from '../../utilities/GetTitle.js'
+import { ExtendedPlayer } from '../../structures/extended/ExtendedPlayer.js'
+// Main code
+export default class implements Command {
+  public name = ['unshuffle']
+  public description = 'unshuffle song in queue!'
+  public category = 'Music'
+  public accessableby = [Accessableby.Member]
+  public usage = ''
+  public aliases = []
+  public lavalink = true
+  public playerCheck = true
+  public usingInteraction = true
+  public sameVoiceCheck = true
+  public permissions = []
+  public options = []
+  public async execute(client: Manager, handler: CommandHandler) {
+    await handler.deferReply()
+    const player = client.rainlink.players.get(handler.guild!.id) as ExtendedPlayer
+    const newQueue = player.queue.restore()
+    const song = newQueue.current
+    const qduration = `${formatDuration(song!.duration + player.queue.duration)}`
+    const thumbnail =
+      song!.artworkUrl ?? `${song!.identifier}/hqdefault.jpg`
+    let pagesNum = Math.ceil(newQueue.length / 10)
+    if (pagesNum === 0) pagesNum = 1
+    const songStrings = []
+    for (let i = 0; i < newQueue.length; i++) {
+      const song = newQueue[i]
+      songStrings.push(
+        `**${i + 1}.** ${getTitle(client, song)} \`[${formatDuration(song.duration)}]\``
+      )
+    }
+    const pages = []
+    for (let i = 0; i < pagesNum; i++) {
+      const str = songStrings.slice(i * 10, i * 10 + 10).join('\n')
+      const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
+        .setAuthor({
+          name: `${client.i18n.get(handler.language, '', 'unshuffle_msg')}`,
+        })
+        .setThumbnail(thumbnail)
+        .setColor(client.color)
+        .setDescription(
+          `${client.i18n.get(handler.language, '', 'queue_description', {
+            title: getTitle(client, song!),
+            request: String(song!.requester),
+            duration: formatDuration(song!.duration),
+            rest: str == '' ? '  Nothing' : '\n' + str,
+          })}`
+        )
+        .setFooter({
+          text: `${client.i18n.get(handler.language, '', 'queue_footer', {
+            page: String(i + 1),
+            pages: String(pagesNum),
+            queue_lang: String(newQueue.length),
+            duration: qduration,
+          })}`,
+        })
+      pages.push(embed)
+    }
+    client.wsl.get(handler.guild!.id)?.send({
+      op: 'playerQueueShuffle',
+      guild: handler.guild!.id,
+      queue: => {
+        const requesterQueue = track.requester as User
+        return {
+          title: track.title,
+          uri: track.uri,
+          length: track.duration,
+          thumbnail: track.artworkUrl,
+          author:,
+          requester: requesterQueue
+            ? {
+                id:,
+                username: requesterQueue.username,
+                globalName: requesterQueue.globalName,
+                defaultAvatarURL: requesterQueue.defaultAvatarURL ?? null,
+              }
+            : null,
+        }
+      }),
+    })
+    if (pages.length == pagesNum && newQueue.length > 10) {
+      if (handler.message) {
+        await new PageQueue(client, pages, 60000, newQueue.length, handler.language).prefixPage(
+          handler.message,
+          qduration
+        )
+      } else if (handler.interaction) {
+        await new PageQueue(client, pages, 60000, newQueue.length, handler.language).slashPage(
+          handler.interaction,
+          qduration
+        )
+      } else return
+    } else return handler.editReply({ embeds: [pages[0]] })
+  }
diff --git a/src/structures/Rainlink.ts b/src/structures/Rainlink.ts
index d2ae771e..843cd7c2 100644
--- a/src/structures/Rainlink.ts
+++ b/src/structures/Rainlink.ts
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ export class RainlinkInit {
   get plugins(): RainlinkPlugin[] {
     const defaultPlugins: RainlinkPlugin[] = [
       new DeezerPlugin({
-        market: 'us'
+        market: 'us',
       new NicoPlugin({ searchLimit: 10 }),
       new ApplePlugin({ countryCode: 'us' }),
diff --git a/src/structures/extended/ExtendedQueue.ts b/src/structures/extended/ExtendedQueue.ts
index c83f2518..b5d6147e 100644
--- a/src/structures/extended/ExtendedQueue.ts
+++ b/src/structures/extended/ExtendedQueue.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ import { RainlinkQueue, RainlinkTrack } from 'rainlink'
 export class ExtendedQueue extends RainlinkQueue {
   public previousState: RainlinkTrack[] = []
+  public restore() {
+    this.length = 0
+    this.push(...this.previousState)
+    return this
+  }
   public splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number): ExtendedQueue {
     super.splice(start, deleteCount)
     this.previousState.splice(start, deleteCount)
diff --git a/src/utilities/GetTitle.ts b/src/utilities/GetTitle.ts
index 363ff110..62119d3a 100644
--- a/src/utilities/GetTitle.ts
+++ b/src/utilities/GetTitle.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ import { Manager } from '../manager.js'
 import { RainlinkTrack } from 'rainlink'
 export function getTitle(client: Manager, track: RainlinkTrack) {
-  if (client.config.player.AVOID_SUSPEND) return track.title
-  return `[${track.title}](${track.uri})`
+  if (client.config.player.AVOID_SUSPEND) return track && track.title ? track.title : 'Unknown'
+  return track && track.title ? `[${track.title}](${track.uri})` : `[Unknown](`
diff --git a/src/web/ b/src/web/
deleted file mode 100644
index 529edaf3..00000000
--- a/src/web/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# Warining!
-ByteBlaze webserver will not use object oriented programing