A Renderer is based on ray tracing.
Run CMakeLists.txt
cmake -B build # 生成构建目录
cmake --build build # 执行构建
The UI is based on Qt 5. Before using CMakeLists.txt, please change Qt's path here
#Change Qt Path
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "D:/Qt/5.15.2/mingw81_64")
If you don't want to use Qt as the framework, just go to example and run run.bat
The Render is accelerated by OpenMP. Make sure your compiler support it.
- Object: sphere, rectangle, triangle and triangle-mesh
- Operation: translation and rotation.
- Material: diffuse reflection, specular reflection, refraction, participating media and light source
- Texture: solid color, noise texture and image texture mapping
- Advanced Sampling: BRDF sampling, light sampling, NEE, multiple importance sampling
- Acceleration:
- CPU Parallel: OpenMP
- GPU Parallel: CUDA
- Cook-Torrance BRDF
- Ray-Marching in volume rendering
- Load scene in json format