Cyber Manager API allows for a simple way of following and recording rentals for different computers. It also allows for saving basic information for the computers.
- You need to have Java on your machine.
- You need to have an MySQL instance installed on your machine. I recommend you install Laragon for an easier process.
First download the API by downloading the Zip on this repository. Use the green button with the label Code.
If you are sure your MySQL instance is running and working, you will need the next information:
- Your username (The majority uses root as a starter name)
- Your password (If you didn't set a password when installing MySQL then you don't need this)
Now you need to create a database for the API to pick on and start working. Depending on your method of installation you will need to find a way to make queries to your database. For example Laragon comes with tools for this purpose, in any case there are a lot of different ways of doing this. You just need to run the next query:
CREATE DATABASE cyber_manager;
This query will create the database needed for the API to work.
Inside the folder of the API go to the next directory: cyber-manager\src\main\resources. There you will find the file, open it with your text editor of choice and change the username and password with your own. If you don't have a password just leave it blank. Its important that you don't change anything else.
Finally, you only have to open a terminal in the main directory of the project and run the command: mvnw clean spring-boot:run The API should be running now.
Check the documentation by going to: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
Send some requests and try it out!