This project involves the creation of an Analytics Dashboard using the Trending Youtube Video Statistics kaggle dataset.
Dashboard deployed on Render :
The chosen dataset is a global dataset sourced from Kaggle. It is about YouTube (the world- famous video-sharing website) which maintains a list of the top trending videos on the platform. This dataset is a daily record of the top trending YouTube videos. It was collected originally using the YouTube API. The dataset has a large number of features ranging around 50 countries including subscribers, uploads, views, publish date, created data, region wise stats etc, channel type etc.
Link to Dataset : Dataset Link
As of now, we are using the Global Youtube Statistics Data
filtered on 10 different regions. The plots are created via groupings of data based on Country
, Youtuber
, channel_type
. The dashboard also contains correlation analysis, trend analysis and other plots on user actions like [subscribers, uploads, views, monthly, yearly revenue]
Some of the main plots of the dashboard inclues:
- Annual channel based trend analysis
- Category based plots
- Youtuber metrics analysis
- Region based summary
- Correlation plots
The global dataset is provided under the
The main dash application is present in
All the notebooks are present in the
The dashboard is deployed using Render and the deployed link is provided above in the README file.
- plotly express
- dash
- dash-bootstrap