MuscleMap is a full stack web application built using MERN stack that enables users to track and manage their workouts efficiently. With an intuitive user interface, users can easily add, delete and edit specific workouts allowing them to maintain a personalized exercise routine. This app simplifies the process of organizing and monitoring workout progress, helping users stay motivated and achieve their fitness goals.
- User Authentication : Secure user registration and login using JWT authentication and email verification through nodemailer.
- Reset Password : Allows users to reset their password incase they forgot their password.
- CRUD Operation : Allows users to create , read , update and delete thier workout plans.
- Responsive Design: The app is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices.
- MongoDB Atlas
- ExpressJS
- React
- NodeJS
- Mongoose
Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (
- You can either install MongoDB locally in your system ( or you can use cloud based MongoDB Atlas Database (
git clone
cd workout-app
cd backend
npm install
cd ../frontend
npm install
Backend Folder: create a .env file and add the following:
PORT=<your-port-no> MONGO_URI=<your-mongodb-connection-string> SECRET=<your-secret-string> EMAIL_USERNAME = <email-id> EMAIL_PASSWORD = <password> EMAIL_HOST = EMAIL_PORT = 587 FRONTEND_URL = http://localhost:3000
Frontend Folder: create a .env file and add the following:
REACT_APP_API_URL = http://localhost:4000
First run the server on a terminal (make sure you are in backend folder)
npm run dev
Open new terminal and run the website
cd frontend
npm start
- Create a new user account and log in.
- Add your workout specifying sets, reps, and weights.
- Monitor your progress.
The site is live at: