- Python 3 can be downloaded from here. Make sure to check Add Python 3.x to PATH during installation.
- NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib etc libraries can be downloaded and installed using the commands:
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install library-name
or if you have multiple python version installed use this
py -3.9 -m pip install numpy
py -3.11 -m pip install numpy
Jupyter File (Identify Python Comment) / Jupyter File (Identify C Comment with Regex) / Jupyter File (Identify C Comment without Regex)
Jupyter File (With Regex) / Jupyter File (Without Regex)
Jupyter File (With Regex) / Jupyter File (Without Regex)
Jupyter File / Jupyter File (Alternative)
G: {E-> TE’, E’ -> +TE’ | 0, T-> FT’, T’-> *FT’|0, F-> (E) | id}.
G: {E-> TE’, E’ -> +TE’ | 0, T-> FT’, T’-> *FT’|0, F-> (E) | id}.
Jupyter File / Jupyter File (Alternative) / CPP File
G: {E-> TE’, E’ -> +TE’ | 0, T-> FT’, T’-> *FT’|0, F-> (E) | id}.
G: {E-> TE’, E’ -> +TE’ | 0, T-> FT’, T’-> *FT’|0, F-> (E) | id}.
Extra Lab: Write a program to detect lexemes from the input statement position = initial + rate * 60 Implement a program for detecting tokens from the input "int a = b + 10c + 7" and a token is either keyword, an identifier, a constant, a string literal, or a symbol
a = (-c*b) + (-c*d).