A Prometheus integration for IBMMQ. This allows metrics from IBMMQ to then be viewed in Observability tools such as Elastic of Grafana.
This repository contains a binary built using Golang and a config file taken from this repository
The process needs to be run on the same server as the one containing the IBM MQ environment.
To run the process and get metrics in a format compatible with Prometheus, edit the username, password and queue manager in the Config/config.yaml file and then run:
git clone https://github.com/RamSailopal/IBMMQ-Prometheus
cd IBMMQ-Prometheus
Binary/mq_prometheus -f Config/config.yaml -ibmmq.httpListenHost "" -ibmmq.httpListenPort 9157
The metrics can then be viewed at
Additional options can be found with:
Binary/mq_prometheus --help