DCE-MRI: Dual input single compartment model for liver perfusion mapping
By setting the input parameters below, the algorithm generates tissue enhancement curve, adds complex noise to dynamic curves, solves for perfusion parameters using whole-field linear least-squares method, and generates maps of relative error.
Please refer below for more info: Jafari, R., Chhabra, S., Prince, M. R., Wang, Y. and Spincemaille, P. (2017), Vastly accelerated linear least-squares fitting with numerical optimization for dual-input delay-compensated quantitative liver perfusion mapping. Magn. Reson. Med. doi:10.1002/mrm.26888
Contact: rj259@cornell.edu
Set Input Parameters:
af_thr = 0.9; %arterial fraction
ecv_thr = 0.8; % extracellular volume
mtt_thr = 10; %mean transit time
m = 100; % generate a grid with m by m pixels
cnr = 1e9; %contrast-to-noise ratio