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Projects developed with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, H2 database and PostGreSQL

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ℹ️ Information

Projects developed with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, H2 database and PostGreSQL. Only the backend part was developed.

Each project was divided into:

  • hr-api-gateway-zuul: will be responsible for connecting the client to Payroll, user and worker applications; for distributing random ports; by limiting the user's access to some features, and this depends on the group the user will be in.

  • hr-config-server: will be responsible for connecting the database settings to the github repository:

  • hr-eureka-server: will be responsible for registering the microservices;

  • hr-oauth: will be responsible for authenticating and authorizing users in applications;

  • hr-payroll: will be responsible for returning the worked days and the Worker's salary;

  • hr-user: will be responsible for returning users registered in the database.

  • hr-worker: will be responsible for returning the workers registered in the database.


The following technologies were used for the development of the projects:

  • Feign for API requests between microservices;
  • Ribbon for load balancing;
  • Zuul Gateway API for routing and authorization;
  • Hystrix for fault tolerance;
  • OAuth and JWT for authentication and authorization;
  • Centralized configuration server with data in Git repository;
  • The generation of Docker containers for microservices and databases.

📌 Class Diagram

diagrama de classe


To test the end points you will need to install POSTMAN or Insomnia. I recommend installing POSTMAN. I'll leave the collections on the DRIVE to facilitate testing.

Download and import collections into your POSTMAN:

In POSTMAN you must add the following environment variables:

- api-gateway: http://localhost:8765
- config-host: http://localhost:8888
- client-name: myappname123
- client-secret: myappsecret123
- username:
- password: 123456
- token: On Windows you will have to add the environment variables:
   if (responseCode.code >= 200 && responseCode.code < 300) {
    var json = JSON.parse(responseBody);
    postman.setEnvironmentVariable('token', json.access_token);

On Windows, you will have to add the environment variables:


⚠️ Prerequisite

Java Badge >= 11

Spring Badge

Spring boot

JPA-hibernate (1)

JSON Badge




🔧 Install

git clone

git clone
or install github 

⚙️ Installing PostgreSQL


Enter the following commands in the terminal.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

psql is a command line used to interact with the PostgreSQL server. This will show the server version.

sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT version();"

To log into PostgreSQL as a postgre user, you can use psql. This can be done as shown below:

sudo su – postgres

To use Postgre, type in the terminal:


This will grant access to PostgreSQl. If you want to leave the session, just use:


Creating Roles and Users

To create a role, log into your Postgres account as you did before. Once in the Postgres console, you can create a new role (role) by typing:

createrole --interactive

The system will ask you to name the role and whether it has super user permission. Likewise, you can also create a new user with the command:

createuser –interactive

Alternatively, from the normal command prompt, you can use the command as shown below:

sudo -u postgres createuser –interactive

New Role Validation

To start, you need to create a Linux user with the same names as the Postgres Database and the role as well. This can be done using a non-root account with sudo access. To create a new user on Linux, you can use a command similar to the one shown below:

sudo adduser testPostgres

Replace the name testPostgress with an appropriate name.

Once you have created the account, switch to it and connect to the database using:

sudo -u testPostgres psql

To switch to another database specify the database name using:

psql -d sampleUser

Once logged in, check the current database connection using:


Download the installation package and follow the steps defined in the installation. 

⚙️ Accessing the H2 database

If you want to modify the user to access the database, modify the file. Change the following:


Access in browser


If the JDBC URL is not configured, replace it with:



Run the following SQL script

INSERT INTO tb_worker (name, daily_Income) VALUES ('Bob', 200.0);
INSERT INTO tb_worker (name, daily_Income) VALUES ('Maria', 300.0);
INSERT INTO tb_worker (name, daily_Income) VALUES ('Alex', 250.0);

INSERT INTO tb_user (name, email, password) VALUES ('Nina Brown', '', '$2a$10$NYFZ/8WaQ3Qb6FCs.00jce4nxX9w7AkgWVsQCG6oUwTAcZqP9Flqu');
INSERT INTO tb_user (name, email, password) VALUES ('Leia Red', '', '$2a$10$NYFZ/8WaQ3Qb6FCs.00jce4nxX9w7AkgWVsQCG6oUwTAcZqP9Flqu');

INSERT INTO tb_role (role_name) VALUES ('ROLE_OPERATOR');
INSERT INTO tb_role (role_name) VALUES ('ROLE_ADMIN');

INSERT INTO tb_user_role (user_id, role_id) VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO tb_user_role (user_id, role_id) VALUES (2, 1);
INSERT INTO tb_user_role (user_id, role_id) VALUES (2, 2);INSERT INTO tb_user (name, email, password) VALUES ('Nina Brown', '', '$2a$10$NYFZ/8WaQ3Qb6FCs.00jce4nxX9w7AkgWVsQCG6oUwTAcZqP9Flqu');
INSERT INTO tb_user (name, email, password) VALUES ('Leia Red', '', '$2a$10$NYFZ/8WaQ3Qb6FCs.00jce4nxX9w7AkgWVsQCG6oUwTAcZqP9Flqu');

INSERT INTO tb_role (role_name) VALUES ('ROLE_OPERATOR');
INSERT INTO tb_role (role_name) VALUES ('ROLE_ADMIN');

INSERT INTO tb_user_role (user_id, role_id) VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO tb_user_role (user_id, role_id) VALUES (2, 1);
INSERT INTO tb_user_role (user_id, role_id) VALUES (2, 2);

⚡ Technologies

  • Java
  • JPA
  • Spring Boot
  • Feign
  • Ribbon
  • Hystrix
  • OAuth
  • Docker

📝 Developed features

  • CRUD User
  • CRUD Worker
  • CRUD Payment

🧑‍💻 Author

By Ramon Becker 👋🏽 Get in touch!

github linkedin Gmail Badge


Projects developed with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, H2 database and PostGreSQL







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