Fork of MinecraftHeads by TheLuca98
This repository is effectively a mirror for the data made available by the public API. The data is provided here as a single JSON file and is updated weekly by a script that runs on GitHub Actions.
To allow developers to fetch the entire dataset with a single HTTP call and without putting an unnecessary burden on the servers.
The file is available via CDN, courtesy of
Or you can click here: direct download link
The database is a standard JSON file. Each row in the file is a head. Example of a head object:
"name": "@ Icon",
"uuid": "e978ac35-5f37-4f57-833c-5d6983afa18d",
"category": "alphabet",
"value": "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGFkNDQ4OTkxMjAxNmYwZjkyOTVmMWY...",
"hash": "dad4489912016f0f9295f1f3a780f641c8a72eda11032643f7dbd619c101073a",
"tags": [
"Punctuation Mark",
"Icons (Ironblock)"
The value of the hash
column is a portion of the skin URL:<HASH>
The skin URL is used to generate the textures
property (to include in the user profile), which is essentially the following JSON object, but base64-encoded:
{ "textures": { "SKIN": { "url": "<HASH>" } } }
Additional resources on this topic: