- Spring Batch is a comprehensive batch framework which allows to batch processing for enterprise systems
- These batch processing includes tasks like reading and writing to files, transforming data, reading and writing to databases and so on.
- Here is the explanation of the project
- Implement the process of batch covering reading all values from csv file and write all them into database
- Core
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Spring Batch
- Spring Web
- Spring Data
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring
- Database
- h2
- Lombok
1 ) Download your project from this link shown below
git clone https://github.com/Rapter1990/batchprocessingcsvtodatabase
2 ) Go to the project's home directory shown below
cd batchprocessingcsvtodatabase
3 ) Create a jar file though this command shown below
mvn clean install
4 ) Run the project though this command shown below
mvn spring-boot:run
Explore Rest APIs
Method | Url | Description | Valid Request Body | Valid Request Params | Valid Request Params and Body | No Request or Params |
GET | importCsvToDBJob | Import csv file to db | Info |